Killing God Island

Chapter 1191: Tiankai Wanqi Pian 158 is a brute force, Ali Constantine!

Xu Shun's wings can defend this trick. It really did prevent Xu Shun from a lot of damage. With the blade of the tailbone and his close attack, it is really a bit of an attack and defense. These six people do not want to use their killer skills first. .

What they are afraid of is that after seeing their own life-saving tricks, if they become enemies in the future, they will leak their old bottom, although of course he is not like Chen Tian’s ability at present, in addition to having excellent resistance to physical fitness. The blood control ability and the ability to never die no matter how injured, so Xu Shun’s certain combat methods cannot all imitate Chen Tian’s unscrupulous play style, and the attacks of these six people can not be the same as the strengthened people just now. The attacks are comparable.

Of course, Xu Shun’s attack method and play style are also quite unique and alternative. His play style is the kind of super high-outlet trick that is fatal, and can be attacked and defended and is not an absolute melee attack, killing in the range of melee and melee It is extremely powerful, and it can be used in a single attack or a full-scale attack in the medium range, so Xu Shun’s combat effectiveness and use in the entire team belong to Chen Tian’s existence, of course, Angeli in the team Both Na and Ye Minyu’s slaves can use a wide range of attacks, but Angelina’s attack tends to lay traps to insinuate others, and the strongest other than the three major forces is Ye Minyu’s slave, but his poker can be attacked. The defense can be the same as Xu Shun's combat power, but that was before Xu Shun had dealt with him before and he could completely kill his Chengdu, so he can only rank fourth in the team's combat power, but his ability is also quite powerful. Of course, there are many capabilities for large-scale attacks, and even Wu Yifan’s right arm, called a smashed mechanical arm, can deal a large-scale group attack damage.

Of course, there are many fortified people with group attack range, and it cannot be said that there are as many fortified people with group attack function, and Xu Shun's mid-range attack is not the leader in group attack, a real large-scale group attack It should be Chen Tian's very orthodox awesome function that is really a group attack. At least like a nuclear weapon, it will cause tons of damage when used. Obviously Xu Xuan's tailbone blade can't do it yet At this point, although the lethality of cutting iron is just super attack in the range of two to three meters.

So Xu Shun’s group attack is only fierce in short distances, but his fierceness is only against opponents who are relatively weak in strength, and there will be a very exaggerated beheading effect. The kind of super-powerful effect is actually in front of a real master with similar strength. Although his coccyx blade is scared of cutting iron and mud, he is also afraid of the domineering power, but in these six people can avoid the past or use it directly. They had their own exclusive weapons to block it, so Xu Shun’s super-powerful killing tail blade also seemed to be greatly reduced, but Xu Shun used it very much to the end, and left many wounds on these six people, but these wounds were very It's about to be agreed, but this also proves that Xu Shun's technique is quite clever. After all, this effect can be quite good in front of six masters.

These six people also avoided or blocked Xu Xian's tailbone blade, but Xu Xuan's tail blade is soft and changeable, and the position can be changed section by section, rotating and turning a sharp three-hook triangular blade at various angles Pointed, so if you block the attacked tail blade in the way that the weapon blocks, it does not mean that all the blocks are blocked, because one section is blocked, it is likely that one section is blocked, and the swing of the other section will cause injury , And the absolute wound will be deep, and naturally it will shed a lot of blood.

Xu Shun pays great attention to details when fighting these six masters, for example, how do they defend when all six of them attack themselves with weapons, and should they defend or take the initiative to attack when they interact with each other before and after, or force themselves to risk With the risk of injury, they disrupted their six formations, creating better counterattack effects for them, etc. In this series of battles, Xu Shun did not blindly fight them hard, nor did he vigorously fight all All his own tricks are hard to fight with them, but they are very clever to avoid their most deadly tricks, find out the flaws in their formation, and then find out who is the weakest in this formation. I stand in their place. They will consider that their move will hurt their teammates and slow down their moves, and use this to take a more effective counterattack.

Xu Shun's melee ability is not the same as the fighting style of Chen Tianchun's men. Although it is also the real side to fight with it, more is to use the positive skills to block the frontal attack of the enemy in front. The tallest of the six is ​​called Ali Constantine. The attacking force of the guy is great, and the result of the hard fight with him is that the tail blade is hit back, which is enough to lose the balance of Xu Shun's entire body.

So Xu Shun tried to avoid the frontal attack of Ali Constantine. After all, his weapon is an iron rod of more than one meter and nearly two meters. This iron rod is not an ordinary iron rod. In ancient times, this weapon was called a magic rod. Its power is Dominated by toughness, and Xu Shun’s tail blade is dominated by a strong explosion, slashing the opponent will achieve the effect of a single kill, but Alistantin is the only one of the six, each time forcibly confronting Xu Shun The tail blade fights against people, and in terms of absolute strength of the wheel, Ali Standin's magic bar is much stronger than Xu Xuan's tail blade. The result of each match is that Xu Xuan's tail blade is hit back.

Therefore, after Xu Shun's successive fights failed, Xu Shun began to confront it in a clever way, that is, the tail blade and the magic rod were not really hard fights, but the edge of the magic rod and Xu Xian's tail edge. However, when the sparks overflowed, he also turned around to directly avoid the frontal attack of Ali Constantine, and then spread his wings to directly block the attacks of several other people, and jumped again while spreading his wings while falling down again. The blade first plunged into the ground to allow him to land smoothly, and centered on the tail blade to rotate himself among these people, and during the rotation Xu Xun spread his wings, the sharpness of the wings flattened the blade tip if they did not avoid each other or Blocked, enough to cut off their heads.

So these six people also evade in their own way. In short, the six people who just gathered together once again scattered around and used Aristin as a frontal attack to forcibly suppress Xu’s various actions. This is not because Aristin is Among the six, he is the strongest. Among the main six, his strength is the largest. Not only is he tall, but more importantly, the weapon in his hand is the only one of the six who can fight hard with Xu Shun.

Therefore, these people revolved around Aristin’s frontal attack to assist him in his restraint attack tactics. That is to say, Xu Shun couldn’t continue his entire battle routine as long as he didn’t solve Aristin first, mainly because Xu Shun's coccyx blade can be blocked by Ali Constantine, so Xu Shun also took the lead in killing Ali Constantine this time. Xu Xu had always been thinking in his heart, who will kill the six people first to let himself pick up Will it be easier to kill the other five?

This became the issue Xu Xu considered next. However, due to the confrontation of Ali Constantine's positive power, Xu Shun was already listed as the first one of the six to be solved, just like the enemy analysis just now. In the same way, as long as Ali Constantin can restrain Chen Tian's frontal attack, then they should have nothing.

The other five people are fighting around Ali Standin as the core, using his powerful frontal combat power to press Xu Xun's tail blade, while the other five people can maintain their relatives as long as they suppress Xu Wing's wings and melee attacks. Absolute security, and within this safe range, they each launch their own different attacks on Xu Xuan, Xu Xuan is a bit tricky. After all, Xu Xuan has only one person, and Xu Xuan's bones cannot use all the bones as weapons Some bones cannot be stretched out of the body, and some bones, like cartilage such as thin film bones, cannot be compared with the most rigid spine bones of the human body, such as the blade of the coccyx, but also because of the ability to toughen the war bone The effect makes all the bones of Xu Shun's body are abnormally hard, but the hardness is also divided into weak points. Of course, the blade of the tail bone that attacks the opponent is the hardest and sharpest part of the body's bones. Of course, the tail blade is also the main attack method of Xu Shun. Xu Shun's biggest murder weapon.

Of course, this is not the time for Xu Shun to show his strength. After all, one of these six people is powerful. Not to mention that he also has a lethal weapon such as a magic rod, which is just in the eyes of ordinary people. It is a nearly two-meter iron bar. In fact, Xu Shun’s dealing with it is of course clear. However, if it is an ordinary metal iron bar, he can’t stop Xu Shuan’s coccyx. The basic hardness of steel is like thin paper in front of Xu Shun. It can be easily said to cut off and cut off, so if the demon stem is actually made of metal iron in Aristine’s hand, he will be cut off directly when he first contacts with Xu Shuan's tail blade, not at all There will be a phenomenon that can hit the joint of Xu Shuan's tail blade back.

The weapon that can block Xu Shun’s tail-blade attack is absolutely no harder than the stiffness of Ali Constantine, which really makes Xu Shun a little difficult to deal with. Xu Shun can only use his ingenious combat skills to stop. When fighting against him head-on, half of his strength was blocked with his own skills. If the hard front is hard, Xu Xun’s tail blade can’t fight the frontal attack of the magic rod, plus the other five people who surround Xu Xun. With Ali Standin's frontal attack, he is always ready to wait for Xu Shun to move.

Of course, Xu Shun now wants to get rid of the current battle mode. This battle mode makes Xu Shun too passive, which will only slowly consume his own, and in the face of the different degrees and different angles of attack of these six people, Xu Shun Although he is very skillful in fighting and can also defend his wings, he still has many spots on his body, and the degree of injury is not light. After all, the attack from all angles Xu Xun can’t be completely scrupulous. These people have good skills. Quite ruthlessly, sometimes when being attacked at the same time, Xu Shun can only choose to defend the most deadly attack with the fastest response speed, and the rest can only be allowed to be injured.

In fact, the reality is often so cruel. No matter how strong the skill is, it is impossible to compete with a master who is similar to his own strength. They are bullying and few, and they really make Xu Shun annoyed, but who is the advantage of the opposite person? ! This is also no way, so Xu Xun can only let go of himself to find more opportunities that are beneficial to him, but what Xu Xun wants to do now is to first solve the brute force of Ali Constantine .

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