Killing God Island

Chapter 1161: Heavenly Tribulation Wan Kai Pian 128: After being **** by bone spurs, he blinded his

Because in front of Alsace in a real serious situation, even if he had evolved to this level, the bone demon would definitely kill him. After all, he was in the US special operations barracks when Alsace was captured as a captive. , And was put in a cage to do an experiment. After all, Alsace was very famous at the time, and he was basically passed on by the gods, so the American special warfare soldiers were very dissatisfied with him, but they didn’t want to challenge him. Si was locked in a cage, and then put in the elite of ten soldiers with the same strength and strength as him, and let them fight against each other in a random fight in the cage. At that time, many military executives were present and wanted to See how Arthas will face the siege of ten special forces who are more powerful than him, even with more muscles.

And the final result of this experiment shocked everyone present. Alsace killed all the ten soldiers who were specially selected with a shocking and unscathed momentum, and basically did not hurt himself, of course. In addition to his great physical ability to fight and fight, he basically didn't let them hit them and killed all ten of them with very powerful killing skills. It was precisely because he was so powerful that he was caught He was not killed but was imprisoned by people from the four major families. He was allowed to participate in the god-making program to allow him to regain his freedom. However, less than the four major families took the wind, he did not give Arthas the body. Reinforcement, if Alsace is not an innate ability, I am afraid it is impossible to live on this island for so long.

So when he actually fights, his eyes will emit a light blue light, and when this light appears, his whole person is completely different, as if he had put a big move, although it did not increase his speed and strength. Improves, but it makes him very precise in every move, and every attack is the dead point of the other party. It can be said that it is a trick to break the defense, and directly kill the other party’s magic skills with a fatal blow, which is why Every time Arthas took it seriously, the opponent was steadily dying. He obviously didn’t increase any power speed, but he got him the most fatal blow to avoid the opponent’s attack and launch the opponent’s weakest point, so he basically They are all the kind of people who kill each other in a serious manner, but Alsace basically does not need this ability because the side effects are relatively large.

But at present, he needs to use this ability to forcibly cut off the five arms and its legs of this bone demon, otherwise, in the state of this bone demon, using a knife to fight against the other five bone swords at the same time is indeed a disadvantage. It’s mainly the attack speed of this thing and the attack mode of different directions, which really makes Arthas feel difficult to avoid, so he will use this ability to want to cut off all the limbs of this thing without damaging her. Head and key body to see if this thing will continue to evolve without killing it.

So Arthas flew away directly, this time he was extremely skillful in evading his sword and evading his body, not by speed or by force, but during the progress, all offensive and defensive are quite appropriate. When the five bone knives attacked him at the same time, Arthas also launched a three-meter-long pull-blade knives in his hand at the same time. The sparks struck together were more than one meter high. It can be seen that the strength of both sides is not small. The pace of Alsace who wielded this knife is also quite sharp, as if he had insight into how he would attack next. After watching the sword, the body accompanied the pace of the feet, very cleverly avoiding the other three attacks, and then slashing the long knife that had just been swung up, directly blocking the slash of the bone demon's fifth hand.

Of course, the speed and strength of this kind of slashing are quite amazing. After blocking this trick, Alsace directly took a step forward, and followed the wave of the knife again in the air. The bone demon in front also directly used the five bone swords. Putting it all together, five bone swords blocked the hungry Alsace with a knife in the middle of the bone demon, and with the roar and a hurricane, the five bone swords not only blocked Alsace's move, but also all five bone swords A very fatal blow was launched forward. This blow was a blow that all five bone swords put their strength on the arm and put together. The power of this blow was quite huge, and the blade shock wave flew out. The ground is very aura, where the ground is impacted by flying grass and scattered stones. This trick of the bone demon is not to attack Alsace. The real direction of this powerful impact is the peak of the cliff, And seeing the direction of flying out is exactly where the nine men of Arthas are.

To be honest, if this attack is directed against Arthas, Arthas can now avoid it in this state, but this guy looks not only as simple as a huge skeleton, but also has a certain IQ level. It seems that this He made this move to prevent the nine people from approaching the peak of the cliff again. Judging from the strength field, if it really hits the nine people in front, it is likely to happen, but the strength of the sword wind field seems to be It was more powerful than Arthas could block. After all, how could his arms swing with the same strength as the five arms with his arms.

Although Alsace cannot be cracked head-on, the strength of Alsace in this state is to see the horror of the move, even if the strength and speed are not enough, he can solve everything. His ability to move is true It is very powerful, after all, his ability is to see the fatal points of the enemy and any fatal tricks, and can solve the cracks very cleverly according to his own situation, and give the opponent a fatal blow.

Not only can he see more points on other people’s bodies, but he can also see the weakness of the opponent’s tricks, so this trick is a super counter solution to the sword style offensive of the five swords of the bone demon, of course, Alsa Si cracked this search not by using a knife to harden it from the front, but directly by the whole person directly plunging into the impact of the sword wind from the side, allowing the wrist force to change the direction of the sword wind internally, although there is no complete block Living this sword wind is not a complete crack, but the direction of the sword wind has been completely changed by the intervention of Alsace. Of course, in order to make this look like an ancient demon five or six meters skeleton is not releasing this trick, Alsa Si decided to cut off all the other five arms of the bone demon now with great speed.

So after Alsace forcibly changed its tricks, he directly faced the bone demon again and launched an offensive, and the ability of the bone demon in front was not just these few moves, accompanied by a burst of sharp waves from the ground. Bone spurs, Alsace knew that it seemed that it was not as simple as imagined to really solve the bone demon in front of him. The shock and change from the ground in an instant made the bone spurs rush out of the ground. The time for Si to avoid and cut directly with a knife, but successfully hindered his close-up, at this time the ground was all sharp white bone spurs more than one meter long, this time the bone tip did not look like human at all. Bone, in fact, these bones are formed by the bones of the dead passers-by, and this bone demon can also control all the scattered bone sources around it, and this ground originally buried a lot of dead people.

So after these bone spurs successfully pulled Arthas away from this bone demon body, the ground fell instantly. This was unexpected by Arthas. The instantaneous ground sink caused him to fall before he jumped. Going down, and the falling Alsace is not just falling into the deep pit under the foot, but after falling down, all kinds of sharp bone spurs appear on the ground and after the graphics card is up and down. This 360-degree bone spur attack is really in place. If it is an ordinary person, this move will definitely die, but Alsace has a super-hardness in his body, and even this bone spur in his body. Unable to pierce, at most it can only puncture the surface of his skin and did not cause fatal injuries to him.

But it blinded Alsace’s right eye, which was really the only fatal point of Alsace, that is, the hardness of the eye was not close, and it did not have the same ability as Chen Tian. It could be repaired and restored again after the eye injury, Alsace Although the hardness of the whole body is super strong, the hardness of the eyes is the same as that of normal people, and the repair ability can not repair the eyes. Now Alsace has become a one-eyed dragon like Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tian blind’s left eye is because of Chen Tian. He was still in prison at that time, and he did not strengthen his body cells at that time, so Chen Tian’s left eye was also destined to never be able to recover.

After losing a right eye, Alsace was furious instantly, how many bone spurs were stabbed around the body, and forced to break free of the three-meter long knife on his hand, 360 degrees around the wheel, the huge destructive force caused the ground to happen inside instantly. In the endless changes, the ground around the moment collapsed and Arthas jumped from the inside with a bone spur and the whole person jumped out. Although he seemed to have blood all over his body, this did not actually affect his combat effectiveness. These bone spurs just stabbed his skin, and indeed left some blood, but he didn't hurt it at all. It just seemed to have some blood on his body. The secondary injuries of the body were not originally too big wounds, plus His physical repair ability is not weak, so in this instant he stepped on a bone spur and broke out of the soil, the stab wounds around his body have basically been repaired, but what he did not expect is that he just came out of the soil At the same time as he jumped out, the two-meter range on the ground centered on Alsace's jump all fell instantly. After all, the bone spurs supporting the ground were all cut by Alsace.

But Alsace just felt a little bit upright when he jumped out. He raised his head subconsciously. After all, he basically looked at the ground after he jumped. When he found that he jumped above, it seemed that something blocked the sunlight, so When I looked up subconsciously, I saw that the bone demon had spread the three bone swords directly over the top of his head while jumping.

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