Killing God Island

Chapter 1152: Heaven Tribulation Wan Qi 119: Barren sand mist, skeleton skeleton cliff.

Alsace is one of the four leaders of the Quartet Alliance, who has a very high IQ level. Chen Tian and his brothers and sisters did not enter the T zone, but they were known as resourceful people, although they did not understand any metaphysical formation. Law, but he can always solve anything through his powerful wisdom. This calm and powerful person is also a very rare talent. Unfortunately, there is not much revenge, and he does not want to enter a higher level area. Thought, just want to dominate or continue to live this ruling class lifestyle in this area, so before he solved Chen Tian’s gang, he felt that Chen Tian had become the biggest stumbling block on his way to success. Will disrupt the entire pattern of the area t, and his own status will be lost, and he may even die in his hands, so smart people will preemptively, and the highest guarantee as a preemptive is to be with other The alliance of the three major forces is mutually beneficial, so that the situation of Chen Tian and his group will be crushed all the way, both in terms of number and in all aspects.

So when Alsace and the Quartet Alliance all thousands of people entered the Qimen Dunjia, everyone felt the sudden turn of the whole ground as if spinning, and everyone who was scared immediately turned on the perception ability in the micro realm, after all, all around was white The fog shrouded ten meters away, so I couldn’t see clearly, so I wanted to see what was happening around me through my perception. As a result, everyone was shocked by this look, because the entrance at the back disappeared completely after they entered. Too.

Due to the entrance of thousands of people, and because of the panic, there were many people's speeches in the crowd, and the noise continued to make the whole **** atmosphere just vanish, which also made the four bosses who were leaders immediately angry. After all, this situation is sudden, but these people are all people who have experienced big scenes. The other four people just wanted to yell at them angrily. Unexpectedly, Alsace first shouted: "It's just that the entrance disappeared. As for Are you scared so panic? Why are you so timid, why should you just come in behind us? Since you come in, you should make a determination to die, either they die or we die, and I’m slightly before entering the battle. Popularized the common sense in metaphysics, the disappearance of intersections is not really disappeared, it is just that the eight middle school students are closed."

A few words from Arthas made all the people who had just talked very panic immediately calm down. Although not everyone here was commanded by Arthas, his status in the Quartet was still very high. There is nothing wrong with what he said. As for why Arthas knows the basic common sense of metaphysics, it is because his second-hand leader Filidat usually likes to play antiques and smuggled before entering the island. China Many antiques have earned a lot of income. In all antiques, he has seen a Chinese ancient book. This book is called Tong Gushu. It is a story that records the founders of the six ancient metaphysics in ancient times. Xuanshu array, but it tells a lot of attempts and cracking principles, similar to a master's notes is not a book that wants to pass on to future generations, but just an open secret cracking Daqianxuanshu.

As the second leader of Alsace, Felidat is quite loyal to his boss, and his memory is also very good. Basically, after reading the general content of the book, I remember it. I didn’t believe this book very much. Later, when he went to China with some tomb robbers to steal tombs, he was trapped by the formation method. Those Chinese tomb robbers who were very knowledgeable all died in the formation, but he was a foreigner because he read the book of ancient art. He survived unharmed. At that time, he did not finish reading the book. After he survived, he returned to the United States again and began to read all the things in the book many times until he understood it. He was engraved in his head, so this time he experienced again that someone would deploy the Chinese formation, so he wrote down all the key cracking methods he still remembered overnight and let Alsace read it first, and then he used himself again. The way of personal experience and self-understanding is dictated again.

So now Arthas will know that the disappearance of the entrance is not a real disappearance, but that the entrance of the formation is closed, which leads to the entire circle of the formation. It is impossible to go out without breaking this formation. So Arthas also figured out what to do next. After all, it is easier to get in and out. Except for facing Chen Tian and others, you must be extra careful. After all, these people are said to be very godlike, what kind of body There are rumors of change, flying and monster flying insects, which are almost becoming myths, but although their true colors have not been seen, but they can come up with such a formation and in such a short time. The formation that killed two or three hundred people inside had to make Arthas pay more attention to it. After all, he is now deep in this formation.

And the smoke around it has been diffused, I don’t know why the fog is condensed and not scattered in this place, but with the deepening of the inside, I can still see the vague rock walls and stone piles around, slowly becoming empty and The fog around is also getting thicker and thicker, and the fog is not only so that people around can not see the real thing in front of them, but more exaggerated is that only two less than a few meters, the voice can also be blocked by the fog, resulting in people around must Keep close to prevent the surrounding enemies from sneaking in, so everyone gathers for about a meter, and because the surrounding mist is filled with windy winds, everyone in the Quartet Alliance is always tense, and the fog and fist are held at any time. Are in preparation. Alsace also felt weird. He felt that he had walked for nearly twenty minutes, and he hadn’t walked out of the smog, which really puzzled him. Is it all fog in this array? And because of the deep mist from the entrance to the present, Alsace and the rest of the people felt that they did not know how long they had been walking, how long they had been away from the bitter mouth that had just disappeared, and they were even more unsure. And to distinguish the direction around this, the overall feeling makes everyone feel uncomfortable, but until now, no one has touched and beat any organs, although there are a few people in front of me who understand the metaphysics array to lead the way.

But I always feel that I have been in the same place from the beginning. Although I can’t tell whether I have gone wrong in the surroundings from the superb perception ability of the finalists, I did go for a long time, and these people are all very strong. People who are very fast, although they don’t run but just walk on foot, but based on the time and the distance of their feet, they should now go to the center of this canyon, but Alsace always feels like he hasn’t gone far. distance.

So he waved to the next man, and after this man trotting over, Arthas said directly to him: "Go and ask the people in front of you, did you take the wrong path, I always feel something is wrong!" He finished the sentence. , And asked Felidart next to him: "I always feel that we are circling in the same place, is it that I am more attentive? Or do you not feel it at all?"

Feilidat also directly answered Alsace’s doubts: "Maybe you are more attentive? The previous few masters who are very proficient in the formation of Xuanshu, and now there are mists that will make you and everyone Suspicious, I feel that everything is normal so far. Although the distance I walked on the map is a long time, I think there should be no problems for the time being!"

Filidat's sentence just came out without any problems. He heard the battle at the forefront, and from the painful shouting of the people in front, it can be seen that these people have suffered casualties, but Alsace did not I don’t know what’s going on, but with a scream, Arthas can be sure that the other party is starting to do something, but this is exactly what he wants, and Arthas is just trying to know what it is, kill me then With many players, Arthas is still quite confident in his strength.

So he is the first person in the Quartet League who rushed to the front and wanted to see what happened ahead, so he took a few steps forward with the sound, and the result was really like a tree in the world. One Bodhisattva, this concept of step by step world, when Filidat first told him, he didn’t quite believe what he said, but when he didn’t take a few steps forward, again The scene that appeared in front of him was completely different, which really had to make him admit the magic of this formation.

The sight that is now in sight is the misty surrounding of the barren sand, the front front is the mummy and various monsters that seem completely unrealistic. This kind of thing only appears in the movie. It is really alive now. In front of him, of course, the idea in Alsace’s mind at this time is that all this is an illusion, absolutely an illusion, so he closed his eyes and increased his perception ability into the micro realm again, all he wants to prove is that Illusion, but unfortunately all this is really not an illusion in this formation, the death of these people in front is a real death, and these things are covered with white mist on their bodies.

In fact, the white fog of Qimen Dunjia is the white fog on these things. These white fog stays together for a long time because these things are not dead, and these things are really not an illusion, but Ye Minyu uses Qimen Dunjia All kinds of killing weapons created by various magical tools in the world. This kind of killing weapon is not an illusion, but a variety of forms that appear according to their own fantasy of the fear in their heart, so everyone sees these moving things. Not the same, but these things are not hallucinations but various moving killing weapons, so when many powerful experts use micro-levels to detect that these things do not exist, they think they are hallucinations, so they all I didn’t care. As a result, all of these people were killed, and the rest of them attacked them with no effect at all, so they were also scared of these monsters who could not be killed by any attack, but they obviously went back. Retreating halfway, I dare not retreat, because there is a huge cliff behind, no matter whether it is an illusion now, at least no one dares to jump down the cliff, not only the cliff is very high, but more importantly, there are skeletons under the cliff.

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