Killing God Island

Chapter 1145: Tiankai Wanqi Pian 112: There is no place to escape in the face of Chen Tian.

Although A Nan clenched his weapon, he was already very nervous. Because Chen Tian was so fast, he could not guarantee that the moment he drew his sword would really kill him, and there was only one close combat result, that is Either you die or I die. Except for these two results, the third result rarely occurs, and he was originally a man with a knife in his hand, and no one is afraid, but at this time Chen Tian’s powerful strength has begun to affect him. Because of this running speed, he can only vaguely see some, which has reached the point where he can’t see clearly, and even seeing Chen Tian running towards him is sprinting at a phantom speed, so he will shake his Fighting spirit.

Although Anan Daofa is very good, at this time, Chen Tian looking ahead is really a phantom-like speed. This speed makes his palm gripping the knife handle full of sweat, but he still brave the courage and passed by Chen Tian. In an instant, he directly pulled the knife and cut it. His knife was indeed very fast, but it was cut on the residual image of Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tian passed through his earning side, but the moment of miracle happened, Chen Tian Instead of killing him, he killed Sike, who was less than fifteen meters behind him.

The reason why Chen Tian killed Sike this time is that he wanted to take advantage of me to fight with the other three people and wanted to turn on the Sky Tribulation state. Chen Tian’s current state of Chi Zi has completely controlled the initiative of the battle. He doesn’t want to let The astronomical ability of unknowing attribute ability prevented him from killing them. After all, what should I do if the other people in Chen Tian’s group were injured after the celestial disaster was opened? After all, the rest of the people here are not very far away from Chen Tian, ​​so Chen Tian does not want to take this risk. Anyway, Chen Tian also found that their people have completely stabilized the situation. Most of the people who have just been dense have become corpses. So Chen Tiancai was the first to kill various unknown factors that might cause change. After all, Chen Tian’s mind is not stupid, but there is not much knowledge to supplement the brain, but he is still a little smart, so of course Chen Tian knows that At this time, as long as there are no disturbances, these enemies on the scene will be solved by Chen Tian's group in five minutes.

In the north, Anan and Pooh were also different in Chen Tian’s fighting style and their fighting logic. The people they saw generally did not attack people who entered from the distance. Instead, they attacked the distance away from Chen Tian. Far away sack.

It can be seen that Chen Tian not only overwhelmed the four men, but even the combat strategy clearly divided the primary and secondary. On the contrary, these four basically like to make a fight and have a poor sense of joint combat, so Chen Tian tried to Sec, who turned on the Sky Tribulation state, killed directly.

Now the five people besieging Chen Tian, ​​only Bei Shi, Anan, and Pooh are the three of them. The three of them are now clearly aware that Chen Tian’s combat power is not at the same level as them. Don’t look at Chen Tian’s body when he just started fighting. The level of strength is similar to them, but Chen Tian’s power as long as he **** the blood of others and burns his own blood is really a trivial matter, so the northern time, Anan, Pooh, and Seike. The three of them are ready to go together this time. They used to like to show their strength, so everyone will tell the other person who they want to kill, let this person be left to him, and then let others appreciate his strength when killing. After all, the most proud of this island is strength, as long as there is strength here, everything is equal.

If there is money outside the island, everything can be said, but on this island, money is useless here, and there is more pressure on life than outside the road. The pressure on life outside the road is undoubtedly no money, but although there is no money, there is no Living with money or no money is at least impossible to die, but if you don’t have the strength on this island, then your fate is only two. One is that you have a high face value and you are caught as a male or female slave. As ugly as the first year of the car, there is no one who has the ability, then the final result after he entered this island must end in death.

North Time, Anan, and Pooh trio get together after Chen Tian solves Seck. This time the three of them all used their best moves to prepare to solve Chen Tian directly. After all, such a person can live an extra second. It is equivalent to bringing one second of crisis to myself, so the goal of the three people to rush past this time is to kill Chen Tian directly. Of course, Chen Tian is also opening the rate and who will kill them next?

Because Chen Tian was thinking about who to kill, his body did not move, but the speed of the three people running was also quite fast, just when Chen Tian was still thinking who to kill first, these three people had come Now, Chen Tian did not panic and directly avoided the knife that was pointed at him, and took a step back with his right leg and then leaned forward and kicked forward. The person in front of Chen Tian this time was North At that time, if someone with insufficient concentration and courage is sure to avoid Chen Tian’s foot backwards, but he did not hide at all but believed that the other two were attacking. Almost at the same time, Chen Tiangang didn’t wait to raise his leg To kick out, first attacked by Anan and Pooh, one left and one right, one directly attacked the joint above Chen Tian’s lower leg supporting the balance of his body. Chen Tian’s attack was directly due to the unstable center of gravity At this moment when the whole person fell to the ground, Chen Tian directly supported the ground with his upper hand and wanted to directly push his body up, but Pooh’s kick kicked Chen Tianshuang holding his left hand on the ground for emergency defense. The day blocked the Pooh's foot for a second, and had been in front of Chen Tianzhen in the slightest time, because Chen Tian wanted to attack the north that he evaded, but also kicked him directly. This kick was a solid kick in Chen Tian's one-handed support The face on the ground is gone, and the strength of this foot is also strong enough.

After this kick directly kicked Chen Tian's whole person down, the whole person still glide on the ground for more than one meter before stopping, and Chen Tian didn't wait to get up after falling to the ground, he felt he fell on the ground. The arm was pressed by Chen Nan and Pooh respectively, and Chen Tian fixed one arm directly to the ground. At this time, North Time rushed directly towards Chen Tian's front, and began to stride ten meters away. Chen Tian rushed in the direction and jumped directly at about five meters. The height of his jump was very high, and he fell with one knee in the air with a great impact, toward Chen Tian’s head directly above Falling down fast.

Obviously, Beishi wanted to smash Chen Tian’s head with his knee. Chen Tian originally wanted to get up, but the two men pressed his arm left and right and couldn’t completely fix Chen Tian’s upper body. Live, so they not only pressed Chen Tian’s arm, but also pressed Chen Tian’s shoulder with their knees. The two men pressed Chen Tian so hard that Chen Tian was pressed back when he tried to force up twice. And the north when it fell above was absolutely similar to the must-have trick. Individuals can see that if he is hit by this, he will definitely be seriously injured and he will be seriously injured. After Anan and Pooh pressed Chen Tian back twice, Obviously Chen Tian gave up and did not break away. The two originally thought that Chen Tian would resist until the end, and he would not stop resisting until his head was smashed by Bei Shi.

But what the two did not expect was that Chen Tian only resisted twice, and after proving that this move was unsuccessful, Chen Tian immediately became quiet, but in this tens of seconds, would Chen Tian really wait for death? The answer is of course not. He just stopped fighting for five seconds, followed by Chen Tian suddenly stretching out dozens of blood touches from different parts of his body. This close-range blood touch's attack penetration ability is Very strong, the two people who bound his shoulders and arms directly pierced all their bodies, but not just pierced the bodies of Anan and Pooh, but also started to absorb the two bloods in these two bodies and got up. Facing North, who was falling from above, raised his hand.

Bei Shi is the strongest of the four. Chen Tian originally planned to kill him in the end, but just now the two people were too obstructive in Chen Tian’s eyes. Anan and Pooh just forgot that Chen Tian could change his own shape. Strengthen the people. After the blood contact put them to death, Chen Tian stood up again and raised his hand. Beishi forced to adjust his body in the air to change the position of the body. Thanks to Beishi, his fighting consciousness was stronger than the other three. Avoiding the disaster, don’t look at Chen Tian just raising his hand, but when Chen Tian lifted his hand, a red blood column was very strong and shot directly upwards, thanks to the adjustment of the body’s falling position when North, Before he was hit by Chen Tian's **** laser, if he hadn't evaded just now, Beishi may have already penetrated his chest.

Beishi didn't expect what the blood-like thing was just now, only knew that the guy could absorb the blood in other people's body as his attacking skills, and the body could also change the shape at will. What is this? monster? There is no way to kill him, and even Diorno is dead now. The dragons have no heads and bring so many people. Even the team of less than ten people will be torn apart. The fear of the moment makes Bei Shi unwilling to fight. , I just wanted to escape from here.

When fighting other people, escaping is the best option for knowing that the strength gap is too large, but the question is how he escapes in front of Chen Tian. Chen Tian is much faster than him and wants to escape from Chen Tian. Gao, besides, in the Qimen Dunjia formation method set by Ye Minyu, even if there was a mark before, they found it according to the mark, but it is also like a mark. Chen Tian can follow after this mark, and he can go to other places. There is no chance to run out of local running, so Beishi wants to escape in Chen Tian’s hands with very little chance, but Beishi has confirmed that he can’t fight with the ugly blind man in front of him. There is no chance of escape.

Moreover, there are just three other players with the same strength as him, but they are all dead in less than a few minutes, so if they fight hard, there is absolutely no chance of winning, so he just turned around and wanted to escape. How could it be possible for him to escape, Chen Tian’s blood control ability is now very strong, he directly turns the blood that absorbs and replenishes physical strength into a huge **** bow and arrow, and Chen Tian jumps directly on the bow and arrow string and regards himself as With the ejection of the blood bow, the arrow let itself fly directly northward as fast as the arrow, which is faster than when he turned on the red child, basically comparable to the speed of Chen Tian's blood wing.

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