Killing God Island

Chapter 1134: Heavenly Tribulation Chapter 101: Skynet

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng, A Ruiqi, Ye Minyu, Angelina, Willow, Xi Lumei and Gumei are now in the fighting state of the eight immortals crossing the sea and showing supernatural powers. Just a few minutes later, the surrounding ground has been four Yang Bacha's lying body is full of corpses, of course, Chen Tian and a few of them are still alive!

It’s just that some people are killing red eyes, others are slightly injured, but they are basically attacking people around them, and this attack looks very fierce and abnormal, these people don’t look at how much people do not suppress Ye Minyu and these women, don’t look at them and these men are also strengthening some of their strength, but compared with Ye Minyu’s double swords, it is obviously very far away, or it is impossible or impossible for Ye Minyu to be felled to the ground with two Nepalese sabers. .

At the same time, among Chen Tian's people, the one who killed the most was not Chen Tian, ​​nor Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng but Angelina. Although Angelina did not follow Chen Tian to fight head-to-head with them, she naturally took into account many of her shortcomings while following Ye Minyubu in Qimen Dunjia. She also asked Ye Minyu how to estimate, Ye Minyu would certainly help He thinks of a way. After all, Angelina’s spider silk is very powerful. Not only is it difficult to perceive transparency, but more importantly, it is very powerful and sharp. It can easily cut other people’s bodies. In addition, the spider silk is very small but tough. The degree of super strength is very strong, and it is easier to deploy and raid, even if it is directly attacked with spider silk, its power is quite exaggerated.

It is also because of the inspiration from Ye Minyu’s teaching, and Angelina’s own strength and potential are not weak, so Angelina wants to show her current strength in front of Chen Tian, ​​but there has never been a chance, but this These people who appeared inexplicably this time were Angelina’s good chance to prove herself, so Angelina directly used this trick. When using this trick, Angelina warned her not to get close to herself. Of course Ye Minyu was involved in helping He created a lighter move, so of course Ye Minyu knew how exaggerated Angelina's move was, and immediately warned Yang Liu and his two companions to leave Angelina's side quickly, she would use Skynet's move.

Although I don’t know what tricks this Skynet is, Yang Liu, Xi Lumei and Gu Mei are still convinced of Ye Minyu’s mind. Since she keeps us away from this broken arm girl, she naturally has her intentions, so these three People didn't even think about it, they jumped to avoid, and the strength of the three people jumped continuously at full speed, which could instantly open a distance of more than ten meters from Angelina.

And Angelina also directly used her new skill "Skynet!"

Angelina’s move to Skynet is an upgraded version of the array around the spider silk that she used to upgrade the originally flawed places to no dead ends, which means that as long as Angelina is trapped in her Skynet, Just like being trapped in Ye Minyu’s Qimen Dunjia, Angelina’s spider silk is everywhere. Not only is it thin enough to make the other party invisible, but also very dense. Angelina is in her skynet. Inside, it is like a spider in her own cobweb, and the people trapped in the web are just like insects trapped in the web, and each one will only become her prey.

After Ye Minyu hurriedly left Angelina's range to everyone, all of them jumped at least 20 meters away from each other at a very rapid speed. Everyone pulled their distance apart, and Angelina also stood in the original The ground was motionless, and the transparent pores of the body's sweat pores were instantly sprayed from the tiny pores of the body's sweat pores. The entire silk thread instantly enveloped everyone within ten meters of him.

Of course, Angelina’s transparent spider silk is completely invisible if you don’t look carefully. Even if you awaken into the micro realm, it is difficult to detect, and there is no sign of rushing to Angelina’s front row, body. Instantly and neatly cut into different pieces of meat, the blood and the sudden redness scared the people who were about to rush over, and subconsciously jumped back one meter away, after all, the people in front of them suddenly The fact that the cut limb is crushed is indeed a subconscious evasion of the human body, which is human's instinctive response to unknown dangers. The people in front didn’t even see what happened, they were all killed by Angelina in an instant, and even the people behind didn’t know what happened for a while. The dense web-like spider silk, with the slight wave of the fingers of Anji's face, the dense spider silk around it is like an organ, directly pushing one silk thread to another silk thread, and pushing the ejection force, which is like pulling The ejection strength of the open bow string is the same as that of the boss. In addition, although Angelina’s transparent body silk is small, the toughness of the ordinary metal dagger capital cannot be cut, and because of the thinness like the blade, it is At this moment of super-elasticity, the dozens of people in front are preparing to attack Angelina from the front at this time, so they have been waiting for Angelina to be hit by dense net-like ejection spider silk The pieces cut into the body become pieces of meat.

Although it looks terrible, it is indeed the case. It feels that the whole person is neatly cut and neatly scattered like a piece of meat. At the same time, the rest of the trapped people have backed away, and Angelina originally Standing at the same place with his eyes looking straight ahead, at the moment when the body of a dozen people in the front row was completely smashed, Angelina's whole person even vacated, and the whole person seemed to be suspended in the air, which made these people face. Yib's expression, without any wings, directly rose into the air. What is more exaggerated is that the whole person was suspended in the air after directly taking off.

Many people rubbed their eyes exaggeratedly, but this is not afraid, but many people want to know how this little loli girl is suspended in the air, but these people are The people in the scene, the people here have killed a lot of people, and everyone is basically the one who really fights and is not afraid of life and death. It is just a surprise and a more careful to see his companion die in front of him, not that This kind of person who will see people die bizarrely and will be very afraid of themselves.

And even if Angelina is suspended in the air, these people are not completely unable to hit her. These people's jumping power can basically reach more than ten meters easily, while Angelina's feet are vacated from the ground and emptied above everyone. This height is only five or six meters, so when these people evaded backward, these people adjusted their positions one after another, surrounded Angelina, and each made a glance at each other. This signal was too obvious. , Angelina has already felt their intentions, but Angelina himself did not pose any combat posture to them at all, just vacated these people directly in front and around.

She could perceive these people's preparations to attack him from different angles at the same time, but Angelina's expression did not change at all, and she was still staring ahead, and these people looked at each other, while running directly and jumping directly against Angelina. In addition, they each took out their own weapons, some with daggers and some masters with freehand killings. Anyway, they were running forward at a very fast speed, and they jumped from almost three meters away from Angelina.

And Angelina suddenly opened with one hand and her body jumped up again, and at the same time the body was spinning at a rapid speed, accompanied by the sun above, these people seemed to see a small white silk-like flash in the sky, densely rotating In fact, Angelina just did not really take off, but she could only stay on her own spider silk, and this spider silk was transparent, so in the eyes of these people, she felt that she was flying.

And Anji’s face didn’t move because she was standing in this position, which was an important part of suppressing many spider silks to prevent them from ejecting. The only thing is to wait for these people to come over and then bounce all the spider silks away and let them It causes a spider silk ejection effect with no dead ends within 20 meters around her, and Angelina will stand alone and stand at the top of the skynet to see how these people died of.

And now these people are also running towards Angelina, and when they are jumping with Angelina as the center, it is also the moment when Angelina jumps directly from the vacated position. Basically Angelina and these people are Simultaneously, Angelina took good control of the audience. At the moment these people attacked, they jumped directly to the second stage and jumped directly to the safest position of Skynet, and they just stood and suppressed The position of all the scattered transparent body thread of the catapult, at the moment when Angelina jumped, these silk threads also spread out, and the huge catapult effect produced at this moment of spreading, a chain reaction from the ejection, In addition to the huge amount of transparent silk thread around them, the moment these people jumped and looked up at Angelina’s jump, it seemed that they saw the dense white silk thread that appeared under the sunlight, but found this to no avail, because They had no chance to escape. With the dense and dense ejection of countless silk threads, the ring-shaped body like the birdcage's silk threads underneath was terrified by Angelina named Skynet.

The so-called Skynet's dead endless attack made these people who entered Angelina set too memorable, their bodies were cut by the force of silk ejection, and Angelina stood at the highest point to enjoy them, the pain and screaming of these people And the tragic side of the body being cut into several sections, Anji's face finally verified the power of this Zhao Tianwang this time, this power is really ruthless.

At this time, Angelina was like a love scene. After she jumped from above and retracted the spider silk by herself, there were blood on the ground and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere. It seemed to have experienced a war, but it was actually Anji Because of Lina’s amazing exclusive abilities, she has not actually engaged in real melee combat with these people. Although Angelina’s melee ability is not weak, Angelina’s strongest is still her own spider ability, another big move That is, she can turn on the Sky Tribulation state.

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