Killing God Island

Chapter 1132: Tiankai Wanqi Chapter 99: Meeting is a meal

Qi Lindi and Mai Zuowo still want to deal with the people brought by Ye Minyu. It is not so easy for them. Ye Minyu also includes masters like Ling Zifeng, and the more than 100 people they brought before, just Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng and A Ruiqi directly killed more than 60 people in the battle. The remaining 40 people are not enough for Ye Minyu, Angelina, Yangliu, and the fat girl Xi Lumei and the thin girl. The two Skeleton Girls are attacking head-on. These people are not the fighting power that these people can resist.

Therefore, if they want to survive, they must enter into the eight formations with Mai Linwo and Qi Lindi to start the formation and fight. They do not cooperate with the formation to fight. There is absolutely no chance of winning, but the formation in front of Ye Min and Guan Yu is just in front of Guan Yu. Playing a big sword, Ye Minyu’s own magical tools and powerful IQ suppression are all in the same position, plus their chief leader Paul Kirami’s screaming in the center of the fighting atmosphere makes these people want more. Retreating without a fight, and Bergeran didn’t need to use a lineup to choose to fight with Xu Shun. How could he be his opponent, so in less than two minutes, more than 100 people, led by Paul Kirami, were completely defeated by Chen Tian. .

However, these people have just been resolved, and the entire Qimen Dunjia has not been reset, because their entry into some formations and formations has been forcibly changed by Paul Kirami, so they must be reset to make the entire Qimen Dunjia again. Regaining the strongest state, but what Chen Tian and Ye Minyu did not expect is that another team has entered so quickly, and this team is not right. There are more than 200 people. It is also the last team in the Quartet to play the vanguard. Then the true overall total of the Quartet Alliance will be.

However, Chen Tian and Xu Shun also have Ling Zifeng, A Ruiqi four, and the three women such as the women's team Yangliu are all in the state of being able to perceive the surrounding master level, so these people are aware of them before they come over, because Ye Minyu has not yet awakened this master-level ability, so it is not clear why Chen Tian's expressions have become so serious.

However, the speed of these people is also quite fast, and soon appeared in front of Chen Tian and Ye Minyu. The number is indeed quite large, and the leader also saw that all the people who fell to the ground and died were their own, so After they came in, they directly attacked them without saying a word to Chen Tian. The current form has completely evolved into a group fight. In this melee, Ye Minyu naturally took two Nepalese swords and jumped to the rear. Confused in my mind, how did these people come in? Even if this guy Paul Kirami has some skill to come here, how did these people come in? This is Ye Minyu's inner doubt at this time.

But soon this doubt was understood by Ye Minyu. It should be that they came in and told them how to crack and enter here with a special signal method. It seems that they will not kill them all, and they will definitely suffer endlessly, so when Ye Minyu wants to understand this After the call, he shouted to Chen Tian: "Since they have come in, we will solve them all, and we will let the people of the Quartet Alliance have a mental shadow of how many people die and how many people they come in."

After listening to Ye Minyu's words, Chen Tian laughed and said nothing but agreed with her in her heart. She was right, we had few people. If they were unable to put pressure on them, they would be more unscrupulous. !

So I just put on a big shot and told Xu Shun: "Don’t you always ask me how I can make myself more masculine? What I told you at the time was that you must be responsible when you are a real man. The first step, now I will tell you the second step to be a real man, so this man has greater courage and ability than ordinary men, now is the best time to reflect your real man, don’t think about how many people the other side has , Meet is to do, this is the courage of a real man, and now I also agree with your strength, so let go of your hands and feet and enjoy the joy of men in battle!" Chen Tian finished this sentence, and Xu Shun A glance made a color with him and rushed up first.

Chen Tian was the first person in the entire team to be famous, but he was the first to rush ahead. Of course, this time was no exception. He finished the first few words with Xu Shun and rushed into the crowd. In the middle, Xu Shun listened to Chen Tian’s words and recalled that his cowardice and weakness in his own strength led to his favorite woman dying in his arms to protect himself, so Xu Xuan vowed to become The real man image that his girlfriend once imagined.

So Xu Shun followed Chen Tian and rushed in directly. At the same time, Ling Zifeng did not like this time as before, wanting to maintain his physical strength to watch people again and again. After all, Ling Zifeng just knew Chen Tian People can handle them completely. Now these people are not only large in number, but also have a lot of strength. They can basically be called half-masters. These people and those who have just been armed and who have the foundation of the soldiers are still there. A big difference. Basically, some of these people can even open the Sky Tribulation. Although they are rated as half masters by Ling Zifeng, the difference between the so-called half masters and the masters is only one-on-one. , But there are quite a few people in front of them. Obviously Chen Tian also took it seriously, so Ling Zifeng also got serious this time. He put a cigarette **** on his mouth and flicked forward, and then the whole person ran forward and ran quickly. The distance is very close, there is no need to spread wings to be handsome, and if you do this, you may be attacked in the air, so the ordinary running adds to the toughness of Chen Tian and others.

In addition to Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng, even A Ruiqi, who had just been severely injured by Xu Shun because of the eye of the formation shift, also followed Ling Zifeng and ran forward. The four men headed by Chen Tian had rushed forward for the first time. Of course Ye Minyu was actually a man. It was only because he did not want to go to jail and evade the investigation of agents from other countries that he was forced to transsexually become a woman. Is integrated into the role of being a girl, so he did not sprint forward like these men.

Instead, they stood with Angelina, Willow, Silom and Bone Girl beside them, but these people are not ordinary women, so in the face of this scene, everyone is afraid to stand and watch Looking ahead, the dense crowd of hundreds of people in front soon surrounded Chen Tian and many of these people also rushed in the direction of Ye Minyu, but at this time these people were all women who were not afraid of things. All of them are hard-powered women, of which Yang Liu’s combat power is even a certain degree. The physique in the body is almost the same as that of Chen Tian’s god-loving physique. Although not exactly the same, his physical quality is not weak. Of course, the strength of the women's teams that form an alliance with the Chen Tian team definitely belongs to the hard power.

So they saw basically a group of people rushing towards themselves, with Ye Minyu and Willow standing on the most wall, the other few people were standing on both sides of the two of them, as these people gradually approached, these five The expressions of the women were instantly murderous. Ye Minyu pulled out two Nepalese sabers from the back and rubbed the two knives to wait for the killing. As the captain of the women’s team, Yang Liu also spread her legs with great momentum. Next to Ye Minyu, his hands were pinching his finger joints, and he was making a clicking sound, and his neck was crooked on both sides, and after making two clicks, Angelina, Xi Lumei, and Bone Girl also posed Fighting posture.

Then the five women directly entered the melee with these people. They did not negotiate before the battle as usual. At least they also knew which people were the leaders. This time it was not the other party’s situation at all. Now that the set has been disrupted, there is no need to speak before the battle. Just skip this step and enter the final step of either you or me.

And Chen Tianyi rushed in first, in fact, to create a better fighting opportunity for everyone. In case the opponent has any hidden weapons or something, Chen Tian wants to lead you out. After all, his body is not afraid of injury, and the rest are a little bit No, another reason is to find out who is the leader of these people. This also prevents these masters from hiding in the crowd and attacking others.

Therefore, Chen Tianyi rushed directly to the crowd, and opened the power of Chi Zi to see that one hit the enemy can’t stop it, and Xu Shun, who was behind Chen Tian, ​​also saved a lot of effort. Chen Tian, ​​who turned on the status of Chi Zi The attacking power is still explosive, and the people who are very strong in combat with him are dying one by one. It also makes Xu Shun, who is behind Chen Tian, ​​feel that he does not have to get started. Now, he is really passing by. Killing people, if no one stops him, I am afraid that Chen Tian can solve them row by row with one person's strength. After all, Chen Tian's explosive power and speed during this period of time really have the strength of many people.

But it is obvious that Chen Tian is easy to break in, but it is not so easy to want to cover the sky in the massacre, because there are many masters in these people, such as many semi-experts Ling Zifeng just sensed. Powerful, these people are not Chen Tian's opponents, but their strength is qualified to compete with Chen Tian, ​​but now the person who directly prevents Chen Tian from continuing to rampage is the leader of these people.

"Brother! I know you are a bit capable, but is it a bit unreasonable to slaughter my men like this? Do you want to bully and bully me?" Diorno directly spoke after Chen Tian's attack. words.

Chen Tian just attacked directly with his fist and arm. If he could attack the opponent, he would attack. If the opponent's defense directly spreads the blood wings behind him, the head and body of the people on both sides will be cut directly, even if some of them have not directly caused them fatal injuries. , That is basically a very long and deep mouth. Although Chen Tian’s blood wings are far worse than Xu Shun’s coccyx blade, it is impossible to cut iron and mud, but cut off the human head or cut the body apart It's still very easy.

But what Chen Tian didn’t expect was that he met the person in charge of the other party so early, and blocked Chen Tian’s breakthrough with only two strokes. Although Chen Tian did not cause any harm, Chen Tian can think that this kid It's not simple, especially if the kid dare to say the words that made me bully him, it is enough to prove his merits, or how could he be so arrogant.

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