Killing God Island

Chapter 1129: Tiankai Wanqi Chapter 96: Chen Tian’s Exclusive Weapons Appear Again

The next scene really frightened Paul Kirami because Chen Tian turned into a **** body, and then returned to the state of the blood man again until he stood in front of him again intact and picked up I just put on my clothes again. This is one of Chen Tian’s blood control capabilities in the **** boundary. This skill can be said to be a terrible undead creature. Of course, the reason why Chen Tian does not evade is to let him My eyes tell him that Chen Tian is not afraid of you at all. It’s better that you have another way to kill me. It’s impossible to kill me with this kind of trick!

Chen Tian saw that he had taken the initiative to attack himself, so this time Chen Tian prepared to attack this guy in his own way this time, and Chen Tian also rushed directly to Paul again by turning on the super speed of the red child state. Kirami, now Chen Tian is running like a red light, but what Chen Tian didn’t expect was the eight lightsabers around Paul Kirami’s body, which weren’t specially decorated for good looks. .

Although Chen Tian was fast, but when he reached the suspension of the lightsaber, the first lightsaber directly blocked forward. Chen Tian directly bypassed it and found that he had been surrounded by these eight lightsabers. Instead of attacking him at the same time, he suspended the Eight Light Swords on Chen Tian’s head in eight different directions and emitted a more dazzling light than just before, and shot several lights at the same time with Chen Tian as a laser sword. , Chen Tian, ​​who was forced to helplessly, could only expand the blood wings for temporary defense, but Chen Tian’s blood wings and Xu Shun’s bone wings can be completely different. Chen Tian’s bone wings are full of hardness, so it is not a problem to use defense. But Chen Tian’s blood wing hardness is not very high, which is used to defend and is controlled by Paul Kirami’s energy beam of increasing power, which is slightly insufficient to be directly penetrated by the reflected beams of front, back, left, and right, and Chen Tian originally The beam of light that was shot by these eight lightsabers who wanted to dodge was again centered in the center by the beam of light in eight positions, and the great power caused by the convergence of the eight swords directly blasted Chen Tian’s body again. Fly across.

Seeing that Chen Tian’s body was torn apart by the energy of eight swords, Paul Kirami laughed: "Do you think you can beat me with super repair ability? You are an ugly monster, I killed You have also given you a chance to start a new life. Remember to be handsome in your next life. Do you know how nasty I am to fight face to face with you?"

Paul Kirami saw that Chen Tian’s body was still on the ground, so Paul Kirami collected the eight lightsabers back, just when he just wanted to unlock them. When he was in the state of Heavenly Tribulation, he suddenly felt that Chen Tian’s body in front of him seemed to be creeping on his own, so he immediately looked at Chen Tian’s scattered corpse fragments. It does not disperse and creeps with each other as if it has a living body, and slowly gathers together as if feeling each other, until Chen Tian’s entire red. Nude. Nude. body appears again, and he holds his just loose clothes Slightly blocked.

Then he looked up at Paul Kirami and said casually, "I have told you that this attack will not kill me, do you want to consume my physical strength? But it is better not to use the same trick for me a second time, Although I won the second time, I advise you not to use it for the third time!"

After hearing this, Paul Kirami smiled slightly and replied: "I have been beaten by my body without any cover, and I am still so arrogant. I want to see how long you can be arrogant to me, even if I can't beat me, I will To use this trick to kill you, I don’t believe that you can always regenerate.” Paul Kirami finished this sentence and waved directly again. These eight lightsabers flew to Chen Tian again, with Chen Tian as the center Once again with the same skills, the same tricks and the same landing place, I want to launch the same tricks to Chen Tian again, and prepare to blow up Chen Tian’s body and continue to attack his torn body, even turning into blood. Will continue to attack until everything in Chen Tian's body is completely destroyed, this is Paul Kirami's idea at this time. And Chen Tian saw that he still dared to deal with me with the same tricks, it seems that this guy is enough to underestimate me, then let you see how I broke your trick. Well, Chen Tian stood in these eight lightsabers and threw out the silver dragon sling stick directly. Although Chen Tian can use various blood control abilities to carry out long-range attacks, but this blood ability is shot with these eight lightsabers. Compared with the light, Chen Tian’s power is slightly insufficient. Although Chen Tian’s blood control ability has many different tricks, they are basically used to control the other person’s body and absorb the other’s blood to replenish their own body energy. Only in this way can Chen Tian's blood control exert its super power. In the face of untargetable opponents, Chen Tian's blood control ability will greatly consume his blood. For Chen Tian, ​​blood is his own life value and his body regeneration. An important part of the repair, so in the face of this attack, Chen Tian’s approach did not take the two abilities of blood control and red child attack, because the red child ability is fast but not too fast, nor can it strengthen the body’s hardness beyond this light. The sword reflects the light.

So the only solution at this time is that Chen Tian’s Yinlong swing stick can solve all this. Not only can the hardness of the Yinlong swing stick be completely lower than the power of this light column, the most important thing is the whole body of the Yinlong water roller sparkling light , Chen Tianyi flicked the silver dragon flick stick in his hand, and the three sounds of the clack clatter were connected with the domineering sound of the flick, followed by a lifelike silver white dragon circling stick. Flying out of the stick, it can be seen how strong this carving level is. Of course, the reason why this silver dragon stick is called an artifact is not because it is a first-class carving level. It is called a fine stick. The real power of this stick is The material of this swing stick can reflect light, and these eight lightsabers happen to be the magic weapon to attack with the light reflected by the sun, but Chen Tian swing stick is not a craft, it is a real attack weapon, which is the same as the Paul Kirami magic weapon. The difference is that they all have super aggressiveness, but the difference is that the weapon is much harder than the magic weapon itself, and it is not a graded thing at all. The magic weapon is only mastered by the metaphysics gossip. In order to exert its powerful power, ordinary people use this thing, just like toys, there is no vertex offensive, and in other words, the magic weapon is an aggressive prop. It may not be iron or metal, so It's not very hard to really fight.

Chen Tian has warned Paul Kirami that the same tricks should not be used too many times for me, although the second time he was also beaten torn apart, it seems that he was arrogantly hitting his face on his proud side, However, as Chen Tian said, Chen Tian has a very strong combat awareness and actual combat experience. The same tactics and combat tricks have little effect on Chen Tian. This time Chen Tian has completely mastered Paul Kirami. The commonality and attack characteristics of these eight swords, Chen Tian’s strong encounter and strong fighting consciousness are very human comparable, especially in the ability to analyze unfamiliar tricks, but this is also why Chen Tian met many strong opponents. , But in the end it still lives to this day.

The eight sword rays surrounding Chen Tian were centered on Chen Tian, ​​and from his front, back, left, and right, and several other corners with no dead ends supplemented by a cross, at the same time, they shot again into eight very thick energy rays, originally The eight light energy cannot be blocked by Chen Tian's body, but the silver dragon swing stick in Chen Tian's hand is different. Chen Tian uses this as the light point of the silver dragon swing stick, not only the body to the body In front of blocking a beam of light as a starting point, the body quickly rotated a week to gather all eight beams of light on its silver dragon swing stick, and then lifted the swing stick upward, and the light instantly flowed countercurrently, and the eight beams suspended above Chen Tian All the two-meter-long light energy swords were shot down.

In addition, the broken magic weapon is actually very small, only the sun recharges and cooperates with Paul Kiramy’s ability to rob the sky, and the promotion of some formations. For some layman reinforcements, even if the strength level is very strong, it is still difficult to escape In the battle, and the power of the eight lightsabers in this battle, the power of the gathered light is seldom blocked by anyone. Chen Tian’s powerful body can’t withstand it, so he died in this battle. There are countless masters, but I didn’t expect Chen Tian to break it. Chen Tian, ​​who broke the trick, put away the silver dragon sling stick. A pair of blood wings with a length of more than six meters behind his body spread directly to The extremely fast flight speed came directly to Paul Kirami head-on. This is not only Chen Tian's ability to use blood control, even the explosive sprint at this speed also proves that Chen Tian can now be in a short time. The two abilities are used together, only when the main blood control ability, Chizi's instantaneous explosive power can't perfectly exert the power of Chizi's instantaneous burst, but part of the power can still be used, so the two abilities can be used at the speed of flight. Get the phantom speed of red.

Although the two abilities are very exhausting, Chen Tian just wants to fly to Paul Kirami's front, and don't let him play tricks. After all, these small parts are not weak. Chen Tian doesn’t want to waste his physical strength too much by dealing with people who are far from his own strength. After all, the next real battle doesn’t know how to meet tough opponents, so Chen Tian doesn’t want to fight him like this. Going on, after all, the kind of trauma that I have done is like a corpse. Although it can be recovered quickly, it is really exhausting, and Chen Tian also sees that this guy is the same as Ye Minyu, and understands that Chen Tian is the kind of help. Warlocks fighting with various things, so Chen Tian decided to let him know what a real man was in the past, just like Xu Xun knew what a real man was, and in Chen Tian’s mind a real man would be very bloody. The head said something.

Just use your fist as before, and let this guy know what is the **** fist of a good man. Although Chen Tian slightly fought in the close fight, when Chen Tian used the power of Chi Zi to fight, he also used his fist. He uses any weapon, but the so-called real strength of this guy seems to be only fighting with external forces. This combat method Chen Tian does not agree with. In his nature, Chen Tiannan believes that the real one is superior. It should be that when he and Zhuo Yanxuan singled out, he really used the group head to talk about things and used his fists to let you understand what is the strong.

So a red light came at a speed, not far from Paul Kirami, although Paul Kirami still had a magical armor, but at this time the angry Chen Tianzhan spread his fists and fought The crimson flame, the increased variation in the power and blood control ability of the red child, the entire blood-red right arm is directly wrapped around the defense props in front of Paul Kirami, and then a dozen consecutive punches are blown directly to break With Paul Kiramy's defensive equipment, he grabbed Paul Kiramy's collar with one hand and stared at Paul Kiramy with an angry face.

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