Killing God Island

Chapter 1123: Heaven Tribulation Wan Qi Pian 90: Fight each other, physical strength has reached th

This time Xu Xun flew directly from below to face up directly in front of A Ruiqi, which was quite fast, and the blade of the tailbone was always ready, watching the posture Xu Xian was about to kill A Ruiqi, but A Ruiqi is more than just a few tricks. In addition to the densely packed playing cards flying towards Xu Shun in front of him, A Ruiqi also played the two cards in his right hand and directly arranged like a leather whip. After getting into the palm of your hand and using your own ability to strengthen the hardness of the poker, as you fall from the air, the two are basically the type of people with moderate speed and burst, so when Xu Xuan faced Densely flying playing cards, he directly hung and stopped and wrapped himself in his wings. Once again, he took the wings and attacked while shielding hundreds of thousands of playing cards in front of him. He could hear a bang inside. The sound kept ringing, and it wasn't until the attack stopped that Xu instantaneously discovered that Arrich had fallen to the ground from the air.

Xu Shun followed him with the tailbone blade behind him, and flicked directly to Arrech again. Arrech also held the connected poker in his hand and flew directly upwards. The reason why the blade didn’t cut Arrich’s poker this time was that the hardness of his playing cards is not as high as that of Xu Shun’s coccyx, but the hardness of his playing cards can be superimposed. The hardness of Zhang or even ten pieces together can resist the frontal blow of Xu Shuan's tailbone, and A Ruiqi's suddenly thrown-out whole playing card collided with Xu Shuwei's people. In this crit, not only did Arrich’s playing cards not be dismantled or even bounced off, but Xu Xian’s coccyx blade was directly bounced back, and this huge power even made Xu Xian lose his body in the air instantly balance.

Xu Shun didn’t expect that if he attacked the opponent with his tailbone, he could make the opponent bounce off. This sudden move by A Ruiqi also gave Xu Shun a preliminary computer room. In fact, this will not happen to A Ruiqi. Although it has happened before, this is basically beyond his control, because this sudden crit effect will not appear, but as long as it appears very powerful, it can even be the same level or even slightly Xu Xuan, who is strong himself, flew out directly. The most important thing is that Xu Xun was shot out in the face of the strongest tail blade attack. The power is still strong. Even Xu Xun has wings and can’t control his body in the air temporarily. Balance.

And A Ruiqi also took the opportunity to bounce his hands up and pose a bow and arrow, followed closely by the playing cards in the harness in the waist behind him, flying up one by one from the back quickly, and one Zhang arranged in the shape of a bow, and layered into an arrow, then pointed at Xu Xun with his gesture, then suddenly let go, and the arrow above directly flew to Xu Xian.

Xu Shun just spread his wings to maintain balance in the air, and suddenly found that a huge arrow composed of poker, which looked very exaggerated, flew towards him. Xu Shun wanted to avoid it, but Xu Shun thought about it, and just wanted to try it. The tricks he learned during training with Chen Tian were too strong, so he did not use it with his respected brother Chen Tian. Although he knew that Chen Tian’s self-repair ability and regeneration ability were absolutely okay, Xu Shun still wanted to use This trick is used on the opponent, after all, it can be more open, and it can also verify the true power. Sometimes, Brother Chen Tian may release the water independently or click to the end, but if it is used on the enemy, it can be very good. Well verify the power of this trick.

Xu Shun first put his bone wings and wings back into the body. As his body lost its wings and fell on its own, he directly extended his tail blade at least the top of the head and strengthened the hardness of the finger bones, and then grasped the tip of the tail bone blade. Then the body bowed in a circle and quickly rotated forward. The whole body turned forward like the hot wheels to the arrow of A Ruiqi in front. Xu Shun called him the human meat grinder. The trick can directly twist a person neatly and directly into two sections from the middle. Whether it is a person or an object, it can achieve a cutting effect similar to a chainsaw on its front. The power is completely controlled by its own rotation speed and strength. Because Xu Shun likes to know whether this trick has some powerful destruction effects as before against some high-level powerhouses. In order to verify this, Xu Xian is also bold enough. After all, the trick that Ariqi shot at him this time definitely looks no worse than the arm of the giant just used, Xu Shunqian Using the self-proclaimed human meat grinder to face it hard, it is more not that I am very confident in myself, but in fact it does verify Xu Xuan’s expectation for this trick. After all, Xu Xuan’s coccyx sharpness and hardness are absolutely Qiang had nothing to say, when coupled with such a powerful rotation speed, it seemed that all the power speed and physical coordination were completely integrated into one point, and then directly collided directly with the arrow directly in front of it. As a result, not only Xu Shun was completely injured at all By the way, the arrows fired by Ariqi were cut directly from the tip and finally cut into two shapes. The whole looks like it was separated directly from the tip, and it is very easy, even Xu Xuan has nothing. Feeling that any strangeness had already solved the arrow, then Xu Xun directly turned to A Ruiqi directly again with this force.

And A Ruiqi is also cold and sweating at this time, I did not expect that his powerful tricks will be easily broken by his tricks, so Ai Ruiqi directly wants to play like a whip-like hit with poker in the same way as just now. Fight, fly to him again, in fact, Arich knows how he can hit that kind of super crit every time?

Last time I flew Xu Shun out directly, I couldn’t even spread my wings in the air to maintain balance. It was because Ariqi used poker to strengthen his paper ability and had the chance to hit crit. The chance of such crit is very low but as long as it hits It will be very strong. Sometimes it can kill the opponent, even if it is prevented, it will cause a serious internal injury. This is the scary part of Ariqi’s use of this ability. Not only is the ability to use thousands of changes, but the most important thing is There is also a chance to play a super strong output. This so-called super strong output is a powerful explosion that is far more than ten times its own strength.

So I just gave Xu Shun a bit of a bluff, just after Xu Shun was afraid that he was really so strong, so he only used the human grinder similar to the killer skill that he only realized shortly before, Xu Shun This move not only sounded very powerful, but also had a terrible attack strength and destructive power. Therefore, A Ruiqi couldn’t stop Xu Shun’s direct attack without hitting the crit just now, so A Ruiqi looked forward to this time. Played the desired effect this time, so he directly increased the density and length of the poker combination, in order to give himself a back path and increase the crit efficiency and increase the effective safety distance from this guy, even if there is no violence The strike can also be used to effectively defend or avoid before he reaches the distance. Obviously, A Ruiqi still has little confidence in his second crit.

In fact, although this kind of crit power is very strong, it is indeed not so easy to hit, and this time facing the powerful momentum of Xu Shun’s human meat grinder, A Ruiqi once again threw out the same as just now. The trick, but the effect is completely different from the previous one. It is really not as critical as Arrich thought, so his trick was directly shattered by Xu Shun’s powerful offensive, and the past poker was disturbed. Finely broken, this enhanced poker hardness can be broken into pieces like steel, which can be imagined if the person's body is hit positively by Xu Shun.

Therefore, despite the strong strength and the stiffness of Ariqi’s body, he is definitely more bullish among the strengthening people in the same period, but he didn’t dare to use the giant’s arm to contend with Xu Jian’s destructive moves, because the giant’s arm The power of the huge fist is the same as the Emperor Arrow just shot. The Emperor Arrow just looked like a weak attack against the rotating human meat grinder, so if you use the giant’s arm, you will lose it. He twisted himself directly along the arm, so Arich gave up the direct attack and chose to use poker to defend the layers around him. How many pokers were used for defense, and even how many layers of defense were arranged for himself. It’s clear, after all, it’s the layers of defense that he has set for himself under the condition of high tension and fear, and Arrich hides where to hide from the layers of defense. Even the main reason he uses this trick is to be able to defend. You can hide and hide your location, and this was originally a super defense, but Arich is afraid that this kid’s move is really strong and can break this trick, so once this layer of defense is broken, then In the end, he will continue to attack himself, so he sets this up, even if he can’t stop it, he can’t find the exact location where he is hiding himself at the first time. The disorder of the layout here may not be able to accurately sense the true one even if he uses the sensing ability. Position, after all, the sensed posture is a certain position, and this position has been separated into many areas by the poker wall. If you want to break out one by one, it is almost impossible. Even if this move is very strong, Arich does not think he can I have only used this trick, so Ariqi is also making a life bet with himself.

The bet is his life, and the bet is that this guy cannot always use this ability. As long as he stops using this trick, Arich will lead him into the most deadly position of this layer of defense, and then kill him directly. Ai Ruiqi used this trick to kill many opponents who were stronger than his own strength, so at this point he was still very confident in his extremely dangerous place, because he was just stabbed in the chest by Xu Shunwei. Although it was repaired quickly without being deep, it has not stopped the high-intensity attack. Excessive physical exertion caused the newly repaired wound to use its ability too much without the true repair of the wound. And physical strength, leading to a chest wound that has just been repaired and is now bursting on its own. It is bleeding. This proves that Ariqi has reached his upper physical limit. His ability and physical strength in such a high-strength overdraft may eventually lead to possible whole body splitting. The horror opened, but now it is only a new wound that was just penetrated by the tip of Xu Shuan's tail blade.

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