Killing God Island

Chapter 1121: Heavenly Tribulation Wan Qi 88: These two guys are really hands-on, really super powe

Both Xu Shun and A Ruiqi noticed that the strength of both sides was not simple. Xu Shun was very calm at this time. Every time he met a master and he confronted him, his mind was very calm. Of course, this is no exception, even if it is so The key showdown is that his mind is still analyzing the enemy's situation, especially the guy in front of him can escape my tail strike, and has come to my near, saying that it is fast, then A Ruiqi temporarily finger Holding a card in hand, the playing card can be rotated in his hand at this time, and with the ability of Ai Ruiqi to instantly strengthen the playing card very hard, plus the use of his hand speed and strength, it can be very ordinary The playing card of the player instantly became very sharp like a knife, so when he was close to his body, the coordination between the body and the hand was very high. In order to avoid Xu Ji’s close kick kick, the body reversed sideways and stretched his hand directly Throwing a poker in Xu Xun's neck.

This poker has a very fast rotation speed. Of course Xu Xuan also feels that something is flying towards him, and all the weak movements that are unfavorable to himself can be detected around the person who is awakened into the micro-state, depending on whether you have the ability to be dangerous. Dissolve, and Xu Xuan also directly tilted his body to avoid poker, while his knee was directly against Ariqi's chest, and at the same time, Ariqi's elbow joint was also swept forward directly on Xu Xian's face. .

Xu Shun’s face was tilted to the side with his body beaten, and A Ruiqiye was leaned back by Xu Jien’s knee pad, but he didn’t fall but fell backward After leaning, the hands touched the ground like a handstand posture, and then the whole body rotated one week before the body was half-squatted again, but when he got up quickly again, a tingling in the chest made him hesitate for a second before standing.

At the same time, Xu Xian leaned away to the side. In order to keep himself in balance for the first time, Xu Xuan directly extended the blade of his tailbone directly on the ground to ensure the balance of his body, and then Xu Xuan crooked his head and issued Between the two clicks, the two of them broke contact with each other and hit each other within two seconds. The two sides rushed towards the other again at a very fast speed, during which time the two did not waste every point. Every second, after standing firmly, he attacked the other party again for the first time. Xu Xun was one second faster than A Ruiqi to reach the range of the two people's second frontal contact, because Xu Xun had just penetrated into the ground. The blade of the tailbone, the ejection force directly ejected from the tip to the ground. The whole person reached the front of him in an instant with an arrow in the direction of Ariqi, and Ariqi was the first in the whole body after standing firmly. Time waved without any hesitation in front of him, and the poker cards around him were ready to meet the enemy at a neatly arranged moment.

Xu Shun used the blade of his tailbone to eject his body instantaneously, and at the same time, his wings were spread out at the same time. With two unusually sharp tips of the wings, he launched a two-way cross attack with a two-person simultaneous attack on A Ruiqi. The tricks displayed in an instant are absolutely surprising. If the opponent in front of him is not the strength of A Ruiqi, he is also quite powerful. That definitely can't withstand Xu Shun's move. Although Xu Shun's move is fast, he is attacking A Ruiqi The tip of the wings at half a meter in front of the body and the poker cards in front of Ariqi formed a very neat looking wall of poker. There was a glare of sparks at the head-on friction. At the same time, the wall formed by the poker school was not only It is very hard, and it has a certain elasticity. During the forward assault with a very rapid stab, it was ejected back by the elasticity of the layer of poker walls.

And at the moment Xu Xuan was bombed out of a distance of three meters, the time interval between the two was about three seconds. Just after Xu Xuan's wings were hit on Xu Xun's defensive plane, he was rushed into two consecutive stages. The whole body bounced out directly, and within a three-meter interval between the detection distance and Ariqi, Ariqi just showed a defensive shape of poker, and the overall deformation was instantly erected and shot directly to the popped Xu instant. Like the submachine gun bullets, the densely packed playing cards flew directly in the direction of Xu instant.

The densely packed poker can't be avoided at all. The effect of this group of attacks is enough to prove A Ruiqi's own strength, but Xu Shun's just attacking A Ruiqi's wings can not only attack, but also spread his wings directly to wrap himself in There is defense inside, Xu Shun’s built-in artifact-level toughened war bones, as long as the bones extending from the body have super hardness, don’t look at Xu Shun’s bone wings that don’t look thick, but the hardness is quite high , There is no problem in defending against playing cards that are continuously attacking for more than 30 seconds in the front. Originally, Ruiqi wanted to use his ability to carry out a forced point attack, that is, more than ten pokers or even one hundred pokers playing in one position, let Incessant penetration penetrates the bone wings to attack.

However, this idea of ​​Ai Ruiqi gave up after more than 30 seconds of continuous attacks. Xu Bian’s bone wings are not far behind, but the high hardness is not continuous in the same direction. Let A Ruiqi's expression stunned for a moment: "I didn't expect this guy to be able to prevent my attack!" Just now Xu Xun's attack was blocked by the layers of paper walls piled up with poker by Xu Shun and he bounced him With his distance from Xu Xun, he attacked him in a real sense.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party could also prevent his own attack, and A Ruiqi tried to break through Xu Shun's defense, but unfortunately Xu Shun's bone wing hardness could not be done, so A Rui Qi can only continue to attack, Bring yourself closer to Xu Shun, and perform another attack tactics against Xu Shun during this period. After all, the position that Xu Shun's bone wings can wrap is not 360 degrees. There are some places where his wings can't defend. So, Ruiqi chose to continue to attack frontally to cover himself and take the initiative to reduce the distance with Xu Shun again.

Of course, Xu Shunke also analyzed his next tactics, and also thought that he would probably attack above himself. After all, as long as the wings are not lifted up, he has kept this attack above will be the most deadly exposure to the outside world. Weakness, so when Xu Shun sensed that this guy was approaching himself, he directly pierced with the blade of his coccyx without thinking about it. This is the cleverness of Xu Shun’s battle with others. After the attack, you will not wait for the other party to use this attack to go to the mentoring and defense or how to crack, but think of it directly, so that you can achieve synchronization with the local and attack at the same time, if the other party appears in the attack, then give the other party a certain The chance of defense and evasion, but if the direct attack is equal to no delay, when A Ruiqi just jumped and was dumped from the top, he suddenly found that while he jumped over, a white sharp coccyx was already from the bottom. Directly pierced A Ruiqi.

Due to the synchronization of the time periods, Arrec had no way to avoid it, plus there was no way for his body to be able to change its trajectory or stop in the air or jump up, so avoiding it was completely impossible, only He can forcibly use his hardened playing cards for layer-by-layer defense, but this time Xu Shun's attack can be completely different from the last time. The last time was a melee attack with wings. Xu Shun's wings are very sharp and can be used as two. However, the power and hardness can not be compared with Xu Shun’s real combat subject attacking blade. Xu Shun’s tail blade is his real main output key. The power level of this tail blade is not the same level as the wings. The intensity and sharpness of Chengdu have not been blocked after being stabbed like the last time. After being forced into the recess, it was rebounded by a strong elastic force, so Xu Xun flew out more than three meters last time.

But the sharpness of the front end of Xu Shun’s coccyx blade was really raised this time, directly piercing the first poker wall of Arridge, and then pierced continuously, which even Arridge did not expect at all. After all, he has never completely defeated this trick. The fact that he can break or pierce the first poker wall already shows that the opponent is very strong, but what he did not expect from Arrich is that this guy not only pierced The first defense and the second and third consecutive...Break through fifteen consecutively, that is, Ai Ruiqi's last defense is also forced by Xu Shun's coccyx blade, knowing the tip of the coccyx The thorn stopped at Arich's chest a centimeter.

Although he pierced so many defenses, he also blocked Xu Shun's tail blade to the utmost extent, and finally stopped Xu Shun's tail blade, but the tip still stabbed Arrich. At the same time, A Ruiqi also raised his right hand. This time, he didn't want to attack Xu Shun with his right fist, and he could not hit Xu Shun under his arm's length at all. Bluffing, but while he raised his right arm, countless flying pokers around him wrapped his entire right arm non-stop, and finally formed a huge fist like a pile of poker, directly to Xu Shun below smashed it hard, and looking at the volume and shape, it felt like this should be a very powerful blow.

Although Xu Xuan may not see the same shape as the original A Ruiqi because of the formation method at this time, the overall effect is completely another terrifying representation, so Xu Xian's first idea is to withdraw the tailbone blade And before he used this huge fist to hit himself from above, he used the blade of his coccyx to face it hard, and then forcibly split this thing. This was Xu Xuan’s idea at this time, but things were not as optimistic as that, I thought Xu Xun had just pierced a wall of poker with his tail blade, although it had been pierced, but now it was stuck. This is obviously already known by Ai Ruiqi, otherwise how could he be so calm After using this trick, and after forming a certain volume, Ariqi threw a punch over Xu Instant's head without any hesitation.

How many reinforced playing cards have been piled up before showing the huge fist, which was smashed directly from above with a very terrifying force, Xu Xun even raised his head and was blown up by the oncoming hurricane. Even the glasses can’t stand the strong hurricane a little bit, and all of them have cracked, and this huge and powerful blow has even dispelled the reverse airflow caused by the internal battle between Chen Tian and Paul Kirami. .

At this time, Xu Xian also had a very serious expression and felt a bad hunch, so Xu Xuan also directly opened the complete body of the steel war bone, and the wings were fully expanded. The body also changed greatly, and the overall change ratio was just stronger. Many, there are two long horns like dragons on the head. The artifact built by Xu Shun was originally caused by the tyrannosaurus bones of the ancient dragon clan of the ancient artifact. Now Xu Shun’s complete state is even more domineering. Even the blade of the tailbone was suddenly a circle thick, Xu Xun just showed the body side of the toughened war bone, and did not turn on the sky-tribulation state, he had already got rid of the tailblade that had just been bound, and then did not like what he had before. Forcibly cut with the tail blade as expected, because it is too late, and the fist has fallen. If it is not defended in time, I am afraid that something will happen. After all, this power makes Xu Shun subconsciously have to raise his arms for forced defense. Only heard A bang.

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