Killing God Island

Chapter 1111: Heavenly Tribulation: Chapter 78

Carmelton is ready to temporarily suppress the angry Chen Tian through his ability to synchronize his power. When he absorbs all the power in his anger, and then releases a more powerful explosion effect than just now, this time I decided to blow you up He couldn’t even find the slag. Carmelton wanted to take the lead in thinking of this, and used his own power to synchronize this move with Chen Tian’s frontal fist. Suddenly Chen Tian’s fist didn’t hit him at all. Fist, but the moment when the whole fist collided with Carmelton's fist on the front, it was directly transformed into a red living body that looks like alive, and dozens of red bloodstains were directly divided by blood penetration. The blood is as small as a mosquito needle, but the effect is exaggerated.

Because these tiny bloodshots have penetrated into Carmelton's body, he really does not know that Chen Tian in front of him still has this ability, and the next incredible thing happened, originally wanted to control with his own exclusive ability Chen Tian, ​​did not expect that Carmelton, whose blood was inserted into many blood vessels in his right fist, suddenly felt the body's involuntary arm turn and a blood-red sickle formed of blood appeared in the front of the arm, and the sickle was a blood vessel from his own hand. The red sickle-shaped sharp weapon stretched out in the middle, and then the right hand involuntarily directly attacked himself with this red sickle, and directly cut off his head. Although this method of death is not suicide, it also belongs to death. In hand.

After Carmelton cut off his head, his eyes and facial expressions were all kinds of horrified and unbelievable expressions, but no one would think that he would eventually die in his own hands. I think about it in this regard, but this happened. After all, Chen Tian’s blood penetration will be controlled by Chen Tian. At first, Chen Tian was able to kill more than one hundred masters who could open the Heavenly Tribulation state with one person, because he had This ability, but this is just that simple trick. If you really want to use the scattered blood drop group control attack, you need Chen Tian to open the Sky Tribulation state to use it.

At this point, Chen Tian had already solved Carmelton, and his head was cut off by the blood blade of Chen Tian’s blood shape that stretched out on his arm. Of course, when Xu instant noticed that Chen Tian’s brother had ended the fight, he There were still a few people in the face who didn’t kill, but since Brother Chen Tian was done, the remaining few people Xu Shun were too lazy to solve them in person. They were also throwing out their tailbone blades. All these people were lively cut into two sections. I am afraid that these people only think that Xu Shun has wings to fly. Perhaps they think that Xu Shun’s ability is to be able to fly, so he suddenly used his main attack weapon for a moment. , Directly giving all four people standing in a row rushing towards you at the same time, cutting them all into two.

While Ling Zifeng looked at the people in front of him, all of them had been killed, and the cigarette that Ling Zifeng had lighted from the beginning was almost completely smoked, so he threw away the cigarette **** and directed Chen Tian and Xu Shun. I walked over and said to Chen Tian and Xu Shun while walking: "You took five minutes to solve these people, can you benefit from efficiency? And did you not hear what they mean? Soon, the Quartet Alliance will send us again We launched a second wave of attacks, so we can’t wait and die, we must give them a little blow!"

After Ling Zifeng said this, Kang Xiang looked at Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tian also asked with a puzzled expression: "What the **** do you mean by saying that you don't have to turn around!"

"I mean we will restore this array to normal as soon as possible, and use the leader of these people to give them a dismounting power to the so-called Quartet Alliance, let the door know that the people who enter here have only one idea, do not want to live and die Although the determined people have been good recently, and the two recent people again, we threw out their leader’s head again and disrupted their core cohesion in this warning way. What do you think of my proposal?"

Of course Xu Shun didn't have much say, so he looked at Chen Tian around him for the first time, and Chen Tian thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "If you make a good proposal, just do what you say!"

The three Chen Tian threw the head of the first wave of leader Camerton out of the Qimen Dunjia formation. Of course, the four bosses above them, they let a wave of advance every 20 minutes, of course, the previous troops From, the first six people turned into a real vanguard squad of 30 people, and these 30 people just entered within ten minutes, the leader of the Carmelton head was thrown out of the field, which means that the previous entry No one was spared. This is undoubtedly the inner heart of the more than one hundred people who gave the third wave of advancement, which silently caused great psychological pressure, but they did not have a withdrawal or yet Yes, even after 20 minutes, one by one, they went into the edge fog of Qimen Dunjia again one by one very punctually. Of course, the person who led the team this time was Paul Kirami, regardless of strength or adaptability. It is much better than Gamaton, and it is impossible or impossible for him to bring more than 100 teams, and the level of members in these teams is also incomparable to those of the previous members. What if there is no one who can hold the pressure to lead the team? Row? And when he saw Carmelton's head thrown out.

His grumpy temper also suddenly warmed up, after all, he is still very particular about the kind of man who is very stylish and cherishes short, absolutely the kind to the brother, my brother kills you, you hurt my brother must die character Although he has a more irritable personality, he is not the kind of man with a head in his head. It is impossible or impossible for him to lead the team, and in addition to Paul Kirami leading the team, he is also equipped with three similar The military master also knows the masters of metaphysics, one is the master who looks at the image fortune-telling, the other is the master of the formation and temporary combat arrangements to appease the military, and the other is more divine, because he not only knows what these two people know He also understands what they do not understand, that is, a very evil master who is proficient in ancient witchcraft, the head-downing method of attracting spirits and attracting ghosts.

Of course, Paul Kirami is also very good at making friends, and soon got along well with these three people. Of course, these three people can also see that Paul Kirami is a very straightforward person, and from him Seeing the expression of the head of the member of the same organization, Carmelton, being thrown out, it can be seen that this person should be very affectionate and serious. Although he is very good at making friends, he seems to be more impulsive. Without reaching the designated entry time, I want to take the lead to directly enter everyone.

It would be a bad thing if the other three stopped him, but he was just impulsive, not the kind of mindless person, he was the kind of person who fell in love with the head, after listening to some words from the three military divisions who assigned him , As if he understood something, and he didn’t quite understand what the four bosses were thinking about, so he was afraid that their original plan was broken because of a few minutes. After all, there are some things that cannot be guessed, although this is completely different from the plan, But the development of the situation is not bad, it seems that the other party has not figured out the situation within our square.

He didn’t dare to rush into again. Of course, this head does have a certain deterrent effect. After Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng solved the six people who entered the array, they also directly took the first wave of wanting to attack. The Pioneer Squad has been eliminated. To be precise, they are two people. Ling Zifeng didn’t do anything at all. Of course, it’s not the time to highlight his own strength. Now that the war is on the verge of being able to retain more physical strength, it will naturally be bigger. The purpose of this is that Ling Zifeng just didn’t get involved. It’s just that he didn’t express his inner opinion. After all, Ling Zifeng couldn’t put out all his ideas. Even if he was sent by Ms. Zhao to protect Chen Tian, He is also someone with his own ideas.

Ling Zifeng’s allegiance is not actually Ms. Zhao Ying Zhao, he is really loyal to the Royal Commissioner, but this club has been taken over by Ms. Zhao and transferred the only Lingzi Feng who can play here to the headquarters, and reached with Ms. Zhao in the headquarters A certain agreement, and this agreement is to defend Chen Tian’s life with his own life to ensure his safety, so Ling Zifeng will do his best.

Chen Tian and the other three returned to the center of the formation, and after meeting with Ye Minyu, and informed of what had just happened, Ye Minyu pondered for a moment and said to Angelina around her: "You go to rule to inform Wu Yifan and Yao Jun, Let them communicate our orders, everything will be carried out according to the original plan, and the battle has been started. Let everyone keep their position in their formation according to the original plan. No matter what happens, don’t mess up, even if the whole is in despair. At the last minute, I will tell you how to advance and retreat, so let me show them to you now, and our formation will be even stronger! Even if the opponent is composed of strong and powerful Quartet forces, I will let the fierce of this formation be They saw what it meant to die.

Of course, Ye Minyu said this, not because he was too arrogant to believe in his formation, but because he arranged this strange and unpretentious array, he did conceal too many dangerous variables. To really crack this array is not really It's easy, of course, when Ye Minyu said this sentence, Chen Tian and others really believed Ye Minyu's hidden intentions. After all, he had known him for several months. I am quite confident, so Chen Tian's confidence has also risen for a while.

Of course, the leader of the third team rushing into the team, Paul Kirami, is an impulsive person, but he is not a brainless person. While watching his watch to attack on time, he is also studying how to deal with the other three after entering. , And in case of many emergencies that occur after entering, how to deal with these emergencies, etc., of course, the 100-person team is well-trained, similar to the militarized equipment and well-trained formation, even Entering the formation will also maintain such a formation that each other can support each other at any time, and 36 people in front of the eight characters hold an armor shield, and the outside is equipped with a sharp hook gun that shoots from the sea to catch the fish. This is It is convenient to hit the enemy directly, and this thing is dozens of times more powerful than the pistol, and the penetration and distance are very far. With this equipment, they have more than twenty such weapons, which are used not far behind the shield. Prepared for the suddenly appearing enemy, the rest is able to support the opponent from front to back, left and right, and is hidden on both sides of the shield, and there are also scouts similar to engineers in the front to avoid falling into the blind zone of the opponent’s formation. These six people in front They are equipped with walkie-talkies and can directly serve with Paul Kirami, the center of the team, and the three military personnel who assist him to serve as his left and right hands.

Moreover, these three people are definitely not the kind of weak scholars, and their strengths are all like the Chen Tian team's Ye Minyu. They are all-round talents who can be capable and capable, so they are all Paul. . Kirami bodyguard and military division.

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