Killing God Island

Chapter 1106: Heaven Tribulation Wan Qi 73: Xu Shuan

At this time, Xu Xian was in the air, so when he saw a huge blood-red dragon suddenly appear in front of him, it seemed as if this thing was close to him. The scared Xu Xun fanned the bone wings and wanted to follow this first. The distance between the things and the distance, but this thing is not very big, but it is very flexible. It directly pounces on Xu Shun in the air and opens the big blood plate of the faucet. He wants to swallow Xu Shun directly, and Xu Shun also has direct wings. Moving forward together, taking the extremely hard bone-wing wings as a shield again, let this faucet be directly installed on his own wings, but the impact is amazing, Xu Shun was directly hit by the air, and the ground was all killed by Xu Instantly hit a big pit, if not Xu Xuan's body evolved very strong now, even if he blocked the attack frontally, the force of the landing will also shatter all the internal organs on his body, but now Xu Xuan In addition to the internal protection of the steel bones, the evolution of his own visceral muscles has made him completely out of the scope of the weak.

Being hit by such a huge blood dragon from the front of the sky, the deep pit hit by the ground and the cracked ground around it are enough to prove the strength of this one, but Xu Shun after landing immediately jumped from the deep pit. Came out and glared at the blood dragon above, because the sudden appearance really scared Xu Shun jumped, but now Xu Shun is not as scared as he is when he is scared. After all, he has the strength to awaken his combat power. , Chen Tian was really more and more like a man. This undaunted spirit directly made Xu Shun jump up to the blood dragon who was circling in the air again.

And the dragon hovering above is not a constant hovering in the air waiting for Xu instant to attack it. This blood dragon is not only huge, but also very cruel and autonomous. So even Xu instant If you don’t jump up and attack it yourself, this thing will come down from the sky and attack Xu Shun’s second wave. Although it seems to have a strong sense of landing on the ground, it seems that it should be dropped very heavily. It is possible that the body was seriously injured, but in fact Xu Shun Ben was not injured, but there was a lot of dust on his body, and it looked very embarrassed. In fact, that attack was nothing to Xu Xu now. Instead, he flew directly up this time to directly instigate his wings in the air, borrowing the coordination of flight speed and body. , Directly avoiding the frontal blood of the dragon, and using the tailbone blade to cut off the blood dragon's head directly at a very close distance.

The blade of Xu Shun’s coccyx is not only sharp, but also the magnitude of the destructive force with which Xu Shun now throws out the force. Under normal circumstances, Xu Shun does not need to use such a strong force when fighting other people. After all, Xu Shun’s coccyx blade wants to cut a person’s body in half. It’s a very simple matter. Even if it is duel with other people’s weapons, it’s not necessary to use such a big force, but this time the dragon looks really too different. It was huge, so Xu Shuincai slammed the tail blade so hard that he didn't expect the tail blade to really cut off the dragon's entire head.

This giant dragon head has fallen but the whole body has not landed, only the dragon head has landed. At the same time, the man who controls the formation in the formation also spit out blood when the dragon head was cut off, but immediately followed him. Once again, his hands were put in various poses to let his faucet return to position again, which also made Xu Shan, who thought he had solved it, his expression suddenly become serious again.

And to Xu Xuan, this blood dragon is somewhat like Chen Tian’s elder brother’s blood limit ability, and it is also a kind of feeling that he was born in a **** attack without breaking up, so Xu Xuan also spread his wings again to let himself and this blood The dragon temporarily opened the distance so that he could think about how to deal with it next. Xu’s power lies in the analysis and cracking of the battle on the spot. Of course, Xu’s own ability is also undoubtedly strong, but how is this blood dragon in front of him now?

Of course, Xu Shun, as the team of Chen Tian who has a close relationship with Chen Tian, ​​naturally knows the method of cracking Chen Tian’s **** boundary, but if it is really cracked like Chen Tian, ​​it will be very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Xu Shun is not the best policy.

The only condition for Chen Tian’s **** boundary to be broken is to exhaust Chen Tian’s physical strength and make Chen Tian’s entire body unable to heal again. This method is one way, but this method requires a battle with Chen Tian and is very confident. It's okay to lose all the energy it consumes, but this thing is only somewhat similar to Chen Tian's ability. It's not the ability of Chen Tian's elder brother. Xu Xuan is also very clear, and it's strange that this thing appeared out of thin air.

Xu Xian thought for a moment and concluded that this thing was either one of the two people who started the sky-tribulation state. Of course, if this is the case, it is still easy to handle, as long as it is completely destroyed. Xu Xuan What I'm afraid of is that this thing is not someone's sky-tribulation state at all, but the illusory psychic spirit in the formation, or some special synthetic body. If so, it is not so simple to want to kill this thing.

Although Xu Shun had such a thought in his heart, this thing could not give Xu Shun a chance to breathe. Although he had just been cut off his head, now this thing can be regenerated like Chen Tian again, and the speed of regeneration is extremely fast, It is even faster than Chen Tian’s regeneration ability, so Xu Xian will be compared with Chen Tian’s regeneration ability, but this thing is still attacking Xu Xian, so Xu Xuan is ready to continue positive before there is no good response. Eliminate this thing completely.

Xu Shun can also verify this point thoroughly, that is, how strong is this thing compared with Chen Tian's **** limit? So Xu Shun must use his real power to fight it hard and know it all. If it is equal to Brother Chen Tian’s ability and strength, then my attack will definitely be able to hold him, and I may be suppressed. So Xu Xun not only tilted his coccyx upward to make a ready posture for attack, but also raised all the combat bones all over his body. This is to attack the blood dragon in front.

Of course, during Xu Shun's preparations for a frontal attack, he has always considered whether he should fight head-on with him, and he has always considered whether to actually take action, but now it seems that he must take it seriously. After all, he belongs to a seemingly The surrounding areas are completely different, so Xu Shun wanted to prove these points, whether it is a formation or a hypnotic illusion, and the huge blood dragon in front of him is a giant monster that appeared in the state of the Heavenly Tribulation. The Angel props in the Fa are saying that this thing itself is something that does not exist in illusion? These points of questioning are always in Xu Shun's mind.

And Xu Xian must also use the elimination method to try a little bit, whether this thing is a formation, an illusion, or the state of Heavenly Tribulation opened by those two people, so Xu Xian and his front are fighting hard for the first time. The blow is to clearly perceive whether this is the state of human beings in the sky-tribulation, or their own flower abuse. If it is their own illusion that the punch really changes, it should be the building in front, and the rear should not produce too much. Great destructive power.

So in order to verify this point, Xu Shun used a very strong force to launch a positive blow to the front. As a result, this punch directly hit the tail that the dragon swayed, and a huge whirling airflow was instantly generated around it. Xu Xu at the center can be sure that this attack is definitely not a feeling that illusion can even experience, and now all the surrounding things that are perceived by the micro-state are real, but this dragon has no signs of life at all. , So Xu Shun’s conclusion is that he is not in illusion, but in the formation, and this formation should be fighting me with something that is not human, so what should this thing be The place can be deciphered. Although Xu Xuan thinks so, he is now fighting hard with this blood dragon, although the size of the dragon and Xu Xuan are very different.

But Xu Shun found that although this dragon looks very powerful, the size and size give a big power gap, but in fact it is the opposite. This blood dragon has a large strength and strong attack power, but in fact Xu Shun It was only a few rounds of frontal attack that it was discovered that this blood dragon's power was not as strong as Xu Shun's own, so Xu Shun easily attacked the dragon without stopping, and the body kept giving this one. Blood dragons cause different levels of attack.

And with Xu Shun's tailbone blade attack, although the first attack does not seem to be a strong attack, but Xu Shun's tailbone blade's current attack may be different from the previous one, only a part of it or The chopped things must be touched by the length of his coccyx blade before it can be chopped. At that time, Xu Shun did not have such chopping penetration ability, that is, the so-called blade wind chopping blade did not touch it. Hurt.

Now Xu Shun's strength can already allow his coccyx blade to become one-shot penetration ability is to cut a hole. If the strength and impact force is enough, the wound will continue to deepen the wound based on the original cut wound. Although the depth of five-fifths is only five-percent, as long as the force is strong enough, it can cause this effect of deepening the depth of the crossing inwards. Of course, Xu Shun’s tailbone attack speed is quite fast, and Xu Shun The wings have been able to perfectly control the flight status in the air, avoid the attack of the blood dragon in front, and carry out a rapid continuous attack of the tailbone in some important parts. This continuous attack and repeated non-stop attacks at one part.

It will lead to the effect of superimposing the penetration of the tailbone blade even if it is not reachable, so that the huge body of this blood dragon will be cut off from the middle. The whole body was completely disintegrated. The layered attack of Xu San’s tailbone triangular prism tip made the huge blood dragon cut off from the middle and drilled into the inside, and completely removed the whole blood dragon body from the inside. Dismemberment, this huge force directly injured the two people in the array, and even could no longer support this array. After all, Xu Shun's personal combat strength was once attacked. Although this fierce method was extremely fierce, he could not stop Xu Shun at all.

Finally, as the dragon was dismembered, the entire formation was directly broken by Xu Instant. Once the formation was broken, the position of the two people could be hidden in five places. Of course, Xu Instant was also irritated by the secret calculation of the two. They killed the two people directly in the past, and did not even give them a half-speaking time. After all, Xu Shun didn't hurt even if he used his full strength, but the two of them could not support this formation again when they were exhausted. The law, plus Xu Shun has not lifted the full body state of the toughened battle bones, killing the two people in this state almost instantly cut the two people's bodies in half.

And another Ling Zifeng has already ended the battle, but he is different from Xu Shun. Ling Zifeng guessed that the characters of Chen Tian and Xu Shun would never stay alive, but he followed these two people completely. Different, he just broke the man's hands and feet and did not kill the man.

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