Killing God Island

Chapter 1103: Tiankai Wanqi 70: Chen Tianxin’s Real Thoughts

Ke Weisi's idea now is that Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, who are standing behind Chen Tian for a short distance, have not yet come to help. Now they have joined hands to attack the ugly man in front of him. There is still a great chance to leave this place. The point is right and wrong. The key is to grasp this period of time. If the latter two come over to help, the whole form will develop more passively, so if you do not hurry to launch a breakout attack on Chen Tian now, then the next step will be true Really faced with a hard fight, after all, Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng behind Chen Tian directly and effortlessly killed Graham. This combat power is naturally able to avoid choices.

So besides Kevis’s idea at this time, the other four people also had this idea. Otherwise, it is impossible that Kevis had just shot, and a middle-aged uncle among the five followed him rushing to help him. To deal with Chen Tian, ​​but the idea of ​​the two is good. Chen Tian currently does not use the red child state in one-to-two, nor does he use the blood control ability. The ability of the blood boundary Chen Tian now basically will be in a battle situation Use, after all, lethality and use methods are also unpredictable, but this time Chen Tian was useless, even the Chizi state was useless, that is, the ordinary attack in the ordinary state, even these two people could not break through, but instead The two who were hit by Chen Tian's frontal attack kept going backwards continuously.

At this time, Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun had already killed the Graham who just wanted to beat them three. The original distance was not far away. If the two really want to help Chen Tian in the first time, they have already shot. It is clear that these two people are watching Chen Tian’s battle, and they also know that Chen Tian has not used his full strength to combat the two opponents in front of him, but he has not even used the skills he usually uses for combat. This is really rare and visible. Chen Tian clearly did not take these people into his eyes. Rather than saying that Chen Tian was fighting these two people, it was better to say that Chen Tian was warming up with these two people.

Ke Weisi is best at fast hitting. The so-called quick hit is a kind of attack with attack speed and instantaneous explosive force. This trick is very similar to Chen Tian’s state when he is red with his whole body red. Uncle Nian's attack method is quite satisfactory, and he can't see any routines and powerful strengths. It is likely to hide his own strength, but the simultaneous attack of these two people is not very tacit, and so far the main attack on Chen Tian is still the K. Vis.

The role of Kevis's slap is that the main file Chen Tian's frontal attack, although not yet to the extent of causing a fatal threat to Chen Tian, ​​but can positively block Chen Tian's attack on the rest of the people, after all, Ke Weisi against Chen Tian Chen's offensive speed is super fast, Chen Tian has basically changed from the beginning of the relaxed and comfortable fight to the degree that must be taken seriously. Even so, Chen Tian still does not use his two commonly used combat skills, precisely because of Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng saw that Chen Tian was not using his full strength, so they did not help him. They may have guessed that Chen Tian is now fighting both of them and he catches the cat and does not eat the mouse. Instead, he slowly Eat the rat after playing with it.

As for why Chen Tian is doing this, it is actually very simple. Chen Tian is already very proficient in using the blood control ability of the blood boundary, and Chen Tian has basically used the extreme he thinks so far. Turning itself into blood and dispersing all your own blood and group control, this powerful force must be turned on to use the state of the evil of the Heavenly Tribulation before it can be used. Moreover, there are many disadvantages and side effects when using it. The imperfection of repairing this trick, so he did not use the blood control ability.

In fact, this is not the reason why Chen Tian has not used the blood control ability. In fact, he can also use the red child ability to strengthen his body hardness speed and strength without using the blood control ability. Chen Tian’s blood control ability has been better than before. It's more than a hundred times stronger, Kevis's fast fight is only the same speed as Chen Tian's early awakening of the red child's power. If Chen Tian uses the red child state, it is definitely a powerful explosive force that the two of them can't resist. It really makes Chen Tian not use two abilities. The reason is that apart from the fact that Chen Tian’s blood control ability and Chi Zi’s power have been greatly improved, Chen Tian’s entry into the micro realm has also been changed from the previous junior ability to only detect things within 10 meters around him. More than three times, and more accurate detection of the opponent’s strength, Chen Tian also opened the micro realm at the same time when he spread the blood wings and fell in the air to block the five people’s way, and more accurately detected the strength of the five people. Once again, it was concluded that these people simply did not deserve him to use their abilities to fight against them, and Ye Minyu also said that the Quartet Alliance has been camping for many days not far from the field, and it will be officially launched soon, especially now that they are The intrusion of six people, Chen Tian feels that behind this is definitely not as simple as imagined. Once Chen Tian wants to fight against the enemy in the best condition, there is no need to be handsome with some people who are not as good as himself. Too much consumes one's physical strength, and Kuangqi now also wants to know to what extent he can use his own combat capabilities without using his two abilities.

So Chen Tian will fight Kervis and the middle-aged uncle so head-to-head, and it is precisely because he wants to know that since he can use the power of the red child and the ability to control blood, Chen Tian has not been really true for a long time. The front is hard to fight with the front. This kind of battle is actually Chen Tian’s favorite. After all, in the past, when he was a teenager, he used this lively fight to turn himself into a very famous little bastard, although Chen Tian didn’t want to be a little bastard, but at that time Chen Tian looked ugly and didn’t have any skills. It seemed that he had nothing to do except to be a bastard, and he was very capable of fighting. He was basically able to receive many orders. It was to help others in the business of how much money they paid. At that time, Chen Tian was really not sensible. It was a good thing to think that this kind of fight can reflect the domineering side of men's strength and make money.

At that time, Chen Tian thought so, but people would always grow up, so when Chen Tian was 20 years old, he could only choose to work. After all, joining the community was not really a very good fight, it was really possible Dangshang.hui. Big Brother, the real big brother is only rich and powerful. Chen Tian can only fight. After that age, his men who have mixed with him have also chosen their own jobs to find a way to live. Due to his ugly appearance, Chen Tian’s encounters with walls everywhere eventually led Chen Tian to do some hard work, leading to the desolation of the fighting talents that had been very good for several years. If it were not for Chen Tian’s late sister, I’m afraid not There will be Chen Tian who is so powerful today. If Chen Tian did not go to jail for his sister, he would not be selected by the God-making plan, and he might not have created such a strong Chen Tian.

At this time, Chen Tian may not want to waste too much time. After all, he has played with Kevis and the middle-aged uncle for three minutes, and the other three also want to escape through these two shots, but Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng They will not let the three of them escape like this. After all, they come here only one purpose, that is, to kill all these people. If they don’t run, they choose to fight with Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng They didn’t plan to help. After all, they felt that Chen Tian was enough, but these three didn’t help the other two. Instead, the behavior of abandoning his teammates for his own escape made Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng look down. And, Chen Tian originally wanted to kill these two blockers directly and then go to solve the three turns and fled, but at this time, Chen Tian did not expect Kervis to beat fast, just like Chen Tian Chizi. The characteristics, the instantaneous physique becomes stronger, the speed and power will explode at 3 o'clock, and all of their basic combat power will be instantaneous in a short time. It is precisely because of this that Chen Tiancai took a few tricks with the two of them. Chen Tian wanted to kill them directly. , But when Chen Tian saw that Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng had stopped the three men and dealt with them.

Of course, Chen Tian knows the strength of Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng. Although Xu Shun is not Chen Tian’s opponent, he is a man who can pose a fatal threat to Chen Tian. His strength is naturally not weak and the potential of Chen Tian also believes that Xu Shun is the same as himself. It's a potential stock for improving combat power, but Xu Xuan didn't dare to fight before, and his inner timidity is weak. As long as this is overcome, Xu Xun's true side is a strange person who is very talented in combat. The strong opponent is really similar to Chen Tian in this point, so Chen Tian will continue to train Xu Shun, so Chen Tian also gives great affirmation to Xu Shun’s combat power, and Ling Tianfeng’s fellow Chen Tiancong As soon as I saw this person, I felt that this person was not easy, so these two people and the three people played part-time and there was no difference between adults and children, so Chen Tian was very relieved.

Since Chen Tian is so reassured, of course, he wants to play two more minutes with these two people. After all, Kervis’s slap and the middle-aged uncle are desperate, and I naturally want to let them know what is called the strong and weak. Chen Tian has just been defending, even if the attack has not really hit the fatal part, and the way of punching is too simple, basically they can be avoided by the two, but Chen Tian just wanted to try it out What exactly do these two men have? By the way, look at the strength of their strength detected in the micro realm, and whether there is any deviation in the real battle. This is Chen Tian’s idea.

Therefore, Chen Tian has been trying and trying to make the other party feel that he is not strong and deliberately let himself leak a lot of flaws. All he needs is the other party to use their full strength to see the strength of the two people’s real strength, and use it with themselves. Into the micro realm to detect whether the strength and power of the two are the same. This is the main intention of Chen Tian not to use his own ability to fight the two for three minutes with the progress under normal conditions.

But now that Chen Tian has roughly understood the strength of these two people, and is sure that he has been greatly improved unconsciously, and now it is very accurate to measure the strength of the other party, so Chen Tian is unnecessary. After playing with the two of them, Chen Tian decided to let them know what is the difference in strength, so this time Kevez as the main frontal attack on Chen Tian was killed for the first time, he really felt Chen Tian’s The strength is at this level. Although Chen Tian’s normal combat Kevez may not be able to fight alone, but now the two have joined forces to siege Chen Tian, ​​and with the inappropriate cooperation just now, the two have joined forces. Chen Tian was not suppressed, but after all, the two men were not weak, so in a short period of uncoordinated combat, the combat cooperation of the two men was already very coordinated after only one minute, and Chen Tian had just crushed by his own strength. The two became flat or even. After Kevez used his real strength to fight, he struggled positively with Chen Tian to create a lot of opportunities for the middle-aged uncle who attacked Chen Tian from different angles, which could seriously hurt Chen Tian. Now, the match between the two is a bit similar to Ke Weisi responsible for fighting Chen Tian head-on, and it is the middle-aged uncle in his thirties who is nearly forty years old who is actually responsible for attacking Chen Tian.

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