365 plane takes off! Funny maid outfit

Su Hao didn’t have time to listen to his touts, so he walked into the airport with Xiao Qingxue.

Several staff members in the rear put the luggage in the trunk of the car and followed them with a cart.

The manager quickly chased after him.

“Master, you haven’t said which flight we are on?

Xiao Qingxue asked curiously.

Su Wu turned his head.

Glancing at Xiao Qingxue with a look like a fool, Fang said:

“Don’t you know our family has a private jet?”


The manager led the two through the VIP aisle.

Then take a limousine and come to the apron of the private plane of Su Wu’s family parked on the west side of the airport.

Ten flight attendants were waiting in front of the boarding gate. Seeing Su Hao getting off the bus, they all bowed respectfully and said:

“Young Master Su is welcome.”

Several captains also nodded their heads in the cabin.

“Young Master Su, we’ll deliver it here.”

The manager laughed.


Su Wu nodded, and then took Xiao Qingxue to the plane.

Since it is a private jet, the cabin is arranged like a small apartment.

There are places to eat, rest, play and work.

“Master Su, do you want to take off now?”

asked a flight attendant in a white uniform.


Su Wu nodded.

The flight attendant bowed respectfully and then entered the airport.

“Young Master Su, Miss Xiao, do you need anything to drink?”

The head stewardess also came to Young Master Su and asked respectfully on one knee.

“Give me an Americano with less sugar.

Su Wudao.

“Bring me a lemon tea. 99

Xiao Qingxue said.

“Okay, please wait a moment, I will fasten the seat belts for the two of you, and the drinks will be delivered to you after the plane takes off. I wish you a happy journey.

After the flight attendant finished speaking, she got up and bowed before leaving.

Su Hao glanced at Xiao Qingxue and asked:

“Why are you wearing a trench coat today? Isn’t it hot?

Xiao Qingxue said after Tsundere’s “hum”:

“I want you to take care of it.”

The engine of the plane started slowly.

The aircraft then taxied forward along the runway.

Finally, the plane took off after a noticeable vibration of the airframe.

Xiao Qingxue looked at the scenery outside the window.

Crowds, vehicles, and airports are gradually disappearing.

when reaching a certain height.

Can’t see the scenery below.

The cabin door opened, and the lead flight attendant came over with a tray.

She put coffee and lemon tea in front of Su Wu and Xiao Qingxue, and then asked:

“Young Master Su, Miss Xiao, do you need anything else?”

“No need.” Su Hao shook his head.

Xiao Qingxue said: “Go back, you will not come in and out without our call later. 99


The flight attendant looked at Su Wu at a loss.

The latter nodded at her.

The flight attendant pointed to a button on the seat and said:

“Then if you have any needs, please press this button, and we will come in immediately to serve you. I hope you two have a good trip and see you again.

When the back of the flight attendant’s 440 disappeared behind the cabin door, Su Wu turned his head to look at Xiao Qingxue and said with a smile:

“What’s your trick?”

Xiao Qingxue opened her seat belt and stood up, her cheeks were slightly red.

She lay in Su Wu’s arms and said delicately:

“Master, I’ve missed you for a long time. 99

Then she stood up and opened the windbreaker on her body, which turned out to be an interesting costume.

Xiao Qingxue hugged Su Hao’s arm again, and said in a sweet tone:



Su Wu chuckled and lifted her chin.

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