360 Su Qingge Soaks in Hot Springs! Ice and Fire

The two Yujian stopped by the hot spring.

Su Wu jumped down first, and then supported Su Qingge to the ground.

Su Qingge ran to the hot spring.

The area of ​​this hot spring is about 20 square meters.

The spring is spouting out this warm spring water.

Su Qingge reached out and tested the temperature, which was just right.

Surprised, he turned his head to Su Wu and said:

“Brother, the water temperature here is just right…

Saying that, he slipped down from the edge of the pool and said to Su Wu:

“Brother, you should come over and take a dip, it’s so comfortable. 97

Su Wu came to the spring with a light smile, took off his T-shirt first, and then jumped into the spring.

The water temperature was about 40 degrees, not too hot.

Su Qingge swam over in the water and said:

“Brother, there are a lot of springs here, and there are not many people around. How about we often come here to soak in the hot springs in the future?”

Su Hao looked around the surroundings.

This place is between several mountain peaks.

Invisibly became several barriers.

There are layers of ancient pine trees in the distance.

Showing a sense of silence and privacy.

Su Wu nodded, then put his head on the shore and looked up at the starry sky.

Su Qingge also imitated Su Hao and leaned beside him.

The sky is full of bright stars, and the surroundings are quiet.

She suddenly reached out to grab her brother’s arm.


Su Wu turned to look.

Su Qingge said: “It’s so quiet here, it feels like my brother and I are the only ones in the world, it’s like a paradise.

Speaking of which–

Su Qingge seemed to have thought of something, and became slightly excited.

She changed her posture and lay down in front of Su Hao, berating her big watery eyes.

“Brother, do you think we are now like a pair of heroes in the novel who are equipped with peerless martial arts, but are tired of the world of the world.

“In this place far away from the world, the quiet men ploughing and women weaving are only a couple of immortals?

Su Wu nodded lightly.


Su Qingge was even happier.

She jumped out of the hot spring, leaned behind Su Wu and said:

“Brother, are you tired today, how about a massage?

Su Wu chuckled: “Then look at your skills.”

Su Qingge put her hands on Su Wu’s shoulders and said softly:

“I have practiced.”

As she spoke, she poured her true energy into her hands.

Then he used the infuriating qi he had just obtained to press the acupoints on his shoulders for Su Wu.

Su Wu closed his eyes, raised his brows slightly, and said strangely after a while:

“Press well.

Hearing the compliment, Su Qingge laughed, looking very happy.

She suddenly remembered what “ice and fire” article she had read on the Internet.

Then he turned the real qi in his hand into frost and pressed it up.


Su Hao frowned, this little girl has something.

The extremes of heat and cold made him feel that his trip was worthwhile.

Suddenly, Su Hao splashed a handful of water behind him.


Su Qingge was stunned by the splash of water provoked by Su Wu, she reacted and started to make trouble.

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