352 Time with my sister!

Su Qingge turned around excitedly, and the bow and arrow were thrown directly to the ground.

“Yeah! Shot!

Su Qingge laughed and rushed over like Su Wu.

She looks like a child who just did something good and asks for praise.

“Four Two Three” Su Hao caught Su Qingge with a smile, raised it slightly in the air, and said with a smile:

“Okay, the first shot hits the target. 11

“It’s all well taught by my brother.

Su Qingge said, put her head next to Su Hao’s hand and squatted several times.

So one by one

Su Hao began to wonder if his sister is a cat, and she always likes to scold people when she acts like a spoiled child.

“I’m going to shoot again. 99

Su Qingge pulled up her bow and arrow after landing, then closed her eyes and said in a low voice:

“Please let me hit the bullseye with one arrow this time.”

Su Wu couldn’t help but let out a light smile on the corner of his mouth.

He held Su Qingge’s hand again and helped her bend the bow and arrow.


The long arrow pierced the air, and this time it was still hit.

Su Qingge hurriedly said to the horse trainer with the telescope:

“Look to see if you hit the bull’s-eye.”

“Miss Hui, this arrow hit the bullseye.

The smile on Su Qingge’s face was about to overflow.

She rushed towards Su Wu, then jumped in place and rushed towards Su Wu.

Su Wu hurriedly helped her behind him and rubbed her hair affectionately.

Su Qingge, who hung on Su Wu’s body like a little koala, shook her body gently and said coquettishly:

“Brother, am I amazing?

This arrow hit the bullseye, naturally Su Hao did it on purpose, but he didn’t plan to break it.

“Amazing, you’re a genius in archery, I’m thinking about whether to let you go to the Games, I can’t say you can win a gold medal and come back. 93

“I also want to ride and shoot, brother, take me to experience the feeling of riding a horse and shooting a bow.

Hearing this, Su Wu whistled softly.

BMW Xuejian, who was grazing on the grass on the other side, immediately raised his horse’s head and galloped over.

Su Wu patted his arm and said to Su Qingge:

“Hold up.”

Su Qingge hurriedly hugged and nodded vigorously:


Xuejian galloped past Su Wu.

Between lightning and flint.

Su Wu grabbed the horse’s reins.

Then the toes pressed hard on the ground, and the whole person took Su Qingge up into the air.

“Oh oh oh,…”

Several horse trainers were stunned,

Naturally, they have also seen elite knights on the Internet who can jump on horseback when the horses gallop past.

But where did they think of this method, and they could even jump on it with a person.

What’s more, it’s a galloping horse that runs so fast.

Su Wu landed on the saddle, his arms rolled up, and Su Qingge flew diagonally.

Su Wu stretched out his hand on her waist again, and put Su Qingge slowly in front of him.

Su Qingge landed on the horse’s back, her face slightly red.

She adjusted for a few breaths.

He patted himself lightly in front of him and sighed:

“Wow….well, I really like it.

Su Wu’s voice came from his ear:

“Bend the bow and shoot the arrow!

Su Qingge didn’t hesitate.

He immediately picked up the longbow at hand, and with the help of Su Wu, pulled the bowstring like a full moon.

0.3 “You can shoot arrows if you want!

Su Qingge took a deep breath and stared at the archery target in front of her.

She suddenly said excitedly:

“Give it to me!

The long arrow flew out and hit the center of the target.

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