347 Su Qingge is so cute! You will be sad when I get hurt

For a master like Su Wu.

With the help of Su Qingge, it is not too difficult.

He took a few steps sideways.

Then he opened his hand and helped Su Qingge in the posture of a princess hug.

“Four two three” “Well…it’s very risky.”

Su Qingge patted her chest and said so.

“Look at how timid you are.

Su Wu rubbed her head, then hugged her hand and moved:

“If you don’t get down, use my arm as a bed.”


Su Qingge made a face, whispered and jumped out of Su Wu’s arms, saying:

“It’s so stingy, I was almost torn apart on horseback just now.

“Let’s go, learn to ride a horse and give you a massage.”

Su Hao waved to the horse trainer who was watching.

Several people were watching with nothing to do.

Whether it is the level of horse training, or riding skills are much higher than them.

And I am thinking about why the gap between people is so big.

Seeing Su Hao suddenly waved to them.

In response, he hurriedly dragged the remaining black and red BMW over.

“Will Miss Su also ride a horse?”

the trainer asked.

“Well, she can’t ride, I teach her.

After Su Hao finished speaking, he walked around the two horses.

Some reached out and patted them on their bodies to feel their muscles and bones.

The trainer did not dare to introduce it.

After all, judging from what just happened.

Young Master Su’s level in all aspects is enough to be regarded as their teacher.

“This maroon horse is for you.

Su Wu took the reins of the red horse and led it to Su Qingge.

Su Qingge asked, “What’s its name?

The horse trainer hurriedly said: “Hong Chen.

Su Qingge stepped forward to learn what she just looked like.

Gently stroking Hong Chen’s horse head, he whispered:

“Hong Chen, Hong Chen, wait a minute, you have to be good and don’t throw me off the horse… 39

Su Qingge’s cute appearance made Su Wu laugh.

He stepped forward and patted Hong Chen’s horse’s head, and said with a chuckle:

“Why don’t you beg me, I’m making sure not to let it knock you off your horse.

“Even if you fall, I can catch you.”

Su Qingge immediately turned her head, grabbed Su Hao’s arm, and said coquettishly:

“I beg you brother, you are my favorite sister, if I get hurt, you will definitely be very sad,

“Stop being cute, get on the horse..

Su Wu smiled and shook his head, holding the reins.

The tall horse named Hong Chen slowly lay on the ground.

Gently squatted Su Hao’s legs with his head.

The few horse trainers in the back have already seen it.

Su Qingge mustered up his courage and got on his horse.

After riding, he held the saddle with both hands, looking delicate and cute.


Su Hao’s hand holding the reins moved slightly, and Hong Chen slowly stood up.

“Brother, I…

Su Qingge wanted to shout “I’m afraid”


But she didn’t want to disappoint her brother.

Abruptly, he swallowed the three words that had already reached his mouth by 0.3.

“What’s up?”

Su Wu looked up.

“Well, it’s okay, I can learn to ride a horse!”

Su Qingge held the saddle and said timidly but firmly.

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