325 Su Hao: You’re gone! Blame it for the poor quality

Su Wu reached out and touched the phone, opened it and found that it was half past nine.

Then flip through the news.

Probably some unimportant requests.

Su Wu didn’t reply directly, he believed that his subordinates could handle this trivial matter.

After replying to the messages sent by several of his women, he threw the phone aside and couldn’t help stretching his arms.


Perhaps Su Wu’s movements were too big, and Su Qingge in his arms slowly woke up.

She opened her eyes and lay on Su Wu’s chest for a while, then slowly got up, rubbing her eyes and whispering:

“Good morning, brother…”

Su Hao glanced at Su Qingge, then quickly looked to the other side.

“You’re gone.

Su Wu said softly.


Su Qingge muttered, then lowered her head and glanced at her chest.

Then his face turned red.

With his hands in front of his chest, he quickly stood up from Su Hao’s arms and ran out of the bedroom.

As he ran, he shouted:

“The quality of this broken pajamas is really bad, and it’s so expensive to buy, it’s a profiteer, profiteer!”

“Be careful not to fall.

Su Wu quickly reminded loudly.

in the eyes of outsiders.

Su Qingge is an iceberg goddess who is resolute and rational in her actions and always refuses people thousands of miles away.

But only when she was in front of her, she seemed to have changed.

Much like a little girl who is used to being spoiled by her elder brother, she is so quirky that people can’t help but spoil her.

A little hungry, Su Wu sat up from the bed and picked up the landline by the bed.

“Longteng International Hotel, may I ask Su Gongzi what do you need…

“Breakfast is here. 99

Su Wu didn’t listen to the other party’s nonsense.

“Okay, what flavor do you need?”

Su Wu held down the phone and shouted to Su Qingge:

“Qingge, what kind of breakfast would you like to have?”

There was no response from there after half a ring.

Su Hao had no choice but to speak to the microphone:

“Come all, be quick.


Su Wu hung up the phone.

I got up from the bed, moved my body a bit, and went straight to the bathroom to wash up.

After about twenty minutes.

……… ask for flowers…

Su Wu walked into the living room while wearing a bathrobe while wiping his hair.

Su Qingge was lying on the sofa and playing with her phone.

“Brother, today is Saturday, where are you going to take me to play?

As soon as Su Qingge saw her brother come out, she asked with a smile while still keeping her phone aside.

“Listen to you, you have the final say.”

Su Wu fondly rubbed her hair and said with a chuckle.

After sitting next to Su Qingge, he turned on the TV and tuned into the news channel.

“Da da da.

There was a knock on the door, followed by the voice of the manager yesterday:

“Master Su, breakfast is ready.”

Su Qingge got up and went to open the door, and then her eyes lit up.

About a dozen chefs in chef uniforms lined up.

Behind them are a number of food trucks of different sizes.

As soon as the door opened, the aroma of delicious food came out.

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