320 Rare happy life! The warm daily life of brothers and sisters

Su Wu noticed Su Qingge’s strangeness and asked aloud.

“Brother, I want to eat skewers.

Su Qingge turned her head, blinked her eyes and said:

“I suddenly remembered that when I was a child, my parents didn’t let us eat roadside stalls. If it wasn’t clean, then I would be greedy. Brother, you would often take me to eat roadside stalls secretly. 29


Su Wu smiled slightly.

Immediately turned around, the Porsche Imperial Super left the main road.

Slowly approached the roadside stall and parked in a parking space near the barbecue stall.

A luxurious sports car approached.

Immediately, the diners who had been drinking, eating and wearing clothes came to look at them one after another.


The door is open.

One left and one right down, a pair of handsome men and women are beautiful in heaven.

Immediately, the discussion became more lively.

Someone even whispered to the next person:

“Good guy, driving such a luxury car and bringing such a beautiful sister to eat at a roadside stall, this should be the noble man who came to experience life.”

The people next to him also compounded, and they probably all thought so.

“Hello, how many are there?

A waiter came over and asked.

“Two. 99

Su Wu replied.

“Okay… can you sit next to (bjad)?”

Su Hao looked over and saw a table near the road.

Although it is not exquisite, it looks clean at first glance, so I nodded.

The two sat down.

Su Wu handed over the menu to Su Qingge, the two of them rarely come to this kind of place.

Su Qingge ordered a few and let the waiter leave.

Anyway, what they want is this lively atmosphere, they can eat whatever they want, and they are not very hungry anyway.

“It’s not like that Italian restaurant, it’s so lively here.

Su Qingge smiled and looked around.

Late spring and early summer.

The weather was very cool, and although it was almost eleven o’clock, there were no less people.

The kebabs will be ready in no time.

The two chatted while eating, and the smiles on their faces never stopped.

“When I was a child, my brother accompany me to eat roadside stalls. Now, will you always accompany me to eat with me from now on?”

Su Qingge said coquettishly.

“Okay, we’ll never be separated for a lifetime.”

“You have to keep shouting with me, but don’t run away.

Su Qingge said again.

“I will always be with my sweetest sister.

Su Wu smiled silently.

When Su Qingge heard the words, her smile became brighter and brighter.

He gently shook Su Hao’s hand and said:

“My brother is so kind to me, will my sister-in-law be jealous in the future?

Hearing this, Su Hao chuckled lightly, reached out and scratched Su Qingge’s nose lightly, and said with a smile:

“What are you talking about, are you drinking too much red wine today?”

Su Qingge couldn’t help laughing when she heard the words.

At this moment–

A flash of electric light suddenly flashed in the sky, and then the thunder of “Rumble” sounded.

The next second, the rain poured down.

Su Wu took off his jacket to shelter Su Qingge from the rain, and took out a few hundred-yuan bills and placed them on the table.

He took his sister and walked towards the Porsche Imperial Super.

The waiter glanced at the one-hundred-yuan bill and was slightly taken aback, then responded quickly and said:

“Sir, I can’t use so much, I can’t use it,

Come to the parking lot and open the door.

After letting Su Qingge sit in, Su Wu himself came to the other side and got in.

Interior lights come on.

Both of them were soaked by the rain, looked at each other and couldn’t help laughing together.

This feeling is quite novel, but Su Wu did not use his strength to resolve it.

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