292 Wei Mi promises to help! The girl’s room

“what are you thinking?”

Mu Geran frowned.

After a pause, she continued:

“Am I that stupid in your mind?

“Also, if the liar is him, I’m willing even if everything is gone!

Mu Geran’s voice became smaller and smaller, and even disappeared in the end.

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s just that what you said is too mysterious, don’t say that I listened to these words, I am afraid that everyone will think so! 33

Honey sighed a little.

She is not stupid, she can naturally hear the deep love from Mu Geran’s words!

This is true love.

It is the kind of love that is not mixed with material things.

Even in retrospect, there was a burst of joy in my heart.

This kind of love is the most exciting, but with age, this kind of love becomes thinner and thinner!

But what he didn’t expect was that Mu Geran actually met.

“I know, but…I don’t want to lie to you, you are my best honey at 19, and even in my heart, you are already my relatives!”

“I endured really hard, that feeling of love blooming but not being able to speak, like a dam full of water, crumbling. 91

“But I can’t let it out, I feel very bad, so I want to tell you.

After Mu Geran finished speaking, he let out a long sigh of relief.

It can be seen that she has held back these words for a long time.

“Secret love? 91

The girlfriend’s expression was gloomy, and it was obviously also substituting into Mu Geran’s emotions.

“do not know!”

Mu Geran shook her head and looked into the distance through the window.

“Then does he know? 59

girlfriend asked.

“do not know!

Mu Geran replied.

“Is that so?

“Okay, I’ll help you!

this time one by one

Girlfriends fully understand the whole process before!

In this love, Mu Geran is at the bottom!

After getting this answer, Mi’s face became very ugly.


Because the person in front of you is Mu Geran!

The school flower from junior high school to university.

The love letters collected are enough to fill a room of more than 40 square meters.

A goddess who cannot be desecrated in the eyes of many boys.

but now?

Mu Geran is actually at the bottom in love!

Belonging to the giving party!

If those who pursued her knew this, their jaws would drop.

There are even many fanatics who will try their best to find Mu Geran’s boyfriend!

Thinking of this, Mi shook his head and couldn’t help sighing.

“What else can I do? I’ll help you!

Honey said a little helplessly.


Mu Geran revealed a surprised voice.

“Well, in fact, I also treated you as a relative a long time ago, so at this time, I will help you!”


Mu Geran’s voice trembled.

“Say that for what? Let’s get started!

finish talking

Honey directly opened the video call.

After connecting, Wei Mi immediately screamed.



“Mu Geran, you,

“What are you like?

Mu Geran was stunned for a moment, then turned up her camera and saw her appearance.

The original Mu Geran had beautiful long hair, pitch black as ink, like a waterfall descending from the Milky Way wine.

but now?

The long hair is like a chicken coop, a mess.

Looking at the video, Mu Ranwei Mi ordered decisively.

“Quick, go wash your hair and take a shower!

“Oh, by the way, how far is your boyfriend from your house?”

“Why ask that? I don’t know how far.”

Mu Geran stopped.

“I want to see how much time you have to prepare! Now, I can only wish you good luck!”

girlfriend said.

Mu Geran was silent.

“By the way, let me look at your living room.

Why do you ask?

Because a single girl’s room is not much better than a man’s.

Although there will be no socks and shoes littering, but there are definitely a lot of snacks after eating!

What’s more, Mu Geran was in a bad mood during this period of time, and the possibility of problems was even greater.


Mu Geran complied.

After the camera turned over, Wei Kuan breathed a sigh of relief.

“However, don’t pack yourself first, spread the sofa, sweep the floor, whether there is any fruit at home, and arrange it if there is, and,

soon one by one

Under Honey’s arrangement, Mu Geran quickly cleaned the house.

Mu Geran’s strange behavior naturally alarmed the ancestors who were meditating upstairs.

The old ancestor listened to the voice of the soldiers downstairs, and couldn’t help but mutter in his heart.

“What’s going on today? Why are you so diligent?”

finish talking

The old ancestor glanced downstairs.

The originally messy sofa was also paved.

The messy desks were also cleaned up.

There’s even a plate of fruit on top!

Seeing this, the old ancestor couldn’t help but think.

“Could it be that my family, Ge Ran, saw that I was in a bad mood recently, so he planned to improve the environment for me? 33


Why are there still flowers?

So beautiful. Why are you so familiar?

not good!!

The old man’s face changed greatly, and then he looked towards the balcony.

I saw the few elixir plants I planted on the balcony!

At this time, the thriving elixir seemed to have been robbed.

Flowers are gone!

The dirt is also messed up!

Another one even broke the basin 360!

Seeing this scene, the old ancestor felt a burst of heartache.

A pair of hands gripped the railing tightly.


The old ancestor used spiritual power unknowingly, and the iron railings were pinched flat.


Mu Geran, who was busy with her work, suddenly raised her head and saw the old man above.

And the old man also saw Mu Geran.

Four eyes facing each other.

Looking at the railing that was broken by himself, the old man was a little embarrassed.

Knowing that he had broken through the little girl’s thoughts, he sneered and turned his eyes away.

“I’m so strong, I didn’t pay attention, haha…

Looking at the old man’s appearance, he burst into laughter.

“It’s okay, I’ll find someone to fix it in a few days.”

Nodding, the old man nodded knowingly and asked.

“Is it the wind from the east or the west today, why did you suddenly clean up?

Hearing the old man’s question, Mu Geran’s face turned red.

Sorry hesitating.

“Father, which… Well, actually I want to tell you something.”

“What’s up?”

The old man probably guessed, and secretly said in his heart.

“For that boyfriend?”

He was shocked, and an inexplicable sourness arose in his heart,

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