Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 80: Can't see five fingers

After a round of saliva, the fighting rhythm escalated.

When Wu Qingchen reappeared in the lower lane, in the fog of war behind him, both sides of the line of the road had ambushed in advance for reinforcements: Saruto Sasuke, who was best suited to cooperate firsthand, and Tachibori Chiyoshi, who was best at single-handed killing.

Move, replenish, retreat, pull the line.

Yuzi, who was full of blood demon, appeared again, and the familiar tempo of harassment also began again. E jump card position, w dizziness, normal attack points, and the blood strip of Zahesun City dropped rapidly.

After the two signal points reminded, Sasuke Feisa help invisibly stick to Yuzi.

Stealth! Come out and chop! w halo! e dart! Electric volume!

The city of Zahesun controlled by Wu Qingchen also drank quickly and drove over the sake. The sound of the left mouse button and keyboard tapping in the bedroom suddenly became dense. The k & amp; r technology refined by 1700mvp was pure and green. The gun chased while the shot was fired. The chase was almost non-stop, and it clung to the head tightly without returning. The same jade who escaped with sake.

When the arrow tower was still halfway away, Oda army reinforcements were killed.

Ring jump! Asong w halo! e slow down!

The well-prepared coalition had also been killed from the woods.

d freeze!

Ape Fei Zuo, who accompanied Wu Qingchen to chase and kill Yuzi, helped to keep up.

e dart! Electric volume!

Wu Qingchen seized the opportunity and shot Yuzi in the last two shots, obtaining the first head of the coalition.

Stopped, Zahesun turned his gun and aimed at Asong, who had fallen into the siege, ready to harvest a second head.

At this moment, the situation was suddenly changed!

Stealth! Come out and chop! e straight hook!

Stealth! Come out and chop! r explosion! ed halo!

Flat a!


Oda Army's second wave of reinforcements appeared and took the life of Zahesun for the first time.

The situation is not good, lack of magic, less blood, skills cd, combined with the Apes flying Sasuke and Tachibana Chiyo immediately turned around, and the unrelenting Oda Army three people chased after each other, after a few seconds, Hattori Hanzo was bent Hook arrested Chiyoda Tachibana who fell behind. The three men of Oda slammed each other, and the joint party sent another head.

In the local small group battle on the bottom, four of Oda Army vs. three of the United side, the exchange ratio was 1: 2, and the United side failed again.

At this point, the game has been running for the seventh minute, Oda Jun has achieved 5 heads, and the United side has only a solitary "1" hanging under the name of Wu Qingchen, who has died four times.

This isn't working ... it can't beat it ...

Waiting longer and longer for resurrection, sitting in front of the computer, Wu Qingchen was a bit discouraged.


The training room, the podium, and the psychological team of the medical office always closely watched the changes in Wu Qingchen's expression. When Wu Qingchen's disappointment and frustration became more and more obvious, one by one white coats, they pressed the A button.

"Ding ..." "Ding ..." "Ding ..." ...

In front of the leader of the psychological group of the medical office, one green light after another, and the progress bar quickly crossed the threshold line drawn up during the three-day training session. The leader raised his head and nodded vigorously toward the host scholar who had been looking at this direction .

"Good!" The scholar immediately issued a new order: "Attention of all units, attention of all units, enter the second stage, enter the second stage! United Army, immediately implement the 2-1 plan!"


After receiving the order, the professional players of the United Army immediately entered the second stage lines in the teammate channel.

Teammate Channel:

"No, there are too many people across!"

"It's hard! Both the level and equipment are behind ..."

"It's normal, they're together."

"How to do it?"

Yeah, how to do it?

However, the teammates are still dead for help, and the small team battles are lost ... How to do it?

The class is backward, the economy is backward, the opposite is still 5 black, and he has died 4 times ... how to do it?

Watching the conversation between teammates, Wu Qingchen was also very confused. What else could he do? Under normal circumstances, this can already be conceded.

"Let's hold a group! You can only push!"

Hold a group?

One game averaged 60 minutes, and it took about 30 minutes to enter the team battle rhythm of Nobunaga's Ambition. From the first-Wu Qingchen to the game time in the upper right corner-started holding the group from the eighth minute?

8-minute speed push. Is this a tactic that was outdated five years ago?

The 8-minute speed push is not a passerby bureau at all, but an acquaintance group in a 5v5 appointment can use good tactics.

In the teammate channel, Li Huaqian asked Wu Qingchen instead of Wu Qingchen.

: "The speed push requires coordination. The opposite side is 5 black. Speed ​​push is even more disadvantageous, right?"

"Xinye needs to cooperate at all times. If we can't cooperate, the more we lose the more we get behind!"

: "I see! I'll come down!"

: "Okay, then hug the group early! At least lose faster !!"

Teammates: "...

Makes sense! Playing games is only as important as being comfortable! Hold the group early and lose early, you can get at least a few more heads!

Seeing the **** reason of Sasuke Fei Sasuke, Wu Qingchen couldn't help but smile, and all the "passers' bureau", "acquaintances bureau" and "outdated tactics" all retired.

: "Not necessarily lost! We will save Zahe as long as the Zahe develops, one shot on the opposite side."

"I see it! Just listen to you ..."

"Zhaga, come on!"

: "Well, all come down the road! Zahe pays attention to running! You stand at the end, but you can't stop if you can't hit!"

"Well, Zaga pays attention ..."


Teammates have already decided to protect themselves, what else can Wu Qingchen have?

Typing the keyboard, Wu Qingchen entered his decision on the team channel:

"Well, wait for me."

Resurrected again, Wu Qingchen walked out of the base camp and rushed to the front line.

When Wu Qingchen rushed to the next tower, next to the supply tent, Mao Liyuan went to Hojo early clouds, Tachibana Chiyoda, Saru Feisuke were already in place.

Wu Qingchen was no longer insignificant and embarked on the line.

After being in position and brushing soldiers, Yuzi, who had just been resurrected, also came over again after ten seconds.

The Alliance Army is still pre-empted by hero units with stealth skills.

Stealth! Come out and chop! w dizziness!

Oda Army has also been prepared for a long time, and the ape flying skills have not been used up, it has been controlled by Oda Army heroes.

w dizziness! e slow down!

Stealth! Come out and chop!

Saru Feizai's blood bar was reduced to half. When the three of Oda army were preparing for the next attack, all the heroes of the United Army rushed out.

Every other half of the screen, the most powerful field-controlling gross margin of the Shino game released a great move over a long distance.

t Holy light bomb, full screen dizziness.

In the woods, early clouds of Hojo, Tachibana Chiyo ring flickered and jumped into the battlefield.

t fire dragon, ring wound.

d fill dizzy!

4 electricity!

Beyond the small screen, Wu Qingchen controlled Zahe to turn on the sniper and stole the cold gun.

Wu Qingchen killed three times!

After the prompt of three kills, a series of assist messages were refreshed in a row, and the coalition army made a small fortune. The three heroes of Oda Army were killed and the group was destroyed.


In the training room, warm applause sounded again.

"Okay!" "Okay!" "Wonderful!" "Perfect!" "Wow!"

The fierce battle in just a few seconds was the brainchild of three days of intense training.

Five United Army heroes, as opposed to the three Oda Army characters, it is easy to win, it is easy to destroy each other, and it is easy to die without anyone.

However, it is not easy to get Wu Qingchen, who has been killed 4 times in a row, has the lowest level, the worst economy, and the lowest attack power, and still has pure physical output.

In particular, in order not to make Wu Qingchen feel strange, the three-kill achievement sent out must not be a hero who has only the last trace of blood skin left. Everyone deliberately does not attack and leaves the miscellaneous gun for him. Want to let Wu Qingchen control Zahe to attack the opponent, "just happened" to grab the head.

This means that the health, defense, and movement speed of each hero of the Oda Army; and the spell damage, physical damage, frequency of attacks, and special effects of each hero of the United Army. After repeated research, accurate calculations, and repeated drills, this team can arrange the movement methods and attack sequences of many heroes, and create a "coincidence" triple kill for Wu Qingchen.

A game is fierce enough, the time is less than 5 seconds, the details are strict, and the timing is also demanding. Or the performance, even for the 9 top professional players, is extremely difficult--

After three full days of training, the overall success rate of the combat execution group hovered between 60% and 70%.

Fortunately, Cangtian has no painstaking efforts. At the moment of actual combat, professional players are playing at a super level, and finally achieve their goals and complete success.

"Good job everyone!"

The academic in charge was also very excited, "The next steps continue to work hard to strive for the zero start of backup plan 3!"

"You kill us!" "Is this luck?"

"How could it be so smooth every time ..." "It's absolutely impossible not to start it all at once!"

The tactical execution platform was full of sorrows, and professional players protested again and again.

What is backup plan number 3?

Through Wu Qingchen's hard-to-dislike, and never irresistible, game style, improve fun, restore confidence, enhance pleasure, enhance the experience effect, so that Wu Qingchen soothes his emotions;

And "entertainment in education", Run Wu pointed out errors silently, instilled views, and guided reflection, so that Wu Qingchen made some necessary details on the outlook on life, values, and world formed in the past 20 years. Adjustment is an extremely important decision made by the United Nations Interim Committee on Meteorological Events.

From Wu Qingchen's extremely tense time, he has deployed a full one and a half hours. How can such an important plan be pinned on the super-level performance of professional players?

Warcraft Nobunaga ’s Ambition, which took place at 9 minutes and 17 seconds, was located on the bottom lane, and the code-name was "Node 7". Since Wu Qingchen needs to be killed three times in the plan, he must kill three, and he must kill three. Definitely three kills!

Professional players can perform at a high level and let Wu Qingchen "real" three kills, which is naturally the best.

And once players make mistakes, there will be developers of Nobunaga's ambition map based on the bottom layer, and developers of Warcraft games on the upper level, and start the backup plan 3 ...

The two teams worked at the same time, starting from the map design at the bottom and the game architecture at the upper level, directly locking the status of the three of Oda Fang, letting them enter the semi-invincible mode at the last 3% of the health, only by Wu Qingchen The controlled Zagasun city can complete the final kill!

All in all, in addition to Wu Tianfang's five and the United side's four, Wu Qingchen's opponents in this game also have map developers and game developers from the field—

——In other words, the black shop that Wu Qingchen entered into has been so dark that his fingers can't be seen. His opponent can be described in detail as:

A team of hundreds of people provided back-ups and trained for three days against this bureau. In addition to opening plans, there are also 9 top professional players ready to open.

Of course, there is a more than 10% chance that the off-site factors are open, and Wu Qingchen, who has been immersed in this old game for 8 years, will naturally form a certain degree of mind in the brain due to the rich game experience. Dissonance.

Because of this, the perfect performance of 9 professional players avoids unknown risks, which will make the team in the training room so excited.

"In short, keep the state and continue to work hard! Attention to the combat platform, the 2-1 plan, the next step, the joint side begins ..."

As the host scholar gave instructions, he quickly marked the documents in front of him.

Under the heading of the second stage of the second page: "Creating a specific difficult environment, highlighting the powerful forces of the hostile forces, forming a situation where unity is necessary to win, and forming a team with Wu Qingchen as the absolute core, with The unanimous decision and subsequent unanimous effort will help Wu Qingchen strengthen his sense of responsibility and willpower. "

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