Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 106: No "self"

At the end of the speech, the "door" made of branches was completely removed.

The bright fire shone into the tent, half-covering his eyes. Tamara and York looked down the light. Two torches were held up at the door, showing the figures of several people around them.

"Yeah, it's Los ... and Master Andre!"

The leader is Wu Qingchen. Two other serfs standing next to the barn, and two burdocks outside the village that have just arrived in the village of Aikeli, have fallen to the rear. At this moment, they are raising their palms in front of their noses. The fan is actually the little master Andrea in the church!

When the "door" was removed, it was heard that Wu Qingchen and his party should not be malicious. Tamara and York were not too alarmed, but they suddenly could not help but put away their hands when they came over so many uninvited guests. Beans.

"Tamara, you look much better."

Standing at the door, waiting for the two to pick up their beans and waiting for them to calm down, Wu Qingchen smiled at Tamara first, and then looked at her son: "York, you are here really, what I said just now Do you hear me clearly? "

How could it not be heard clearly?

Self-satisfaction and mother's "hunger" are no longer problems!

It was during this time that York was always hoping.

If someone in the village of Aikeli can meet this wish, in just half a month, Luos who has succeeded in cattle control, rewards and promotion has to be one of them.

"Yes, Los." Realizing that this was a matter of great importance to himself and his mother, it seemed very likely to be realized. When he answered, York clenched his hands tightly.

"Well, would you do me a favor?"

"Just as you ordered!" York agreed without hesitation.

"I have to tell you that there may be a little danger."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid!" From the quick reply, you can hear in a firm tone, that York is not afraid at all.

"Of course, there won't be too much danger." Wu Qingchen first gestured to Tamara with a soothing look, then stared at York again, and said solemnly, "But when I help, what do I say, you just What you have to do is listen to me. "

"Okay! I listen to you!"

"Okay ..." The conversation came here. Wu Qingchen beckoned. A burdock helper walked into the shed and handed a small packet to Tamara and York.


Standing at a distance of seven or eight meters from the tent, Little Andre stopped his arm that was constantly fanning in front of his nose, and looked at the tent with interest: York slowly opened the four corners of the cloth bag and saw the inside Another handful of beans, tears burst out of his eyes instantly.

Leave the beans to Tamara. In the latter's reluctant eyes, Wu Qingchen and his party left the tent with a torch, and another serf was added to the team.

Ten or more minutes later, in another messy building, after a similar process, the last serf working in a livestock barn joined Wu Qingchen's team.

At this time, the country trail was almost at an end, and the edge of the forest was already in front of everyone.

At this time, all the serfs knew what Wu Qingchen asked them to do.

Pick the honeycomb.

More specifically, the honeycomb was transferred from the forest to the field without harming the bees inside.

This is something unheard of.

However, this incident did not go against the will of the masters, and was endorsed by Andrei, and had already received the benefits of the beans in advance. At the same time, the Yorkers were relieved and did not mind spending one night with Wu Qingchen.

The reason to say "spend" rather than waste is because Wu Qingchen / Loss is quite prepared, and Wu Qingchen / Loss itself represents the miracle of the village of Akeli. No one can be sure. This is completely unprecedented. Children, in Wu Qingchen's hands, they must not succeed.

On the edge of the forest, somewhere is relatively open, next to a moderately tall tree.

Wu Qingchen motioned to everyone to stop.

Next, under the command of Wu Qingchen, the crowd first hung a sphere wrapped with straw, leaves, and rattan on a tree branch.

Next, next to another small tree not far away, the thin Yorker carried the sharp axe borrowed from the church, and began to practice under the guidance of Wu Qingchen to cut the thickness of the wrist in the least number of times and in the lightest way. Tree branches.

After a little more than an hour, two powerful burdock helpers started to put the axe and the trained York on the tree bark of the tree.

During this time, the other three serfs had been practicing holding long wooden poles, moistening the mud, trying to block the entrance to the "honeycomb".

When performing these exercises, no matter whether Wu Qingchen / Loss, the burdock helper, or the serfs, they were always dedicated and focused.

Looking at this scene, while taking another practice, Xiao Andre came to Wu Qingchen who was sweating, and suddenly said: "Los, you are right."

"What?" Wu Qingchen didn't quite understand what Andre meant.

"These serfs may indeed move the honeycomb," Andre said.

At noon, when discussing with Wu Qingchen, when he learned that Wu Qingchen planned to use a serf to move the honeycomb, Andrei was not very reliable.

The origins of family learning, whether in his own place or in the common ground of Acre, when he was with his father and brother every year, or with the priest to supervise the labor, Andrea had already become accustomed to the tricks of the serfs.

These lazy bones, when the work is usually not heavy, will be troubled by hand pains, foot pains, headaches, stomach pains, back pains, mouth pains ... there is no comfortable place all over the body.

In summer, once the work is busy, it will become even more uneasy. In order to escape the natural labor, these **** guys, chop their fingers, cut their toes, and do n’t frown. If there are only a few blinks of effort, these two-footed beasts will soon have the farm tools in their hands. "Inadvertently" broken.

Andre is such a delicate and difficult job, and "slaves" are so jerkish assholes, Andrei can hardly link the two together.

Until this moment, seeing the cost of using a few packets of beans by Wu Qingchen, he coaxed four serfs to death and tremblingly practiced. Now these seem to be quite complicated and meticulous. Andrei has to agree that Wu Qingchen's method is indeed a bit effect.

"But ..." Andre also had a question: "When the work is the heaviest and busiest in the commons, the teachers and supervisors will actually give the serfs more food. Why are they not so obedient?"

How do you say this?

Can I tell you, the Earth Staff has actually created a file for every serf who can collect information?

Did you tell me that the last 15 large-scale cleaning of livestock sheds, the "fifteen serfs" pointed out by myself, were actually the most difficult and most burdensome serfs in the village of Aikeli?

Can I tell you that the four serfs who stayed after the end of the house cleaning were themselves the weakest, most obedient, and least rebellious, based on their performance in labor and the observation methods trained by the Earth team? Is it the serf who is most appreciative?

"How do you say ..."

For the sudden and wild question of Little Andre, the Earth team could not prepare a speech for Wu Qingchen in advance.

As a result, Wu Qingchen stretched her voice and quickly turned her head, but she couldn't make up a good reason all of a sudden. Eventually, she could only end her groaning, and gave a random explanation: "Maybe ... a few serfs, especially Like to eat beans! "

"Well!" Andre nodded vigorously. "I also think it's very possible! Just look at what they eat!"

Andre continued with a look of disdain: "I don't know exactly what to eat in the barn ... But I just saw the beans you gave just now. You just turned around, York's mother, and Jia Reed's brother immediately stuffed it into his mouth and almost didn't choke him. "


That's because you didn't see Nina's eating!

Wu Qingchen looked at Andre: "No way, I'm too hungry ..."

"Maybe ... yes ..." Andre patted his palm suddenly: "The beans are much more precious than the black mud that serfs usually eat, so it was a pity for them to eat them!"

"Is it precious? It's just ordinary beans ..." Looking at Xiao Andre's eager expression, and then thinking about the information about this kid, Wu Qingchen had a bad association in his mind.

"Has it!" Suddenly thought of a good idea, Andrea's eyes lighted up: "So, let me tell the teacher ... let the church give you some beans."

Let the church supply me?

Ha ha……

Wu Qingchen was in her heart, gesturing with a small palm: "There aren't many beans ... forget it, don't need to supply me."

"Why not make up? You can eat as little as you like! Rest assured, this is for the honey of the church! And, anyway, we don't use the church's food anymore, directly from ..." Andre made nods towards the serfs: They deducted from the next ration! "


I knew you had the idea.

Wu Qingchen sighed secretly in her heart and said helplessly: "Deduct their rations? Don't you need to?"

"Why? Why not?" Andre looked at Wu Qingchen strangely: "They ate your beans!"

"It doesn't matter, I still have a lot of beans, forget it, Andrei ... leave their own rations for them to eat!"

"My own? My own?" As if hearing an extremely ridiculous statement, Andre frowned tightly: "What serfs have their own? They are already the property of the church and the lord, how can they have themselves? What about things? "

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