Chapter One Hundred and One

Seeing this scene, the faint hope that had just risen in the hearts of all the Yunyin ninjas present was extinguished in an instant at this moment!

Facing this man who was full of incomparably strange aura all over his body, they had already retreated at this moment.

Many people also raised their steps at this moment, wanting to do something, but… Even such a powerful Lord Thunder Shadow and Lord Kirabi could not be defeated.

What can you do if you go up yourself?!

Fear and despair filled the hearts of every Yunyin ninja at this moment, and Bai Yu’s strength made them fearful.

The shadow organization and others who were watching the battle on the sidelines also saw this scene, and their eyes moved slightly.

Every time they saw Bai Yu make a move, they would feel a little tremor in their hearts!

The strength of this guy … Simply not a ~ level with us!

Soon, the shaking stopped, and the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow also looked in horror in the direction where Kirabi flew out.

Just as he was about to make a move, Kakuto and Scorpion were also quick to block in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Lei Ying’s face also sank, and he said angrily:

“Hey, you guys… Mo Feng really wants to find death?! ”

As Lei Ying’s voice fell, I saw that Jiaodu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and said indifferently:

“Sorry, Shidai Meijing. Our task is to stop you and not let you interfere with our leader… Capture the eight-tailed man pillar force! ”

Hearing this, the scorpion on the side also grinned:

“Yes, Thunder Shadow! How about just let the two of us play with you again?! ”

As soon as the two of them said this, the fourth generation of Lei Ying also had a pause in their hearts.

The punch that was hit by Bai Yu just now, although it has almost recovered, but these two guys in front of him are not fuel-saving lamps!

It’s still a little difficult to solve the two of them for a while!

Gee, damn it!

Just as Lei Ying was thinking, he saw that Kirabi also appeared in everyone’s sight again.

And the corner of his mouth also had a faint blood stain, obviously the blow just now made him uncomfortable!

Seeing this scene, the fourth generation of Lei Ying also shouted anxiously:

“Are you alright, than?!”

As Lei Ying’s voice fell, I saw that Kirabi’s face also squeezed out a very reluctant smile, and spoke:

“It’s okay, don’t worry, big brother!”

“With this level of attack, you can’t do anything to me!”

As soon as the words fell, the Yaoi in Chirabi’s body also shouted in his mind:

“You idiot, I remind you to be careful, or rush straight up without a head!”

“If it weren’t for me, you would probably be dead by now!”

“There was obviously a chance to escape just now, why did you come back?!”

As Yaoi’s voice fell, I saw that Kirabi also grinned at the corner of his mouth:

“Sorry, Ah Ba! I can’t leave my big brother alone. ”

“If I leave, Yunyin Village will definitely be implicated because of this!”

“You know, they’re targeting the two of us!”

Hearing Chirabi’s words, Yao also fell silent instantly, and in Chirabi’s body, it was staring at the white feather in front of him at this moment.

Seeing that the Yaoi in the body did not speak, Kirabi also continued to speak in his mind:

“Sorry, Ah Ba! I made this decision on my own without considering your feelings! ”

As Chirabi’s voice fell, Yao also suddenly burst into laughter:

“What do you say, you idiot! It is because you are such a fool that I recognize you. ”

“Don’t carry all the burdens on yourself, don’t forget…”

“We are the duo of Yunyin Village!”

Saying this, Kirabi’s heart was already very touched, and when he was about to say something, he saw the Yao in his body continue to speak:

“Okay, let that little devil feel the real power of the two of us!”

That has been said, and it seems that I am a little too verbose to talk about it.

Thinking of this, Kirabi also nodded heavily, and a touch of determination appeared in his eyes under the sunglasses!

“Then make a bang and directly solve these guys in front of you together!”

Speaking of this, the momentum of Kirabi’s entire person began to change drastically, and a steady stream of tailed beast power frantically gushed out from his body!

Seeing this scene, the face of the fourth generation of Lei Ying also changed.

Than this guy… Do you want to…?!

Thinking of this, I saw that he suddenly roared angrily at the Yunyin people who had been killed behind him:

“Everyone, all retreat! Get out of here! ”

As the words of the fourth generation of Lei Ying fell, a large number of people also quickly came back to their senses, but the expressions on their faces were still a little confused.

What, what?!

What happened?! Could it be… Is it for us to run away?!

Just when these people were wondering, some slightly stronger ninjas also discovered that something was wrong with Kirabi!

“Did you say… Lord Kirabi he…?! ”

“Listen to Lord Lei Ying’s order, quickly retreat!”

Hearing the order, despite the doubts in his heart, Zhongyun Ren still took his own steps one after another and retreated sharply behind!

At this moment, everyone in the shadow organization also came to Bai Yu’s side in an instant.

I saw the scorpion muttering:

“This guy’s Chakra aura is different this time, even more violent than the previous two times!”

“That’s right, I feel it too, is it…?!”

Before Uchiha finished speaking, he saw Bai Yu smile slightly, and said lightly:

“One dozen seven, you are right, this guy is planning to tail the beast!”

When Deidara, who was on the side, heard this, he also grinned at the corner of his mouth:

“Huh?! Wouldn’t that be a good part of my art?! ”

Speaking of this, except for Uchiha Itachi, a look of excitement appeared in everyone’s eyes!

The next moment, I saw Bai Yu said lightly:

“You guys also retreat, Yao is not as simple as you think!”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, the scorpion also spoke suspiciously:

“You want to solve Yaoi alone?! Don’t forget, there is also a four-generation thunder shadow next to it! ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Bai Yu with some doubt.

I saw Bai Yu’s eyebrows raised slightly, and he chuckled and said:

“I have a sense of proportion, you guys leave quickly!”

Seeing Bai Yu so persistent, everyone was not good to say more, after all, this guy could not look at him with ordinary eyes.

Thinking of this, several people also stopped talking nonsense and retreated towards the back one after another!

Uchiha Itachi also glanced at Bai Yu with deep eyes, and then left.

Perhaps, this time, you can see with your own eyes the scene where Bai Yu fights with all his strength!

At this moment, suddenly, an exceptionally powerful and ferocious aura burst out from above Kirabi’s body!

Eight huge octopus tentacles also grew wildly from behind them in an instant, bursting out!

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu’s eyes also moved slightly, looked at the thunder shadow on the side, and chuckled:

“Oh? Lei Ying, why aren’t you leaving?! ”

“Do you want to play two?! To be precise… It should be three to one, right?! ”

“In that case, isn’t there something for me… Isn’t that fair?! ”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, I saw that the fourth generation of Lei Ying also grinned at the corner of his mouth:

“It’s not shameful to deal with a guy like you.”

“On the contrary, you should feel honored!”

When the words fell, Kirabi’s figure had disappeared, and in its place was a giant bull with octopus tentacles!

The moment it appeared, an invisible huge sense of oppression instantly descended between the entire heaven and earth!

Even Bai Yu couldn’t help but look at the behemoth in front of him!

And at this moment, the Yunyin ninjas had retreated to safety, and their faces changed instantly when they saw this scene!

Looking at the huge beast, the depths of many people’s eyes still revealed a look of fear that could not be concealed!

Although he knew that Kirabi still retained his meaning, despite this, some Yun Ren couldn’t help but feel afraid in their hearts!

In an instant, countless Yunyin ninjas were also a little pale and terrified!

On the side, the fourth generation of thunder shadows flashed a sharp color in their eyes, and their eyes stared closely at the white feather in front of them.

After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice:

“Give up, young man! The power of Yaoi is not as simple as you think! ”

“Since you have your eyes on Kirabi, prepare for death!”

As Lei Ying’s words fell, I saw that Bai Yu’s purple eyes also narrowed slightly, and then grinned:

“Sorry, Lei Ying, since I received money from others, I must complete the task!”

The words just fell, and he didn’t wait for Lei Ying to react!


Suddenly, the huge tailed beast Chakra instantly burst out from the body of the eight tails!

“Roar!!!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A huge roar also emanated from his majestic body.

Immediately afterwards, countless hurricanes spread violently towards the surroundings, directly overturning everything around!

Direct clearance!

However, even in the face of this powerful storm, the figures of White Feather and Thunder Shadow still stood quietly in place, not moving!

After a few moments, the storm stopped.

The smoke and dust continue to sweep around for a long time!

Everything around has been blown away, and at this moment, around Yao, only the fourth generation of Mei Thunder Shadow, and White Feather.

At this moment, under the eight-tailed bull ghost, Bai Yu and the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow stood opposite each other.

Looking at the white feather who always had a faint smile on his face, Lei Yingai also stared, and his face was extremely gloomy.

After a moment of silence, I saw Lei Ying speak in a deep voice:

“Little ghost, it’s three against one now, you have no chance of winning!”

As Lei Yingai’s voice fell, Bai Yu still had a faint smile on his face and spoke:

“Fourth generation of Lei Ying, I don’t know where exactly you got your confidence, why… Always make me give up?! ”

Hearing this, the fourth generation of Lei Ying was also slightly stunned, and then continued to say in a deep voice:

“Forget it, anyway, I can laugh now!”

As soon as the words fell, I saw that the eight tails in front of Bai Yu were also waving the huge octopus tentacles, and at an extremely fast speed, they smashed directly towards Bai Yu!

At the same time, Kirabi’s voice also suddenly came from the body of the Yao in front of him!

Ask for flowers

“Big brother, don’t talk nonsense with this guy, watch me beat him!”

The huge tentacles also carried a furious hurricane towards the white feather!

However, at the moment when he was about to touch Bai Yu.

His figure suddenly snorted, directly turned into an afterimage, and disappeared in place!


The huge tentacles hit the ground without any spare force, and the earth trembled!

The ground was directly smashed out of a huge deep pit!

And the Yunren who were watching the battle from afar were also watching intently at this moment.

“I hope that this time, the fourth generation of Lord Thunder Shadow and Lord Kirabi will be able to repel that shadow organization!”

“Absolutely, absolutely! The two brothers will definitely be able to defeat them! ”

“Hmm! Don’t worry, such a battle is not something we can interfere in! ”

All the Yunyin ninjas were cheering each other up at the moment.

Although there is no shortage of strong people among them, there is no way, this is no longer a battle between normal ninjas!

One can only expect the victory of Thunder Shadow and Kirabi in my heart.

And the other side at this time, after a shot down.

Yao did not continue to attack, but there was a little solemnity on his face.

This guy named Bai Yu was too fast, such an attack could not hit at all!

In this case, it can only cooperate with the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow to launch an attack, so there may be some chance.

Thinking of this, Chirabi was also about to speak, but saw that Bai Yu also grinned at the corner of his mouth:

“This is the eight-tailed cow ghost! It’s bigger than you expected! ”

When the words fell, Bai Yu also raised his head slightly, and his eyes that emitted a lilac light narrowed slightly.

Seeing this, the eight-tailed bull ghost suddenly also made a sigh, and then said in a deep voice:

“Little ghost, you don’t seem to have figured out the situation at the moment!”

“I saw it in Bi’s body, you do have some skills.”

“But then… What are you going to do?! ”

As soon as these words came out, the fourth generation of thunder shadows also froze, and a violent blue thunder and lightning burst out again on his body!

Obviously, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow is ready to strike at any time.

Just after Yao said these words, I saw a faint smile suddenly appear on Bai Yu’s face, and said with a smile:

“You ask me what to do?!”

“To deal with a monster like you, naturally you have to use monsters to solve it!”



Solve with monsters?!

As soon as these words came out, Lei Yingai and Yao also looked at each other at the same time, a little unable to understand the meaning of Bai Yu’s words.

Could it be… What other powerful hole cards does this guy have?!

Thinking of this, the face of the fourth generation of Mei Lei Ying was also gloomy to the extreme, and said coldly:

“Hmph, are you still pretending?! If you really have any hole cards, why don’t you just use them in the first place?! ”

“Extremely arrogant little ghost, let me see what else you are capable of!”

When the words fell, Lei Ying was also ready to attack directly!

And at this moment, I saw that the white feather on the opposite side not only did not pay attention to him, but his hands began to seal quickly!


Seeing this scene, the opposite Thunder Shadow and Yao were also shocked.

That seal is…!

At this time, Bai Yu raised his eyes slightly to look at the majestic body of the eight tails, and chuckled:

“You guys are a bit too much nonsense.”

“Next, let me show you… My tailed beast! ”

Saying that, Bai Yu also leaned down sharply, and the palm of his right hand was directly attached to the ground.


However, after hearing Bai Yu’s words, the four generations of Thunder Shadow and Yao were also instantly stunned.

In the hearts of the two, the same doubt also arose at this moment.

What did he just say?!

To show us… His tailed beast?!


Thinking of this, Yao is also completely stupid, how can he not feel the breath of a tailed beast?!

Are you kidding?!

Even the fourth generation of Lei Ying was a little confused, and he couldn’t feel any different aura about this guy in front of him.

And at this moment, everyone in the shadow organization who had retreated into the distance was also a little confused when they saw this scene.

“Chief, what is this for?! That posture… It’s psychic, right?! ”

Deidara said with some doubt.

And the scorpion on the side also nodded his head.

It was indeed the seal of psychic, and he could see it clearly.

However, he couldn’t think of what kind of psychic beast could compete with the tailed beast in front of him.

And Uchiha’s eyes were also full of doubts.

His eyes were staring closely at the white feather over there.

And at this moment, there was no huge white smoke rising like ordinary psychic techniques.

Instead, in Bai Yu’s palm, a black rune formation appeared, spreading towards the surroundings like lightning!

The next moment, it began to emit a faint purple light.

Seeing this scene, I saw Bai Yu grinning at the corner of his mouth and chuckling:

“Then next, please don’t blink!”

“Come out!”

Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King Ming Xiao!.

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