Chapter Eighty-Seven

This sudden voice also startled Kakashi Kiki.


Who is it?!

Don’t…… Is it a reinforcement from the fourth generation of wind shadows?!

Well, if that’s the case, then things get even more troublesome!

One fourth-generation eye wind shadow is enough, and another one is undoubtedly worse!

Realizing this, the expression on Kakashi’s face became even more solemn.

Luo Sha on the opposite side was also slightly stunned after hearing this familiar voice, and then saw him grin and speak:

“Coming?! It seems that your side has already dealt with it! ”

“White feather!”


As Luo Sha’s voice fell, Kakashi on the opposite side also trembled in his heart!

What the?!

White feathers?!

Thinking of this, I saw that Kakashi Kiki’s pupils also shrank, and he couldn’t believe his ears.

The wall of earth flow in front of him slowly sank into the ground, and Kakashi was also quickly looking towards Rasa on the opposite side.

But he didn’t see Bai Yu’s figure.


Realizing this, he saw him look up sharply, and a figure in a black robe came into his eyes.

Seeing that incomparably familiar face, Kakashi Kiki was also shocked!

It’s really … That guy?!

Why is even this guy…?!

Just as Kakashi was thinking, he saw the white feather in the middle of the air say faintly:

“Yo, long time no see! Kakashi…”

After speaking, I saw that the corners of his mouth slowly hooked a subtle arc, looking down at Kakashi condescendingly.

As Bai Yu’s words fell, I saw that Kakashi’s eyes were also full of disbelief, and he had even stopped breathing!

Even he, who has always been calm, was a little lost in concentration at this moment.

That guy, why did he join forces with Shayin?!

Could it be that in his eyes, there are only interests left?! “Zero five three” no, no! More importantly than this, that guy…

Why can I fly?!

Kakashi also reacted suddenly, and Bai Yu’s body floated strangely in mid-air without the help of any external force!

What exactly is he… How did you do it?!

Have you learned some kind of secret art?

Realizing this, the expression on Kakashi’s face was also solemn.

Judging from the words of the four generations of Wind Shadow just now, these two people are indeed cooperative at present!

Just as Kakashi was thinking, Haku also slowly fell to the ground on the side, looking at him indifferently.

Looking at Kakashi’s somewhat lost appearance, Bai Yu also smiled slightly and spoke:

“What’s wrong, Kakashi. Seeing me again, you seem to…”

“Aren’t you very happy!”

As Haku Yu’s voice fell, Kakashi also came back to his senses, stared closely at Hakuba not far away, and said with a trembling voice:

“Bai Yu, you guy, why did you join forces with Shayin Village?!”

“This used to be your home!”

“Why… Will you look like this?! ”

In the end, Kiki Kakashi was also getting more and more excited, almost roaring out loudly!

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu was also slightly stunned.

Obviously, Kakashi looked so excited, he also saw it for the first time, even in the original book, he rarely saw him like this.

Seeing this, Luo Sha on the side also grinned at the corner of his mouth and said to Bai Yu:

“Oh, right. You were also from Konoha before! ”

“Could it be that you two used to be companions?! Seeing his former partner actually destroy his home at this moment, it is no wonder that he is so excited! ”

Speaking of this, I saw Luo Sha pause, suddenly looked at Kakashi on the side, and continued to speak:

“No more nonsense, Kiki Kakashi!”

“He’s already, not your Konoha Village’s White Feather!”

“Now he’s the leader of that shadow organization!”

As Luo Sha’s voice fell, I saw that Kakashi Kiki was also trembling!

The shadow organization in Luo Sha’s mouth, how could he not know?!

That mercenary organization that is famous throughout the ninja world—Shadow!

And when he knew that the leader was Bai Yu, he was also very surprised in his heart.

And now, White Feather. Just like that, stand in front of him.

Looking at the once incomparably familiar figure in front of him, Kakashi’s eyes also showed a strange emotion.

However, just as Kakashi was thinking, Hakuha’s voice slowly reached his ears, interrupting his thoughts.

“All right, Kakashi!”

“Just like the fourth generation of Wind Shadow said, no need to talk nonsense with me anymore!”

“I have long been aware of this so-called home of yours…”

“There is no nostalgia!”

Speaking of this, Bai Yu’s face was still flat, and there was no change, only to see him pause, and then spoke:

“I think you also know what I’m fighting for!”

“The reason why I joined forces with Sunahide to attack Konoha is just to collect money to do things!”

As Bai Yu’s indifferent voice fell, before Kakashi could react, Luo Sha on the side also laughed:

“Didn’t I tell you, Kiki Kakashi!”

“For this plan to attack Konoha, we have made full preparations!”

“What you said just now, I will also return it to you!”

“Give up, you Konoha, there is no chance anymore!”

“After all…”

Speaking of this, I saw that Luo Sha’s face was also instantly gloomy, and looked at Kakashi Kiki and continued to speak:

“Your Hokage-sama, already… Dead! ”


As soon as these words came out, Kakashi Kiki’s pupils shrank suddenly, his breathing began to become rapid, and he said in disbelief:

“You, what do you say?!”

“No kidding, that’s the third generation known as the strongest Hokage!”

Hearing the news of the death of Sarutobi Ri from Luo Sha’s mouth, Kakashi Kiki also trembled in his heart, although he said that he didn’t believe it.

But his heart began to tense at this moment.

Naruto-sama, he… It’s true……?!

Before Kakashi could think carefully, he saw that Luo Sha on the opposite side also continued to speak:

“When I came over, your three generations of Hokage fought with this white feather!”

“By the way, there is another one!”

“His once most proud disciple, one of the legendary Three Shinobi! Big Snake Pill! ”

As soon as these words came out, Kakashi on the opposite side also took a breath and froze completely!

After a long time, he turned his head stiffly and looked at Bai Yu on the side.

If what he said was true, then Bai Yu’s appearance here at this moment could only mean …!

Thinking of this, Kakashi did not dare to continue thinking about it.

Soon, he also suppressed the horror in his heart, stared at the white feather on the opposite side, gritted his teeth and spoke:

“Bai Yu, you guy… Actually! ”

“Killed Naruto-sama!”

As Kakashi’s voice fell, I saw that Bai Yu was still just indifferent, and did not pay attention to the words in Kakashi’s mouth at this moment.

Seeing the expression on Bai Yu’s face, Kakashi’s gaze instantly became disgusted.

Although he knew that with his current state, if he wanted to defeat the two people in front of him, he would undoubtedly hit the stone with a pebble!

But, at least…

Also drag reinforcements to rush over and kill these two guys!

Thinking of this, Kiki Kakashi has forced himself to calm down!

Ninjas, at all times, must remain calm!

Three generations of adults, as the pillars of the village, have fulfilled his responsibilities and even paid with their lives for it!

Then as his subordinate, I absolutely can’t… Abandon!

Luo Sha’s words undoubtedly said more information.

This attack on Konoha, in addition to Sand and the white feather in front of him, there is also a very troublesome character!

Another S-class rebel of Konoha – Orochimaru!

But the situation in front of him no longer allowed him to think about it, if only Luo Sha was alone.

But now there is another more troublesome character, Bai Yu!

Before he left Konoha, the strength was above himself!

After so many years, I don’t know what his strength has reached! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Thinking of this, Kakashi’s face was already difficult to see the extreme!

Even he couldn’t think of any way to deal with the two people in front of him at the same time!

And just as Qimu Kakashi was thinking, I saw that Luo Sha also spoke towards Bai Yu:

“That’s right, White Feather! Why didn’t you see that guy from the big snake pill?! ”

“Could it be… Have you already slipped away?! ”

Luo Sha didn’t believe that the big snake pill that had always been sinister and vicious would come to the aid of Sha Yin.

Since Ape Flying Sun is dead, it means that his purpose has also been achieved!

So, that guy should have retreated!

Realizing this, Luo Sha also gritted his teeth, but soon, his face also returned to calm.

But fortunately, Bai Yu is still here!

With such a powerful combat power as him, this invasion plan against Konoha is already stable!

As for the big snake pill… Just let him go!

Thinking of this, Luo Sha’s heart also began to get a little excited!

Victory is just around the corner, and after this time, the rise of Shayin Village is just around the corner!

The once miserable Shayin Village is finally going to be completely brilliant in the hands of its own four generations of wind shadows!

After a little cooler in his heart, Luo Sha also looked at Bai Yu with some doubts as if he suddenly realized something, and said:

“By the way, why did the big snake pill retreat, and you still stay here?!”

“Could it be… Did that guy from Orochimaru ask you to help me?!” ”

As Luo Sha’s words fell, the corners of Bai Yu’s mouth slowly evoked a weird smile.

Seeing this scene, the fourth generation of Wind Shadow Luosa was also slightly stunned, and said in doubt:

“What’s wrong? Do you have another task?! ”

At this moment, Luo Sha was still completely unaware that danger was quietly approaching him!

I saw that Bai Yu also raised his eyes slightly to look at Luo Sha, and said lightly:

“Yes, I do have one more task to complete.”

“I am also here to bring this war to a successful end!”

As soon as these words came out, Kakashi on the opposite side was also stunned, and then looked at Bai Yu vigilantly…

This guy… Are you going to make a move?!

Put an end to this war?!

What does that mean?!

Obviously, Hakuha’s words also made Kakashi a little confused, and did not understand what he meant.

Luo Sha, who was next to Bai Yu, was overjoyed and said excitedly:

“Yes, if that’s the case, then trouble you… Do it! ”

Speaking of this, Luo Sha also completely put down his heart, since Bai Yu is going to make a move, then there is nothing wrong with him!

Although this guy in front of him had done something that made him feel extremely angry before.

However, as long as you successfully take Konoha this time, then the previous things can be written off!

However, at this moment, I saw a cold flash in Bai Yu’s eyes.

The next moment, his hands were also instantly covered with a strong white air pressure cover!


And Kakashi, the flag on the opposite side, was also stunned when he saw this scene.


Is that…… What is it?!

Why, there are no signs of Chakra flowing?!

Thinking of this, Kakashi was completely dumbfounded.

Why did so many mysterious things appear on Bai Yu’s body after a few years?!

Not only can he fly, but now even this technique he used has never been seen!

Even…… I haven’t even heard of it!

Kakashi also swallowed his saliva involuntarily at this moment.

Although he didn’t feel how huge Chakra was on top of it, this technique gave him the feeling!

Very dangerous!

Realizing this, Kakashi Kiki also quickly began to think about countermeasures in his mind.

And at this moment, I saw Luo Sha also grinning at the corner of his mouth:

“Are you going to use that trick again?!”

“Don’t completely destroy this place, after all…”

“I still want to make this my new territory in Shayin Village!”

As soon as these words came out, Kakashi on the other side also suddenly realized something! With a trembling voice, he spoke:

“Difficult, is it…?!”

“The previous destruction, yes, he caused it?!”

In Kakashi’s mind, the picture just now also instantly appeared, the huge white ball of light, almost leveling the entire Konoha!

Thinking of this, Kakashi’s heart was also horrified!

His face was also pale in an instant, and sweat was like rain!

The expression on his face was almost completely sluggish!

However, at this moment, the abnormality suddenly happened!

I saw that Bai Yu, also at a strange speed, directly punched towards Luo Sha next to him!


Feeling the strong wind coming from, Luo Sha was also shocked, and his brain was blank!

This guy… What’s going on?!

Why…… Will suddenly attack me?!

However, the scene in front of him was too late for him to think about it!

Bai Yu’s fist covered with white light was already close at hand, and this scene also made Luo Sha’s hair stand up in an instant, and he was terrified!

Frightened spoke:

“Bai Yu, you…!”

However, before he could finish speaking, Bai Yu’s fist directly hit 1.2 on his body!

This sudden change also made Kakashi on the other side completely stupid.

This is…… What’s the situation?!

Aren’t they allies ?!

Why would that guy from Bai Yu suddenly launch an attack on Luo Sha?!

However, just as he was thinking, a crisp glass breaking sound suddenly came!


White cracks spread like lightning!

And Luo Sha’s body was also directly knocked to the ground by this punch!

The power of concussion that suddenly poured into his body made him miserable.

What followed was that violent shaking, and the entire Konoha Village began to shake violently!

The ravines also spread from under Bai Yu’s body towards the surroundings extremely quickly!

In an instant, countless storms carried smoke and dust into the sky!

Seeing this picture, Kakashi on the side also shook violently in an instant, and froze directly!

What exactly is this… What kind of power ?!

Those cracks… What’s going on again?!

One punch of his can actually cause such a powerful destructive force?!

The white ball of light just now, is it too?!

Bai Yu, this guy, actually has… Is it so strong?!

After the shaking lasted for more than ten seconds, it also slowly stopped.

As the smoke and dust dispersed, Luo Sha’s body was already covered in scaly wounds, and blood splashed out!

His eyes widened in disbelief, his pupils constricted, and his eyes were full of despair and fear.

I saw him staring at Bai Yu with dead eyes, and said with difficulty:


Before he finished speaking, he also tilted his head and completely lost his vitality.

The poor fourth generation of Eye Wind Shadow Luosa has not figured it out until death.

Why, Bai Yu would suddenly strike at him.

And now, he has no chance to think anymore!

Four generations of wind shadow Luosa.

Completely dead….

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