Two days later, the Land of Fire.

Inside Konoha Ninja Village.

Konoha Village, which is calm on the surface, is shrouded in conspiracy at the moment.

What everyone doesn’t know is that a terrifying storm is coming!

At the moment, inside the Hokage’s office.

Sarutobi was flipping through the documents on the table, carefully examining them.

At this moment, the door of Hokage’s office slowly opened, and two old figures slowly walked in.

The visitors were none other than Konoha’s two senior advisors, Koharu and Mizuto Menitu.

At this moment, the expressions on the faces of the two were a little serious.

Seeing the arrival of the two, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also spoke in a deep voice:

“What’s wrong, has something happened?!”

I saw the two slowly shake their heads. Immediately Mito Menyan said lightly:

“We came to see if that guy from Tuanzo wasn’t here.”


As his words fell, Ape Flying Sun was also slightly stunned.

Listening to Mito Menyan’s words, it seems that he has indeed not seen Danzo for a while.

Since the last time he was injured by Bai Yu, he has only been seen twice.

Thinking of this, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also fell into deep thought.

Don’t…… Was it the last time I was beaten with some psychological shadow?!

After a moment of silence, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also raised his eyes slightly, looked at the two people in front of him and said in a deep voice:

“I haven’t seen him for a long time, it should be in his own base camp.”

“Are you looking for him, what’s the matter?!”

“It’s nothing, but I haven’t seen him for a long time, and I went to him a few times and didn’t see him, so I’ll ask you.”

Koharu also said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also nodded slightly, and spoke:

“Then after I’ve finished dealing with the matter at hand later, let’s go see him together.”

Just as Ape Fei Richo was about to continue to deal with the work at hand, he was slightly stunned, as if he suddenly remembered something, and whispered to the two people in front of him:

“By the way, Menyan, Koharu! The intelligence department has not detected any news recently, right?! ”

Hearing the words of the ape flying sun, the two also looked at each other, a little puzzled.

After a moment of silence, he also immediately reacted to what the words in Ape Fei Ri’s mouth meant.

I saw Mito Menyan say lightly:

“Hinata, the matter of Uchiha’s extermination should not have spread out12, otherwise Konoha would have been attacked by other villages by now.”

Since the day Uchiha was exterminated, Sarutobi also blocked the news at the first time.

But despite this, he was still not at ease, so he asked about the movements of other villages every few days.

Hearing this, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also nodded slightly, and after a moment of silence, said in a low voice:

“Keep watching, the current Konoha hasn’t eased up yet, it will take a little time.”

“If other villages join forces to attack at this time, it will be bad!”

Looking at the solemn expression on Ape Fei Richo’s face, the two also nodded lightly and did not say anything more.

After a moment of silence, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also continued to speak:

“That’s not what worries me the most. What I’m most worried about right now is that guy! ”

As his words fell, Koharu and Mizuto’s expression began to become solemn.

The guy that Ape Flying Sun said in his mouth, of course they knew who it was.

Konoha S-class Rebel Shinobi – White Feather!

His danger level was even above another S-class rebel, the Great Snake Pill!

Just as the two were thinking, they saw Ape Flying Sun Chopper continue to say in a deep voice:

“I think you can guess who I’m talking about. That guy has also been becoming more and more active in the ninja world recently. ”

“According to the news from the intelligence department, that guy founded a mercenary organization called Shadow!”

“Moreover, he was also involved in the last incident of Uchiha’s extermination.”

Hearing the words of the ape flying sun, the two also frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice:

“So, what exactly is his purpose?! What was the motive for participating in the Uchiha extermination incident last time?! ”

When the words fell, I saw Ape Fei Ri slowly shook his head.

In his cloudy eyes, an incomprehensible expression was revealing.

After a moment of silence, I saw him slowly stand up and walk to the window, and spoke:

“His purpose, I don’t know. But if it was aimed at Konoha, then after Uchiha’s incident, it should have been done long ago. ”

“But… Until now, nothing has been done to Konoha. ”

Sarutobi stared out the window and fell into deep thought.

I don’t know why, at this moment, a sense of foreboding suddenly rose in his heart.

At this time, a dimly lit basement.

Shimura Danzo, who was half covered in white bandages, was sitting in an old chair, closing his eyes.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he is waiting for something.

And right at this moment.

A figure instantly appeared beside him, and then knelt on one knee, bowed his head and said respectfully:

“Master Tuanzo, the Great Snake Pill is ready to start acting!”

When the voice of the figure fell, Shimura Danzo’s closed eyes slowly opened, and after a moment, he spoke:

“Got it! Go down. ”


When the words fell, the figure disappeared.

I saw Shimura Danzo slowly standing up, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

“The day has finally arrived!”

“Sarutobi, you’ve been sitting in this Hokage’s position for too long!”

“Konoha is in your hands, sooner or later it will decay.”

“Next, let me protect Konoha in my way!”

After speaking, Shimura Danzo’s eyes also showed a cold glow, fleeting!

Then he looked at his bandaged arm, and the smile on his face was even greater.

That forbidden technique has also been practiced, and now no one can stop me from sitting in the position of Hokage!”


The ultimate forbidden technique of the Uchiha family, the flawless pupil technique, can freely switch between dreams and reality in a short period of time!

The moment it is launched, it can transform all the damage suffered by the caster, including all the adverse factors of death, into a dream in a short time!

In other words, as long as it is used wisely, it can perfectly avoid death!

Those who learn can have the power of immortality!

Although this technique is very strong, the price paid is also extremely large.

Once Izanagi is used, that eye loses its light forever and can no longer use any magic.

Therefore, it will be listed as a forbidden technique by the Uchiha family.

However, this huge price did not work at all for Tuanzang.

Some time after the night of Uchiha’s extermination, he was almost completely abandoned.

However, the guy who called himself Uchiha suddenly came here, and he also brought him a bunch of chakra eyes!

It was then that he learned that both of them had been tricked by Bai Yu’s little ghost!

As soon as he thought of Bai Yu, Shimura Danzo also clenched his teeth angrily, remembering his embarrassed appearance at that time, and his hatred for Bai Yu deepened!

But now he is different from then, not only has the first generation of cells studied by the big snake pill.

I also have a lot of Sharingan!

So now, he doesn’t need to worry about the cost of losing his radiance at all, and he can use Izanagi’s powerful forbidden technique repeatedly!

This also means that he can become a true immortal body!

Thinking of this, Shimura Danzo’s face was also extremely excited, and even a little crazy!

If Orochimaru’s plan succeeds this time, then he will also be able to successfully take the position of Hokage!

He is still the biggest winner.

That’s right, he was also involved in the plan of Orochimaru to attack Konoha this time, and as for the purpose, it was for the position of Hokage!

And now, he just needs to quietly wait for the action of the big snake pill to begin, he can do it…

“Don’t blame me, Hinata. All of this I have done, for Konoha! ”

I saw Tuan Zang talking to himself, and then let out a burst of sneers, which continued to echo in the dimly lit basement.

At this moment, outside Konoha Village, there is a dense forest.

Thousands of Sand Ninjas are hiding here at the moment, waiting for the order of the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasa.

For the impending war, everyone’s faces were extremely solemn.

But at this moment, no one flinched, because they knew what this war meant to Shayin Village!

At this moment, the two figures stood quietly on the branches of a large tree, looking at the Konoha Village in the distance, and a gloomy and cold color appeared on their faces.

It is the Great Snake Pill who is preparing to launch an attack and the fourth generation of Mekaze Shadow of Shayin Village, Luo Sha!

At this time, Luo Sha also looked at the big snake pill coldly and said in a deep voice:

“Orochimaru, when are you going to do it?!”

Obviously, Luo Sha was already a little impatient, and his tone was also a little anxious.

As his words fell, I saw that the big snake pill also smiled sadly and said: (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Don’t worry, Kazekage-sama, we still have a helper who hasn’t arrived!”

After hearing the words of the big snake pill, Luo Sha was also slightly stunned.


What kind of helper is actually worth waiting for him for so many of us ?!

What is the idea of this guy Big Snake Pill?!

Luo Sha had naturally heard of the tricks of the Great Snake Pill, but in order to remove Konoha, he had no other choice.

After all, although the big snake pill is sinister and cunning, the strength is still there, after all, it is one of the three ninjas.

Seeing the puzzled expression on Luo Sha’s face, the big snake pill also continued to speak:

“You also know this person, if nothing else, it should be coming!”

As soon as the big snake pill’s voice fell, before Luo Sha could react, he saw a faint voice coming into his ears from the top of the two of them.

“Yo, long time no see, Luo Sha.”


Hearing this sudden sound, even the big snake pill on the side was stunned.

Luo Sha was also shocked, this voice was…?!

When the two looked up suspiciously, this look was like seeing a ghost.

I saw a figure in a black robe standing quietly in the air like that, as if walking on the ground!

Groove?! Levitation?!

Of course, Orochimaru knew that the person in front of him was Bai Yu, but he saw him shrinking his pupils and looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

A moment later, the big snake pill also swallowed his saliva and said in shock:

“Bai Yu-kun, you…”

Before the big snake pill finished speaking, Luo Sha on the side was also shocked.

White feathers?!

This name is extremely familiar to him.

How, how could it be that guy?!

Since half of Bai Yu’s face was blocked by the hat at this moment, Luo Sha did not recognize it at first.

But Bai Yu’s face and voice had been deeply engraved in his mind.

The moment Bai Yu spoke, he had a familiar feeling, but he wasn’t quite sure.

But when the big snake pill next to him spoke, the name hidden in the depths of his heart was once again excavated!

I saw Bai Yu slowly take off the hat on his head and look down at the two people in front of him condescendingly.

And he was having a faint smile on his face.

Seeing Bai Yu’s face, Luo Sha also instantly burst into green tendons, clenching his teeth and crowns, his eyes full of thick anger!

I saw him gritting his teeth and saying:

“Bai Yu, you little devil!!!”

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu also looked at him indifferently, chuckled and spoke:

“Orochimaru-san, it seems that you haven’t told him about our cooperation.”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, Luo Sha also regained a little sanity.

Could it be that the helper that the big snake pill said is this guy?!

Hearing this, I saw that the big snake pill on the side also smiled at Luo Shayin:

“That’s right, Kazekage-sama. In this plan to destroy Konoha, Shiraha-kun will also participate as our ally. ”

As soon as these words came out, Luo Sha on the side also stared at the big snake pill tightly, gritting his teeth and saying:

“You guy, did it mean it?!”

“Don’t you know what this guy did to my Shayin Village?!”

You actually want to fight yourself with an enemy who destroyed Shayin Village and 483 shoulders?!

Are you kidding?!

Isn’t this playing me?!

Just as Luo Sha was thinking, he saw Bai Yu say lightly:

“Luo Sha, didn’t I tell you, I’m just a ninja mercenary, and the last time I attacked Sha Yin, I was just entrusted by someone!”

“I didn’t expect that you actually held such a grudge against me!”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, Luo Sha also glared at him angrily.

In particular, the person who destroyed the village is not you, of course you don’t care!

I saw Luo Sha gritting his teeth and said:

“You guy, where did you catch my Ai Luo?! What about the crane in his body?! ”

Hearing this, the corners of Bai Yu’s mouth hooked slightly, and he chuckled:

“It’s worthy of being the first loving father in the ninja world, what you care about the most is really the tailed beast in my Ai Luo’s body!”

“Who knows, I’m only responsible for catching it, and other things have nothing to do with me.”

“But don’t give any hope.”


Hearing this, Luo Sha’s face also changed, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Could it be that I love Luo already…?

Isn’t the Shouhe in his body also…?!

Realizing this, a feeling of powerlessness instantly came to my heart.

The tailed beast weapon of his Shayin Village no longer exists.

And the source of all this is because of this guy in front of you!

If it weren’t for him, Shayin Village would not have fallen to such a point.

Just as Luo Sha was thinking, he saw the hoarse voice of the big snake pill coming, interrupting his thoughts.

“Kazekage-sama. This is all a thing of the past, and now our primary target is Konoha! ”

“Since you know Bai Yu’s strength, it’s easy to do.”

“Could it be that you care more about Ichigo Moritsuru than Konoha in front of you?!”

As the words of the big snake pill fell, Luo Sha’s eyes also froze.

Although he was extremely angry in his heart, what the big snake pill said did make sense!

Having reached this point, it is impossible to go back.

Bai Yu’s strength he also knew that even if he really made a move, it would only be them Shayin who would suffer.

Thinking of this, Luo Sha also gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice:

“When will it start?!”

Hearing Luo Sha’s words, the big snake pill also smiled slightly.

Luo Sha, this guy, is nothing more than a face.

Bai Yu, on the other hand, still just looked at Luo Sha in front of him indifferently, without any expression on his face.

After a moment of silence, I saw Bai Yu chuckling:

“Since I’m here, let’s get started!”

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, I saw Luo Sha gritting his teeth, and immediately called a Sha Yin, and said in a deep voice:

“The notice went down and proceeded according to the original plan. The action starts now! ”


When that Shinobu saw Bai Yu standing in mid-air, he was obviously startled.

But at this moment, Luo Sha did not react, and he also understood the reason in an instant.

Seeing this, Bai Yu also turned to look in the direction of Konoha, and a different color appeared in his eyes.


It’s time to surprise Konoha!


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