Seeing this, except for Bai Yu, the other three were shocked.

Seeing the three generations of earth shadows that suddenly broke out Chakra, Deidara’s face suddenly changed.

Although I knew the temper of the three generations of Tuying, I didn’t expect it to be so popular.

A drop of cold sweat also appeared on Deidara’s forehead, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes when he looked at Onoki.

“Gee! I’ll just say… This old man will definitely not agree! ”

“It’s big trouble now!”

Hearing Deidara’s words, Uchiha and Scorpion immediately stood up, ready for battle, and their faces were full of solemnity.

In the face of the earth shadow of Yanyin Village, they did not dare to relax in the slightest.

On the other hand, Bai Yu at this moment is still sitting on the chair with flat eyes, and there is even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although there is a bloody elimination of the dusty Onoki, the strength is very strong, but that is only for others.

His white feather is naturally not vain.

The next moment, I saw Onoki with a gloomy face and spoke:

“Boy, do you think that when the old man is old, he can bully him?!”

“You actually want to take Deidara in front of your old man?!”

As Onoki’s voice fell, I saw Bai Yu looking at Onoki indifferently, and chuckled:

“Oh? It seems that Lord Tsuchikage is planning to make a move. ”

Hearing this, Onoki also stared at Bai Yu tightly, and said in a deep voice again:

“So, the purpose of your coming this time is to take Deidara, right?!”

Speaking of this, Onoki’s gaze also glanced at Deidara.

Recalling Deidara’s appearance just now, he also came to a conclusion in his heart.

Deidara, this guy, it seems that he is iron-hearted to go with this white feather!

After all, if it were normal, this little cub would never dare to do this.

Gee, trouble!

Thinking of this, Onoki is also more and more curious about the white feather in front of him, what did this guy do to make Deidara’s look like this?!

However, at this moment, Onoki also intends to keep Deidara.

After all, Yanyin Village, there is only such a genius, if he is taken away directly like this, then say a fart?!

The most important thing is that this trick of mouth escape is useless for Deidara’s goods!

As for forcibly shooting …

Just as Onoki was thinking, Bai Yu’s faint voice came, interrupting his thoughts.

“Originally, I came for 200 million at the beginning, but after meeting him, I had the idea of pulling him into the group.”

“So, you can think of it as a temporary intention!”

After listening to Bai Yu’s words, Onoki was also slightly stunned.

I saw Bai Yu pause and continue to speak:

“It’s true, but there is no way, I have promised Deidara to teach him the ultimate art.”

“Although I love money, I am still very principled.”

Speaking of this, the meaning expressed in his words is already clear.

And Onoki was also frowning at the moment, not saying a word.

At this moment, he is also extremely entangled, whether he wants to make a move.

The main thing is that now this is Yanyin Village, and it will definitely be a disaster if you start it!

And those two guys are not fuel-saving lamps, not to mention a white feather!

Although he has not seen his strength with his own eyes, it seems from the intelligence that he attacked Shayin Village with his own strength and successfully captured Ichibu Zhuli.

This can indeed reflect its terrifying combat effectiveness!

Therefore, Onoki did not dare to make a move easily at the moment.

Even if Deidara does not participate in the battle, there are two other guys on the opposite side besides Bai Yu. Even if he is a big nogi, he still has to take care of the safety of the villagers.

Thinking of this, Onoki also had a gloomy face and sat down on the chair again.

As a last resort, he didn’t want to conflict with the white feather in front of him.

Deidara’s matter is small, and if Iwahide Village is destroyed because of this, it will be a big thing.

Considering these problems, Onoki also gave up the idea of making a move, and could only let Deidara.

And at this moment, when Scorpion and Uchiha Itachi saw this, they also looked at each other similarly, and they were relieved in their hearts, although the two were not afraid of Onoki in front of them.

But if you really do it, the two of them will also have to suffer some hardships.

However, with Bai Yu here, there shouldn’t be much of a problem.

Seeing this scene, Deidara’s was stunned.


What’s the situation?!

Old man Tokage, this is… Compromised?!

I originally thought that Onoki would do it directly, but now it seems that he should have given up.

The next moment, I saw Bai Yu’s voice coming slowly.

“It’s really worthy of being the earth shadow of Yanyin Village, do you still think about the village before doing anything?”

Speaking of this, Bai Yu also smiled slightly, and looked at Onoki in front of him with flat eyes.

Since Onoki has already taken a step back, he can’t go too far.

After all, Onoki is currently the biggest financial owner, and he can’t be offended.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also continued to speak:

“So be it, old man Tsuchikage. Or the condition just now, I only charge you 800 million, how about ?! ”

“This is already my biggest concession.”

As soon as these words came out, the Uchiha ferret and scorpion on the side were also stunned.

I lean, this guy has a heart ?!

Finally, he was still mentioning this?!

I have to say that this guy Bai Yu’s heart is really big, he doesn’t seem to realize the point of the matter?!

Sure enough, after hearing Bai Yu’s words, Onoki’s already extremely gloomy face also changed suddenly.

Tut! This guy…

Although I know that Bai Yu is now giving himself a step, can’t you wait for me to subside in anger before talking about this matter?!”

After thinking about it for a moment, Onoki also took a deep breath.

Forget it, he doesn’t want to care about Deidara’s affairs now.

Just trust this guy in front of you for a moment, and hope he can really do it.

Thinking of this, Onoki also said coldly:

“Yes! Since that’s the case, then eight hundred million, help me do two things! ”

As his words fell, Bai Yu also smiled and nodded, and spoke:

“Deal! Happy cooperation! ”


Listening to Bai Yu’s words, Onoki was also a little speechless.


TM point is not by you, and it is still pleasant?!

Just when Onoki was angry in his heart, on the side, Bai Yu’s voice continued to sound, interrupting him.

“So, let’s get blunt. Old man Tsuchikage, I don’t know what is the first thing you plan to ask us to do?! ”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, the other three also came back to their senses, staring at the old figure tightly.

They were also very curious about what Tokage Onoki wanted to do.

Especially Uchiha Itachi, his heart is also extremely worried.

After all, he remembered that Onoki had said just now that he would cause war!

And for Uchiha Itachi, who himself hates war incomparably, this news is enough to surprise him!

He also didn’t expect that the earth shadow of Yanyin Village would actually secretly plan these things!

So, will the target he chose to attack Konoha?!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi’s heart was also racing.

Because he knew that the relationship between Iwahide Village and Konoha had always been very unharmonious.

Just as Uchiha was thinking, he saw Onoki raise his eyes slightly, looking at Bai Yu and speaking in a deep voice:

“The target chosen by the old man this time…”

Speaking of this, Onoki’s eyes flashed coldly.

“Land of Thunder, Yunyin Village!”


Listening to Onoki’s words, everyone was shocked, and even Bai Yu felt a little surprised.

Yunyin Village?!

Shouldn’t this old guy regard Konoha as his number one enemy?! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Now he actually attacked Yunyin in advance?!

As soon as these words came out, before Bai Yu could react, he saw Deidara excitedly speak:

“Gee! Old fellow, are you crazy, why did you start the idea of Yunyin Village?! ”

“Besides, even if Bai Yu’s strength is strong, with the three of them, let them attack Yunyin, isn’t that going to send them to death?!”

“He’s dead, who am I looking for to learn the ultimate art?!”

At this moment, Deidara has excluded himself.

In Deidara’s opinion, the task that Onoki said is impossible to complete with a few people with white feathers, and if he goes, he will give away people’s heads.

Good Yunyin Village is also one of the five hidden villages, and it can’t be solved by a few people!

For Yunyin Village, he didn’t want to go at all.

The main reason is not because (bccf) is anything else, but because the guys in Yunyin Village are very good at using thunder dun, just restraining his detonating clay!

After listening to Deidara’s roar, Onoki also said in a deep voice:

“Who told you that I was going to let them attack Yunyin Village?!”


Hearing this, everyone was also slightly stunned, and looked at Tokage Onoki with some doubt.

Even Deidara’s silence instantly calmed down, her face full of puzzlement.

Seeing this, Bai Yu also looked at Onoki indifferently and spoke:

“So, what exactly does Tsuchikage-sama want us to do?”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, I saw that Onoki was silent for a moment before he slowly raised his head and spoke:

“As far as I know, there is a guy named Kirabi in Yunyin Village.”

“His strength is very strong, and he is still an eight-tailed human pillar force!”

“A large part of the reason why Yunyin Village can be so powerful is because this guy can perfectly control the power of the tailed beast in his body.”

Speaking of this, I saw Onoki pause, staring at Bai Yu tightly and continuing to speak:

“I guess you know what I want to do, right?!”

Hearing Onoki’s words, Bai Yu also felt a little surprised.

After saying it so clearly, he naturally also knew Ohnogi’s goal this time.

The eight-tailed man pillar force of Yunyin Village – Kirabi!

Originally, Bai Yu also thought that Onoki’s plan was to directly let a few of them launch an attack on Yunyin Village to reduce the overall combat strength of Yunyin Village.

But what I didn’t expect was that this guy actually hit Kirabi’s body with the idea.

But he was also right, the powerful combat power of Yunyin Village, in addition to Lei Ying himself, is indeed the Chirabi who is the power of the human pillar.

After all, that’s the guy who is known as the perfect human pillar force.

Putting aside the human pillar force itself, the tailed beast Yaoi in its body is far from being comparable to a one-tailed crane.

So, what Onoki means is to let me kill the eight-tailed man Pillar Force?!

In this case, isn’t Brother Tuzi’s tailed beast plan going to be ruined?!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also smiled slightly, and said lightly:

“Yes, no problem! Well, there is one more thing, let’s talk about it together. ”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, Onoki was also slightly stunned.


So easily agreed?!

Without even thinking about it?!

That’s Yao, not the one that Ichio can compare!

Is this kid really brainless, or…

He has absolute confidence in his strength?!

When Onoki thought of this, he was also a little stunned for a while, and he lost his speech.

He has lived for so many years, and confident people have seen a lot, but this is the first time that he is so confident!

Hearing the words of the two, the other three were also a little surprised.

They also did not expect that the target of the earth shadow Onoki would actually be the tailed orc pillar force of Yunyin Village.

Just a moment later, the scorpion’s face also returned to that faint expression.

Because, the pillar power of their Shayin Village was also cleaned up by Bai Yu.

Although the scorpion also knew that there was a gap between the tailed beasts, he was still very confident in Bai Yu’s strength.

And this guy will not do anything that he is not sure of.

Deidara’s face also showed a touch of excitement after a moment, and he said excitedly:

“Huh?! Tailed orc pillar force?! ”

“Sounds a little interesting, old man!”

“Then it seems that this time, I want to show my art gorgeously!” Well! ”

Completely different from the reaction just now, after hearing that the target was the tailed orc pillar force, Deidara’s interest was also instantaneous.

As Deidara’s words fell, Bai Yu also glanced at him faintly, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he set his eyes on the silent Uchiha Itachi.

I saw that he lowered his head at the moment without saying a word, and his face was still that indifferent expression.

But Bai Yu knew very well that this guy must also be thinking about something in his heart.

Although Uchiha Itachi’s face did not have any expression at the moment.

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi thought of the mysterious mask man.

He clearly remembered that Bai Yu had told him his plan before.

That is to collect the nine tailed beasts as tailed beast weapons to achieve the purpose of unifying the ninja world!

And now the earth shadow of Yanyin Village also regarded the tailed beast of Yunyin Village as his target.

That said, this mission is critical!

If the eight-tailed man’s pillar force can be successfully solved, then the mysterious mask man’s plan will definitely be affected!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi’s eyes also flashed with a fine light.

Just as he was thinking, Onoki’s voice continued to sound, slowly reaching everyone’s ears.

“When you finish this matter, I will naturally tell you the second thing.”

As Onoki’s voice fell, I saw no expression on his face.

Hearing this, Bai Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then he nodded lightly, and said to several people:

“Let’s go.”

Saying that, Bai Yu glanced directly at Deidara, and without saying a word, he walked outside.

It seems that he is going to leave directly.

The scorpion and Uchiha ferret on the side also lifted the box and followed behind him.

Seeing this, Deidara’s was also slightly stunned.

And that’s just going???

Thinking of this, Deidara also glanced at Onoki sitting next to him.

Gritting his teeth, he immediately followed.

Soon, after Bai Yu and his group of three came outside, they began to wait quietly in place.

Seeing this, Deidara, who was slightly behind, was also puzzled:

“What’s wrong, let’s go. Later, the old man repented, but it was over! ”

But as Deidara’s voice just fell, a voice suddenly sounded.

“Wait, Deidara, you fellow! Hugh wants to escape! ”

“Tudao Tulong gun!”

The words fell, and in an instant, I saw the ground under the feet of Bai Yu and several people, and the sound of the land cracking suddenly came out!

The next moment, countless rock spikes stabbed towards the four people from the ground!


Seeing this sudden picture, Bai Yu was also slightly stunned.

But what surprised him was not the sudden attack.


Why does this voice sound a little familiar?!。

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