When he saw the space in front of Bai Yu that was constantly shattering like a mirror, Deidara, he was completely dumbfounded.

He never expected that this guy in front of him would actually have such a terrifying ability!

What is going on with this powerful sense of oppression?!

This, this what the hell is… What the?!

Deidara’s brain had stopped thinking and went completely blank.

He even, already, forgot to breathe!

And the Uchiha ferret on the side couldn’t help but feel a chill in his back when he saw this strange picture in front of him.

Even he, who has always been very calm, is also constricting his pupils at this moment, his mouth is slightly open, and he looks at the white feather with silver hair flying in disbelief.

So what the hell… What is the ability?!

Can actually cause such terrifying destructive power?!

On this guy… How many secrets are there exactly?!

Looking at this apocalyptic scene in front of him, Uchiha was already horrified in his heart!

It was only now that he realized it.

The last vibration generated in Konoha was the ability that this guy is displaying now!

And the scorpion on the side, the corner of his mouth also slowly evoked a smile.

He knew that the burden had been divided.

That yellow-haired imp, already… There is no chance of victory.

In the face of the power of the concussion coming from the paving, Deidara, no longer had any ability to resist.

After a while, the shaking slowly stopped, and the surrounding area was already devastated, and countless sands and dust were flying all over the sky.

From beginning to end, Bai Yu’s eyes were indifferent.

And at this time.

In the distant village of Iwahi.

Onoki was also very puzzled when he felt the violently shaking ground.

He knew it wasn’t Deidara’s bomb.

So this… What the hell is going on?!

What kind of attack can actually cause an earthquake?!

Could it be that guy named Bai Yu?!

Thinking of this, Tokage Onoki’s expression also became a little solemn.

He also couldn’t hold back the curiosity in his heart now, and wanted to go over there to see the situation.

However, when this vibration lasted for more than ten seconds, it slowly returned to calm.

At this moment, a middle-aged ninja slowly walked in, and said with a somewhat solemn face:

“Lord Tokage, combined with the explosion just now, could it be that Deidara is doing some sabotage again?”

Hearing this, the 12 Great Wild Wood nodded without returning, and said lightly:

“Hmm… It should be so. ”

And that Iwa Shinobu obviously did not know about Onoki’s hiring of Shiraha and the others, and believed that the shock just now was caused by Deidara’s bomb.

After listening to Onoki’s words, the ninja also immediately walked to his side and said with a solemn face:

“According to the influence just now, he should not be far from the village, do you want me to lead a team to see what happened?!”

As his words fell, Onoki was silent for a moment, only to see him slowly shake his head. Shen Shen said:

“No, look at this, it should be over.”

Hearing this, that Yanyin also nodded gently.

When he didn’t know that what Onoki said was over, he meant that the battle was over…

At this time, Bai Yu was on the side.

Deidara stood up with difficulty and looked at the figure slowly walking towards him, his eyes full of shock.

Every time Bai Yu landed, it was like stepping on his heart, making him can’t help but tremble slightly.

This guy……. Who the hell is it?!

Why is the ability he uses that I have never seen before?!

Haven’t even heard of it?!

Old Man Tokage in the end… Where did you find this person?!

Actually by the way, a punch can cause the destruction of my all-out blow?!

Moreover, his own explosion was actually in his hands, so vulnerable ?!

When Deidara thought of this, he also gritted his teeth, and cold sweat already appeared on his forehead.

A moment later, knowing that Bai Yu came to him, he still had that trademark smile on his face, and looked at him calmly, and then spoke:

“Sorry, I didn’t control the direction well just now, and I accidentally affected you.”

“How? This is… My art. ”

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, Deidara also came back to his senses and looked at Bai Yu in front of him with a shocked face.

An explosion is not needed to cause such damage ?!

That’s what he said… Real art?!

Thinking of this, Deidara’s eyes faintly revealed a touch of excitement.

Does this guy in front of him actually have such art?!

At this moment, Deidara’s previous arrogance and arrogance have completely disappeared.

All that remains, is incomparable fanaticism.

The damage caused by Bai Yu’s attack just now had already boiled his blood.

“That… What kind of power are you?! ”

Deidara thought for a moment, and also asked curiously towards Bai Yu, not caring about the blood at the corner of his mouth.

Just now, Bai Yu really didn’t want to seriously injure Deidara, so he slightly controlled the direction of the concussion force.

But, nevertheless, it is necessary to teach him a small lesson.

Otherwise, a problem child like Deidara, if he is not convinced, it will be too troublesome to manage in the future.

Obviously, the effect Bai Yu wanted had been achieved.

It is useless to completely conquer him with strength, you must interest him.

Looking at Deidara’s appearance at the moment, Bai Yu also felt a little funny in his heart.

After a moment of silence, Bai Yu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

“How? Want to learn you? I’ll teach you! ”


As soon as these words came out, Deidara’s was also slightly stunned.

Teach me?!

It had been a long time since he mastered his blood succession limit.

Even his teacher, Onoki, could not teach him this explosion.

And now this man in front of him actually said that he could teach him?!

After seeing the many strange abilities in Bai Yu, Deidara also believed the words in Bai Yu’s mouth at this moment.

Maybe, this guy… Really?!

Realizing this, Deidara also instantly became excited, looking at Bai Yu and said excitedly:

“Then it’s decided, after I join you, you will teach me this ultimate art!”

Looking at Deidara, who was excited at the moment, Bai Yu also nodded with a smile and spoke:

“Yes! But for now, let’s go back to Yanyin Village with me first! ”

“After all, our mission this time… But to bring you back! ”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, I saw that Scorpion and Uchiha Weasel also came to the side of the two.

At this moment, although Uchiha’s face had returned to its previous indifferent expression, his heart still could not be calm.

Bai Yu’s attack just now really shocked him in his heart.

He knew that it was definitely not ninjutsu, but a special ability that he had never seen before.

Moreover, the power it can create can definitely destroy a village in an instant!

If he really joined forces with Orochimaru to attack Konoha at that time, it would be an absolute disaster for Konoha!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi also looked at Bai Yu.

But he found that Bai Yu was also staring at him at this moment, and there was a confused smile on his face!


Seeing this scene, Uchiha was also slightly stunned.

A moment later, Bai Yu also withdrew his gaze.

This time, he is not just to deter Deidara, for Uchiha Itachi, he must also use means to deter him.

After all, this guy’s current thoughts are estimated to be on Konoha’s side.

He must have a full understanding of himself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Obviously, killing two birds with one stone, not only conquered Deidara, but also shocked Uchiha by the way.

This purpose has been achieved by Bai Yu.

Just as Bai Yu was thinking, he saw the scorpion on the side look at Deidara and say lightly:

“Little ghost, willing to gamble and lose, hurry up and go back with us.”

As the scorpion’s voice fell, I saw that Deidara’s face was also a little tangled.

Seeing this scene, the scorpion was also slightly stunned, and said suspiciously:

“What’s wrong?! Do you want to regret it again?! ”

“Then since that’s the case, we have to forcibly bring you back!”

Speaking of this, the scorpion also has no patience, and when he is ready to control the puppet, he will tie back the yellow-haired imp in front of him!

And at this moment, Bai Yu also stretched out a hand to stop him, and said lightly:

“He didn’t mean that, let’s hear what he has to say first.”

Looking at Deidara’s appearance at the moment, Bai Yu had already guessed that it must be related to the old guy of Onoki.

The next moment, I saw Deidara say lightly:

“If I go back with you, Old Man Onoki will definitely imprison me in Iwahide Village, and even my explosive art will not be able to be used.”

“Not to mention let me join you. This is simply impossible. ”

Hearing this, Bai Yu also raised his eyebrows, and sure enough, as he expected, Deidara’s concern was this problem.

Because he had been thinking about how to successfully take Deidara after bringing him back.

Judging by how much Onoki valued Deidara, it was somewhat unlikely to convince him directly.

But it is impossible to leave the 200 million commission alone.

After thinking for a moment in his mind, Bai Yu also hooked the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at Deidara, and said:

“You don’t have to worry about this, I will naturally have a way when the time comes.”

Hearing this, Deidara was also slightly stunned, and then also spoke:

“Huh? Can’t you just leave? Why do you have to bring me back? Isn’t that redundant! ”

Deidara, too, was a little confused at the moment.

As Deidara’s voice fell, the scorpion on the side also sighed lightly and said lightly:

“Because we have promised Tokage to bring you back.”

“And our organization is dedicated to undertaking various employment tasks.”

“As for the purpose… Just to make money! ”

Seeing the scorpion spreading the concept of organization at this moment, Bai Yu also nodded with satisfaction and spoke:

“It doesn’t matter if money is not money, it’s mainly a credibility issue. Know what? ”

As soon as Bai Yu’s words came out, Scorpion and Uchiha Weasel also looked at him a little speechlessly.

This guy… There was a face to say such a thing.

Seeing that Deidara’s still looked a little worried at the moment, Bai Yu stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said lightly:

“Don’t worry, I will definitely take you away when the time comes.”

Deidara also raised his eyes slightly, looked at the white feather in front of him, sighed helplessly, and spoke:

“Okay. But I have to remind you, don’t think about forcibly taking me away from the old man of the earth shadow, because he is very strong!” ”

Although Deidara, who denies his art, Deidara, still recognizes his strength.

Hearing this, Bai Yu only nodded faintly, and turned around and walked towards Yanyin Village.

A moment later, the three of Bai Yu also came to the conference room of Yanyin Village again.

Only this time, behind them, there was an additional Deidara.

And Onoki had already taken his seat early.

Looking at that incomparably familiar face, Onoki also sighed lightly. He spoke:

“Deidara, long time no see!”

“It seems that this time, your ridiculous art has finally failed?”

I saw that after he finished speaking, he also looked at Bai Yu on the side, and continued to speak:

“I didn’t expect it to be faster than I expected, which is really unexpected.”

Speaking of this, Onoki’s eyes also flashed with a fine light, and his eyes stared at Bai Yu tightly.

At this moment, Deidara also shouted at Onoki:

“What do you say? Old man of the earth shadow! You actually call my art ridiculous?! ”

“Gee! How can an elderly person like you possibly understand my art?! ”

Hearing Onoki insult his art, Deidara, too, was a little out of control.

Seeing this, Onoki did not pay attention to Deidara’s roar at this moment.

For this teenager who had high hopes for him, he was always ruthless. 030

After solving the matter on Bai Yu’s side first, let’s deal with Deidara!

Thinking of this, Tokage Onoki also shook his head helplessly, and then looked at Bai Yu on the side.

The strength of this little devil should not be as simple as it seems!

In this case, should I try to tell them about my plan?!

In case he refuses, once this news leaks out, then he will become the target of everyone.

Since they are mercenary organizations, they will not refuse after all, right?!

Just as Onoki was thinking, he saw Bai Yu’s faint voice reach his ears.

“I said, Tsuchikage-sama, I’ve brought you back. Time to check out, right?! ”

After speaking, I saw a faint smile appear on Bai Yu’s face.

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, Onoki was also slightly stunned, and then said with a smile:

“That’s nature.”

As soon as the words fell, I saw Onoki whispering a few words to a guard beside him, and the guard quickly ran out.

A moment later, the door of the conference room opened, and several figures quickly walked in.

Then, five boxes were also placed in front of Bai Yu and several people.

After everyone retreated, Onoki looked at Bai Yu and said lightly:

“There are forty million taels in a box, do you want to count them?!”

At this moment, in Bai Yu’s mind, the system’s prompt tone also sounded instantly.


“Congratulations to the host, you have received another 200 million employment money!”

“The system has been automatically converted to wealth value!”

“Current Remaining Wealth Value: 3000!”

Hearing this familiar prompt, Bai Yu’s eyes also moved slightly.

So easily and directly got twenty draws.

It’s not too cool!

Bai Yu also hooked a subtle arc at the corner of his mouth, looked at Onoki on the side, and said with a smile:

“No need, as a Tsuchikage, I still believe it!”

I saw Bai Yu pause and continue to speak:

“Since the mission has been completed, then we will …!”

Bai Yu said as he reached out to the box placed on the table.

His eyes, on the other hand, glanced at Onoki without a trace.

Onoki, this old fellow, is actually so able to calm down?!

And at this moment, I saw that Onoki also suddenly spoke:

“Wait first!”

As Onoki’s voice fell, Scorpion and Uchiha were also slightly stunned, and looked at Onoki suspiciously.

I saw that Bai Yu was also hooked at the corner of his mouth.

It seems that I finally can’t hold back, Onoki!

But at this moment, he still pretended to be puzzled, and spoke:

“What’s wrong? Tsuchikage-sama?! Any more questions? ”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, I saw that Onoki also raised his eyes slightly to look at him, and then a strange smile appeared on his face, and he spoke:

“Don’t worry a few first, I still have some things that I need…”

“You guys help.”

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