Overnight, quickly passed.

I saw a figure standing in the air like that, quietly looking at him!


After a long time, the scorpion reacted, and said with a trembling voice:

“You, you guy… What, what?! ”

The scorpion was also a little frightened at the moment, looking at the faint smile on Bai Yu’s face, a little confused.

How can this guy stand in the air?!

Could it be… And what new abilities have been mastered ?!

Just when the scorpion was extremely surprised in his heart, Uchiha Weasel slowly came to his side, looking at the expression on the scorpion’s face, he also followed the scorpion’s gaze suspiciously.

And when he saw the white feather standing in the air at this moment, a touch of surprise appeared on his usually plain face.

Despite this, his heart could not be calm, and his brain was blank.

Before he could think about it, he saw that the white feather, who was originally standing in the air, actually began to hover in the air!

It took a while for Scorpion and Uchiha to react, but the eyes that looked at Bai Yu were still full of shock.

What kind of weird technique is this?!

After a moment of silence, I saw the scorpion speak:

“You, you this is… What ninjutsu?! ”

Hearing this, Bai Yu only smiled slightly, and said lightly:

“Attack me with ninjutsu.”


As soon as these words came out, not only the scorpion, but even Uchiha was completely speechless.

What is this requirement?!

But looking at the confident smile on Bai Yu’s face, Uchiha Itachi was also full of curiosity and nodded slightly.

Then let me see what weird abilities you have!

Seeing this, the scorpion only silently retreated to the side and quietly looked at Bai Yu.

For Bai Yu’s brain circuit, in addition to knowing that he was very interested in money, he really did not understand it.

But since he said so, he must be sure.

The next moment, Bai Yu’s eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the Uchiha ferret in front of him and said lightly:

“Here, let’s do it! One dozen seven. ”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, Uchiha Weasel’s gaze also moved slightly, and his expression was still indifferent. Slightly said:

This guy… How fast is the speed of sealing?!

It is worthy of the legendary Uchiha family! The strength of this kid… Definitely not as simple as it seems!

I haven’t waited for the scorpion to think about it.

The next moment.

I saw a blazing flame instantly erupt from Uchiha’s mouth and converge into a huge fireball!

The moment the fireball touched the ground, it directly expanded its scope and ignited a raging fire! Almost instantly, the surrounding temperature was raised by more than ten degrees!

The blazing flames seemed to have life, speeding towards the white feather in front of them!

And the scorpion on the side was almost affected by this flame!

I saw that the scorpion’s face also changed suddenly!

Unexpectedly, a C-level ninjutsu that is no longer different can actually exert such power?!

When the scorpion saw this, he couldn’t help but feel secretly frightened, and even looked at the white feather on the side.

And at this moment, Bai Yu, facing the incomparably violent fireball, only his face was still calm, and there was no wave in his eyes.

The next moment, I saw that the corners of his mouth hooked slightly, and he slowly raised his right hand.

Looking at Bai Yu’s move, Scorpion and Uchiha Weasel were also slightly stunned.

The next moment, I saw that the huge fireball had rushed to Bai Yu’s face, and the moment it touched Bai Yu’s palm, I saw a white shield appear around him in an instant!

Just when the two were puzzled.

I saw that the incomparably violent fireball was rapidly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Seeing this scene, the faces of the two changed at the same time.

And the scorpion on the side is also completely stupid.

This guy… When did you learn this stuff again?!

This guy… Who the hell is it?!

If it weren’t for the traces of destruction on the ground, and the slight residual temperature in the air, the fireball would have been as if it had never appeared at all!

At this moment, the two of Uchiha and Scorpion are also completely stupid.

Looking at Bai Yu’s eyes, there was already a deep shock!

Now it’s so mastered by yourself?!

With this thing, you can indeed save a lot of trouble!

A silent silence spread, and even the air seemed quiet.

After a long time, the scorpion quickly walked to Bai Yu and asked with some surprise:

“You guy, when did you secretly learn this secret technique again? ~! ”

“Even if you can fly, now you can even learn the secret method of being able to absorb ninjutsu?!”

“Sure enough, you guy… It’s a monster! ”

Although he said so, he could also hear it from the scorpion’s mouth, and his words were also full of excitement at this moment.

It seems that following this guy was indeed a very correct choice.

Hearing the scorpion’s words, Bai Yu only nodded slightly and smiled faintly.

Bai Yu knew that even Uchiha was shocked by his two hands just now.

After all, most of the reason why this guy joined is to investigate himself.

Just as the three of them were thinking about each other, suddenly behind them, a subtle movement came, which instantly interrupted the thoughts of several people.

?! Someone?

The next moment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I saw a figure appear in the sight of the three.

Seeing that familiar figure, the three of Bai Yu were slightly stunned.

The visitor had long black hair, his face was also extremely white, and the slender pupils made people look a little terrifying,

And he was wearing a faint smile on his face, and his eyes were constantly looking at several people.

Finally, it fell on the white feather in the front.

Big Snake Pill?!

What is he here for?!

The one who came was the renegade Shinobu known as one of Konoha’s Three Shinobi—Orochimaru!

Just as Bai Yu was thinking, he saw the big snake pill speak grimly, and the hoarse voice immediately reached the ears of several people.

“Long time no see, Hakuba-kun! Has it grown this big?! ”

“I didn’t expect that you, who used to be called a genius, have now fallen into the same as me, becoming Konoha’s rebel!”

“Isn’t it nice to feel like a traitor?!”

As the words of the big snake pill fell, I saw Bai Yu smile slightly, and said lightly:

“No way, that little Konoha village can’t accommodate a genius like us.”

I saw Bai Yu pause, his eyes looked at the big snake pill indifferently, and he continued to speak:

This guy is also Konoha’s S-class rebel!

And the scorpion has naturally heard of the name of Konoha Sannin, so he is no stranger to the big snake pill. Just like Bai Yu, he was slightly surprised by his sudden arrival.

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, I saw Orochimaru grinning and said:

“Don’t you dare to be an adult, after all, Bai Yujun, your current name is much louder than I was at the beginning!”

“Even I am impressed by the things you have done!”

Listening to the taunt of the big snake pill, Bai Yu still had a faint smile on his face and continued:

“Well, there is no need to praise, just say it, big snake pill.”

Looking at the scientist of the ninja world in front of him, as far as Bai Yu knew, the actions of the Great Snake Pill had always been extremely secretive, and now he actually took the initiative to come to him?

I saw that the big snake pill on the opposite side heard this, and also smiled compassionately, and said:

“It’s easy to deal with smart people, then I’ll say it bluntly, Bai Yu-kun.”

“I came to you to ask you to help… Attack Konoha! ”


As soon as these words came out, not only Bai Yu, but even the scorpion and Uchiha ferret behind him were shocked!

Attack Konoha?!

This guy of the big snake pill is so crazy?!

Bai Yu was also a little surprised in his heart.

Although it is known that Orochimaru will launch an attack on Konoha.

But what Bai Yu thought of was the Konoha Honkai plan of the Naka Shinobi Exam and the Sand Hidden Village teaming up!

Could it be that he has already received the news of the demise of the Uchiha clan?!

It should not be, the old man of the ape flying sun must have blocked the news at the first time, what is this guy’s plan?!

After thinking for a moment, Bai Yu also chuckled and spoke:

Before Bai Yu finished speaking, he saw the big snake pill smile and said:

This guy of the big snake pill really investigated himself in secret.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also continued to speak:

“The question of money is naturally necessary, but I mean, not now.”

“After all, we have other things we have to do, so…”

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, the big snake pill also understood in seconds, and said with a smile:

“In a village like that, why do you need to have nostalgia for him?”

“And there are rich things, of course I am willing to help, in that case, when you plan to take official action, come to me again!”

After speaking, Bai Yu also immediately took out his business card, threw it to the big snake pill, and continued:

“Pinch it and I’ll be able to find you, happy cooperation!” If nothing else, you can leave. ”

The big snake pill took the card, saw the content on it, and a sinister smile appeared on his face, and he spoke:

Actually now, the idea of Uchiha Itachi again?!

And at this moment, the big snake pill is a little fiery in his heart, indeed, he has a deep obsession with the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan!

Seeing Uchiha Itachi, I also couldn’t contain the desire for Sharingan in my heart!

For this reaction of the big snake pill, Uchiha Itachi still looked indifferent, and did not pay attention to the big snake pill at the moment.

Just looking at him, there was a slight chill in his eyes.

At this moment, Bai Yu blocked the sight of the big snake pill and sneered:

“I said, Orochimaru-san, you can go!”

When the words fell, I saw his figure flash, and instantly disappeared in place.

Seeing the big snake pill leave, Bai Yu also fell into deep thought, and at this moment, Uchiha Weasel’s heart was already terrifying!

I didn’t expect that the big snake pill would actually have such a terrifying plan!

Attack Konoha?!

At that time, won’t you also have to go with you?!

Things are starting to get troublesome!

However, what made him feel thankful was that the big snake pill did not seem to have received the news of the demise of the Uchiha clan for the time being.

Otherwise, an attack on Konoha would definitely be launched immediately!

Take advantage of this time to think about your plans.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi also looked at the white feather in front of him with a solemn face.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

“Go to… Iwahide Village! “。

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