Looking at the mean smile on Bai Yu’s face, the mask man also stared at Bai Yu tightly.

His anger churned in his chest, like a boiler that was about to explode under too much pressure.

I saw him clenching his teeth, and an uncontrollable anger flashed in his eyes.

The mask man’s fists clenched, gritted his teeth and spoke:

“White feathers… You guy!!! ”

He didn’t expect that he just went to collect the Sharingan, and when he came back, he became like this.

I didn’t expect that this guy Bai Yu directly seduced Uchiha Itachi?!

The mask man was a little doubtful at the moment whether he had fallen for illusion.

Originally, having the pawn of Uchiha Itachi would be of great help to his ‘Eye of the Moon’ plan.

Now TM was actually cut off by this guy Bai Yu?!

Not only made my money, but also robbed my people.

It’s a beast!

Seeing the mask man’s reaction at this moment, Bai Yu was also a little crying and laughing.

How can this Uchiha Obito’s reaction be exactly the same as that guy from Tuanzang? I saw Bai Yu raise his eyebrows, and said with a smile:

“What’s wrong, Boss Madara? Do you have any questions?! ”

However, although his heart was already angry, in the face of Bai Yu’s action, the mask man dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

Originally, with Uchiha Itachi, he didn’t have much certainty about dealing with Bai Yu.

Not to mention that now Uchiha Itachi is no longer in the same camp as him.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito’s heart was also full of qi and blood.

It was hard to find a powerful pawn like Uchiha Itachi.

Sure enough, as he expected, this guy Bai Yu really became a stumbling block on his road to success!

But I can’t do anything with him!

Damn it….

After roaring in his heart for a moment, the mask man also forcibly suppressed his anger.

His eyes looked at Bai Yu coldly:

“Hmph! I hope you don’t regret your actions today! ”

After that, the mask man took another deep look at Uchiha Itachi, then turned around and prepared to leave.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu just smiled and spoke:

“Don’t forget the commission for this mission!”

As soon as Bai Yu’s words came out, the mask man also breathed sluggishly.

Ignoring Bai Yu, a vortex appeared in front of his right eye, and his figure quickly disappeared in front of the two.

Bai Yu looked at the masked man who left, and his heart also felt extremely happy.

The two guys Shimura Danzo and Uchiha Obito, I can’t even think of death, I am the final big winner!

The two old sixes still want to suck me? Are you kidding?!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also retracted his thoughts, turned his head to look at the silent Uchiha Itachi on the side, and said lightly:

“Let’s go, one dozen seven!”

Hearing this, Uchiha Weasel still just nodded gently.

He originally planned to join the Xiao Organization as a spy, but now he also focused on Bai Yu in front of him.

And his current idea is to gain Bai Yu’s trust first, and then slowly understand his purpose!

As for the mask man, the threat now is not as good as the white feather in front of him.

So, this is also the reason why he chose to join Bai Yu.

Seeing Uchiha nodding, Haku didn’t talk too much nonsense, even when he was ready to return to Tanokuni.

“Uchiha Itachi has been successfully recruited, in that case, do you want to pull all the members of the Xiao Organization in the original work?!”

Bai Yu’s heart also began to have his own plans.

The more people, the more money you can make!

Moreover, these people are not small shrimp.

If I can pull them in, won’t my Ninja Mercenaries be able to successfully replace the Xiao Organization?!”

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also looked at Uchiha Itachi who was following behind him.

He also knew that this guy agreed to join so cheerfully, and he must have thought that his existence would definitely pose a great threat to Konoha in the future.

After all, this guy Uchiha Itachi, for the sake of the village, can even do the thing of exterminating the clan.

However, this guy is also a complete actor.

It’s the same as Uchiha Obito.

If you don’t know the original work, you really can’t play these two guys.

Because of his own reasons, Uchiha Obito’s original plan can be said to have a big deviation.

So what will he do next?!

Just as Bai Yu was thinking, he saw the ferret behind him say lightly:

“You can tell me now that Uchiha’s plan is the end… What’s it?! ”

Hearing this, Bai Yu was also slightly stunned, didn’t he expect this guy Uchiha Itachi to be so impatient?!

After a moment of silence, Bai Yu told him about the mask man’s plan.

After listening, Uchiha was also completely shocked, only to see him muttering:

“The Eye of the Moon… Plan?! Collect the Nine Tailed Beasts?! ”

Looking at Uchiha’s appearance, Bai Yu continued to speak lightly:

“That’s right, and the Xiao organization under him is just a pawn he needs to complete this plan.”

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi could hardly hide the shock in his heart, didn’t he expect that guy to have such a crazy plan?!

Then how did Bai Yu know?!

At this moment, Uchiha became more and more curious about the white feather in front of him.

Then your purpose… And what is it?!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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