Seeing the mysterious mask man suddenly appear in front of him, Bai Yu was not surprised at all.

Just looked indifferently at the black-robed figure in front of him.

However, it does seem like I haven’t seen this guy in a while.

Now this time to find yourself, is there any movement again?!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also began to think carefully.

At this moment, I saw the mysterious mask man speak:

“Yo, long time no see, White Feather!”

It sounds like his mood is still a little happy at this moment?!

This also made Bai Yu feel a little puzzled, because in his impression.

Uchiha Obito usually has an expression that people owe him tens of millions.

What’s going on today?

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Bai Yu nodded lightly and spoke

“It’s been a while. What’s wrong, suddenly came to me today, is there something looking for me? ”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, the mysterious mask man also raised his eyebrows, resumed his deep voice and spoke:

“That’s right, I came to you, there is indeed a super S-level mission that needs your help. How, is there interest? ”

As soon as these words came out, Bai Yu also immediately jumped up, rushed to the front of Uchiha Obito, and said excitedly:

“Super S-class? How much commission is there? Don’t ask me if I’m interested, as long as there is money to earn, I won’t refuse! ”

Although he said so, Bai Yu’s heart already had a vague guess!

Most likely, it has something to do with that.

However, the mask man was also slightly stunned when he looked at Bai Yu’s exaggerated reaction.

How much does this guy like money?!

But it just so happened that this was also expected by him.

In recent years, according to his observation of Bai Yu, this guy will do everything as long as he has money, and he doesn’t care what the content of the task is.

Thinking of this, the corners of Uchiha’s mouth also evoked a weird smile.

I saw him staring at Bai Yu tightly, and spoke:

“This hiring mission is related to Konoha! You used to be from Konoha, so… Is it okay? ”

Hearing this, Bai Yu’s eyes also moved slightly.

Sure enough, let yourself guess, the purpose of Uchiha bringing this guy to find himself is already obvious!

Want me to participate in Uchiha’s extermination plan?!

Why did he think of me being involved in this incident?!

Although he had already guessed the reason why Uchiha brought the soil to find him, Bai Yu did not know what his true purpose was.

At this moment, Bai Yu also began to think secretly in his heart.

However, Uchiha Obito was also slightly stunned when he saw Bai Yu suddenly fall silent.


This guy… Is it to refuse?!

Before he had time to think carefully, he saw Bai Yu’s eyebrows raised, and chuckled:

“What task, let’s talk about it first, how much is the employment payment?”

Hearing that Bai Yu was most concerned about the commission, the mask man was also slightly relieved in his heart.

If Bai Yu really refused, it would be a little difficult to do.

In order to completely impress Shiraha, Uchiha took the earth heart to cross the side.

It’s a big deal to find Tuanzang that old guy to reimburse half of it!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito also opened his mouth and said in a deep voice:

“Regarding Uchiha’s extermination plan, I need your help to solve it, after the matter is completed, fifty million!”

After speaking, his heart was also extremely confident, and he decided that Bai Yu would definitely not be able to resist the temptation of these fifty million taels!

And at this moment, after listening to the words of the mask man, Bai Yu also deliberately made a very surprised expression, and after being silent for a long time, he spoke:

“Uchiha… Extermination plan?! ”

However, to the great surprise of the masked man, Bai Yu was silent again.

Just as he was thinking about how to get Bai Yu to agree, he saw the latter raise his eyes slightly, chuckle and speak:

“It’s a bit difficult, you know I used to be from Konoha.”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, the mask man also narrowed his eyes and said lightly:

“You, who have always valued money, actually … Will you care about this too? ”

I saw Bai Yu continue to speak:

“Eh, I think you misunderstood, I mean… Gotta add money! ”

Hearing this, Uchiha Obito was stunned at first, and then his eyes became gloomy.

This guy… Add money plus addiction ?!

Fifty million is not enough?!

If it weren’t for the fear of Bai Yu’s strength, Uchiha Obito really wanted to beat him up!

Looking at the mean smile on Bai Yu’s face.

For the sake of his plan, he still decided to put up with it first.

I saw that he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

“Say, how much money does it take before you can make a move?”

No more, no less, one hundred million, I’ll shoot!

Good guys, just doubled!

Lying groove, opening the mouth is a hundred million?!

Why don’t you go directly to grab it?!

Gee, this guy….

Forget it, one hundred million can be exchanged for talents like Uchiha Itachi, it is also worth it!

I don’t know if that guy in Jiaodu has earned enough 100 million!

After greeting Bai Yu’s family tree in his heart, the mask man also said in a low voice:

“Yes, but you have to listen to me on this mission!”

Hearing this, Bai Yu did not have any objections to this, but just nodded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, the mask man continued to speak:

“In that case, I will inform you before the mission starts, so get ready!”

After speaking, regardless of Bai Yu’s reaction, a vortex emerged, and his figure also slowly entered and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Bai Yu couldn’t help but feel a little funny.

This time, it seems that the guy with Uchiha with the soil is not lightly angry!

The night of Uchiha’s extermination, finally going to….

Did it start?!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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