
This sudden sound also made the horns shake!

A sense of foreboding rose from the bottom of his heart.

Why? Will you feel this way yourself?!

Before he could think about it, the crisp glass breaking sound continued to sound!

In front of Bai Yu’s body, cracks suddenly appeared, spreading towards the surroundings like lightning.

In just a moment, the range of that crack actually covered the monstrous sea of fire!

“So, what is that?!”

Look at the things in front of you that you have never seen before.

Kakuto also couldn’t help but let out an exclamation!

Now he finally began to pay attention to the teenager in front of him.

A pair of weird purple eyes, and this strange ninjutsu in front of you!

This guy… It is worthy of a head worth 100 million!

Sure enough, there is still something.

“However, even so, you can’t stop this ninjutsu!”

“Of all the people I’ve met, you’re still the first one who wants to block my ninjutsu head-on!”

Kakuto also calmed his excitement and said with a sneer.

However, the next moment, I saw that the sea of fire rushing towards the white feather suddenly seemed to be solidified, and stopped there when it was about to touch the white feather!

What, what?!

Before he could react.


The desert where the two were located began to shake violently!

Suddenly, the monstrous flame of the riot shattered like a mirror in an instant!

A bright and dazzling ball of light also rushed towards the horns at an extremely fast speed!

Everywhere the light group passes, it is all dust!

As the ball of light flew out, an amazing ravine also appeared.

In the blink of an eye, the dazzling ball of light flew in front of Kakuto!

Like the first sun of a new birth, it is extremely dazzling!

And when it was about to hit the body of Jiaodu, the white ball of light also suddenly exploded, and the powerful concussive force instantly poured into the bodies of the two earth grievances!

Even the body with Kakuto flew out directly upside down!

Until after flying nearly a kilometer, it hit the yellow sand fiercely!

Along the way, countless yellow sand stirred up and flew wantonly in the air.

The next moment, the two masks of resentment suddenly shattered.

Turned into a black line, the body of the detached Kakuto lost its vitality on the spot!


Feeling the sharp pain coming from his body, Kakuto’s breathing was also sluggish, and his eyes widened, looking at the figure slowly walking towards him in disbelief.

But in his heart, he was already terrified.

What the hell is this… What kind of weird ninjutsu?!

It can actually cause such a powerful destructive power!

And his powerful compound ninja method is actually as fragile as a blank piece of paper in front of him?!

Could it be that this imp….

Mastering some kind of powerful pupil technique?!

Or is it some kind of rare bloodstain limit?!

I have lived for so long, why have I never heard of it?!

Just when Jiaodu was terrified in his heart, Bai Yu had already arrived in front of him, looking down at him indifferently.

Jiaodu’s face was also extremely ugly at the moment, looking at Bai Yu, gritting his teeth and speaking:

“Hey, you little devil…”

“It seems that I underestimate you too much!”

Hearing this, Bai Yu only smiled faintly, looked at the embarrassed Jiaodu at the moment, and spoke:

“It seems that you must be convinced first, and then you will listen to people talk well!”

“If I really wanted to kill you just now, now you’re dead!”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, although Jiaodu was not convinced in his heart, he still counted.

It was the first time he had lost so thoroughly!

After only two rounds of fighting, his own land grudge was destroyed by two?!

And this guy obviously only used one trick!

Leaving aside those purple eyes, what is that ninjutsu that is powerful enough to cause earthquakes?!

Isn’t that a little too scary?!

However, what made Kakuto feel very happy was that fortunately not all five masks were revealed.

Otherwise, he might really be a corpse now!

Thinking of this, Jiaodu’s back was a little shiny, and there was a hint of jealousy in the eyes that looked at Bai Yu.

After the battle just now, he had determined that this guy in front of him might be stronger than that Payne!

What a monster!

When he was fighting that Payne, he still lasted for dozens of rounds.

At this moment, Bai Yu’s faint voice came, interrupting Kakuto’s thoughts.

“There’s no need to fight anymore, right? I really don’t want to kill you. ”

“After all, I really hope that you can join my organization!”

Just kidding, Kakudu, as a professional worker of the Xiao organization, works diligently every day to make money, which does not poach him?

Worthy of his noble professionalism?!

Hearing this, Jiaodu was also slightly stunned, and glanced at Bai Yu with some surprise. Hearing that Bai Yu did not plan to continue fighting, his fear was eased slightly.

It seems that this 100 million is really too difficult for him to earn.

Unexpectedly, I almost lost my life here today.

I saw him slowly stand up, look at Bai Yu’s gaze, and also dodge a little, and said with a palpitation:

“Why… You want to invite me to your organization so much?! ”

As soon as these words came out, I saw Bai Yu’s face.

A weird smile suddenly appeared!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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