Hearing Bai Yu’s words, the scorpion was also shocked. A touch of excitement instantly appeared in his eyes, and I saw him mutter


“Eternal… Art?! ”

For a few words, scorpions can have a strong pursuit!

Everything he is doing is in pursuit of what he calls ‘eternal art’!

Looking at the black scroll that Bai Yu had given him, even his breathing began to become a little rapid.

Now, the goal you pursue is in your hands.

Magic machine… Bai Lian?

For this unfamiliar word, the scorpion has naturally not heard of it.

At this moment, he looked at the black scroll in his hand, a little out of his mind, and he was a little stunned for a while.

After thinking for a moment in his mind, the scorpion also came back to his senses and looked at Bai Yu, only to see that the latter still had a faint smile on his face.

And Bai Yu looked at the scorpion’s reaction, which was also expected by him, only to see him smile and speak:

“Don’t be in a daze, hurry up and study it well, this thing, I believe it will make your strength reach a qualitative leap!”

“Don’t worry, with me guarding outside, you can study it with peace of mind!”

After speaking, regardless of the scorpion’s reaction, Bai Yu also walked leisurely outside.

Looking at Bai Yu’s back, the scorpion was also extremely excited to open the scroll in his hand and began to study it carefully.

A moment later, Bai Yu came outside with brisk steps, looking at the boundless desert in front of him.

When even unleashed the divine skill he had just obtained—the Purple Pole Demon Pupil!

A faint purple light emitted, and Bai Yu’s gaze also swept towards the distance.

“Sure enough, you still have to be outside to see further!”

Bai Yu was also pleasantly surprised to find that his line of sight could actually see a crawling lizard thousands of meters away, and Bai Yu could also see clearly.

However, this is also the limit distance, and no further away, it is not visible.


Suddenly, a familiar figure also met Bai Yu’s eyes.

I saw him walking slowly towards the front.

How could he be here?!


Seeing the familiar dress, the corners of Bai Yu’s mouth also evoked an inexplicable smile.

Kind of interesting!

Suddenly, Bai Yu’s figure flashed and ran directly towards the figure.


And at this moment, in a desert not far away.

A man wearing a red cloud and black robe with a black mask was slowly walking forward.

I saw that his eyes showed a strange green.

This is the Xiaozhi worker who is looking for Bai Yu – Kakuto!

Looking at the boundless desert around him, at this moment, some impatient expressions seemed to appear on Jiaodu’s face.

I saw him frowning and muttering in a deep voice:

“Damn, I’ve been here for so long, I haven’t even seen a single hair, is this guy really in the Land of Wind?!”

Despite complaining, Kakuto continued to search for money.

And at this moment, Jiaodu’s eyes also moved slightly, because he felt that someone was rapidly approaching him!


I saw him turn his head sharply, just in time to see a silver-haired boy appear behind him!

There was also a faint smile on his face.

Looking at the boy in front of him, Jiaodu was also slightly stunned.

Why does this face feel a little familiar?

Before he could think about it, he saw Bai Yu chuckle and speak:

“Yo, you should be the legendary undead ninja… Kakuto, right?! ”

“Looks like you’re looking for something, do you need my help?!”

However, as his words fell, Jiaodu narrowed his eyes slightly, ignored Bai Yu, and immediately took out the bounty order on his body and began to compare.

Looking at the portrait on the bounty order, he glanced at the teenager on the other side.

Kakuto’s irritable mood also immediately became excited, because this guy in front of him was his target this time!

In his eyes, Bai Yu is walking a hundred million at this moment, waving towards him!

I saw that the eyes of Kakudu looking at Bai Yu had already begun to become hot, and then he said in a deep voice:

“I didn’t expect that a person worth 100 million would actually be a little devil like you?!”

“This bounty is really unexpectedly easy to take!”

Kakuto looked at the slender body of Bai Yu in front of him, as well as the chakra aura on his body, which was not powerful.

He couldn’t help but show a cruel smile, and his eyes stared closely at the white feather in front of him.

He didn’t expect that the prey he was looking for would actually take the initiative to send it to the door?!

Hearing Jiaodu’s words, Bai Yu’s face still had that faint smile, and his face did not change color.

It seems that he guessed correctly, and the horns are really looking for themselves.

After all, with a bounty of 100 million hanging on his head, how could he not be moved by the professional workers of Xiao Organization?!

Looking at Kakuto’s feverish eyes, Bai Yu also smiled and said:

“How? Want to take my head?! ”

“I advise you not to do that.”


“But you’re going to die!”

When the words fell, Bai Yu’s pupils instantly turned a strange purple, emitting a faint light!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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