Watch the mysterious masked man disappear into the air.

Bai Yu also raised his eyebrows, it seems that this guy will find himself in the future.

Another big moneymaker!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu was also in a happy mood.

Then he looked at the sack next to him, and a touch of excitement rose in his eyes.

That’s 50 million taels!

When the scorpion on the side saw this scene, there was no wave on his face, and he was used to Bai Yu’s behavior.

I saw the scorpion say faintly:

“You say, what is the purpose of this masked one-eyed man to grab the tailed beast?!”

Hearing the scorpion’s words, Bai Yu was also slightly stunned.

Uchiha’s purpose in bringing the earth to catch the tailed beast naturally he knew.

However, I saw that he thought for a moment, and suddenly his face straightened, and he said with a serious face:

“Probably… Let’s catch it as a pet! ”


The one who can say such things in a serious way may be this guy?!

Then I saw Bai Yu continue to speak:

“What purpose he has, you will know later, now let’s make good money first!”


I saw Bai Yu pause, and then spoke:

“We are also going to start expanding the size of the organization, so that we can make more money, but the strength must not be too low!”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, the scorpion also nodded thoughtfully.

It’s an organization, only the two of them, and it’s really a little unspeakable.

After thinking for a moment, the scorpion also said lightly:

“Do you have any good candidates?”

When Bai Yu heard this, he also shook his head gently.

“This kind of thing can only be done casually…”

Now, for Bai Yu, improving his strength is the first thing!

Although now with the Shock Fruit, the physical attack on him is completely worthless, but this is still not enough!

Hearing Bai Yu say this, the scorpion had to nod faintly, and then turned around and walked outside.

At this moment, a crisp prompt sounded in Bai Yu’s mind. Hearing this sudden voice, Bai Yu was also overjoyed in his heart.


“Congratulations to the host, your personal assets have reached fifty-five million taels.”

“The system has automatically converted you into wealth.”

“Current Remaining Wealth Value: 550!”

Listening to the system’s prompt tone, Bai Yu also immediately opened his own system.

Looking at the remaining five lottery opportunities, his heart also began to get excited very rarely!

“System, open the panel!”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, an illusory panel appeared in front of him.

Host: White feathers

Wealth value: 550

Number of draws remaining: 5

Reward (earned): Shock Fruit!

“Start the lottery!”

Immediately, the illusory big turntable also appeared in front of Bai Yu again.

I don’t know what kind of reward it will be this time!

“System, start the lottery!”

“Ding! Rewards are being drawn…”

As the voice of the system fell, the illusory large turntable began to spin rapidly in Bai Yu’s mind!

After a few moments, the pointer slowly stops.

A round octagonal rune-like thing came into Bai Yu’s eyes.


What is this?!

Bai Yu looked carefully and saw that there was also a light blue horse’s head engraved on it.

On the back of it, there are densely carved runes.

Seeing this thing, Bai Yu was also a little confused.

In his impression, it was as if he had never seen this thing.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, get the reward: Twelve Charms – Horse Charms! ”

Twelve spells?

Horse charm?!

How have you never heard of it?!

“System, what are the twelve charms?”

As his words fell, the mechanized voice of the system also sounded slowly.

“The twelve charms can give users physical abilities and special skills beyond ordinary people, and they are items that belong to the category of magic weapons!”

“Horse Charm: It allows the holder to have the power to heal and eliminate all abnormal external forces in the body. It can break all ailments and all injuries.


So hanging?!

Hearing the explanation of the system, Bai Yu can be regarded as understanding, there is actually such a good thing?!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also began to get excited.

In this way, with this thing, there is no need to fear the side effects of the shock fruit on the body?

Because Bai Yu now felt that his internal organs had been damaged to a certain extent due to the frequent use of the Shock Fruit.

Although it has not brought discomfort now, if it continues like this for a long time, he will definitely become like the whitebeard in the pirates, playing hanging bottles every day….

When I get something new, I naturally want to try it, and Bai Yu can’t wait to start researching it.

He wanted to see what was magical about this thing, and items like magic weapons should not be far behind!

I saw that Bai Yu instantly took out the horse charm, and his heart moved.

A warm current instantly poured into his body, and Bai Yu could clearly feel that his damaged internal organs were being repaired.

In just a moment, Bai Yu had recovered as before, and even the scars left by the previous mission had all been restored!

“This is much stronger than those medical ninjutsu!”

Bai Yu couldn’t help but sigh at this moment.

Looking at the horse charm in his hand, Bai Yu’s eyes also flashed with excitement.

In this way, isn’t it yourself….


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