The purple-black tailed beast jade brought up an impact as if it was going to tear the space apart!

Along the way, the power is monstrous!

Seeing this terrifying blow, everyone watching was terrified and terrified!

That intruder could actually force that monster to this point?!

Not only did it smash its arm in an instant, but now it also forced it to perform its strongest move!

Now they also finally reacted to why the fourth generation of Wind Shadow was defeated so easily.

The scorpion naturally felt the horror of this blow, and began to worry a little in his heart.

That guy… It shouldn’t die, right?!

At this moment, his face was also covered with cold sweat, and he was no longer in the mood to fight with Chiyo in front of him, looking at the purple-black energy ball full of oppression, his pupils constricted.

And Chiyo, on the other side of the scorpion, had completely frozen, and an invisible chill rose from the soles of her feet and covered her whole body.

However, the white feather on the ground was just expressionless at the moment, and his eyes were full of indifference.

Looking at the roaring tailed beast jade, he didn’t even move his footsteps.

The next moment, Bai Yu’s eyes moved slightly, and he let out a soft breath.

His hands clenched into fists, and a strong white light instantly covered his fists.

Immediately formed two white air pressure masks!

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu’s gaze froze, and he directly fused the two white air pressure hoods together!


As the two air pressure hoods fused together, I saw an even more intense white light emitted instantly.

Like a small sun, it illuminates the entire night!

The onlookers closed their eyes at this moment, not daring to open them in the slightest.

“So, what the hell is that?!”

“Ah! My eyes are going blind! What is this white light?! Did the sun set?! ”

Most of the onlookers couldn’t help but let out a terrified wail at this moment!

My heart was even more horrified!

And at this moment, Bai Yu, feeling the power of shock from his hand, the corners of his mouth hooked an inexplicable arc.

However, the huge purple-black energy ball was too late for him to think about it.

Feeling that strong sense of oppression, Bai Yu’s eyes narrowed, and he directly punched towards that tailed beast jade!

“Shattered Void Crack!”

The whole ground began to tremble violently again, as if the end of the world!

All the onlookers could not stand up at this moment, and fell to the ground shakily.

“Damn, this earthquake is here again!”

“I feel that this time it doesn’t seem to be so simple, and the whole earth seems to be cracking!”

“Could it be… That intruder wants to block that monster’s attack?! ”

Everyone knew at this moment that this trembling earth was the impact of the intruder’s attack!

This kind of power is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth!

In the ninja world, are there really such terrifying people?!

As soon as it is shot, it will shake the heavens and the earth?!

At this moment, everyone in Shayin Village was terrified, and this battle had completely exceeded their understanding.

And as for the scorpion, it has been completely stupid.

He knew that it was caused by Bai Yu’s attack, but this was a bit too outrageous, right?!

That guy… Aren’t the previous battles useless with full strength?!

What kind of monster is he?!

Is this really something a ninja can do?!

Chiyo on the side also looked at the scorpion in front of him in horror.

What shocked her was, how could a scorpion stay with such a monster?!

Who the hell is that?!


A crisp glass breaking sound clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

Immediately afterwards, white cracks spread out like lightning, and that space, like a mirror, was constantly shattering!

I saw that the cracks were getting longer and longer, until they spread to the same as the huge tailed beast jade, and then slowly stopped.

The next moment, the purple-black energy ball slammed straight into the space that seemed to be shattered!

However, the earth-shattering explosion did not sound!

Everyone looked at it suspiciously, only to see that the originally mighty tailed beast jade was strangely stopped in the air at this moment!

No, to be precise, it was blocked by the shattered space, as if it was solidified, unable to advance any further!


Seeing the strange scene in front of them, everyone’s eyes widened, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

So, what kind of move is that?!

It was able to block the strongest blow of that monster?!

So, those cracks, did they break the space?!

Not to mention them, even the Shouhe who launched the tailed beast jade was already completely stupid.

What did this imp do?!

The ultimate mystery of being a tailed beast was actually blocked like this?!

That crack? What kind of space ninjutsu?!

Shouhe’s face was already covered with big and small question marks at the moment, but in his heart, he was already shocked!

The tailed beast jade beat out, but he couldn’t even touch him?!

However, just as Shouhe was thinking, a burst of shouts suddenly came from under it.

“Give me… Broken! ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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