This sudden situation also made the masked man tremble!

How, what?!

Why can’t my body enter a blurred state?!

What the hell did this guy do?!

The mask man was terrified in his heart at the moment, this strange situation, he met for the first time!

The divine power that he was proud of could not be used now?!

Could it be that the white light on that guy’s hand can really affect the space?!

No, no, it’s not that Kamui can’t be used, but the speed of his own blurring has begun to become extremely slow?!

“Damn, you guy…!”

The mask man couldn’t help but be annoyed at the moment.

And his face under the mask was already covered with cold sweat.

However, years of combat experience also allowed Uchiha Obito to quickly regain his senses.

I saw him clenching his teeth and flashing his body to the side at an extremely fast speed, trying to dodge this powerful blow from Bai Yu!

At first, listening to the intelligence brought back by Xiaonan, Bai Yu forced the third-generation wind shadow to rest with a punch, and Uchiha Obito’s heart was very suspicious.

Only now after seeing Bai Yu’s strange ability with his own eyes did he clearly realize it.

What Xiao Nan said was not the slightest exaggeration. This guy can actually directly affect his spatial power!

Uchiha Obito was not stupid enough to plan to take this punch!

His current situation is very bad!

And at this moment, Bai Yu, seeing that Uchiha Obito in front of him actually began to dodge, which means that his conjecture is correct!

He can’t use Kamui now!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu couldn’t help but look pleased.

The next moment, Bai Yu’s fist covered with white light instantly struck on the space where the mask man was!


That familiar glass breaking sound suddenly sounded!

One crack after another spread instantly!

Seeing this, the scorpion on the side also showed shock, and his eyes stared closely at the two people fighting in front of him.

“Is that guy Bai Yu really a monster?!”

Even at this moment, the scorpion couldn’t hide the amazement in his heart, and couldn’t help but mumble.

That masked man was actually easily suppressed by Bai Yu at this moment?!

You know, under his strange ability before, I couldn’t even touch him.

At this moment, he also realized that in front of Bai Yu’s strange ability, he was probably also killed in seconds!

I actually thought about making him a puppet before.

Thinking of this, the scorpion smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Now it seems that he is indeed a little too naïve.

Just as the scorpion was thinking, the desert began to shake violently again.

But for this, the scorpion is used to it.

He also discovered that every time Bai Yu used that special ability, there would be a sound of glass shattering.

Then it will cause an earthquake!

The scorpion was also not strange, there was not much change in expression on his face, but his thoughts were interrupted.

And at this moment, Uchiha Obito, looking at the space behind him that was constantly shattering like a mirror, was already shocked to the extreme!

He looked at Bai Yu behind him in horror, and saw that the latter had a faint smile on his face at the moment, and Bai Yu chuckled and said:

“What’s wrong? Do you… Can’t dodge?! ”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, the mask man also trembled.

Immediately, Uchiha Obito only felt a strange force coming from his arm!

He turned his head sharply and looked at his arm, only to see that the space there had turned into a broken mirror, which was very strange!

And that crack is still spreading around!

And at this moment, a strange feeling appeared in Uchiha Obito’s heart!

This feeling also appeared a few years ago.

It’s the feeling of death!

Realizing this, Uchiha took the earth’s gaze and immediately let out a roar:


That concussive force was about to pour into his body at this moment.

Uchiha Obito can only pin his hopes on his right eye at the moment!

That kaleidoscope has already shed blood!

And with his continuous efforts, Shenwei was finally launched, and his body entered a virtual state!


The loud noise also suddenly sounded at this moment.

One after another, amazing ravines continue to crack and spread in all directions!

Countless yellow sand rose into the sky, and in just a moment, the surroundings of the white feather were quickly shrouded!

After about ten seconds, the dust that covered the sky was slowly blown away by the wind.

The scorpion looked at the calm desert, and also immediately controlled the puppet of the three generations of wind shadows to land slowly.

Just now, in order to avoid the destruction of the white feather’s attack, he directly controlled the puppet of the three generations of wind shadows to fly into the air.

And when he looked towards the place where the two of them were before, he couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

At this moment, only Bai Yu’s figure remained, and the mysterious mask man was missing.

Only a severed arm remained, lying quietly on the yellow sand.

Bai Yu looked at the amputated arm, there was no expression on his face, just standing quietly.

It seems that he still let him use Shenwei.

It seems that the earthquake fruit still can’t directly affect the space!

Then why didn’t Obito be evaded by divine power in the first place?!

Just as Bai Yu was puzzled, a strange vortex suddenly appeared in a space in front of him

Immediately, the figure of the masked man also slowly emerged!

It’s just that he looks a little uncomfortable now.

His left arm was broken, and blood was dripping downward, quickly staining the yellow sand beneath him.

The black robe on his body was also a little tattered, and even the mask on his face had many cracks, as if it would shatter in the next moment.

Seeing the mask man appear, Bai Yu was also slightly stunned, and then evoked a faint smile.

“Sorry, I won!”

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