
Uchiha took the earth to ask the prestige, only to see that Bai Yu had appeared next to them at some point.

And, directly grabbed his hand!

Although Obito had already lifted his divine power at this time, it was not this that surprised him at the moment.

But marvel at the speed of Bai Yu, actually so fast?!

This guy….

It’s not that simple!

Thinking of this, the mysterious mask man’s chakra eyes that emitted a blood-red light suddenly looked at Bai Yu.

I saw Bai Yu at this moment, with a faint smile on his face.

Immediately, Bai Yu tilted his head slightly and said to the scorpion next to him:

“Scorpion, enough! You are not a match for this guy, change it for me! ”

At this moment, the scorpion was still in shock just now. Hearing Bai Yu’s words, I saw him nodded woodenly, and then retreated to the side.

His face still looked a little solemn.

After all, the ability that the masked man showed just now was too weird.

He had never heard of such ninjutsu in the ninja world!

Today, he can be regarded as an eye-opener!

Whether it was the white feather in front of him or this mysterious mask man who suddenly appeared, he had a power that made him feel strange!

Now the scorpion, just realized.

In this ninja world, there are many people who are stronger than him.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated in his heart.

Just as he was thinking, the mysterious mask man looked at the white feather in front of him, his brows furrowed slightly, and said in a deep voice:

“It seems that you are even more anxious than me? Juvenile! ”

As his words fell, Bai Yu’s face was very calm, without the slightest wave, and in the pair of deep eyes, a fine light flashed, and he said with a smile:

“There is no need to talk nonsense, if you want to fight, start quickly!”

“After all, I want to do an experiment on you too!”


Hearing this, Uchiha Obito was also slightly stunned, and then a wave of anger rose in his heart.

These two guys in front of you really think of themselves as sparring partners?!

Thinking of this, the mysterious mask man snorted coldly.

The next moment, his body entered a virtual state again.

The hand that was grabbed by Bai Yu also penetrated directly.

In an instant, he distanced himself from Bai Yu and stared at him tightly.

Seeing Uchiha Obito who had entered the illusory state, Bai Yu was not too surprised.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu chuckled

“Okay, quick fix. After solving you, I still have to take orders, and I really don’t have much time to play with you. ”

Hearing this, Uchiha Obito also sneered and spoke:

“Young man, don’t say it too early, you should have seen it just now, and any attack can’t touch me.”

Uchiha Obito was also extremely confident at the moment, thinking that it was absolutely impossible for Bai Chen to touch him!

After thinking for a moment in his mind, the mask man said lightly:

“Well, if you win, I’ll hire you, how?!”

“Didn’t you call yourself a ‘Ninja Mercenary’?”

“Let me see if you have that strength!”

As his words fell, Bai Yu smiled and spoke:

“Since you said so. Then I naturally won’t be overwhelmed with money. ”

At this moment, the breeze blew and the two robes danced.

The next moment, the mysterious mask man moved, and I saw his hands quickly sealed!

“Fire Boom!”

Uchiha Obito was very calm at the moment, intending to use long-distance ninjutsu to test the temptation first to see what Bai Yu was capable of!

I saw that he was instantly sealed!

The attack in front of him suddenly began to become twisted, and there was also a storm!

Immediately, a furious fire snake instantly spit out from the mysterious mask man’s mouth!

Under the influence of that twisting storm, I saw that fire snake instantly expanded, spinning in the air and rushing towards the white feather!

The temperature of that huge fire snake was extremely high, and even the air was burned dry!

The scorpion on the side couldn’t help but smack his tongue slightly when he saw this violent fire.

Even from such a distance, he could feel the terrifying temperature it emitted!

If you are hit, it will definitely evaporate instantly!

After a moment of shock, the scorpion also suddenly looked at Bai Yu, but did not worry at all.

Because of that guy’s strange ability, it is very difficult to run into him!

In this battle, the scorpion really can’t see through who will win.

After all, these two guys are too weird in their abilities!

Bai Yu saw the powerful fire that swept over himself, and his eyes were calm like frozen lake water, without the slightest wave.

Cooperate with the fire launched by Kamui?!

For this move of the mask man, Bai Yu is naturally very familiar.

The next moment, I saw his gaze condense.

The fist was instantly clenched, and a strong white light instantly covered.

Directly punched the space in front of him!

Looking at the strong light that suddenly appeared on Bai Yu’s hand, Uchiha Obito was also slightly startled.

Is this just .


That special blood succession limit?!

However, he did not feel anything special in it, except that the light was slightly dazzling.

However, before he could take a closer look, a crisp glass breaking sound suddenly sounded!


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