Watching the mask man disappear into the air, Xiao Nan’s eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Payne on the side and said lightly:

“Payne, what are we going to do?!”

I saw Payne looking at the place where the masked man disappeared, a little stunned, and after a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice:

“Let’s do as he says first, after all, our eyes are the same, and now we have no other way but to believe him.”

Hearing this, Xiao Nan had to nod slightly and spoke:

“Then in that case, let me investigate the information about that white feather first!”

As her voice fell, Payne’s deep voice sounded again.

“Hmm! Spread the news of the death of three generations of wind shadows, I will let you do it, you just need to concentrate on collecting intelligence. ”

Hearing Payne say this, Xiao Nan didn’t say anything more, and nodded slightly.

“I see!”

After speaking, I saw her quickly spread her paper wings, and her body slowly rose and floated in the air.

Soon, he flew out of the cave and flew into the distance.

Watching Xiao Nan’s figure disappear into the sky, Payne stood there quietly, lost in thought.

What he was concerned about at the moment was the boy named Bai Yu, if it was really like what Xiao Nan saw, that young man had that strange strength.

Then their plan will not go so smoothly!

Just as Payne was thinking, a strange voice suddenly sounded from behind Payne.

“Oops, what’s wrong, Payne, calling me back in such a hurry?!”

“Is there any emergency?!”

When Payne heard the prestige, he saw a pitcher plant-like creature appear there at an unknown time, and he only leaked half of his body at the moment and quietly looked at Payne in front of him.

As his words fell, Payne just glanced at him faintly, and then said in a deep voice:

“Absolutely, let go of what you are doing for now, now there is an urgent task for you to do.”

“Oh? Urgent tasks? Did something really happen? ”

As the strange voice came, Payne only nodded slightly, and after a moment of silence, continued to speak

“The news brought back by Xiao Nan said that the third-generation wind shadow from Shayin Village was killed!”


Hearing Payne’s words, he was absolutely slightly stunned.

Shayin Village… Three generations of wind shadows?!

Immediately, a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face.

“Wait, what you’re talking about is… The one known as the strongest wind shadow…?! ”

Looking at Jue’s surprised expression, Payne nodded slightly.

After a moment of silence, he continued to speak:

“That’s a guy with a special blood succession limit—magnetic escape!”

“Who the hell is it… Can kill him?! And I don’t seem to have received any news! Is this information really true?! ”

“This is what Xiao Nan witnessed when he went to the Land of Wind to recruit the Red Sand Scorpion, and the other party is only a teenager! The name is called… White feathers! ”

Payne said lightly, without any emotional fluctuations in his words.

“Moreover, according to what she said, that teenager seems to have some kind of powerful blood succession limit!”

As Payne’s voice fell, he was completely stupid!

Before he could think about it, he saw Payne continue to speak

“Okay, I’ll tell you in detail about other things, and the priority now is to spread the news as soon as possible!”

“Also, don’t reveal the name White Feather.”

Payne’s words also made Jue immediately come back to his senses, only to see him answer faintly, and then retreated into the ground, and even the breath disappeared instantly.

As long as the news of the death of the three generations of Kazekage spreads, it will definitely cause an uproar in the entire ninja world.

At that time, it will be more convenient for Xiao Organization to take action!

Looking at the dripping rain outside, Payne couldn’t help but secretly think in his heart at the moment.

And at this moment, the border of the country of winds.

Inside the scorpion’s residence.

Bai Yu looked at the extremely excited scorpion in front of him, and then shifted his gaze to the puppet behind him.

After a day, the scorpion has successfully transformed the corpses of three generations of wind shadows into puppets.

I saw the scorpion excitedly looking at the puppet behind him, and spoke:

“How? The artistic component of this puppet is very high! ”

Hearing this, Bai Yu also said with a smile:

“It is worthy of being called a genius puppeteer, which is very good.”

After speaking, Bai Yu’s heart couldn’t help but think.

With three generations of wind shadow puppets, the strength of the scorpion should have reached the shadow level, right?!

That way, it’s time to move on to the next mission!

Bai Yu has long been eager to start the next moment of the task, after all, after collecting the scorpion’s commission, there are only 50 wealth points, and the system lottery needs to consume 100 wealth points.

That is to say, it will take another five million taels before Bai Yu can conduct another lottery.

The system does not give a prompt either, it seems that you need to find an employer yourself.

However, just as Bai Yu was thinking about it, he suddenly felt it.

Behind him, there was a strange fluctuation!


Bai Yu turned back thoughtfully, and saw a strange vortex appear in a space over there!

The next moment, a figure in a black robe slowly emerged…

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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