Feeling those dozen chakras, Bai Yu was slightly stunned at first.


How could it be here?!

Immediately, he seemed to realize something, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Stand where you are, waiting quietly.

The scorpion on the side saw Bai Yu stop, and asked lightly


After seeing Bai Yu nodding slightly, he also fell silent, put down the corpse on his shoulder, and waited quietly with him.

Soon, on the other side of the boundless desert, dozens of black shadows appeared in the field of vision of the two.

I saw that they were extremely fast, and soon arrived in front of the two.

I saw this group of people, all wearing Bai Yu’s familiar uniform, as well as the iconic mask.

All indicate their identity.

The dark part of Konoha!

A dozen ninjas from Konoha’s dark part?!

Among them, there is also Chakra, which makes Bai Yu feel familiar.

The scorpion on the side was also slightly startled when he saw this group of people.

This is….


The scorpion only vaguely remembered that he had seen this kind of costume when he was still in Shayin Village!

It is a special organization of Konoha Ninja Village.

Why, it appeared in the Land of the Wind?!

Could it be….

Thinking of this, the scorpion also turned his gaze to the white feather beside him.

At this moment, Bai Yu looked at the dozens of figures in front of him, and said with a smile:

“What wind is blowing you here?”

As his words fell, I saw one of the dark ninjas, led by one, speak:

“Captain Hakuha, we have specially come to invite you back to Konoha on the order of the third generation of Hokage-sama, and hope that you will cooperate.”

Although he called the captain in his mouth, he did not show any respectful attitude at all, and there was no emotion in his words!

As soon as these words came out, the scorpion looked at Bai Yu with some surprise, and his heart was full of thoughts.

This guy, is it Konoha’s people?

Or the captain?

Could it be that he is a traitor like himself?

It seems that this guy, at a certain point, still has a consensus with himself.

At this moment, Bai Yu on the side suddenly laughed, and then said coldly:

“Please let me go back? Is he really a fool when he slashes the sun and Shimura Danzo? ”

“The purpose of sending you here is to get rid of me, right?”

Speaking of this, a cold glint appeared in Bai Yu’s eyes.

He also realized at this moment that these dozen dark departments were definitely sent by the two old immortals to kill him.

After all, talents like him, placed in other ninja villages, will never be discarded at will.

Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo also realized this, and they also quickly discussed to wipe out the white feathers to avoid future troubles!

Therefore, more than a dozen dark departments set out overnight, and after continuous inquiries, they finally found the traces of Bai Yu.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu couldn’t help but feel a little funny in his heart.

Sure enough, those two old men would not let themselves go so easily.

As Bai Yu’s words fell, Konoha Shinobu also felt slightly stunned.

Unexpectedly, his mind was still so meticulous!

I actually directly discovered the purpose of their trip!

The Dark Ninja at the head said in a deep voice

“Since you don’t cooperate, then don’t blame us for being ruthless! The order of the three generations of Hokage-sama, we must complete! ”

As his words fell, Bai Yu also shook his head helplessly, and said against the people in front of him:

“A person like Ape Flying Sun Slash, is it worth your desperation? Don’t you even want your life for the sake of the mission? ”

Hearing this, the dark part named the head also sneered.

“I admit, you are indeed very strong, and you are the first ever to become the captain of the Dark Department at this age.”

“However, even if you have a good talent, you are only a good forbearant now, are you a little too arrogant in the face of so many of us?”

“Bring a helper, do you really think you can do it again?”

At this moment, this dark person was also full of contempt in his heart, thinking that Bai Yu was just playing tricks now.

He didn’t think that Bai Yu could still have the power to fight in the face of dozens of their upper ninja shadows.

Therefore, his heart was also extremely confident at the moment, as if he had pinched the white feather.

At this moment, the scorpion, which had been silent, also spoke lightly.

“You people in Konoha, it seems a little inappropriate to enter our Wind Country so casually, right?”

Hearing this, the dark part also looked at the red-haired boy, and then chuckled:

“You don’t have to worry about it, little friend.”

“If we kill you all, no one will know that it was our Konoha ninja who did it!”


At this moment, he also noticed the corpses behind the two people in front of him

The next moment, I saw him trembling, and even his breathing was stagnant.

That, that’s…?!

The rest of the Shinobi also noticed his abnormality and followed his gaze.

I saw a blue-haired figure lying there quietly, no longer lifeless.

The blood on his body has dried up and should have been dead for a while.

When he saw the corpse, a chill instantly enveloped everyone, and under the mask, no one was not shocked!

That was….

Three generations of Mekaze of Sand Hidden Village?!

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