The three generations of wind shadows fell weakly in the yellow sand, and at this moment he only felt.

That powerful force seemed to tear him apart, and it hurt endlessly!

The dark red blood donation had already stained the yellow sand under him.

He fell to the ground weakly, and could only slowly wait for the arrival of death.

The next moment, a figure also appeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

Bai Yu quietly looked at the three generations of wind shadows who fell to the ground.

At this moment, the world seemed silent.

The three generations of Wind Shadow looked at the familiar and unfamiliar silver-haired boy, his eyes widened in horror, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

His pupils constricted, but he was more unwilling in his heart at the moment.

He didn’t believe that if he was as strong as himself, he would actually lose at the hands of a superior ninja!

Or one….


His thoughts had been completely interrupted, and his brain was blank!

What is that weird power?!

I didn’t see his seal at all, what the hell was that white light?!

Can it actually have such terrifying speed and destructive power?!

Can a hairy boy actually have such great power?!

The magnetic escape that I am proud of, in the face of his terrifying ability, is actually powerless to resist!

Thinking of this, the three generations of Feng Ying raised their heads with difficulty, opened their mouths, and seemed to want to say something.

However, in the end, he couldn’t say anything, and his head was directly planted in the yellow sand, completely losing his vitality!

Before losing consciousness, the minds of the three generations of Wind Shadow were full of regret.

I already knew that this teenager had such a powerful power, then he would definitely not…

Fight him!

The strongest wind shadow, complete death!

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu was still pale, his eyes calmly looked at the corpse of the three generations of wind shadows, and said indifferently:

“Is this what people call ‘the strongest wind shadow’?”

“That’s all.”

Bai Yu leaned down slightly, picked up the corpse of the three generations of wind shadows, and walked in one direction.

At this moment, the scorpion’s face was already covered with cold sweat, and he widened his eyes, looking at the boy who was slowly walking towards him in horror.

He was completely stunned.

Scorpion couldn’t have imagined that he originally just wanted Bai Yu to consume three generations of wind shadows, and then he would make a move.

Or help your escape delay a little time.

However, the current situation is.

That boy did stop the three generations of Wind Shadow and killed him?!

Or with the power of destroying the decay, directly kill in seconds?!

From the beginning of the battle to now, it takes less than two minutes!

What the hell is going on here?!

That strongest wind shadow, just died?!

This teenager seems to have only shot twice in total, right?!

Thinking of this, the scorpion couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

His eyes were staring closely at Bai Yu, who was getting closer and closer to him.

Soon, Bai Yu had already come to him carrying the corpse of the three generations of wind shadows, and casually dropped it next to the scorpion.

The scorpion also immediately came to his senses, looked at the corpse beside him, and then looked up at the silver-haired boy.

I saw that Bai Yu’s face still had that faint smile on his face at the moment, and he didn’t pay attention to the scorpion’s terrified expression.

He patted the sand on his body, and then smiled at the scorpion

“Boss Scorpion, I’ve already helped you solve it. It’s time to give money, right? ”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, the scorpion also trembled, and Mu Ne’s head nodded.

Then he glanced at the corpse beside him with some horror and spoke:

“I don’t have so much money with me, you come with me to my residence to get it!”

As soon as the scorpion’s words came out, he also looked at the white feather in front of him nervously, for fear that this devil would not believe in himself and forced him to rest on the spot.

But fortunately, Bai Yu did not have much doubt about this, nodded slightly, and did not say much.

After all, as long as it is a person with a slightly normal brain, he will not carry five million with him, right?

Then he said lightly:

“Lead the way!”

Seeing this, the scorpion was also slightly relieved.

Now he has completely dispelled the idea of Bai Yu in his heart, and he actually wanted to use such a person as his puppet before!

Are you kidding!

If he punches him, there will definitely be no slag left!

What made him feel extremely fortunate was that this mysterious boy seemed to really just be for money, and had no other ideas.

And at this moment, directly above the desert, in the distant sky.

A woman dressed in a red cloud and black robe witnessed all this with her own eyes.

I saw that behind her, a pair of wings made of pieces of paper were constantly stirring, floating in the air.

At this moment, her little mouth was slightly open, and she was completely stunned!

Is that…… What people?!

Can actually cause such a powerful destructive force?!

Moreover, that blue-haired figure seems to be the third-generation eye wind shadow of Shayin Village?!

It was actually killed directly?!

That’s a shadow-level powerhouse!

Or was the man known as the ‘strongest wind shadow’ killed in seconds like this?!

Xiao Nan was completely stupid….

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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