The sudden sound was like a ghost, and it reached the ears of the two at this moment!


The three generations of wind shadows turned around sharply, just in time to see a figure in a black robe standing there quietly.

The man was wrapped in a wide black robe with a hood from head to toe, and his face could not be seen at all.

Seeing this, the scorpion was also slightly stunned, and looked at the mysterious figure that appeared at an unknown time with some surprise.

This person….

When was it?!

Why didn’t I feel a little breath from him?!

And at this moment, it was not only a scorpion that was surprised, the three generations of wind shadows were also slightly discolored at this moment, and their pupils suddenly shrank!

However, he quickly suppressed the strange emotions in his heart and said in a deep voice:

“What are you?!”

The eyes of the three generations of wind shadows were staring at the mysterious black-robed man tightly, and their bodies were tense, not daring to be careless!

Those who can appear near themselves silently are not idle!

As the words of the three generations of wind shadows fell, I saw that the black-robed man slowly took off the black hat on his head.

The next moment, a handsome face came into the eyes of the two!

This person is the white feather who followed the system’s guidance to the border of the Wind Country!

The reason why Bai Chen can appear quietly is because Bai Yu is very proficient in the concealment of breath!

While in the Dark Department of Konoha, Hakuha’s main mission is to be in charge of intelligence investigation and assassination missions!

After several years of training, he is now more skilled in the concealment of his own breath!

I saw that he flicked his silver hair casually, and then looked at the two people in front of him with those deep eyes.

After staring at the person in front of him for a moment of silence, he said lightly


“It’s the third generation of Wind Shadow?!”

Seeing that the black-robed man in front of him directly ignored his own question, the face of the three generations of Wind Shadow was also suddenly a little unhappy.

However, he did not have the impulse to attack Bai Yu directly, but said in a deep voice:

“That’s right, I’m the third generation of Wind Shadow of Shayin Village!”

“Judging by your appearance, you shouldn’t be from the Land of Wind!”

“I don’t know what happened when I came here this time?”

As the words of the three generations of wind shadows fell, I saw Bai Yu smile, and then said lightly:

“Don’t worry, I’m just a passing worker!”


Hearing his words, the three generations of Wind Shadow were also slightly stunned.

Beat the workers?!

What is it???

Is it some kind of special profession?

At this moment, even the scorpion on the side was full of doubts, completely unable to understand what this mysterious person who suddenly appeared meant.

Just when the two were puzzled, Bai Yu also shifted his gaze to the red-haired boy who fell to the ground at this moment.

I saw that at this moment, there was still a bright red blood stain on the corner of his mouth!

Seeing the iconic red hair, as well as that baby face, Bai Yu also recognized him immediately!

Is the genius puppet master scorpion of Shayin Village?

However, seeing that the scorpion at this moment was actually beaten by three generations of wind shadows.

Bai Yu vaguely remembered that in the original work, the scorpion made three generations of wind shadows into his own puppet, so now…

What’s going on here?!

The scorpion in front of him is not the opponent of the three generations of wind shadow at all!

Bai Yu was stunned, and suddenly found the current scorpion, as if he had not yet transformed his body.

No wonder you can’t beat it, it seems that the scorpion is not willing to give up the blood book!

But now it seems that the name of the man in front of him as ‘the strongest wind shadow’ should not be adulterated.

Bai Yu also felt the sudden outbreak of powerful Chakra here just now, and found the specific location of the two.

Could it be that the system called me over to help the scorpion defeat the three generations of wind shadows in front of him?

Thinking of this, Bai Yu smiled slightly, stared at the confused red-haired boy tightly, and said lightly:

“Scorpion, it looks like you need help!”

As soon as these words came out, not only the scorpion, but even the three generations of wind shadows were a little confused.

How does he know?!

Scorpion is indeed a genius, but the name should not be that big, right?!

How did this outlander know?!

Listening to his tone, how do you feel that they seem to be very familiar?

A series of questions also rose from the bottom of the hearts of the three generations of wind shadows.

And the scorpion behind him was also a little confused for a while, and scanned the white feather from head to toe.

This guy….

I don’t know, right?

Just as he was trying to remember, the eyes of the three generations of Wind Shadow narrowed, and he said in a deep voice:

“Are you a friend of the scorpion?”

“This is a matter within my Shayin Village, I hope you don’t be nosy!”

“Hurry up and leave, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind!”

The three generations of wind shadows also showed his arrogance at this moment, for this guy who suddenly appeared, listening to him means, actually want to help the scorpion to me?!

Can this be tolerated?

It’s good that I’m also the ‘strongest wind shadow’, don’t I want face?!

As his words fell, Bai Yu still had a faint smile on his face and spoke:

“Didn’t I just say that? I’m just a migrant worker! ”

Then he turned his gaze to the scorpion behind him and continued to speak

“I’ll help you solve him, it just takes to…”

“Five million taels!”


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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