Kaiyang Shenjun faced off against a God-Transforming God-Jun from the Eastern God Region, and Xuan Yue Shen-Jun also faced off against a God-Transforming God-Jun from the Eastern God Region. 6̳̳

The arrival of Wu Tao and Li Jingxing made Kaiyang Shenjun and Xuanyue Shenjun look happy. These three immortal kings who were too spiritual to cultivate the immortal world arrived too suddenly and launched an attack on them, so they had not yet been summoned through the magic mirror.

Now that Wu Tao and Li Jingxing are here, Kaiyang Shenjun and Xuanyue Shenjun hope that Wu Tao and Li Jingxing can contain the fifth-level God Transformation who is raiding the formation.

Although this fifth level of transformation could not cause much harm to them, the attacks from time to time also made Kaiyang Shenjun and Xuanyue Shenjun quite annoying.

"These two Junior Brother Li are both at the third level of God Transformation. I hope they can contain the fifth level God Transformation. After we kill the enemy in front of us, we can then kill the fifth level God Transformation."

This is the thought in the minds of Kaiyang Shenjun and Xuanyue Shenjun at this moment.

As for the two God-Transforming God-Juns of the Eastern God Territory who were against Kaiyang Shenjun and Xuanyue Shenjun, they had seen that the extraterrestrial demons who came to support were all at the third level of God-Transformation, so they didn't feel any nervousness in their hearts.

There is a small difference between the third level of God Transformation and the fifth level of God Transformation. This gap cannot be bridged by two people joining together.

They believed that the fifth-level god-transformation level on their side could quickly kill the two extraterrestrial demons on the third-level god-transformation level, and then continue to plunder the formation for them.

But it was too fast.

It's really too fast.

Just when their thoughts came to an end, Wu Tao and Li Jingxing had already fought for three rounds with the fifth-level god of transformation from the Eastern God Territory. After a collision of their spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao defeated the fifth-level god of transformation.

Taking advantage of the defeat of the opponent's spiritual will, Wu Tao's Sun Treasure Mirror struck his head, and the Burning Sky Magical Power was instantly released, followed closely by Li Jingxing's fifth-level intermediate flying sword.

The fifth-level god-transforming scream was heard. His head had been blasted through by the sun's beam. The burning flames of the Burning Sky Divine Power also shrouded his god-transforming body, and Li Jingxing's fifth-level intermediate flying sword directly It passed through his body, then turned back, then passed through his neck, and then returned to Li Jingxing.

The aura of the fifth-level god of transformation slowly disappeared in this space. The dissipation of the aura also meant that his body was dead.

Wu Tao reached out and waved his hand, and the fifth-level body of the transformed god was reduced to ashes and scattered. Then he took back a storage bag and looked at it from the corner of his eye. Just now, the digital mark of the War Merit Palace danced on his wrist.

"How could it be so fast, two three-level gods?" The fifth-level gods died in the hands of Wu Tao and Li Jingxing, which caused the expressions of the two East God Territory gods who were fighting against Xuan Yue Shenjun and Kaiyang Shenjun to change drastically. .

As a result, they lost the help of a raiding formation, while the opponent gained two more God-Transforming God Lords.

The enemy is strong and we are weak.

After Wu Tao beheaded this fifth-level deity, he shouted loudly: "Kaiyang Divine Lord, Xuanyue Divine Lord, we are here to help you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Tao raised his Sunlight Treasure Mirror and shined it towards the God-Transforming God Lord of the Eastern Divine Region who was fighting with Kaiyang God Lord. Li Jingxing also used his fifth-level intermediate flying sword to assist Xuan Yue God Lord.


Seeing Wu Tao's magic weapon attacking, Li Jingxing also used the magic weapon to attack. The two God-Transforming Lords of the Eastern God Territory finally knew that they were helpless to deal with these four extraterrestrial demons, and might instead put themselves in a dangerous situation. Therefore, without hesitation, they communicated with each other with their spiritual thoughts, took back the magic weapon, turned around and used magical escape skills to leave.

Seeing the two Eastern God Realm God-Transforming God Lords fleeing, Kaiyang God Lord shouted: "Don't leave if you have the guts, keep fighting and see who dies and who lives!"

But how could those two Eastern Divine Region God-Transforming God Lords listen to the words of Kaiyang God Lord? Their auras quickly disappeared.

And Kaiyang Shenjun and Xuanyue Shenjun will not chase. It is easy to fall into the enemy's siege when chasing the enemy. Their most important task now is to join up with a God-Transforming Shenjun, Demon Lord, Demon Lord from the Three Realms camp, and then go together. The ruins of Lianxu Tianjun's inheritance cave are located in the center of the Western Mysterious Realm.

Wu Tao put away the Sun Treasure Mirror, and Li Jingxing also put away his fifth-level intermediate flying sword, and came to the front of Kaiyang Shenjun and Xuanyue Shenjun.

Xuan Yue Shenjun's beautiful eyes fell on Wu Tao. She knew that Wu Tao was the main one who could be killed at the fifth level of transformation.

Kaiyang Shenjun's eyes fell on Wu Tao and Li Jingxing, and he said happily: "The two junior brothers arrived in time, otherwise Xuanyue Shenjun and I would have to fight with them for a long time."

"I didn't expect that the two of you have benefited a lot from the Western Mysterious Realm. You have both broken through the third level of the God Transformation. You can already kill a fifth-level God Transformation together. It's very impressive."

Hearing what Lord Kaiyang said, Li Jingxing hurriedly said humbly: "Sir Kaiyang, that's ridiculous. Killing the fifth-level god-transforming person was all the work of fellow Taoist Li Mo. I was just plundering the formation from the side."

However, Divine Lord Xuanyue said: "Without your raiding formation, Junior Brother Li Mo would not have been able to kill the fifth-level God Transformation so quickly."

Seeing that Lord Xuanyue spoke for him and gave Li Jingxing enough face, Wu Tao quickly echoed: "God Lord Xuanyue is right. If I were alone, I really wouldn't be able to kill him so quickly."

Although Li Jingxing knew that Wu Tao was responsible for killing the fifth-level deity, and he himself did not contribute much, he felt very relieved to hear that Wu Tao recognized his contribution.

Xuan Yue Shenjun said: "Okay, let's not chat here. It seems that Ning Shenjun's calculation is good. Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke will definitely weaken the power of our Three Realms camp before the inheritance ruins of Lianxu Tianjun's cave are opened, so as not to There is a threat to them in the cave ruins."

"We have been attacked, and other fellow Taoists must have also been attacked and killed. Quickly join up with other fellow Taoists."

Wu Tao and Li Jingxing nodded repeatedly after hearing these words.

Xuan Yue Shenjun said and waved her hand, and her flying magic weapon landed in front of the three people, and said: "Get on my magic weapon, and go faster."

So Wu Tao, Li Jingxing and Kaiyang Shenjun both used the flying magic weapon of Xuanyue Shenjun, and were controlled by Xuanyue Shenjun. Their speed was extremely fast, at least faster than Li Jingxing and Wu Tao's flight.

Although Wu Tao and Li Jingxing are at the third level of divine transformation, they actually obtained a breakthrough in the third level of spiritual transformation in the Western Mysterious Realm. Some of their own foundations are still at the first level of spiritual transformation, such as magical escape skills and flying magic weapons. not yet.

The three of them sat cross-legged on the flying magic weapon of Lord Xuan Yue, and each began to recover the mana and spiritual thoughts consumed in the battle.

Although Xuan Yue Shenjun wanted to use the flying magic weapon, she was multitasking. She also silently operated the Shen Transformation Technique to restore the Shen Transformation Divine Mind and the Shen Transformation Mana, so as not to encounter an enemy later and lack even a trace of the Shen Transformation Mana. Thoughts may have different effects on the outcome of the battle.

Moreover, they also pay attention to the movement of the Dharma Mirror at all times to see if any other nearby fellow Taoists are attacked by the Supreme Spiritual Cultivation Immortal Realm's God-Transforming God Lord. If they are attacked, they must go to the rescue as soon as possible because they are close.

After fighting against the three major divine realms for so long, there has been no attrition in the numbers of the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord of the Three Realms camp. We can't have attrition in this Western Mysterious Realm.

However, it is impossible to reduce the number of people, because they can return to the War Merit Hall in times of crisis, but returning to the War Merit Hall now is not in line with the strategy formulated by Ning Qiudao.

With the War Merit Palace as a retreat, the immortal cultivators in the Eastern God Territory, the Western God Territory and the original Northern God Territory have a deep understanding of the difficulty of the demons outside the territory.

He also hates the extraterrestrial demons very much.

A few quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao and the others received a message from Ning Qiudao, saying that according to his calculations, it would take about 15 days for the ruins of the Lianxu Heritage Cave to absorb enough spiritual energy to activate.

So within 15 days, they just need to join up with the other deity-forming gods from the three realm camps and head to the center of the Western Mysterious Realm.

After they recovered all their previous consumption, they did not receive any information through the Dharma Mirror that the Three Realms camp's God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord were attacked.

After all, the Western Mysterious Realm is so big. If the God-Transformation Lord from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory were to attack, they would have to meet by chance. What they were looking for was not known the detailed locations of the God-Transformation Lord and the Demon Lord from Wu Tao's camp in the Three Realms.

One day later, some Taoist friends from the Three Realms camp were attacked. However, Wu Tao and the four of them were too far away, so they asked the gods of the Three Realms camp and the Demon King to come to the rescue.

He was also successfully rescued.

In the following days, Wu Tao and the others met up with several Demon Lords and headed for the fixed route agreed upon in the War Merit Hall. As long as you follow this fixed route, you will be able to join up with the deity-turned-god-lords, demons, and demons from all the three realm camps.

According to this calculation of the travel route and time, all the gods and demon kings of the three realm camps can be gathered on the 10th day.

Sure enough, the next day passed, Wu Tao and his team had reached nine people, and they did not encounter any attack from the Supreme Spiritual Immortal Realm Transformation God Lord.

On the other hand, Gu Yueshenjun and his team were attacked by Liu Yucheng. Liu Yucheng was at the ninth level of divine transformation, infinitely close to the perfection of divine transformation, and he also brought many divine transformation masters from the Western God Territory with him.

Gu Yueshenjun immediately sent a message for help, and Ning Qiudao soon arrived and fought off Liu Yucheng and others.

On the tenth day, the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord of the Three Realms camp finally reunited.

Because of the rendezvous plan made in the War Merit Hall and the nearby rescue, none of the God-Transforming God Lords and Demon Lords from the Three Realms camp died in the hands of the God-Transforming God Lord from the Tailingxiu Immortal Realm.

However, they were attacked along the way, and they killed several of the God-Transforming Lords from the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm.

Ning Qiudao faced the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord of the Three Realms camp and said: "This location is only one day away from the center of the Western Mysterious Realm. Let's go to the ruins of the Void Refining Heritage Cave and wait for it to open."

Then, under the leadership of Ning Qiudao, the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord of the Three Realms camp flew towards the ruins of Lianxu Tianjun's inheritance cave together.

After repeated failures and not intercepting any of the gods and demons from the Three Realms camp, Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke also canceled the robbery plan this time. They let all the Eastern God Territory, Western God Territory and the original Nine North God Territory The nine transformed gods returned to the inheritance relics of Lianxu Tianjun's cave.

It is strange to say that the nine God-Transforming Lords of the Northern God Territory teamed up to kill the demon outside the territory this time, but they did not encounter the devil outside the territory, so their nine God-Transforming Lords were still safe and sound.

This makes the expressions of the God-Transforming God Lords of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory very exciting. It must be said that the Northern God Territory was first captured by the demons from outside the territory, but the nine God-Transforming God Lords of the Northern God Territory have survived to this day and are living better than them. They On the contrary, there is a risk of falling at any time.

On the contrary, after this trip to the Western Mysterious Realm, the nine deity-incarnation kings of the Northern God Territory must have greatly improved their cultivation.

Losing the Northern God Territory was a blessing in disguise. It must be said that the road to immortality is so unpredictable.

One day later, the Divine Lords of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region, led by Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke, had arrived at the ruins of the inheritance cave of the Lianxu Heavenly Lord. They looked at the ten thousand-mile peak still absorbing the aura of the Western Mysterious Realm.

At this time, they suddenly felt the aura of the God-Transforming God Lord coming this way. Looking at them all, they saw that under the leadership of Ning Qiudao, the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord of the Three Realms camp were coming this way. It flew over and landed opposite them.

Ning Qiudao's eyes met Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke, with a smile on his face: "Fellow Daoist Liu, Fellow Daoist Xiao, it seems that your trip to the Western Mystery Realm is not going well this time."

As of now, more than 10 God-Transforming Lords of the Eastern Divine Region and Western Divine Region have died at the hands of Wu Tao and other three-realm camps.

Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke felt aggrieved by Ning Qiudao's ridicule, but now their numbers are still slightly higher than those of the Three Realms camp, so they are still relatively confident about the next opening of the Lianxu Tianjun inheritance cave ruins.

Liu Yucheng said: "It will take some time to open the ruins of the Void Refining Heritage Cave. Does Mr. Ning Shen want to start a war right now?"

Hearing this, Ning Qiudao shook his head and said, "That's not necessary."

Hearing Ning Qiudao's words, Liu Yucheng breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to fight with the demons outside the territory at this moment. The inheritance of the Void Refining Heavenly Lord in front of him was more important. As long as he got the techniques of the Void Refining Realm, he and Xiao Ke might be able to break through to the realm of refining the void through this.

As long as they break through to the realm of refining the void, they will stand at the top of the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, and the demons outside the area can raise their hands to suppress them. Of course, the premise of suppression is that Ning Qiudao has not broken through to the realm of refining the void.

Wanli Peak is slowly absorbing the spiritual energy from all directions, and the atmosphere in the Three Realms camp and the Eastern God Territory and Western God Territory camp is slightly solidified.

Ning Qiudao turned to look at Wu Tao and other three realm camp's God Transformation Lord and Demon Lord and said: "Fellow Taoists, it will take some time for the ruins of this cave to be opened. Let's practice first and wait for it to be opened."

When Wu Tao and others heard this, they immediately sat down in the void and began to practice and refine the spiritual fruits they had obtained from the Western Mystery Realm during this period.

Seeing Wu Tao and others starting to refine the spiritual fruits, those spiritual fruits were from the Western Mysterious Realm. They were originally theirs, but now they are used to help the demons from outside the realm to improve their cultivation. This made the God-Transforming God Lord of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region itch with hatred. .

Liu Yucheng also turned to the God-Transforming Lord of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region and said: "Fellow Taoists, you can also refine spiritual objects, which can improve your cultivation level by one point, which will also help you enter the cave ruins."

Both sides began to refine spiritual objects and improve their cultivation. They were just waiting for the cave inheritance relics to enter inside, and there would be another fight.

Four days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, suddenly, the Wanli Peak burst into light. On one side of the peak, huge boulders rolled down from the cliff, and portals appeared.

At this moment, whether it was the God-Transforming God Lord of the Three Realms camp, the Demon Lord of the Demon Race, or the God-Transforming God Lord of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region, they all stopped practicing and stood up to look at the portals on the cliffs of the Thousand Miles Peak.

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