The giant peaks thousands of miles high stopped growing, and the shaking of the Western Mysterious Realm also stopped at this moment. However, the visions projected to various places in the Western Mysterious Realm did not disappear, and seemed to be guiding the monsters and the God-Transforming Lords everywhere in the Western Mysterious Realm. , the Demon Lord went there.

At this moment, the spiritual energy in the Western Mysterious Realm also began to turbulence, converging towards the giant peak thousands of miles high.

The God-Transformation Lords from the Eastern God Territory, the Western God Territory, and the nine God-Transformation God-lords from the Northern God Territory all looked in the direction of Wanli Peak.

Especially the God Transformation Lord who came from the Western God Territory, they were most delighted because there were three secret realms in the three major divine realms, and it was said that these three secret realms had the inheritance of the Lianxu Heavenly Lord.

However, the Western Mysterious Realm in the Western God Territory, the Eastern Mysterious Realm in the Eastern God Realm, and the Southern Mysterious Realm in the Southern God Realm are opened once every thousand years. I don’t know how many times they have been opened, but no traces of the inheritance of Lianxu Tianjun have been discovered.

It seems that the relics inherited by Lianxu Tianjun are only recorded in legends and recorded in ancient books. No deity cultivator from the three major divine realms has found any traces of the inheritance of Lianxu Tianjun after entering the three major secret realms.

The most ecstatic person is Liu Yucheng of the Western God Territory. Liu Yucheng is now at the ninth level of divine transformation and is about to reach the perfection of divine transformation. He was born in the Western God Territory and was branded as a cultivator of the Western God Territory. Even though he has cultivated to the level of divine transformation. At level 9, you have the opportunity to advance to the next level and advance to the realm of refining the void.

However, he suffered from the fact that there was no inherited technique for the realm of refining the void. He lost his way forward and did not know how to advance.

In the entire Tailing Cultivation Immortal World, only the Void Refining Sects in Zhongzhou have the complete inheritance of the Void Refining Heavenly Lord. However, the Void Refining Sect in Zhongzhou will not allow the God-Transforming God Lords from the four major divine realms outside of Zhongzhou to be promoted to the Void Refining Realm. Absorbing into the sect is not allowed either.

Because even the Lianxu Heavenly Lord does not have endless longevity and long-term vision. For a long time, the Lianxu Heavenly Lord of the four major divine realms may grow into a faction of the same bloodline in their sects. In time, say It might subvert his own sect.

Therefore, in order to prevent this possibility, the Lianxu Sect in Zhongzhou never reveals any Lianxu inheritance to the immortal cultivators of the four major divine realms.

The Lianxu Sect is suppressed by the Lianxu Heavenly Lord, and the God-Transformation Lords of the four major divine realms are helpless, so they only place their hope on the illusory Lianxu inheritance in the three major secret realms.

It may be that since the emergence of these three secret realms, no trace of the Lianxu inheritance has appeared after opening the secret realms countless times. Therefore, the Lianxu Sect in Zhongzhou no longer pays attention to the three major secret realms and cannot threaten its dominance.

They also believe that the inheritance of Lianxu Tianjun in the three major secret realms may be just a legend, or it may be a saying by the ancestors of the gods in the three major divine realms to comfort their descendants.

Sometimes even the God-Transforming Lords of the Western God Territory, Eastern God Territory, and Southern God Territory feel that it is a way of comforting themselves from the God-forming ancestors, so that they still have a glimmer of hope in their hearts and will not feel despair and do irrational things. Things come up.

Originally entering the Western Mysterious Realm this time, Liu Yucheng was not very hopeful that he would be able to explore the emergence of the inheritance of the Lianxu Tianjun in the Western Mysterious Realm. He only hoped that he could use the Western Mysterious Realm to improve his cultivation to the perfection of God Transformation.

As long as he reaches the perfection of becoming a god, Liu Yucheng has a bold idea. This idea is to take advantage of the appearance of the Immortal Cave Mansion ruins in the Western Wasteland to contain all the Lianxu Tianjun in Zhongzhou and enter the Immortal Cave Mansion ruins. This is the time when the defenses of the Lianxu sects in Zhongzhou are at their most empty.

If at this time a few gods like Xiao Ke were entangled to attack a Void Refining Sect in Zhongzhou, Xiao Ke would definitely agree.

Because he understands that Xiao Ke, like him, is obsessed with the realm of refining the void. As long as there is a chance, even if he takes the risk, he wants to break through to the realm of refining the void.

If you don't break through to the realm of refining the void, you will have to return to heaven and earth when your life span is exhausted, so it is better to give it a try.

Therefore, seeing the appearance of Wanli Peak, the aura of the vision exuding the aura of Lianxu Tianjun, Liu Yucheng showed a smile on his face. Since the Lianxu inheritance has appeared in the Western Mysterious Realm, there is no need to risk attacking the Lianxu Sect in Zhongzhou. .

Because even if the Lianxu Sect in Zhongzhou is successfully captured, if they cannot break through to the Lianxu realm in time before the ruins of Immortal Cave Mansion, they will be hunted down and suppressed by the Lianxu Heavenly Lords in Zhongzhou, and they will not be able to escape anywhere.

Even if one successfully breaks through the realm of Lianxu, the realm of Lianxu Tianjun who has just broken through is still not as good as those veteran Lianxu Tianjun in Zhongzhou.

Either way, you will die, it seems to be a dead end. But why does Liu Yucheng still want to take risks? Because if you can see the scenery of the realm of refining in this life, it will be worth it.

"I am lucky, but also unfortunate!" Liu Yucheng looked at the ten thousand-mile peak, and with a movement of his body, he flew away towards the ten thousand-mile peak.

The reason why he said he was lucky and unlucky was because the Western Mysterious Realm was opened once every thousand years. He didn't know how many times it was opened. With the longevity of the God Transformation God Lord, he could usually only enter it once. But after just entering it once, he encountered the emergence of the Void Refining inheritance.

The reason why it is unfortunate again is that this time when entering the Western Mysterious Realm, there are also the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord Demon from the Three Realms camp, and other God-Transformation God Lords and Demon Lord Demon Lord from the Three Realm camp. He and Xiao Ke are both Naturally, he is not afraid of the ninth level of divine transformation, but he is only worried about Lord Ning Shen.

Therefore, we must join forces with Xiao Ke to repel the Lord Ning Shen, and obtain the Void Refining inheritance that appears in this mysterious realm of the West no matter what.

Not only Liu Yucheng flew towards the direction of the Ten Thousand Miles Peak, but also the other nine gods from the Eastern Divine Region, the Western Divine Region, and the original Northern Divine Region also flew towards the Ten Thousand Miles Peak. As for other opportunities, they did not refine the void. The opportunity for inheritance is great.

Xiao Ke happened to kill a late-level fifth-level monster at this time. This late-stage monster was comparable to the eighth-level god of transformation, but he killed it extremely easily in Xiao Ke's hands.

Just after killing this late-level fifth-level monster, the Lianxu inheritance appeared. Xiao Ke was ecstatic, and he murmured to himself: "Finally, I don't have to take the risk to attack the Lianxu Sect in Zhongzhou. Fortunately, I didn't follow him before. Liu Yucheng said."

It turned out that Xiao Ke and Liu Yucheng actually had the same idea. They both wanted to use this mysterious realm in the West to improve their cultivation to the perfection of divine transformation, so they persuaded each other to attack the Void Refining Sect in Zhongzhou together and seize the Void Refining Technique. .

"That Lord Ning Shen will be the powerful enemy for the Lianxu inheritance this time. Go quickly and join Daoist Liu." Thinking of this, Xiao Ke escaped and immediately fled to the peak of ten thousand miles where the inheritance of the Lianxu Tianjun appeared.

Some of the God Transformation Lords were closer to the center of the Western Mysterious Realm. Because they were randomly teleported, they quickly arrived in front of the Ten Thousand Miles Peak. Looking up at the Ten Thousand Miles Peak, they felt that the Ten Thousand Miles Peak was absorbing the entire West. The aura of the mysterious realm.

Immediately they understood.

"This relic of the Void Refining Heritage has not yet been opened. It is absorbing the spiritual energy of the entire Western Mysterious Realm. After the spiritual energy is absorbed, it will be the moment when the relic of the Refined Void Heritage is opened!"

They felt a little disappointed. Originally, they thought that they were relatively close to the relics of the refining inheritance. If they came here early, they might be able to enter the relics first and obtain the refining inheritance.

But now it seems that after the relics of the Lianxu inheritance cave have absorbed enough spiritual energy to be opened, all the gods and demon kings of the entire Western Mysterious Realm, whether they are from the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm Camp or the Three Realms Camp, will gather here. .

It will be a fierce battle.

"We'll wait here for Lord Liu Shenjun and Lord Xiao Shenjun to come over." These God-incarnation Lords from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory gathered together to discuss. The most powerful ones in their camp are Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke. With these two around, they are not so afraid of each other's Ning Qiudao.

Ning Shenjun is strong, but no matter how strong he is, he can still be restrained by Liu Shenjun and Xiao Shenjun.

The God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord from the Three Realms camp are also flying away towards the Wanli Peak in the center of the mysterious realm in the west.

Wu Tao and Li Jingxing looked at the Wanli Peak in the center and at the vision of heaven and earth projected in the sky.

"What a coincidence, it's our turn to enter the Western Mysterious Realm this time, and the relics of Lianxu Tianjun appear!" Wu Tao looked at the vision of heaven and earth projected in the sky, reflecting the ten-thousand-mile peak in the center, and looked at the one on the side Li Jingxing sighed.

A hint of joy flashed deep in Li Jingxing's eyes and he said: "It's better to come early than to come by chance. We can also compete for the relics of the Cave Mansion inherited by Lianxu Tianjun."

"With Lord Ning Shen here, maybe this opportunity can be obtained by our Three Realms camp."

Wu Tao said: "To be honest, we in the Three Realms camp are definitely not interested in the Lianxu inheritance techniques in the ruins of Lianxu Tianjun's cave, but we are interested in the various treasures left by Lianxu Tianjun. "

Li Jingxing heard the words and nodded in agreement: "That's true. How can the Void Refining inheritance in the Western Mysterious Realm be comparable to the Void Refining Cultivation Technique in the Immortal Warfare Hall? However, we don't like it, and we can't let it be done in the Eastern Divine Realm. Get it with the God-Transforming Lord of the Western God Territory, the focus is to weaken their combat power!"

Wu Tao said: "Fellow Daoist Li is right. It is true that the God-Transforming Lords of the Eastern God Realm and the Western God Realm cannot be allowed to inherit the Void Refining inheritance. Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke are now at the ninth level of the God-Transforming Realm. With this opportunity of the Western Mysterious Realm, It will definitely be able to reach the perfection of divine transformation in one fell swoop. If it is obtained by the two of them, there is a great hope of breaking through to the realm of refining the void."

"I won't say much more. The appearance of this Void Refining inheritance is so powerful, and it also projects all kinds of strange phenomena of heaven and earth. It is probably alarming the entire Western Mystery Realm. Let's go there first."

"Okay." Li Jingxing nodded gently. The two of them said no more, and flew away towards the center of the mysterious western realm.

Just as they were flying toward the top of the Ten Thousand Miles Peak, there was something strange in their storage bags, but it was the Dharma Mirror that moved.

"Can the Dharma Mirror be used in the Western Mysterious Realm?" Wu Tao took out the Dharma Mirror from the storage bag in confusion. When the Dharma Mirror's light appeared, it was a line of text sent by Ning Qiudao.

Let all the gods and demon kings from the three realm camps return to the War Merit Hall immediately.

Li Jingxing looked at the words flashed in the Dharma mirror in front of him, frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "Fellow Taoist Li Mo, what's going on? Are we, the Three Realms camp, going to seize this inheritance from the Heavenly Lord of Lianxu?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "I don't know either, but since it is the message sent by Ning Shenjun, it must be for Ning Shenjun's consideration. Let's go back to the War Merit Hall first."

"Okay, let's go back to the War Merit Hall first. I don't know what method Ning Shenjun used to actually use the Dharma Mirror to contact us in the Western Mysterious Realm." Li Jingxing was confused, but he still followed Ning Qiudao's instructions, because Ning Qiudao had this paragraph In time, the God-Transforming God Lord and Demon Lord Demon Lord from the Three Realms camp were convinced.

At the same time, Li Jingxing was also puzzled. He didn’t know what kind of method Ning Shenjun used to be able to contact them with a magic mirror in the Western Mysterious Realm. He also tried using a magic mirror to contact them in the Western Mysterious Realm, but he couldn’t contact any of the God-Transforming God Lords or Demon Lords. .

Wu Tao and Li Jingxing immediately activated the mark of the War Merit Hall, and their bodies slowly dissipated in the mysterious western realm, and then condensed in the third floor of the War Merit Hall.

As soon as they appeared, they found that there were bodies condensing in front of them. They were the gods and demons from the Three Realms camp. Apparently, all the gods and demons from the Three Realms camp had received Ning. I also chose to follow the instructions issued by Qiudao.

Wu Tao and the others saw some familiar figures, including Xingyuan Shenjun, Yuanchen Shenjun, Yaori Shenjun, Kaiyang Shenjun, Gu Yue Shenjun, Xuanyue Shenjun, Tianmo Xuanxie, Tianmo Ancient Quan and other gods and demons from the three realm camps. respect.

Of course, a greeting is indispensable.

They are all talking about the emergence of the inheritance of the Lianxu Tianjun in the Western Mysterious Realm, but every deity transformation god and demon king in the Three Realms camp are not too interested in the inheritance of the Lianxu Tianjun in the Western Mysterious Realm. He was even more interested in the treasures left by the Lord Lianxu.

Regarding the Void Cultivation Technique, they feel that the Void Cultivation Technique in the Immortal War Palace is of a higher level, and they will not think about practicing the Void Cultivation Technique in the Western Mysterious Realm to obtain the Void Cultivation Technique from a Void Refining Heavenly Lord.

Just as they were discussing, Ning Qiudao's body slowly condensed. As soon as Ning Qiudao appeared, the scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Ning Qiudao.

"Fellow Taoists, the emergence of the Lianxu Tianjun inheritance, the greatest opportunity in the Western Mysterious Realm, will inevitably attract the deity-forming cultivators from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region. This Lianxu Tianjun inheritance is a must-win for them."

"Although we don't care about the Void-Refining Techniques in the inheritance of Lianxu Tianjun, there must be some chance treasures in them that we need."

Ning Qiudao reached this point and waved his hand, and his magic power condensed a map. He said: "This is the map of the mysterious Western Realm. You mark your position here."

Wu Tao and other three realm camp's God Transformation Lord and Demon Lord immediately used their mana to mark their positions one by one.

Ning Qiudao looked at the locations of these scattered marks and said in his mind: "The inheritance cave left by Lianxu Tianjun did not open so quickly. Let's get together first to avoid being attacked by Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke. .”

Regarding Ning Qiudao's words, the God-Transforming God Lord and Demon Lord Demon Lord from the Three Realms camp believed it, so they quickly went to see which God-Transformation God Lord Demon Lord Demon Lord they were in close proximity to, first they met, and then they reunited. Turn zero into whole.

Wu Tao and Li Jingxing took a look and immediately saw that Kaiyang Shenjun and Xuanyue Shenjun were very close to them, and immediately went to Kaiyang Shenjun and Xuanyue Shenjun to discuss how to meet up.

After they finished their discussion, the method of reuniting had been figured out. Ning Qiudao asked the gods of the Three Realms camp and the demon king to return to the Western Mysterious Realm to join together first.

On the other side, Liu Yucheng, Xiao Ke and other God-Transforming Lords from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region all gathered under the Ten Thousand Miles Peak. Seeing that the Void Refining Heavenly Lord Cave has not officially started yet, it is gathering spiritual energy.

"At this rate, it is estimated that it will take ten days and a half to open. Fellow Daoist Xiao, why don't we kill some extraterrestrial demons before opening it, so that we can reduce the pressure after opening it?" Liu Yucheng looked at Xiao who was aside. gram.

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