The mountain wind blew by, and the red leaves of the Huoyuan Lingmu swayed slightly. God Lord Huo Qi stood under the Huoyuan Lingmu tree, stretched out his hand to touch the storage bag at his waist, and a flying sword flew from the storage bag. come out.

Lord Huo Qi couldn't hide the joy on his face. He no longer hesitated, commanded the flying sword, and instantly threw away the Fire Origin Spirit Wood.

As soon as he dug the Huoyuan Lingmu, God Lord Huo Qi felt the hot breath emanating from the heart of the Huoyuan Lingmu. He carefully controlled the fifth-level low-level flying sword to prevent the fifth-level low-level flying sword from harming Huoyuan. The heart of the spiritual tree.

Soon, God Lord Huo Qi saw the complete heart of the Huoyuan Lingmu.

"Refining this section of the tree heart is enough for me to break through from the third level to the fourth level. I must seize the time to peel off the tree heart to prevent the flamingos from coming back."

With a thought in his heart, God Lord Huo Qi began to control the fifth-level low-level flying sword, carefully peeling off the heart of the tree. After dozens of breaths, God Lord Huo Qi stretched out his hand, and a half-man-high tree heart fell on him. hands.

Although this Fire Origin Spiritual Tree is like a towering giant tree, the real essence is the core of the tree that is half a man tall. The other parts are not very useful. The Fire Origin Spiritual Slurry is also produced from this core of the tree.

"The Fire Origin Spiritual Wood, the peeled-off tree heart did not damage its origin. The origin continues to grow, but in the next thousand years, the mysterious realm of the West opens, and the Fire Origin Spiritual Wood also recovers and grows the tree heart again." The introduction of the Fire Origin Spiritual Wood recorded in the classics flashed in Lord Huo Qi's mind.

As the God-Transforming Lord of the Western God Territory, he regards the Western Mysterious Realm as his own secret realm. Naturally, he will not fish in the water, but directly peels off the heart of the Fire Origin Spiritual Tree of the Fire Origin Spiritual Wood, allowing the Fire Origin Spiritual Wood to become its own secret realm. Loss of life.

The Western Mystery Realm opens once in a thousand years. In the next thousand years, his descendants or descendants of his sect may come in, and they can also rely on the classics to get the heart of the Fire Origin Spirit Tree to practice.

Huo Qi Qi Shenjun still has a sense of belonging to the sect.

"I have obtained the heart of the fire elemental spirit tree, so I left here quickly. The flamingo is a mid-level fifth-level monster. With my strength, I cannot go head-to-head with it." Thinking like this, Huo Qi The Lord Shen is about to put the core of the Fire Origin Spirit Tree into the storage bag.

At this moment, a sharp wave of aura flashed around him. God Lord Huo Qi was startled and quickly ran away. He saw that the sharp aura was a fifth-level low-level flying sword, and it stabbed him where he was standing. The place.

"Who?" God Lord Huo Qi avoided the attack of the fifth-level low-level flying sword, stood up, and looked in the direction from which the aura of the flying sword came, and saw a figure suspended in mid-air.

Looking at his face, which looks more than 20 years old, and exudes the aura of the second level of transformation, this face is very familiar to Lord Huo Qi. This is the extraterrestrial demon named Li Mo.

"Okay, it turns out it's you. I was worried that I couldn't find you. I didn't expect that in addition to the heart of the Huoyuan Lingmu, there is also the reward you brought to my door. It's really a double happiness." God Lord Huo Qi looked at Wu Tao, with a look on his face. Said with a smile.

At the same time, he was very angry in his heart. These extraterrestrial demons entered the Western Mysterious Realm and got the opportunity of the Western Mysterious Realm. Their cultivation level must have greatly increased. This is the case for Li Mo's extraterritorial demon in front of him. He just entered the Western Mysterious Realm. At that time, he was only at the first level of God Transformation, but now he has become the second level of God Transformation.

Wu Tao looked at Lord Huo Qi and his eyes fell on the heart of the Fire Spirit Tree in his hand. Unexpectedly, he and Li Jingxing planned hard to move the tiger away from the mountain and introduce the flamingo into the fifth-level intermediate trap and kill formation, trapping it.

But he made a wedding dress for the Lord Huo Qi, who was in the Immortal Realm. However, sensing that the other party was only at the third level of divine transformation, Wu Tao settled down and settled down. It was not like he had never killed someone before.

And he killed with his own real strength, not relying on the killing talisman exchanged in the War Merit Hall.

"Hand over the heart of the Fire Spirit Tree, and I will spare your life!" Wu Tao thought about Li Jingxing's hard work maintaining the fifth-level intermediate trapping and killing formation to trap the flamingos. He could not kill the flamingos at all, but could only trap them. its for a while.

Therefore, if the Fire God Lord hands over the heart of the Fire Origin Spirit Tree, he will not kill it at this time, but will wait for an opportunity to kill it again.

What is needed now is time to prevent the flamingos from breaking through the fifth-level intermediate killing formation and return here.

When Lord Huo Qi saw Wu Tao's eyes falling on the heart of the Fire Spirit Tree in his hand, he chuckled and said, "If you want the heart of the Fire Spirit Tree, come and get it yourself!"

As he spoke, the God Lord Huo Qi reached out and put the heart of the Fire Origin Spirit Tree into his storage bag. At the same time, with a thought, the fifth-level low-level flying sword in front of him shot at Wu Tao. And go.

Wu Tao knew that the other party would definitely not take out the heart of the Huoyuan Lingmu, so there was only one way to kill the Lord Huo Qi, and the heart of the Huoyuan Lingmu would naturally be his.

Therefore, he took back the fifth-level low-level flying sword. On the way back, he collided with the fifth-level low-level flying sword of God Lord Huo Qi, and the two flying swords retreated simultaneously.

Feeling the power of Wu Tao's fifth-level low-level flying sword, God Lord Huo Qi was secretly shocked and said: "This extraterrestrial demon is only on the second level of divine transformation, but it has such powerful divine transformation magic power and divine consciousness. The fifth-level low-level flying sword is actually not as good as me."

"But even if the opponent is an extraterrestrial demon, I may not be able to kill it, but the opponent can't do anything to me about the heart of the fire elemental tree. It's impossible for the opponent to snatch it away!"

Thinking like this, God Lord Huo Qi was determined and continued to attack Wu Tao with his fifth-level low-level flying sword.

Wu Tao's most powerful magic weapon was not the fifth-level low-level flying sword, but the Sun-Yao Treasure Mirror. He took back the fifth-level low-level flying sword, stretched out his hand and turned it over, and the Sun-Yao Treasure Mirror appeared in his hand, and the dazzling sun beam was directed towards Huo Qi. The Divine Lord blasted away.

Moreover, he was able to do two things at once, and the Burning Heaven Magic Power was also used in his hands, shrouding God Lord Huo Qi.

Lord Huo Qi frowned slightly. This extraterrestrial demon was really powerful. No wonder he was invincible in the Nascent Soul stage. Even two Nascent Soul cultivators who had mastered the foundation of becoming gods were no match for him alone.

At that time, the God-Transforming Lords of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory were worried that after Li Mo broke through to the realm of God-Transforming and gradually became stronger, it might be a major hidden danger in the realm of God-Transforming.

Now they really guessed it right. He was only at the second level of God Transformation, but he was inextricably locked up with his third level of God Transformation.

"I can't get rid of this Li Mo for a while, and I can't fight in this fire element spirit tree. If the flamingo comes back at this time, this damn extraterritorial demon will die. I can't leave my life here. .”

Thinking of this, God Lord Huo Qi avoided the sun beams and Brahma magical powers illuminated by Wu Tao's Sun Treasure Mirror, and flew away while fighting with the magic while leaving the range of the Huoyuan Spirit Wood.

The core of the Huoyuan Lingmu is on Lord Huo Qi. Naturally, Wu Tao cannot let Lord Huo Qi go. He already has the experience of killing the third level of God Transformation, so he goes all out and uses two minds to chase down Huo Qi. God Lord.

Wu Tao went all out, and God Lord Huo Qi suddenly felt pressure. He thought Wu Tao was equal to him in strength, but he didn't expect that Wu Tao's cultivation strength was slightly higher than his. Although it was not much, but if this continued, he would definitely be defeated. The extraterrestrial demon consumes more.

"No, we can no longer fight with this extraterrestrial demon, we must leave!" Thinking of this, God Lord Huo Qi flew away, giving up his attack and trying to leave the battle circle.

Wu Tao knew what he was thinking, so why would he let him go? He directly pressed his 41,000-mile-long spiritual thought towards Lord Huo Qi.

The simplest and most direct attack method of the God-Transforming Lord is the collision of spiritual thoughts. Last time, the third-level God-Transforming God used his spiritual thoughts to oppress Wu Tao. This time, Wu Tao did the opposite and directly used his divine thoughts to attack Huo Tao. Qi Shenjun.

God Lord Huo Qi sensed that Wu Tao was attacking him with his spiritual thoughts, and sneered in his heart: "How dare you collide with me with your divine thoughts on the second level of divine transformation? Today, I, Huo Qi, will let you experience the third level of divine transformation." How strong is his spirit of transformation into gods?!"

Divine Lord Huo Qi's 42,000-mile spiritual will was released without hesitation and collided with Wu Tao's spiritual will.

The collision of spiritual thoughts was silent and invisible, but once they collided, Lord Huo Qi's eyes widened. He felt that his spiritual thoughts were knocked away and could not be condensed. He sweated profusely in his heart: "How is it possible? How come my divine thoughts are more condensed and powerful than my third-level divine thoughts?"

But how could God Lord Huo Qi know that Wu Tao had been tempered by the Coffin Nailer since his Qi refining period, and had also tempered his spiritual thoughts and foundation building, and later learned the secret art of the soul, or that every breakthrough in the realm of physical cultivation in dual cultivation of law and body, would have no impact on him? His spiritual thoughts can be condensed once.

It's just a difference of a thousand miles in the range of the divine thoughts, but the level of concentration of the divine thoughts is far beyond what the Lord Huo Qi's 42,000-mile spirit-transforming divine thoughts can match.

The Divine Will of Huo Qi was knocked to pieces by Wu Tao's Divine Will. Wu Tao instantly seized this opportunity, and the Burning Sky Divine Power fell on Divine Lord Huo Qi, who immediately let out a scream.

Then the Sun Treasure Mirror was also aimed at Lord Huo Qi, and the sun beam penetrated the body of Lord Huo Qi.

A big hole suddenly penetrated the body of Lord Huo Qi. His eyes showed disbelief, but the look inside slowly disappeared, and the breath of Lord Huo Qi slowly dissipated.

Wu Tao glanced at the battle merit palace seal on his wrist from the corner of his eye, and saw that the number on it jumped a little, which meant that Lord Huo Qi, the third-level god of transformation, had died.

When Lord Huo Qi's body fell, Wu Tao stretched out his hand, and the fifth-level low-level flying sword of Lord Huo Qi and the storage bag in his waist fell into Wu Tao's hands.

Then another handful of Burning Sky Divine Power fell on the body of Lord Huo Qi, directly refining Lord Huo Qi into ashes and dissipated in mid-air.

"We have to meet up with Senior Brother Li Jingxing!" Wu Tao thought to himself, and fled towards the Yixiantian Canyon.

In the Xiantian Canyon, the flamingos are attacking crazily in the fifth-level trapping and killing formation, which makes Li Jingxing, who maintains the fifth-level intermediate trapping-killing formation, feel the pressure. He maintains the fifth-level intermediate trapping and killing formation with the second-level realm of transformation. After all, it is A little worse.

His deity transformation power and deity transformation power are not as good as Wu Tao's. If Wu Tao maintains this fifth-level intermediate trapping and killing formation, he will definitely be able to trap the flamingos in the trapping and killing formation, making it extremely difficult to break the formation.

"Why hasn't Junior Brother Li come back yet?" Feeling the pressure, Li Jingxing counted the time in his mind. He felt that at this time, Wu Tao should have come back long ago.

The flamingo in the fifth-level intermediate killing formation is getting more and more angry, more and more violent, and his attacks are getting stronger and stronger. He can no longer hold on. However, if at this moment, Wu Tao is still peeling off the fire essence wood If the tree is in the heart, wouldn't the flamingo be in vain if it goes back?

Therefore, while Li Jingxing maintained the fifth-level intermediate-level trapping and killing formation, he took out the God-Transformation Elixir to refine the God-Transformation Pill, replenish the consumed God-Transformation Mana and God-Transformation Mind, and try to buy Wu Tao as much time as possible.

Although I don't know why Wu Tao hasn't come back for so long, this is not the time to think about the reason. It's not too late to ask again when Wu Tao comes back.

At this moment, Li Jingxing's face lit up because he had sensed Wu Tao's aura.

The next moment he sensed Wu Tao's aura, Wu Tao appeared next to Li Jingxing.

"Junior Brother Li, if you come a few breaths later, I won't be able to hold on!"

Li Jingxing said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao explained: "Senior Brother Li, I'm sorry, but the treasure was snatched away by a third-level god of transformation who was too spiritual to cultivate the immortal world. After killing him, I snatched back the heart of the Fire Origin Spiritual Tree!"

"I see." Li Jingxing nodded and continued: "This beast is getting more and more violent. Junior Brother Li, since you have obtained the heart of the Fire Origin Spirit Tree, I will withdraw from the formation!"

"Okay, Senior Brother Li, please withdraw from the formation." Upon hearing this, Li Jingxing immediately poured his magic power and spiritual thoughts into the formation plate. In an instant, the formation flags turned into light and flew back to the formation plate.

As soon as the fifth-level intermediate killing formation was canceled, the flamingos immediately charged towards Li Jingxing and Wu Tao angrily, but when he approached Wu Tao and Li Jingxing, their bodies slowly dissipated in the air.

Flamingo was stunned for a moment, wondering why the two perfectly good human cultivators had disappeared. But thinking of the Fire Origin Spiritual Wood, he immediately flew in the direction of the Fire Origin Spiritual Wood.

On the third floor of the War Merit Hall, the bodies of Wu Tao and Li Jingxing slowly condensed.

Li Jingxing showed a smile on his face and said to Wu Tao: "This evil beast, as soon as it comes out of the trap and killing array, it has such strong killing intent that it wants to kill both of us."

Wu Tao also showed a smile on his face and said: "We trapped him in the trap and killed him, and also took away the heart of the fire spirit tree he was guarding. Naturally, he wanted to tear us alive."

When Wu Tao and Li Jingxing were discussing how to obtain the heart of the Fire Origin Spiritual Tree, they decided that once they obtained the Heart of the Fire Origin Spiritual Tree and deactivated the fifth-level intermediate trapping formation, they would simultaneously trigger the Mark of the War Merit Palace and return to the War Merit Palace.

In this way, the flamingo can be avoided. The flamingo is just a monster from the Western Mysterious Realm. It is not a cultivator of the Tailing Immortal Realm. It will not arouse the flamingo's suspicion of coming to the War Merit Hall.

Moreover, they have been exploring the mysterious land of the West for a year, and they have found enough spiritual objects on their bodies. It is time to return to the War Merit Hall to improve their cultivation.

Wu Tao obtained the Fire Spirit Tree Heart this time, and he was sure to be promoted to the third level of the God Transformation in the War Merit Hall.

Wu Tao saw that Li Jingxing's breath was a little sluggish due to maintaining the fifth-level intermediate killing formation, so he said to Li Jingxing: "Senior Brother Li, you have worked hard this time. You should go back to the training room to practice first."

Li Jingxing nodded when he heard this, and then returned Wu Tao's fifth-level intermediate killing formation to Wu Tao and said: "Junior brother Li, I will go back to the training room to recuperate and recuperate. When will I return to the Western Mystery Realm, you can use the Dharma Mirror to contact me. That’s all I can do.”

"Okay, Senior Brother Li." Wu Tao said to Li Jingxing, and then watched Li Jingxing leave.

"Before refining the heart of the Fire Spirit Tree, I still have to meet the master. The last time I saw the master, his aura was very perfect, and he was probably about to break through to the realm of spirit transformation, so I will protect him first. I Let’s break through to the third level of God Transformation again!”

Wen Xingrui's face appeared in Wu Tao's mind, and then he took out the summons token and taught it to Wen Xingrui.

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