"They are two extraterrestrial demons who are at the first level of becoming gods.

"No rush, let them enter the formation first to help us obtain the essence of the fire source, and then activate the trapping and killing formation to trap and kill these two extraterrestrial demons at the first level of god transformation."

"With the cultivation of the three of us and the fifth-level low-level trapping formation, we will definitely be able to easily kill these two extraterrestrial demons."

Hidden in the dark, the three Tailing cultivators of the Immortal World are in the early stages of becoming immortals and communicate with each other with their spiritual thoughts.

They paid attention to Wu Tao and Li Jingxing's every move, waiting for Wu Tao and Li Jingxing to enter the volcano.

Wu Tao and Li Jingxing's figures were suspended in the void in front of the volcano, watching the flames erupting from the crater, burning and blurring the space around the crater.

Hot breath fills the surrounding space, but for immortal cultivators like Wu Tao and Li Jingxing, as long as the magic power of the god is slightly moved, the hot breath can be pushed out and cannot be absorbed.

But if you are a cultivator at the Yuanying level, you cannot enter this volcano, nor can you withstand the hot breath, because Wu Tao feels that the flames erupting from the crater are extremely powerful. If a Yuanying cultivator is contaminated, It will definitely burn his Nascent Soul body.

"The essence of fire is a fifth-level spiritual object, and it is also a spiritual object with special attributes. It is of great benefit to immortal cultivators who practice fire-attribute skills. There must be monsters guarding it." Wu Tao thought in his heart. Thinking.

But he did not forget to release his 31,000-mile spiritual transformation, and his spiritual thoughts sensed the situation around the volcano.

When Wu Tao sensed the situation around the volcano, Li Jingxing also released his own divine consciousness to sense the situation. After sensing for a while, he said to Wu Tao who was still sensing and exploring: "Junior Brother Li, there is nothing abnormal!"

After he finished speaking, he quietly waited for Wu Tao's investigation, because he knew that Junior Brother Li was more patient than him, and he carefully checked over and over again every time he checked.

After a while, Wu Tao withdrew his 31,000-mile spirit transformation consciousness. He also did not detect anything abnormal. He faced Li Jingxing and said, "Senior Brother Li, I didn't detect anything abnormal either."

Li Jingxing heard this and said: "In that case, Junior Brother Li, let's enter the volcano and collect the essence of the fire source as soon as possible."

Wu Tao nodded, and with a movement of his body, he flew towards the crater. Li Jingxing followed closely behind. As soon as they reached the top of the crater, Wu Tao and Li Jingxing transferred their magic powers to form a magic defense shield, and then rushed into the flames.

This flame is also very powerful. It can easily burn the immortal cultivators at the Nascent Soul level, but it cannot burn through the defensive light barrier formed by the magic power of the gods.

"This flame is extremely powerful and consumes a lot of his magic power." Li Jingxing felt the flames burning the defensive light shield formed by his magic power, and said to Wu Tao who was also surrounded by the volcanic flames next to him.

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Yes, Senior Brother Li, so we must quickly collect the fire essence coming here, and be careful. The fire essence is a fifth-level spiritual object, and there must be a fifth-level monster guarding it." It’s alive.”

Li Jingxing said: "Junior Brother Li, don't worry."

The three Tailings who were hiding outside the volcano and who were in the early stage of cultivating the immortal world saw that Wu Tao and Li Jingxing, the two extraterrestrial demons, had finally entered the volcano, and they all showed happy smiles on their faces.

Entering the volcano means entering the fifth-level low-level trap and kill array they have arranged. At this time, as long as they activate the trap-kill array, they can still be sure to kill Wu Tao and Li Jingxing in the fifth-level low-level trap and kill array. middle.

But they won't do this. They want to take advantage of the situation and let Wu Tao and Li Jingxing enter the volcano to help them collect the essence of fire. Then, after they collect the essence of fire, they will come out and start the fifth-level low-level trap killing. Array.

However, another result was that these two extraterrestrial demons were not good enough and entered the volcano to collect the essence of fire, and were killed by two fire crocodiles guarding the essence of fire.

In that case, in order to cherish their time, the three of them cannot delay here for long. They can only enter the volcano in person to collect the essence of fire, and have to face the fire crocodile again.

This volcano is unfathomable. After Wu Tao and the others entered the volcano, they did not plunge straight into the bottom of the volcano. Instead, they entered the bottom of the volcano slowly, and they had to guard against attacks by monsters in the volcano.

Therefore, their exploration speed is not very fast.

But as the God of Transformation, even if the exploration speed was not fast, relatively speaking, they still reached the bottom of the volcano after a while. At the bottom of the volcano, magma is boiling, and waves of fire are constantly rising.

Wu Tao and Li Jingxing were quietly suspended above the magma, scanning the inside of the volcano. They were surrounded by the inner wall of the volcano, and there were waves of fire everywhere.

The two of them had a defensive light shield formed by the divine magic. When the fire waves surged to their side, they were blocked by the defensive light shield, making a burning sound.

"Senior Brother Li, the spirit of fire grows at the bottom of magma. We must be more careful when entering the bottom of magma. I guess that the monster guarding the spirit of fire must also be active at the bottom of magma." Wu Tao said to Li Jingxing through telepathy.

Li Jingxing nodded. He was not practicing fire-attribute skills. He had to be more careful in this volcano because his consumption was greater than that of Wu Tao who was practicing fire-attribute skills: "Junior Brother Li, you are practicing It's a fire-attribute skill. It's about entering the bottom of magma and sensing the essence of fire. You are more professional than me, so I will ask Junior Brother Li to do more work."

Wu Tao laughed when he heard this and said: "Senior Brother Li, don't worry, let's go to the bottom of the magma."

After saying this, Wu Tao slowly sank into the magma. Once he sank into the magma, the boiling magma would naturally corrode the defensive mask more seriously than the fire waves, so the consumption of magic power would be greater. .

However, this consumption is insignificant to Wu Tao.

Li Jingxing's figure also sank into the magma, following Wu Tao closely. In this environment, naturally they cannot collect the essence of fire separately, but must go together, because there will definitely be monsters inside. of.

In a secret realm like the Western Mystic Realm where no immortal cultivators survive, there are demon beasts surviving. Every kind of spiritual object is occupied by a demon beast. When the spiritual object matures, the demon beast will acquire the spiritual object to practice and improve its cultivation. .

Wu Tao and Li Jingxing also gained experience in exploring this mysterious Western realm.

Wu Tao released his spirit of transformation to sense the surrounding magma, looking for the essence of fire. With his fire-attribute skills, he was more sensitive to the essence of fire.

"If I activate the "Fire Source Transformation Nerve", I might be able to find the realm of fire source faster." Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately activated the Fire Source Transformation Nerve. As soon as he activated the Fire Source Transformation Nerve, Wu Tao discovered a surprise.

Originally, the defensive light shield formed by the magic power he sacrificed was eroded by the magma, which would consume the magic power. Although it was insignificant, it was a process of consumption.

Now that I have to guard against the attacks of monsters in the magma, I naturally hope that my magic power will not be consumed.

But now that he has activated the fire source nerve, he can actually absorb the surrounding fire element spiritual power, and instantly convert it into his god transformation mana to make up for this consumption, and even increase it instead of decreasing.

"This place does have environmental benefits for cultivators who practice fire-attribute skills. Practicing here will definitely increase the speed of cultivation."

Wu Tao thought in his mind that practicing in this kind of place can indeed increase the speed of cultivation, but it is not necessary. No matter how much the speed of cultivation is increased, it cannot be as fast as the 10 times accelerated training room of the Immortal Weapon and War Merit Palace.

But you can’t pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon.

Wu Tao was running his fire source nerves and could sense the surrounding magma environment more clearly. He said to Li Jingxing who was standing next to him: "Senior Brother Li, follow me closely and be careful of attacks from monsters here."

Li Jingxing nodded lightly when he heard this, followed Wu Tao closely, and followed Wu Tao as he walked at the bottom of the magma.

Time passed slowly, and the bottom of the magma was also very large, like a large lake. After an unknown period of time, Wu Tao said with a smile on his face: "Senior Brother Li, I can sense the breath of the essence of the fire source."

In Wu Tao's induction, the breath of the fire essence was as bright as a candle in the dark, because the fire essence is the essence condensed from the fire attribute aura here, and is naturally stronger than the surrounding fire attribute aura. More pure.

After saying hello to Li Jingxing, Wu Tao speeded up a little and swam toward the fire essence. Li Jingxing followed Wu Tao closely.

After walking for a moment, Wu Tao frowned slightly and suddenly said: "Senior Brother Li, there is a monster next to the Fire Essence."

Li Jingxing immediately used his spiritual voice to ask: "Oh, what level is that monster?" When he said this, Li Jingxing had already taken out his magic weapon from his storage bag.

Wu Tao's spiritual message sent him back: "It's a fire crocodile. The aura of the late fourth level is about to be perfected. It is estimated that if he is given another hundred years, he will be able to break through the fifth level."

"Leave this late-level fourth-level monster to me, Junior Brother Li, and you can collect the essence of fire without any worries." Li Jingxing replied confidently.

Wu Tao said: "Senior Brother Li, the appearance of this late fourth-level fire crocodile has not reached the fifth level, but the essence of fire is a fifth-level spiritual creature, and it is protected by this late fourth-level fiery crocodile." , how can it be protected, so there must be a fifth-level monster here, probably also a fire crocodile."

Li Jingxing suddenly said: "So this late-stage fourth-order fire crocodile is the cub of a monster beast."

Wu Tao nodded and said: "It's the monster cub. Brother Li, you must take it down with one blow later. Don't make any noise, so as not to attract the fifth-level monster. We can quietly take down the fire source essence." When gold is gathered, it is gathered in peace.”

When fighting against fifth-level monsters, try to avoid them as much as possible. The main purpose is still the essence of fire.

Li Jingxing understood and nodded to express that he would get rid of the late fourth-level fire crocodiles without anyone noticing.

After all, he is also a God-Transforming God. He can deal with a late-stage fourth-order fire crocodile beast with just a raise of his finger. He will definitely not make any noise.

After more than 20 breaths, Wu Tao and Li Jingxing saw a burning fire essence in front of them, the size of a baby's head. At this time, a fire crocodile more than 10 meters long was swimming up and down the fire essence. , as if playing with this fire spirit.

Fire Crocodile is a fire-attribute monster. He grew up in this volcano and is naturally close to the essence of fire. He also uses this essence of fire to practice in his daily practice.

Wu Tao turned to look at Li Jingxing and said through his spiritual mind: "Senior Brother Li, take action."

Without hesitation, Li Jingxing used his divine magic power and divine will to direct the magic weapon to fall directly on the late fourth-level fire crocodile. The late fourth-level fire crocodile was crushed by the attack of Li Jingxing's magic weapon, and his body immediately collapsed. Come on, die immediately.

Wu Tao had already taken action. He stretched out his hand to reach for the fire essence. Just when he was about to grab the fire essence, a roar of a monster suddenly sounded from the bottom of the magma.

After the roar of a demonic beast sounded, there was another roar of a demonic beast in response. This was the cry of the fire crocodile.

"No, Senior Brother Li, there are two fifth-level fire crocodiles here. It seems they are a male and a female. The dead ones have a sense of blood." Wu Tao quickly put away the ball of fire essence and put it in. Storage bag, said to Li Jingxing: "Senior Brother Li, let's leave quickly."

There must be other fire essences at the bottom of the magma, and they must be guarding the two fifth-level fire crocodiles. But these two fifth-level fire crocodiles, judging by their power, should be as strong as five. The initial stage of the stage is perfect, equivalent to the third level of spiritual transformation.

Therefore, Wu Tao will definitely not put himself in danger.

Li Jingxing's heart also trembled, and he quickly followed Wu Tao to swim in the magma.

But in the magma is where the fire crocodiles grow. They are like a fish in water. In just a blink of an eye, two fire crocodiles have appeared in Wu Tao and Li Jingxing's senses.

The two fire crocodiles are really one male and one female. The male fire crocodile is about 30 meters long, and the female fire crocodile is slightly shorter than the male fire crocodile by a few meters.

The monster aura emanating from his whole body was very strong. As Wu Tao had judged, it was already comparable to a third-level immortal cultivator, and was definitely not something he and Li Jingxing could deal with.

Li Jingxing's expression changed slightly, but he was not panicked. He said to Wu Tao who was standing aside: "Junior brother Li, you go first."

When Wu Tao heard this, he was slightly moved. From the surface, Li Jingxing's cultivation level was a little deeper than Wu Tao's. During the period of exploring the mysterious realm of the West, the strength he had been exerting was that of the newly promoted God Transformation Level. .

But now facing danger, Li Jingxing asked him to leave first to protect himself.

Therefore, Wu Tao shook his head and said: "When encountering danger, of course we have to share the difficulties with Senior Brother Li."

Wu Tao is not afraid of these two fire crocodiles. Even if he is really invincible, he still has the nail in the coffin as a trump card. But Li Jingxing is different. Li Jingxing does not have any trump cards, and there is no big boss hanging on him.

Seeing that Wu Tao did not really obey his words and leave, Li Jingxing was moved in his heart, but he still said: "Junior brother Li, please feel free to go. I have the killing weapon exchanged from the War Merit Hall. Although I can't deal with these two fire crocodiles, Kill them, but let them be seriously injured so that they don’t dare to chase us and others, so we can feel confident.”

Wu Tao smiled when he heard this and said: "Oh, Senior Brother Li, what a coincidence. I also have a killing weapon exchanged from the War Merit Hall. Why don't you and I work together to kill these two fire crocodiles, and then kill all the fire sources inside?" The essence has been collected.”

If he had known that he would enter the Western Mystic Realm to explore, he would definitely exchange his military exploits for some killing weapons to face enemies more powerful than himself. Not only Wu Tao, but also the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord of the Three Realms camp. So true.

Hearing this, Li Jingxing proudly said, "Okay, then, as Junior Brother Li, you and I will kill these two fire crocodiles."

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