Northern God Territory border defense line.

Ning Qiudao, Wu Tao, Tian Mo Xuan Evil, these god-transforming gods and demons, as well as the twelve Nascent Soul cultivators and original god demons who participated in the quota battle.

They are all quietly waiting for the immortal cultivators from the Eastern God Realm and the Western God Realm to come over.

The immortal cultivators from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory did not let them wait for too long. After a while, they saw war ships flying towards this side, and felt the aura of the God-Transforming God Lord from the war ships.

A huge war boat stopped at the border defense line of the Northern God Territory.

After the war boat stopped, one after another figures flew down from the war boat and landed in front of Ning Qiudao, Wu Tao and other cultivators from the Three Realms camp. The leaders were Xiao Ke and Liu Yucheng, two transformations from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region. A cultivator of the ninth level of God.

All the God-Transforming God Lords from the Eastern God Territory and Western God Territory arrived, including the nine God-Transforming God Lords from the Northern God Territory.

Wu Tao looked around and saw 12 Nascent Soul cultivators. With a moment of induction, he could sense that these 12 Nascent Soul cultivators were all Nascent Souls who had mastered the foundation of becoming gods. It can be seen that the foundations of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory are still very deep.

The auras of these 12 Nascent Soul cultivators are very thick, even thicker than the auras of Wen Xingrui, Yu Zhengsheng, Tianmo Guling and others who have just mastered the foundation of becoming gods and condensed the hearts of demonic thoughts. There is no way, these immortal cultivators and demons at the Nascent Soul level and Original God level in the Three Realms camp can only break through during this period of time.

But Wu Tao is not worried, because Ning Qiudao is very generous and has approved many battle achievements for him. He has prepared trump cards in the battle merit hall for every immortal cultivator and demon who will use combat skills this time. With these trump cards, he can definitely win. of.

The foundations of the East God Territory and the West God Territory are just the foundations of the Huashen Sect, and the Immortal Weapons and War Merits Palace has the foundations of immortals, so naturally it cannot surpass the Immortal Weapons and War Merits Palace.

And Wen Xingrui, Yu Zhengsheng, Tianmo Guling, these human Nascent Soul cultivators and the original god demons also sent out inductions towards the 12 Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region who had mastered the foundation of becoming gods. It was their opponent in this fight, so they naturally wanted to investigate.

However, Wen Xingrui, Yu Zhengsheng, Tianmo Guling and other 12 people are not afraid. They are also very confident, and their confidence comes from the trump cards prepared by Wu Tao for them.

Not only the immortal cultivators and demons from the Three Realms camp are visiting the immortal cultivators from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, but similarly, the immortal cultivators from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory are also exploring the Three Realm camp.

Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke also sensed Wen Xingrui and others, and found that the aura of Wen Xingrui and others was not as thick as the aura of the combatants on their side, and they were relieved.

But a sigh of relief is a sigh of relief. Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke are still very cautious about the cunning extraterrestrial demons, and are ready to give quotas to some extraterritorial demons.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, Fellow Daoist Xiao, you are here!" Ning Qiudao looked at Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke.

When Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke heard this, they immediately bowed to Ning Qiudao and said, "Ning Shenjun has been waiting for a long time!"

Ning Qiudao shook his head and said: "We have just arrived, Fellow Daoist Liu and Fellow Daoist Xiao. Since both sides are ready, let's get started."

Liu Yucheng nodded and said, "Okay, let's get started."

After speaking, he turned to look at an immortal cultivator who had mastered the foundation of becoming a god and said, "Liu Tianyong, go ahead."

Upon hearing this, a Nascent Soul cultivator named Liu Tianyong who had mastered the basics of transforming into gods jumped out and bowed to Liu Yucheng: "Yes, Mr. Liu Shen, I will definitely win this game."

After finishing speaking, Liu Tianyong moved and came to the void between the two camps. He looked towards the Three Realms camp and said loudly: "I wonder which fellow Taoist is here to fight?"

As he spoke, he looked at Wen Xingrui, Yu Zhengsheng, and Tianmo Guling, the twelve Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons from the Three Realms camp.

Wu Tao was standing next to Ning Qiudao at the moment, because he was the one who arranged this matter, so he looked at Wen Xingrui and said, "Master, I'll leave this first battle to you."

Upon hearing this, Wen Xingrui immediately stepped out from the crowd and bowed to Wu Tao: "Yes, Li Shenjun, please rest assured, Li Shenjun, this battle will definitely win a spot for the Three Realms camp."

After finishing speaking, Wen Xingrui also moved and came to the opposite side of Liu Tianyong in the middle of the two camps.

"Western God Territory, Xiling Prefecture, Liu Tianyong." Liu Tianyong saluted first and then moved forward, and bowed to Wen Xingrui.

Seeing Liu Tianyong like this, Wen Xingrui also bowed to him: "Three Realms, Wen Xingrui."

After greeting each other, Wen Xingrui reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, and a fourth-level high-level flying sword flew out and killed Liu Tianyong.

Liu Tianyong snorted coldly in his heart, thinking that he was indeed an alien demon, so disrespectful of etiquette and cunning. But he didn't panic at all, and he also used his fourth-level advanced magic weapon and blasted it towards Wen Xingrui.

The first battle has begun. The gods of transformation from both camps looked towards the middle. They did not care much about the battle at the Yuan Ying level. They only cared about which side would win and win the place to enter the Western Mysterious Realm.

"This battle must be won by me, the Supreme Spiritual Immortal Realm. After all, Liu Tianyong was personally taught by Divine Lord Liu Yucheng." On the side of the Eastern Divine Region and Western Divine Region camp, there is a Divine Transformation Divine Lord who is having a spiritual exchange and discussion.

Liu Tianyong is a member of Liu Yucheng's clan. Liu Yucheng devoted a lot of effort to Liu Tianyong and taught Liu Tianyong, hoping that Liu Tianyong could become the second Liu family's deity king.

Liu Tianyong did not disappoint Liu Yucheng. He had already mastered the foundation of transforming into gods as early as 10 years ago. He had been in seclusion within the sect, comprehending the way of transforming into gods, and preparing to break through to the realm of transforming into gods.

This time, Liu Yucheng didn't want Liu Tianyong to participate in the fight with the extraterrestrial demon, but Liu Tianyong took the initiative and said that he had to take the lead and not let Liu Yucheng's reputation be ruined.

Liu Yucheng looked at Wen Xingrui and Liu Tianyong who were fighting in the middle. As soon as Wen Xingrui made a move, Liu Yucheng knew that Wen Xingrui was not Liu Tianyong's opponent. Wen Xingrui's aura was not as deep as Liu Tianyong's.

Wu Tao was always paying attention to the fighting in the field, and just now he had sent a spiritual message to Ning Qiudao, asking Ning Qiudao to watch the God Transformation Lords in the East God Territory and the West God Territory to prevent them from doing anything secretly.

Because Wu Tao had done something wrong before, he was also afraid that the God of Transformation in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region would be shameless. He was only at the first level of Divine Transformation, so it was naturally impossible to detect the secrets of Liu Yucheng and Xiao Ke who were on the ninth level of Divine Transformation. operate.

It can only be left to Ning Qiudao.

Wen Xingrui and Liu Tianyong exchanged magical weapons dozens of times. Liu Tianyong immediately knew that Wen Xingrui's cultivation was not as deep as his, and he suddenly felt confident in his heart, which was reflected in his face.

Sensing the confident expression on Liu Tianyong's face, Wen Xingrui also tested out Liu Tianyong's actual cultivation level, and he was confident in his heart, so he directly reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, and streaks of light flew out. He immediately attacked Liu Tianyong.

Liu Tianyong's expression changed when he saw Wen Xingrui suddenly using 21 magic weapons to attack him.

How could it be possible to control so many magic weapons at the same time? He quickly used his magic weapons to block them one by one, but a copper coin-type magic weapon hit his magic weapon, which actually caused his connection with the magic weapon to start. Get tough.

"This magic weapon is interrupting my connection with the magic weapon. We must not collide with this magic weapon again." Liu Tianyong secretly thought in his heart, and immediately controlled his magic weapon to resist other magic weapons, but Wen Xingrui, the envoy There were too many magical weapons, and he couldn't resist them all. The magical weapons bombarded the defensive robes on his body.

But the defensive robe was bombarded by so many magic weapons and could not last long.

Liu Tianyong knew that he would lose this round, so he shouted without hesitation: "I admit defeat in this round."

But Wen Xingrui did not stop attacking. Liu Tianyong, who continued to use the magic weapon to attack, attacked the defensive clothes on his body.

On the side of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, Liu Yucheng also knew that Liu Tianyong could not defeat Wen Xingrui at all. Seeing that Liu Tianyong had already admitted defeat, he accepted it and felt that Liu Tianyong's surrender was the best situation. He could not let Liu Tianyong die among the demons outside the territory. In his hands, then the Liu family will have one less God-Transforming Lord.

Therefore, seeing that Wen Xingrui had not stopped attacking after Liu Tianyong admitted defeat, he immediately snorted coldly, and the majestic divine magic power poured into Wen Xingrui's 21 magical weapons.

At this moment, Ning Qiudao also took action. With a flick of his sleeve, he pushed back all the magic power Liu Yucheng had released, leaving Wen Xingrui unaware at all. He had no idea that the two God-Transforming Lords were already in front of him. Had a legal battle.

"Let's finish it."

Wen Xingrui heard what Ning Qiudao said, so he collected 21 magic weapons and retreated to his own camp.

Liu Tianyong returned to the camp in the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory with a face of shame. He lowered his head and said to Liu Yucheng: "Uncle, I..."

Liu Yucheng waved his hand and said, "No need to say any more."

Then he looked at Ning Qiudao and said, "Ning Shenjun, in this first round, let the Three Realms camp win first."

Ning Qiudao had a smile on his face, nodded slightly, and said nothing. The second game started soon.

In the second game, Yu Zhengsheng appeared.

Yu Zhengsheng fought with a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Eastern Divine Region who had mastered the foundation of becoming a god. Yu Zhengsheng's strength was not as good as this Nascent Soul cultivator from the Eastern Divine Region, but fortunately, Wu Tao prepared a trump card for him. , Yu Zhengsheng won easily and killed the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Eastern Divine Region.

Seeing that Yu Zhengsheng had a trump card, and the Nascent Soul cultivator from the Eastern Divine Region lost and died, the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region had nothing to say, because they also prepared some trump cards for the Nascent Soul cultivator who was going to fight this time. , it’s just that the Nascent Soul cultivator who was fighting with Yu Zhengsheng didn’t have time to use it.

Therefore, in the third game of the battle, a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Western God Realm used the trump card prepared by them shortly after he came on the scene. However, the Three Realms camp also responded in time, and the Nascent Soul cultivator used it in time. The trump cards here are more powerful than the trump cards prepared by the Western God Territory.

There is no doubt that the Three Realms camp has won three games in a row.

Seeing that the trump card of the Three Realms camp was so powerful, they directly killed two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region. This made the faces of the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region who were preparing to fight next look very ugly.

The faces of Liu Yucheng, Xiao Ke and other God-Transforming Lords are also very ugly. If this continues and every Nascent Soul cultivator who fights in the Three Realms camp has such a trump card, then what else will they fight?

It's better to just admit defeat, because if they continue to fight, they may lose more Nascent Soul cultivators who have mastered the foundation of god transformation.

Over the years of fighting against the demons outside the territory, they have lost too many God-Transforming Lords, which has seriously weakened the overall strength of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory. Therefore, every Nascent Soul cultivator who has mastered the machine of turning gods is a threat to them. Said to be very precious, the future God-Transforming God King.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, do you want to continue this fight? The demon from outside the territory is too cunning. He will do whatever it takes to enter the mysterious realm of the West." Liu Yucheng sent a message to Xiao Ke.

Xiao Ke frowned slightly when he heard this. This result was not what he could have imagined. He also did not expect that in just one and a half months, the extraterrestrial demons would already have so many human elements who have mastered the foundation of god transformation and condensed the heart of demonic thoughts. Infant cultivators and original god demons.

"Sure enough, it is an extraterrestrial demon with unpredictable origins." As for the origin of the extraterrestrial demon, Xiao Ke, a ninth-level god incarnation, had a glimpse of it from some classics, but in the 10,000 years that Tailing has been practicing in the immortal world, there is no extraterrestrial demon that appears every time. This time there were more, so the extraterrestrial demons came and went quickly, and did not cause much trouble in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm.

But this time too many extraterrestrial demons came, as if they wanted to take over their world.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ke responded with his spiritual thoughts to Liu Yucheng and said: "Admit defeat and let them all enter the mysterious realm of the West."

"We are more familiar with the Western Mysterious Realm than they are. After entering the Western Mysterious Realm, we will first weaken some of their strength and take action against those outside the realm who are in the early stages of becoming gods."

Liu Yucheng also agreed with Xiao Ke's idea. He thought the same way, so he looked at Ning Qiudao opposite. Ning Qiudao saw him and said with a smile: "Liu Shenjun, please arrange the fourth round of fighting as soon as possible."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Nascent Soul cultivators who were going to fight in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region tightened. They were afraid that they would have to go out to fight, because the two fellow Taoists in front of them died and died, and they did not want to be like the two fellow Taoists in front of them. the future.

Liu Yucheng sighed and said: "Ning Shenjun, we admit defeat. This time, let Ning Shenjun and you all enter the Western Mysterious Realm."

Liu Yucheng's words made the Nascent Soul cultivators who were about to go to war in the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory breathe a sigh of relief, and finally no longer had to die.

When Ning Qiudao saw Liu Yucheng admitting defeat, he said with joy on his face: "Okay, it won't be too late. I also ask fellow Daoist Liu to open the mysterious realm of the West."

After Ning Qiudao finished speaking, he asked Wen Xingrui and other 12 Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons to return to the Northern God Territory. After returning to the Northern God Territory, he asked them all to enter the War Palace. All the immortal cultivators from the three realms camps were in Wen Xingrui. Wu Tao and the other deity-transforming gods have all been practicing in the War Merit Hall since they did not come out of the Western Mystic Realm.

"Ning Shenjun, fellow Taoists, please come with us." Liu Yucheng said to Ning Qiudao, Wu Tao and other three realm camp's Shenhuo Shenjun and Demon Lord.

Then, under the leadership of Liu Yucheng, they came to a mountain range somewhere in the Western God Territory.

Liu Yucheng stopped and said, "This is the mysterious land of the West."

After finishing speaking, Liu Yucheng and the other eight God-Transforming Lords from the Western God Territory took out a stone of different shapes from the storage bag and poured the magic power into the stone. The nine stones of different shapes flew into the air. , formed a stone-like key. The moment the key appeared, a huge circular entrance emerged in the air.

Ning Qiudao, Wu Tao and others looked towards the entrance. Looking from the entrance, they saw a vague and mysterious world.

After the circular entrance was completely stabilized, Liu Yucheng turned around and said, "This is the entrance to the mysterious land of the West."

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