After listening to the words of the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall, Wu Tao grasped one of the key words and humbly asked the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall for advice: "Senior Weapon Spirit, what is the great magical power?"

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace glanced at Wu Tao and said: "You have just broken through to become a god now. Even if you know the magical power of the great avenue, it is of no use. When you slowly cultivate to that level in the future, you will naturally be able to come into contact with the magical power of the great avenue."

Wu Tao understood what he said, but his current cultivation level was still too low, and he couldn't access the magical power of the great avenue at all, so it was all in vain.

But now he shouldn't worry about what the great magical power is. What he should worry about is that his current military exploits cannot be exchanged for the magical power of Fentian.

"Senior, junior understands." Wu Tao thanked the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall.

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace looked at Wu Tao and said: "Fengtian's magical power is not enough to redeem it with your current war merits. How about you borrow some war merits from other practitioners?"

The words of the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall reminded Wu Tao, and he instantly thought of a figure, that is Ning Qiudao. As the master of the Reward Hall, Ning Qiudao should have the right to control a part of the war merits.

Thinking of Ning Qiudao, Wu Tao had already decided to borrow 20,000 to 30,000 battle merit from Ning Qiudao first, and then pay it back slowly later.

Therefore, he said to the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall: "Thank you, senior, for reminding me. I will borrow some war merit from you now!"

As he said this, he did not shy away from the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace. The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace was the spirit of the immortal weapon. There were many things that did not need to be avoided at all. The weapon spirit knew them all, so he took out the magic mirror and stimulated the magic mirror connection. Ning begged.

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall looked at Wu Tao from the side, waiting for Wu Tao to borrow the war merits to exchange for the Burning Heaven Magical Power.

Sometimes he doesn’t know if those God-Transforming God Lords are still cultivating, so when Wu Tao contacts Ning Qiu Dao, if it takes too long, he will contact other God-Transforming God Lords and ask them to lend him some battle merit first. .

Among the gods he was familiar with in the Three Realms camp, there were also Divine Lord Xuan Yue, Lord Kaiyang and Li Jingxing. Li Jingxing, the newly promoted God-Transforming Lord, probably didn't have much military exploits, so Wu Tao chose Li Jingxing as the last choice.

There are also three god-transforming gods from his Xingchen Immortal Palace.

This time, the Star Immortal Palace’s God-Transforming God Lord who came to the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm could only have other God-Transforming God Lords besides Yuanding Shenjun.

Calculated in this way, Wu Tao was also born in the Xingchen Immortal Palace, and so was Li Jingxing. Therefore, the Xingchen Immortal Palace has six god-transforming gods in the Three Realms camp.

If it were in the Three Realms, it would definitely shake the entire Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, making both Huiyue Immortal Palace and Sun Immortal Palace feel the pressure.

But this is Tai Ling Xiu Immortal Sword, and the three major Immortal Palaces have become a whole: a community of interests. No matter which immortal sect is the birth of the God-Transforming God Lord, other God-Transforming God Lords don't care much.

A more important point is that the God-Transforming God Lords who came from the Three Realms want to further achieve the realm of the Void Refining Heavenly Lord in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm. After becoming the Void Refining Heavenly Lord, they will naturally not stay in the Three Realms for a long time. At most, he would go back to the Three Realms to visit relatives, and then he would leave the Three Realms and go to a higher-level cultivation world to practice.

Because the three realms did not provide resources for Lianxu Tianjun to practice.

Wu Tao looked at the Dharma mirror in his hand quietly. Suddenly, a face appeared in the Dharma realm. It was Ning Qiudao. He was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, he contacted Ning Qiudao in just two breaths. He quickly He suspended the Dharma Mirror in front of him, raised his hands and bowed to Ning Qiudao: "Master."

Ning Qiudao's face appeared on the mirror. He looked at Wu Tao and said with a smile on his face: "What do you want from me?"

When the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace standing next to Wu Tao saw Ning Qiudao's face appearing in Wu Tao's Dharma Mirror, his heart skipped a beat. This face was too familiar to him. Wasn't it one of his master's faces?

The war merit palace weapon spirit glanced at Wu Tao out of the corner of his eye and saw Wu Tao borrowing battle merit from Ning Qiudao. Ning Qiudao said he didn't need to pay it back and readily borrowed Wu Tao's 30,000 battle merit. This made him think in his mind: "Is it possible that this kid's Is the back door actually the owner?”

Just when the weapon in the War Merit Hall was imagining, Ning Qiudao in the Dharma Mirror had already marked 30,000 war merits on Wu Tao's War Merits Hall imprint, and said, "Is 30,000 enough? If it's not enough, I'll give you a little more."

Wu Tao heard the words and said quickly: "Master, enough is enough. If we do more, I don't know when I can afford to pay it back."

Ning Qiudao smiled and said: "It's just 30,000 battle merit. If you say you don't need to pay it back, then you don't have to pay it back. You are my disciple, this little battle merit is nothing. Then you can redeem your magical power first. If you don't have enough battle merit, you can come to me later." "

When these words fell on the ears of the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall, he was shocked again, and secretly thought in his heart: "Is it possible that this boy is so blessed that he has become the master's sect?"

As the spirit of the immortal weapon, the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace has already vaguely guessed about his new master. If the master's disciples are really exposed, let alone these small immortals, even in the immortal world, they will be a huge force.

I really didn’t expect that this boy had such a profound blessing, so I should be more polite to him in the future.

But Wu Tao didn't know that the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace next to him had thought so much. He bowed his hands to Ning Qiudao and thanked him: "It's the master. Then, master, you should practice first."

As soon as Wu Tao finished speaking, Ning Qiudao's face in the mirror disappeared. Wu Tao put away the mirror and put it back in the storage bag. He looked at the number imprinted on his wrist by the War Merit Hall, which had turned into 100,000.

The Burning Heaven Magical Power only costs 80,000 yuan, and after purchasing it, he has 20,000 yuan left, which is enough for him to maintain his cultivation for a period of time. The cultivation of the realm of transformation into gods also requires more combat achievements.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao turned sideways, faced the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace and said, "Senior, my war merits are enough. Please help me redeem the Burning Heaven Magical Power."

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace nodded immediately and said: "Okay, okay, I will help you get the Burning Sky Magical Power right now."

As he spoke, the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall reached out and made a move, and a jade slip flew over from the jade. The jade slip was red in color. In the War Merit Hall, metallic skills or magical powers are generally gold, while water-based skills or magical powers are generally blue, and wooden slips of skills or magical powers are cyan.

Colors are divided according to the five elements attributes.

The Burning Sky Magical Power is a magical power with the attribute of fire, and the jade slip it carries is naturally fiery red.

"Boy Li, this is the Jade Slip of the Burning Sky Magical Power. Please keep it." The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace spread out his hands, and the Jade Slip of the Burning Sky Magical Power flew towards Wu Tao.

Wu Tao frowned slightly. He didn't understand why the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace suddenly spoke so politely to him. There was even a hint of respect in the politeness. But then he thought about it, the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace was the spirit of an immortal weapon. He didn't know how much higher he was, maybe it was his misunderstanding, so he put away the magical power-burning jade slip.

"Senior Qi Ling, please deduct your battle merit!"

Wu Tao said to the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall.

Upon hearing this, the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall stretched out his hand and pointed on Wu Tao's wrist. Wu Tao saw that 60,000 war merits had been deducted from his wrist.

"Okay, it has been deducted." The weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao had a look of confusion on his face, looked at the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall and said, "Senior, doesn't this Burning Heaven Magical Power require 80,000 war merits? Why did you only deduct 60,000?"

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall smiled and explained: "I forgot to tell you just now. When you accumulate a certain amount of war merits in the War Merits Hall, you will get a discount on the Burning Heaven Magic Power. Therefore, you can get a discount of 20,000 war merits. Just 60,000 battle merit is enough.”

"Is that so?" Wu Tao was a little confused. He had never heard of such an operation in the War Merit Hall, but the senior weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall had already said so. He was very happy to be able to save 20,000 war merits. .

Therefore, Wu Tao bowed his hands to the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall and thanked him: "In that case, I would like to thank you senior."

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace waved his hands and said: "It's a trivial matter. This is my responsibility as the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace. Okay, since you have changed to the Burning Heaven Magical Power, go and practice it quickly."

"Then I'll take my leave, junior." Wu Tao said goodbye to the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall and left the exchange office.

After Wu Tao left, the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall said to himself: "Twenty thousand war merits to befriend Mr. Li is very worthwhile."

Thinking like this, the war merit palace weapon spirit flew into the closure.

Wu Tao didn't know that the discount of 20,000 battle merit was because the war merit hall weapon spirit mistakenly thought that he was related to the being behind Ning Qiudao. He still had 40,000 battle merit, which was enough for him to practice for a period of time.

Returning to the 10x Acceleration Training Room, Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon, took out the jade slip of the Burning Heaven Magic Power that he had just exchanged, put it on his forehead, penetrated with his spiritual thoughts, and began to comprehend the Burning Heaven Magic Power.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao roughly understood the Burning Heaven Magical Power, which was divided into four stages: Beginner, Small Success, Dacheng, and Perfection.

After cultivating to perfection, this heaven-burning magical power is said to be able to burn the heaven and the earth, so powerful.

"From now on, I will focus on cultivating the Burning Heaven Magical Power. However, I still have some red flame divine fire in my body to cultivate the red flame divine fire shield. How about I also cultivate the red flame divine fire shield to the ninth level."

"You can also try to see how fast you can practice the Nascent Soul level spells in the spirit transformation realm."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately took out the Red Flame Divine Fire and began to refine the seventh Red Flame Divine Fire Shield.

In just one hour, Wu Tao refined the seventh Red Flame Divine Fire Shield.

He looked at the seven red flame divine fire shields floating in front of him and said to himself: "It is really fast to practice the magic of the Nascent Soul level in the realm of gods. It is completely from a high position."

"Since it doesn't take much time, I can also sacrifice the remaining two red flame divine fire shields."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao spent a little more time to refine the remaining two red flame divine fire shields. Since then, the red flame divine fire shield technique, a Yuanying level spell, has been perfected.

In the days that followed, Wu Tao practiced the Fire Source Transformation Nerve and improved his Spirit Transformation cultivation. He also took into account the Zhou Tianxing Body Exercise to improve his Yuan Ti cultivation.

The practice of the Burning Heaven Magical Power never fails.

Moreover, he broke through to the state of becoming a god, and he practiced the spells at the Nascent Soul level very quickly, so it only took 10 days. Wu Tao completed the ninth level of the Nascent Soul stage of the Tianyan God Refining Scripture, and his spiritual thoughts increased by another thousand miles, reaching 31,000 miles.

As usual, a cultivator of the first level of deity transformation who has successfully broken through from the Nascent Soul has a spiritual mind of twenty-two thousand miles.

But Wu Tao's spiritual consciousness has reached 31,000 miles, and ordinary first-level immortal cultivators are no match for him.

It's just a pity that now that he has broken through to the realm of transformed gods, he has never fought against the realm of transformed gods and cannot truly practice his own strength.

In the previous fight with Tianyang Shenjun, it was not his true strength, but borrowing skills from the coffin nail, and he could not experience the true cultivation strength of the realm of god transformation at all.

"I'm not in a hurry to fight against the God-Transformation Lord from the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm. Let's get started with the magical power of Fentian first. Now even if I meet the God-Transformation Lord, I only use magic weapons and don't have any magical powers."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao continued to practice steadily.

The Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory did not attack the Northern God Territory again, and the Three Realms camp had a lot of time to practice and improve their cultivation.

Since Wu Tao reached the realm of the God of Transformation, he still serves as the deputy leader of the Three Realms Alliance Sect's weapon refining hall. He will also study the art of weapon refining with Wen Xingrui, and work with Wen Xingrui to deduce the treasure money.

After reaching the state of becoming a god, he has divinity in his mind. He has made rapid progress after learning the art of weapon refining. At this rate, in half a year, he will be able to upgrade the art of weapon refining to the fourth level.

While Wen Xingrui was studying the art of weapon refining, he was also accumulating his own cultivation and preparing to develop the foundation of becoming a god.

One month later.

The Three Realms Alliance Sect was surrounded by the figure of a god-turned-god.

Among them was Wu Tao. As the new Divine Lord, Wu Tao was the last one sitting on the throne, and Li Jingxing was on his left.

The Demon Lord of the Three Realms Demon Clan in the Demonic Abyss also came to the Three Realms Alliance Sect and sat down on the black throne.

This is the first time Wu Tao has participated in a high-level meeting in the Three Realms camp after becoming the God of Transformation.

This meeting was hosted by Ning Qiudao, Gu Yueshenjun, and Tianmo Xuanxie.

Ning Qiudao spoke first and said: "The reason for inviting all fellow Taoists here this time is to take the initiative to kill the God-Transforming Lord of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region."

Hearing Ning Qiudao's words, the other uninformed God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord of the Demon Race all had moved expressions on their faces.

Ning Qiudao continued: "Fellow Taoists, listen to me first. Although the nine God-Transforming Lords of the Northern God Territory who have fled now know that they cannot defeat us with the aid of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, so they proceed A truce."

"They are waiting for Zhongzhou to free their hands before taking action against us."

"However, they can wait for us, but they cannot wait. Once Zhongzhou frees up its hands in the Western Wasteland, our side will appear to be very passive. Therefore, after discussing with fellow Taoist Gu Yue and fellow Taoist Tianmo, I We decided to take the initiative and weaken their power of the God Transformation Lord first."

"This time it's also the main one, to catch me off guard."

Ning Qiudao's words are not unreasonable. The God Transformation God Lord and Demon Lord Demon Lord present also understand and strongly agree with Ning Qiudao's plan.

Next, Ning Qiu said, Gu Yueshenjun and Tianmo Xuanxie assigned tasks. The Shenhua sects in the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory would first select some weak ones to attack.

Only in this way can they have a chance to succeed. Otherwise, when the Huashen Sect of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region reacts, they will have no chance to continue to succeed.

The task was soon assigned, and Wu Tao followed the two veteran divine monarchs, Kaiyang Divine Lord and Xuanyue Divine Lord, to the Western God Territory to kill the three God-Transforming God Lords of the Luoying Divine Sect of the Western God Territory.

Among the three Divine Lords of Luoying Divine Sect, the one with the lowest cultivation level is at the first level of Divine Transformation, so Wu Tao is the one to deal with him.

"Okay, okay, finally a God-Transforming Lord has come to train me." Wu Tao was delighted.

On this day, the God-Transforming Lords and Demon Lords from the Three Realms camp quietly left the Northern God Territory and entered the East God Territory and the West God Territory in batches.

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