Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 886 The first step to becoming a god

Wu Tao is preparing to break through to the realm of divine transformation.

However, before breaking through to the realm of divine transformation, some preparations must be made. For example, the pills and some spiritual objects needed for the breakthrough need to be prepared.

These elixirs and spiritual objects can be exchanged directly at the War Merit Hall.

There is also the breakthrough into the realm of gods. After all, it is not a trivial matter. He needs to hire a god to protect him. Although Wu Tao feels that his breakthrough must be very stable, but his character is to seek stability within stability.

Invite a God-Transforming Lord with a high level of cultivation to take charge. If there is any accident on the way, he can remedy the situation in time.

Wu Tao has already decided to ask Ning Qiudao to become his protector god when he breaks through to the realm of becoming a god.

Moreover, in the process of breaking through to the state of becoming a god, he also had to invite his master Wen Xingrui to come and watch the ceremony, so that he could gain some experience for master Wen Xingrui in breaking through to the state of becoming a god.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao got up from the futon, walked out of the 10x acceleration training room, and went to the resource exchange office of the War Merit Hall. As soon as he entered the resource exchange office, the War Merit Hall weapon sensed Wu Tao's arrival, and he naturally showed up immediately.

The weapon spirits of the War Merits Palace are very welcoming to Wu Tao, because Wu Tao is a big customer of the War Merits Palace and consumes a lot of war merits every time he comes here.

"Senior Weapon Spirit!" Wu Tao saw the Weapon Spirit of the War Merit Hall appear and immediately bowed to the Weapon Spirit of the War Merit Hall.

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace waved his hand and said, "Boy Li, what do you want to exchange for when you come here this time?"

Wu Tao looked at the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall, reached out and touched the storage bag, and a list fell in front of the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall, and said: "Senior Weapon Spirit, please redeem the items in this list, junior. !”

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace took the list, glanced at it, and understood in his heart, he said: "Boy, these pills and spiritual objects are all needed to attack the realm of God Transformation. Are you preparing to attack the realm of God Transformation? ?"

Wu Tao cupped his hands and nodded and said: "Returning to senior, this junior is about to hit the realm of gods. Speaking of which, I still have to thank senior for the guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm. Without the guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm, the junior would not be able to do this. You can start to break through to the realm of divine transformation in a short period of time.”

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall shook his head when he heard this and said: "Boy Li, in the hands of others, the guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm can raise you to 2 to 3 levels of small realm at most. But for you, it was a fate that defied fate and you earned it yourself. Thank you. What are you doing, old man!"

As he spoke, the War Merit Palace Artifact Spirit began to redeem the elixirs and spiritual objects on the list for Wu Tao. After all the elixirs and spiritual objects on the list were redeemed, the War Merit Palace Artifact Spirit said: "These elixirs and spiritual objects cost a total of 30,000 war merits. !”

The Weapon Spirit of the War Merit Hall handed over all the elixirs and spiritual objects to Wu Tao. After Wu Tao checked them and confirmed that they were correct, he said: "Senior Weapon Spirit, you can deduct the war merit by yourself."

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall is the weapon spirit of the War Merits Hall. He has many powers to control the War Merits Hall. Deducting war merits is also one of his powers. There is no need for any tokens. He stretched out his hand in front of Wu Tao, and Wu Tao hit his wrist. His military exploits have been reduced by 30,000.

At this time, Wu Tao's military exploits shrank to only 50,000. It must be said that the military exploits required to break through to the realm of god transformation were too huge.

Of course, not all Yuanying perfection cultivators need Wu Tao's huge military exploits to break through to the realm of god transformation, but because Wu Tao's Yuanying is too powerful, the pills and spiritual objects needed to break through to the realm of god transformation are convenient. Also more.

The other immortal cultivators would not need so many elixirs and spiritual objects, but in exchange for this, Wu Tao would need so many elixirs and spiritual objects, and the realm of divine transformation would only be more powerful after the breakthrough.

"Sure enough, no matter where you are, you will always have to fight for cultivation resources. It consumes too many resources to become an immortal."

"Fortunately, although I am a dual cultivator of law and body, the physical cultivation level already has the skills to directly cultivate to the divine body realm. There is no need to redeem the physical cultivation skills to break through to the divine body realm in the War Merit Hall. Otherwise, my current combat skills will not be able to do anything at all. not enough!"

Wu Tao thought like this, and seeing that he still had 50,000 battle merit, he said to the weapon spirit of the Battle Merit Hall: "Senior, help me exchange some more star streamers for 20,000 battle merit."

"Okay." The Weapon Spirit of the War Merit Palace was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately exchanged Wu Tao for another 20,000 battle merits for Star Streaming Light, and deducted Wu Tao's 20,000 battle merits, leaving Wu Tao with only 30,000 battle merits.

Wu Tao put the 20,000-merit Star Liuguang into his storage bag, wondering if the 20,000-merit Star Liuguang could support him in cultivating to the 8th level of the Star Yuan Ti?

Now he is practicing in the 10 times accelerated training room. After practicing for two months, he has been able to increase his progress by 15 points every month. In these two months, he has increased his progress by 30 points.

According to this progress, one can break through the first level within a year. I have to say that the 10x accelerated training room is really too powerful. Unfortunately, the 10x accelerated training room also requires a lot of combat power.

One month of training will cost you 3,000 battle merit, and one year of training will cost you 12,000 battle merit. Most people simply cannot afford it.

Fortunately, Wu Tao ranked first in combat merit three times, otherwise he wouldn't be able to practice in the 10x acceleration training room.

"Isn't the purpose of hard-earned military achievements to quickly improve your cultivation? Although it is very expensive, it is worth it."

Wu Tao thought of this and bowed to the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall: "Senior, I'll take my leave first!"

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall showed a smile on his face and said happily: "Okay, okay, Mr. Li, welcome to come again next time!"

Wu Tao left and went to see Wen Xingrui. Wen Xingrui should be practicing unimportant spells at this time, so he met Wu Tao as soon as Wu Tao came over.

"What's wrong?" Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao.

A smile appeared on Wu Tao's face and he said to Wen Xingrui: "Master, I plan to officially hit the realm of god transformation in 10 days."

"So fast?" Wen Xingrui was surprised when he heard this and asked doubtfully: "Two months ago, didn't you say that the Divine Transformation Technique was extremely difficult to understand and that it might take half a year to fully understand it?"

When he met Wu Tao two months ago, Wu Tao told him this, so Wen Xingrui also knew the approximate time.

Wu Tao said with a smile: "I have to thank Master Ning for this. The leader also has a profound understanding of the fire source and explained it to me, so that I could master this fire source in just two months." He has a thorough understanding of his nerves!”

Wen Xingrui suddenly said after hearing this: "It turns out to be Sect Leader Ning, are you ready?"

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Master, everything is ready."

Wen Xingrui asked again: "This time, disciple, which God-Transforming Lord are you going to ask to protect you? Kaiyang Shenjun, Li Shenjun or the leader?"

Of the three God-Transforming God Lords mentioned by Wu Tao, Kaiyang Shenjun has the intention to cultivate Wu Tao and is also very good to Wu Tao, and Li Shenjun is the new God-Transforming God Lord and came from the Star Immortal Palace with Wu Tao. As for Ning There is no need to say anything about the leader.

Wu Tao replied: "Master, I plan to ask Master Ning to protect me."

"Head Ning is indeed the most suitable and the most powerful among the three." Wen Xingrui nodded. In fact, he was not worried about who his disciple would choose to protect the Dharma, because his disciple's behavior was very steady. He never does anything he is not sure about. If he is not sure about a successful breakthrough, he will not choose to break through after 10 days, but will continue to settle down.

Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui talked about each other over a pot of tea before saying goodbye. He went to see Ning Qiudao.

Please let Ning Qiudao sit in and protect him. Naturally, it is impossible to summon him to inform him. That would be too rude, so he still has to meet in person to request.

Wu Tao sent a message to Ning Qiudao asking to see him, but Ning Qiudao still asked him to wait for him in the rest room No. 13. Wu Tao went straight to the rest room No. 13 and boiled water and made tea while waiting for Ning Qiudao.

The spiritual tea used to boil water and make spiritual tea was the spiritual tea worth 1,000 battle credits and one tael that was redeemed last time. Li Jingxing had not finished drinking it last time.

After he finished building the spiritual tea, Ning Qiudao had already arrived.

Li Jingxing didn't show the same surprise as Wu Tao's 1,000 battle merit one tael tea. It seemed like he drank it often and it tasted normal.

"The last time the master explained the fire source nerve to me, I haven't even thanked the master sincerely!" Wu Tao cupped his hands and sincerely thanked Ning.

Ning Qiudao drank the spirit tea and said: "You are a disciple of my Lingxu Immortal Sect. I will explain the techniques to you. Isn't this what I, the leader, should do?"

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Yes, the disciple will always be a disciple of the Lingxu Immortal Sect. This will never change!"

Ning Qiudao put down the spiritual tea cup in his hand, looked at Wu Tao, and said: "The spiritual inspiration is perfect. It seems that you have understood the fire source nerve and are ready to break through to the realm of spirit transformation!"

When Wu Tao heard this, he said with admiration: "The master has a keen eye. The disciple is preparing to attack the realm of divine transformation. This time I ask to see the master, I am asking the master to protect the disciple!"

Ling Qiu asked: "When?"

Wu Tao said: "In 10 days."

Ning Qiudao nodded, looked at Wu Tao and asked, "How many more military exploits do you have?"

Wu Tao was startled when he heard this, thinking that Ning Qiudao was going to lend him another battle merit. He quickly said: "Back to the master, I still have 30,000 battle merit, but it is enough. I have already prepared the pills and pills to break through to the realm of god transformation." Spiritual things.”

Ning Qiudao shook his head and said, "That's not what I meant. What I meant was, do you want to earn a fortune in battle?"

Wu Tao heard this and asked: "Master, is there another war going on in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region, or is there some secret mission that requires the disciples to carry out?"

Ning Qiudao smiled and said: "You are overthinking. What I am talking about is that you will hit the realm of divine transformation this time. Nowadays, many Nascent Soul cultivators in the Three Realms camp have already cultivated to the perfection of Nascent Soul. Their next step is also the realm of divine transformation. You You can have all the Nascent Soul Consummate Immortal Cultivators from the Three Realms Camps come over to watch the ceremony when you hit the realm of divine transformation."

"This is a mission assigned by me. This mission is worth 30,000 battle credits. I wonder if you will accept it?"

When Wu Tao heard this, his face lit up with joy and he said: "The master is using a different method to send military exploits to his disciples. Of course he will accept these military exploits."

At the same time, he had to admire Ning Qiudao's broad-mindedness, which was definitely not comparable to that of a deity-incarnation god-king from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. Although it is said that the three camps are now one and have the same interests. However, the gods of the three major immortal palaces, Star Immortal Palace, Huiyue Immortal Palace, and Sun Immortal Palace, treat their own disciples equally differently from those of other disciples.

But Ning Qiu Tao treats everyone equally.

There is no fear of returning to the Three Realms camp in the future. The number of deity-transformation cultivators in the three major Immortal Palaces far exceeds that of the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Yuan Realm.

"Okay, let's do that!" Ning begged and stood up from the futon. Wu Tao quickly stood up and said goodbye to Ning Qiudao.

In the next 10 days, Wu Tao immersed himself in cultivation, often realizing the perfect cultivation of his Nascent Soul and the Nascent Soul in his body.

In the blink of an eye, 10 days later came the day when Wu Tao officially broke through to the state of becoming a god.

On this day, the Three Realms Alliance Sect.

On a huge high platform, a figure was sitting cross-legged. This figure was Wu Tao.

In the surrounding void, there were Nascent Soul cultivators from the Three Realms camp sitting cross-legged. When they knew that Wu Tao was going to attack the realm of god transformation and allowed everyone to watch together, this made the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Three Realms camp The cultivators were extremely happy.

There are three figures who are higher than Nascent Soul cultivators, sitting quietly in the void, but these three people are Ning Qiudao, Kaiyang Shenjun and Li Jingxing.

Originally, Wu Tao only asked Ning Qiudao to protect him, but when Lord Kaiyang and Li Jingxing heard that Wu Tao was going to attack the realm of god transformation, they also took the initiative to protect Wu Tao together.

After all this calculation, Wu Tao has three god-transforming gods to protect him. This honor is something that no other Nascent Soul cultivator in the Three Realms camp can obtain.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on a high platform, sensing the rich spiritual energy around him. Below the high platform was the source of the sixth-order advanced spiritual veins.

He took out all the elixirs and spiritual objects and suspended them around him.

After making these preparations, Wu Tao slightly raised his head and looked at the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Three Realms camp sitting in the void around the high platform, and then set his sights on the three gods Ning Qiudao, Kaiyang Shenjun, and Li Jingxing. On the Lord God.

Wu Tao's eyes met those of Ning Qiudao, Kaiyang Shenjun, and Li Jingxing. These three God Transformation Lords all nodded lightly to Wu Tao.

"Now that you are ready, let's start to break through." Ning Qing's voice sounded softly in the sky.

Wu Tao bowed his hands gently to Ning Qiudao, then put his hands on his knees, with his five hearts raised to the sky. His mind had already fallen on himself.

He slowly closed his eyes and activated his fire source nerves, but the Nascent Soul sitting cross-legged in his Dantian had opened his eyes at this moment. The face of that Nascent Soul was very clear, exactly the same as Wu Tao's face .

The face when the Nascent Soul was just conceived was as tender as a baby. But by this time, Wu Tao had cultivated to the perfection of Nascent Soul, and this Nascent Soul was already an adult.

The Nascent Soul contains the majestic Nascent Soul magic power.


As Wu Tao's thoughts turned, Yuanying, who was sitting cross-legged in his Dantian, slowly stood up and looked up. In Yuanying's eyes, he seemed to see a bridge connecting heaven and earth. This bridge was invisible and without substance. , but can be clearly sensed by it.

Then, with a slight leap, the Nascent Soul jumped onto the bridge and soared upwards.

This bridge is the foundation for the transformation of gods, and the Yuanying must soar into the sea of ​​divine thoughts. In the sea of ​​divine thoughts, the Nascent Soul transforms into gods and merges with gods to become gods.

The process of Yuanying's ascension to the Sea of ​​Divine Mind seemed to take a long time, but in fact it only took a moment. Yuanying had already ascended to the Sea of ​​Divine Mind.

The moment the Nascent Soul ascended to the Sea of ​​Divine Mind, Wu Tao's whole aura began to change.

Behind him, a picture scroll slowly opened. What was shown in the picture scroll was the process of Wu Tao's Nascent Soul ascending to the Sea of ​​Divine Mind.

Seeing Wu Tao's Nascent Soul successfully ascending to the Sea of ​​Divine Mind, the surrounding Nascent Soul cultivators in the void all watched carefully and felt the changes in Wu Tao's breath, not missing any detail.

"The first step to becoming a god, the Nascent Soul ascends!"

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