Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 880 Establishing the Weapon Refining Hall

The Nascent Soul armies organized by the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory retreated rapidly.

When Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Guling saw that Wu Tao had frightened the armies of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, they had already led the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons to pursue them.

Seeing this, Wu Tao immediately used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to reach the front of Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Ancient Spirit to protect them. Seeing the immortal cultivators and the original gods and demons from the Three Realms camp chasing after them, the Nascent Soul army from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region also began to retreat while attacking.

Wu Tao used 22 offensive magic weapons and six red flame divine fire shields, and also harvested some Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory who had not yet returned to the war boat.

Seeing that Wu Tao's fighting power was too fierce, those Tailing Immortal Cultivators who had not yet entered the war boat quickly escaped into the war boat and sought the protection of the defensive formations in the war boat.

After chasing for tens of thousands of miles, Wu Tao saw that the Nascent Soul cultivators in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region had all fled back to the war boats. Relying on the defense of the war boats, hundreds of war boats formed a battle formation to retreat. Even he couldn't break through the defensive array formed by the battle at one time.

And if they continue to chase like this, there are Nascent Soul cultivators and original god demons around them who have been injured. If they continue to chase, Wu Tao will only be able to protect them and will not be able to kill the enemy with all his heart. It will be useless to chase anymore.

Therefore, Wu Tao stopped and said loudly: "Fellow Taoists, don't chase the poor bandits!"

Following Wu Tao's order, Yu Zhengsheng, the Heavenly Demon Ancient Spirit, and Wen Xingrui also stopped immediately. The Nascent Soul cultivators and the Original God Demons behind them all also stopped. They looked at the alliance army of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, and slowly Slowly disappearing into the distant sky.

"Return to the border defense line of the Northern God Territory quickly to avoid falling into the trap of trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain." Wu Tao looked at Yu Zhengsheng, Tianmo Guling and the others and said.

Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Guling nodded.

Then he took the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original god demon clan and followed Wu Tao back to the border defense line of the Northern God Territory.

Returning to the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, the 36 Nascent Soul cultivators within the defense line were still maintaining their defensive formations. Seeing this, Yu Zhengsheng immediately ordered twelve Nascent Soul cultivators to replace them, leaving the thirty-six Nascent Soul cultivators to replace them. The patient will first return to the War Merit Hall to heal his injuries.

Because it is faster to go back to the War Merit Hall to heal wounds and use the accelerated training room to heal wounds, these 36 Nascent Soul cultivators were all seriously injured while maintaining defensive formations, and their mana and spiritual energy were also consumed very hugely, almost completely exhausted.

Wu Tao glanced at the Nascent Soul cultivators and Original God demons behind Yu Zhengsheng, Tianmo Guling and the others. Seeing that there were many injured, he said: "Fellow Taoists who are injured, you should go back to the War Merit Hall to heal your injuries first. , I will guard the border defense line of the Northern God Territory for the time being."

"Yes, Commander Li!" The injured Nascent Soul cultivators and Original God demons immediately saluted Wu Tao, and then left the Northern God Territory border defense line one by one, and went to the temporary camps within the Northern God Territory defense line to inspire military exploits. The hall brand enters the Hall of War Merits.

The border defense line of the Northern God Territory naturally has spies sent by the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, in order to prevent them from knowing the secret that they can directly enter the War Merit Palace.

That's why it needs to be kept a little secret.

As soon as the injured Nascent Soul cultivator and the original god demon clan left, most of the people were gone, leaving only a small number of people left at the border defense line of the Northern God Territory.

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist Li for arriving in time, otherwise the border defense line of the Northern God Territory would have been breached. Thank you very much, Fellow Daoist Li." Yu Zhengsheng, as the leader sent by the Three Realms Alliance Sect this time, is responsible for guarding the border defense line of the Northern God Territory. If it is breached, he will definitely gain military merit. You will be greatly discounted and you will also be punished.

War merit is a training resource, so he is very grateful to Wu Tao for his timely assistance.

The Demon Ancient Spirit also thanked Wu Tao.

Wu Tao looked at Yu Zhengsheng and Tian Mo Gu Ling and said: "Fellow Daoist Yu, fellow Taoist Tian Mo. We are one, there is no need to be polite. Once the border defense line of the Northern God Territory is breached, and the army of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory Alliance marches straight in, it will be harmful to us. "

"It's not that I came out of seclusion in time or rescued them in time, but that all fellow Taoists worked together and were able to persist to this point. How many fellow Taoists have died this time?"

Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Ancient Spirit looked at each other, and Yu Zhengsheng said: "This time in the battle to guard the Northern God Territory, 21 fellow Taoists died. But the ones in the East God Territory and the West God Territory died more than those on our side."

After hearing this, Wu Tao said: "Put away their remains. Although in this Tailingxiu Immortal Realm, only the same disciples have no relatives, and their relatives cannot be cared for here, if there is a chance to return to the Three Realms, they will be saved." It is a pity that he is sent back to the sect, which can be regarded as the fallen leaf returning to his roots."

"What Fellow Daoist Li said is absolutely true. We have already sent people to collect their remains."

Yu Zhengsheng said that the border defense line of the Northern God Territory has experienced a big battle and the battlefield is chaotic. Now there are some Nascent Soul cultivators and the original god demons who are cleaning up the battlefield.

Wen Xingrui said at this time: "This time, the God-Transformation Lord who fled from the Northern God Territory and the God-Transformation forces from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory gathered to counterattack the Northern God Territory. This counterattack took too long. The battle for the divine border defense line took so long.”

Having said this, he looked in the direction of the sky, which was naturally the Tiangang layer, and continued: "Now we know nothing about the fighting situation at the Tiangang layer's Shen Shenjun level."

Regarding Wen Xingrui's words, Wu Tao, Yu Zhengsheng, and Tianmo Guling also looked serious, because they knew whether they would succeed in leading this counterattack? For people at their level, they do not play a key role.

It also depends on the situation at the level of the God-Transforming God Lords in the Tiangang layer. If the God-Transforming God Lords and the Demon Lords of the Three Realms camp are victorious, it means that the Three Realms camp has won the counterattack against the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory this time.

"I can't know the things above, and the Tiangang layer is not accessible to us at this level. We can only wait to complete the tasks assigned by the God Transformation Lords and guard the border defense line of the Northern God Territory." Wu Tao also looked at it. He glanced at the sky and then said.

Yu Zhengsheng heard the words, nodded and said: "What Fellow Daoist Li said is absolutely true. Now that Fellow Daoist Li is here, the border defense line of the Northern God Territory will be safe."

At the end, he said: "Then my position as the orthodox leader should be handed over to fellow orthodox leader Li. I can serve as the orthodox leader because Fellow Daoist Li is practicing in seclusion. It is a mistake."

"It's hard to imagine that after practicing the foundation of becoming a god, he would be so powerful."

Yu Zhengsheng looked at Wu Tao with admiration in his eyes.

Wu Tao looked at Yu Zhengsheng, shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist Yu, since the responsibilities of this orthodox leader were appointed to you by the God of Transformation, then you should continue to serve as the orthodox leader."

"This?" Yu Zhengsheng was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, don't be in trouble. Is it possible that my status is more noble than that of the God of Transformation?" Wu Tao said with a smile.

Wu Tao doesn't care too much about whether he can become the orthodox leader. His most important issue now is to understand the fire source nerve, and then prepare to break through to the realm of god transformation.

"Okay, then I will shamelessly shoulder the responsibility of being the official leader again." Yu Zhengsheng could only say this.

Wu Tao looked at Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui, and Tianmo Guling, and felt that their mana and spiritual energy were severely consumed. This battle to defend the border defense line of the Northern God Territory almost made them trapped in a siege and unable to extricate themselves.

Therefore, he said: "Master, Fellow Daoist Yu, Fellow Daoist Demon, you can take the people to recover first. I will leave three groups of fellow Daoists here to maintain the defensive formations of the border defense line."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, my disciple, so Master can rest assured." Wen Xingrui nodded directly in agreement with Wu Tao's decision.

Seeing Wu Tao's power, Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Guling also nodded in agreement and said: "Okay, let's go back to the War Merit Hall to recover first. After recovering, we will come over immediately. During this time, I will trouble you and take care of fellow Taoist Li."

"Don't worry!" Wu Tao smiled.

Watching Wen Xingrui, Yu Zhengsheng, and Tianmo Guling leave the border defense line of the Northern God Territory with their people, leaving only 36 Nascent Soul cultivators here. These 36 Nascent Soul cultivators must check the border defense line of the Northern God Territory at any time. defensive formation.

Be prepared to attack at any time from the Nascent Soul army of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region.

Wu Tao looked at the 36 Nascent Soul cultivators. These 36 Nascent Soul cultivators all came from the four top immortal sects of the human race: Lingxu Immortal Sect, Stars Immortal Palace, Sun Immortal Palace, and Huiyue Immortal Palace. Basically Xanadu is acquainted with Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded to them and said: "Fellow Taoists, while practicing here, pay attention to the Nascent Soul army in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region."

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Li." The thirty-six Nascent Soul cultivators bowed their hands to Wu Tao in unison, and sat down at important positions of each formation while practicing.

Wu Tao also came to the center of the array. He took out a futon and sat down in a cross-legged position. He also took out the fire-sourced nerve and began to put it on his forehead for meditation.

This Fire Source Nerve Transformation Technique is the top god-transformation technique. It comes from the War Palace. Naturally, it cannot be that easy and simple to comprehend. However, Wu Tao is not worried about not being able to comprehend it, because he has already learned the Taoist language, although he has not learned it yet. Completely, but it can also help him understand the fire source nerve.

This section of the border defense line of the Northern God Territory is bordering the border of the Eastern God Territory. Therefore, the retreating Nascent Soul army of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory has returned to the border of the Eastern God Territory.

Seeing that Wu Tao and the others did not continue to pursue them, they retreated to the border area of ​​the Eastern God Territory. Hundreds of war boats all stopped. On the war boat, a Nascent Soul cultivator stood on the bow deck of the war boat and began to Spiritual communication.

"Fellow Taoists, what should we do? There is one person guarding the border defense line of the Northern God Territory and we are unable to break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory."

"If we cannot break through the border defense line of the North City Territory, we will not be able to complete the mission assigned by the Lord God, and we will be punished."

A Nascent Soul cultivator fell into silence.

"That extraterrestrial demon has mastered the foundation of transforming into gods. Although the cultivator who has mastered the foundation of transforming into gods is still at the level of Yuanying, he has actually transcended the level of Yuanying. He is between the realm of Yuanying and the realm of the king of transforming gods. middle."

"It is no longer possible to kill him without siege. Fellow Taoists have also personally verified his strength. The superimposed spiritual source attacks of hundreds of war boats cannot kill him at the speed of light!"

"Is it possible that we need to ask the God of Transformation to kill him?" A Nascent Soul cultivator asked.

"Impossible, the God-Transformation Lords from both our camps have been restrained by the other side, and there is no free God-Transformation Lord who can take action."

"Fellow Taoists, I am a member of the God Transformation Sect. I don't believe that the God Transformation Sect in the East God Region and the West God Region does not have a Nascent Soul cultivator who has mastered the foundation of God Transformation."

"Fellow Taoist is right. We also have Nascent Soul cultivators who have mastered the basics of transforming into gods. We can invite them to come out."

"It's hard to ask them to come out!"

In the Tailing Cultivation Immortal World, any Nascent Soul cultivator who has mastered the foundation of the God Transformation rarely participates in the war, but practices wholeheartedly in order to advance to the level of the God Transformation God Lord, and is also well protected by the God Transformation Sect. This will make them easily put into danger and easily killed by hostile sects secretly.

Killing him is equivalent to killing a god-turned-god.

This is also why when Wu Tao came out after practicing the foundation of divine transformation, when he faced the Nascent Soul army in the Eastern Divine Region and Western Divine Region, not a single Nascent Soul cultivator with the foundation of divine transformation came out to fight with him or stop him.

"No matter how difficult it is, we must ask them to come out. Only by killing the extraterrestrial demons who have mastered the foundation of incarnation can we break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory and complete this mission."

"Yes, let's rest first. As long as we can invite a fellow Taoist who has mastered the foundation of divine transformation to come out and entangle him, we can go all out to break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory."

"Try to invite two of them to come out. Wouldn't it be better if the two of them besiege and kill the extraterrestrial demon directly?"

"Okay, then I'll invite you two. I hope you fellow Taoists will work hard."

After the discussion and decision was made, the Nascent Soul army in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region went back to rest.

On Wu Tao's side, Wen Xingrui, Yu Zhengsheng, and Tianmo Guling came back with their people two days later. They were not injured, but their mana and spiritual energy were severely consumed. They could return to full victory after recovering in the War Merit Hall for two days. state.

"Fellow Daoist Li, there has been no fighting here in the past two days, right?" Yu Zhengsheng came over and asked Wu Tao immediately.

Wu Tao shook his head and said, "No!"

The Demon Ancient Spirit said from the side: "Friend Daoist Li is guarding here. They know that their coming is in vain, so how can they dare to come to the border defense line of the Northern God Territory."

At this moment, Wu Tao sensed movement in the storage bag. With a thought, the communication token in the storage bag appeared in his hand. At the same time, Wen Xingrui also sensed movement in the storage bag. Get the summons token in the storage bag.

The master and apprentice began to read the message.

After Wu Tao finished reading, he looked at his master Wen Xingrui, who said, "It's a message from Li Shenjun."

"It's indeed Senior Brother Li." Wu Tao nodded. The message was sent by Li Jingxing, asking him and Wen Xingrui to go back to the War Merit Hall and said he would wait for them there.

"Li Shenjun, didn't Li Shenjun participate in the battle between the gods at the Tiangang level? Is the battle between the gods at the Tiangang level already over?" Yu Zhengsheng asked in confusion after hearing this.

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "Probably not, Fellow Daoist Yu, think about the identities of me and the master?"

"What is your identity? Fellow Daoist Li is from the Xingchen Immortal Palace, Hall Master Wen is from the Lingxu Immortal Sect..." Yu Zhengsheng rolled his eyes and quickly said with a flash of inspiration: "Yes, Fellow Daoist Li is the deputy of the Weapon Refining Hall of the Xingchen Immortal Palace. Hall Master, and Fellow Wen Taoist is the master of the Lingxu Immortal Sect's Weapon Refining Hall, Li Shenjun summoned you two, it should be about the Weapon Refining Hall."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Yu is smart. Senior Brother Li Jingxing summoned us precisely for the purpose of rebuilding the Weapon Refining Hall."

"Fellow Daoist Yu, Fellow Daoist Tianmo, my master and I will go back to the War Merit Hall first. The border defense line of the Northern God Territory will be handed over to these two friends first. If there is any emergency, please call me at any time."

"Okay, then Fellow Daoist Li and Hall Master Wen, please go quickly!"

Yu Zhengsheng said.

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