Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 876 The bridge between Dantian and Shen Nian Sea

After Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui and the rest of the Nascent Soul cultivators left the War Merit Hall, they came to the Three Realms Alliance Sect in the Northern God Territory, which was the original site of the Northern God Sect in the Northern God Territory.

The Northern God Sect was originally a Shen Transformation sect with a fifth-level high-level spiritual vein. However, after being captured by the Three Realms camp, they obtained the spiritual vein upgrade method exchanged in the War Merit Palace to upgrade this fifth-level high-level spiritual vein to a sixth-level high-level spiritual vein. .

In the future, once the immortal cultivators from the Three Realms camp break through to the existence of Lianxu Tianjun, this Three Realms Alliance Sect will be the real Lianxu Sect.

As soon as Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui and others who were originally cultivators from the Star Immortal Palace, the Sun Immortal Palace, the Huiyue Immortal Palace, and the Lingxu Immortal Sect appeared, the figure of Kaiyang Shenjun appeared in front of them again.

The voice of Kaiyang Shenjun fell: "You will quickly go to the border defense line of the Northern God Territory to block the Nascent Soul army from the Northern God Territory. Because Li Mo is practicing in seclusion and is unable to go, Yu Zhengsheng will be the orthodox leader to block the Nascent Soul army from the Northern God Territory this time. , Wen Xingrui is the deputy commander, assisting from the side."

After Kaiyang Shenjun said these words, his figure had disappeared into the Three Realms Alliance Sect of the Northern God Territory. He was going to the Tiangang layer to help his fellow Taoists in front.

According to the news from the God Transformation Lord and the Demon Lord who were patrolling the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, there were a total of 21 God Transformation Lords who returned from the counterattack of the Northern God Territory this time.

As for the Three Realms camp, there are a total of 14 human race gods.

There were four statues each from the original Xingchen Immortal Palace, Huiyue Immortal Palace, and Sun Immortal Palace, plus Jun Ning Qiudao, the deity transformation god of the Lingxu Immortal Sect. Plus the newly promoted Divine Lord Li Jingxing.

The newly promoted God-Transformation Lord Li Jingxing did not participate in this battle. He had just been promoted to the realm of God-Transformation and was only at the first level of Soul-Transformation. If he participated in a melee between the God-Transformation Lords, it would be extremely easy for him to die.

The Divine Lord Yuanding of the Star Palace did not participate in the battle, and was still breaking through the retreat of Lord Lianxu at this time.

Furthermore, Divine Lord Xuan Yue and Divine Lord Yaori cannot participate in the war. They have to patrol the border defense line, for fear that other Divine Lords from the Eastern Divine Region and Western Divine Region will attack in a sneak attack and kill all the Nascent Soul cultivators and original god demons in their three realm camp. .

On the side of the Three Realms Demon Clan, there are 17 Demon Clan Demon Lords, including of course the Ancient Heavenly Demon Lord who was promoted to the Demon Lord realm one step behind Li Jingxing.

Four of the human race's god-turned-gods cannot enter the Tiangang layer for the battle between the god-turned-gods, so only 10 human race's god-turned-gods will participate in the battle.

In terms of number, the number of participants in the Three Realms camp who entered the Tiangang layer must not be less than that of the Tailingxiu Immortal Realm's Transformation God Lord.

Therefore, except for the fact that Tianmo Xuanyi is in retreat to break through the realm of the Demon King, and the newly promoted Tianmo Ancient Quan cannot participate in the war.

There are 13 demons from the demon world participating in the battle.

The remaining two Demon Lords of the Demon Clan also followed Divine Lord Xuan Yue and Divine Lord Yaori to inspect the border defense lines, paying attention to the movements in the East God Territory and Western God Territory at all times. Once the God Transformation God Lord comes over to make a sneak attack, they can stop them in time.

Calculated in this way, there are 23 people in the Three Realms camp, two more than those in the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, so they are not afraid, and the chance of winning is still very high.

However, the number of God-Transforming Lords in the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory is far greater than that of the Three Realms camp. I wonder if there are still some lurking on the side. Therefore, we still have to be on guard at all times and cannot underestimate the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory.

Therefore, this war also exchanged a lot of killing magic weapons in the War Merit Hall, which can play a very important role in winning the war between gods and kings.

In the blink of an eye, Kaiyang Shenjun entered the Tiangang layer and quickly escaped to the Tiangang layer battlefield.

As for the Heavenly Demon Ancient Spirit and the others, the original gods and demons of the Demon Realm, they appeared in the Demon Abyss when they came out of the War Merit Hall. At this time, more than half a month had passed since the Demon Abyss was captured. The Demon Abyss had been rebuilt, and the Demon Clan in the Demon Realm I am very adaptable here, just like in the devil world.

But in fact, the immortal cultivators and demons in the Three Realms camp spend most of their time practicing in the War Merit Hall, but sometimes when their war merits are insufficient, they still need to practice in the Demon Abyss and the Three Realms Alliance Sect.

You can't stay in the War Merit Hall forever, which is also an important reason why the Three Realms camp wants to occupy the Northern God Territory.

As soon as Tianmo Ancient Spirit and the others appeared in the Demon Abyss, Tianyi Demon Lord appeared in front of them and said: "You will go to the border defense line of the Northern God Territory quickly. Our demon tribe will be led by Tianmo Ancient Spirit."

The ancient demon spirit was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately bowed and said: "Yes, Mr. Tianyi Demon Lord, I will definitely lead a team to block all the Nascent Soul immortal cultivators in the Tailing Immortal Realm from the border defense line of the Northern God Territory."

Although Tianyi Demon Lord is not from the three major royal families, he is in the realm of Demon Lord. As a member of the three major royal families, Tianmo Guling must respect Tianyi Demon Lord very much at this moment.

Unless he has been promoted to the realm of the Demon Lord, he can be on an equal footing with the Tianyi Demon Lord, or even a little higher than the Tianyi Demon Lord in terms of status. This is the blood theory of the demon clan.

Of course, in front of the bloodline theory, what is more important is the theory of strength. Whoever is stronger can speak more. In the demon world of the Three Realms, the three major royal families are the strongest, so the words of the three major royal families are the most effective.

The Sky-Wing Demon Lord took one look at the Heavenly Demon Ancient Spirit and the original god demon clan, then spread his wings directly, rose into the air in an instant, and disappeared over the Demonic Abyss. He also wanted to go to the Tiangang layer to join the battle.

Seeing that Tianyi Demon Lord had left, the ancient demon spirit immediately said loudly: "Brothers of the demon clan, quickly follow me to the border defense line of the Northern God Territory. Our Demon Abyss is farther away from the border defense line of the Northern God Territory than the Three Realms Alliance Sect. Go It’s too late, and all the war achievements have been taken away by them.”

Hearing the words of the ancient demon spirit, these original gods and demons did not dare to hesitate any longer. They launched their strongest escape skills one by one and cut off the border defense line of the Northern God Territory.

The location in the Three Realms Alliance is indeed closer to the border defense line of the Northern God Territory. Therefore, Yu Zhengsheng and Wen Xingrui brought the human Nascent Soul cultivators to the border defense line of the Northern God Territory faster, and saw war boats lined up at the border of the Northern God Territory. The defensive line, the defensive line in the attack on the border defense line of the Northern God Territory.

There are of course immortal cultivators from the Three Realms camp maintaining the defensive line. They are also on task. Everyone takes turns to maintain here to prevent the God Transformation Lord from the Northern God Territory from escaping with the army from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory. Counterattack.

At this time, the armies composed of the Nascent Soul cultivators from the God Transformation Sects in the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory had fourth-level advanced war boats outside the border defense line, constantly attacking the defensive formations on the border defense.

The formation is in danger and will collapse soon.

Those Nascent Soul cultivators who maintained the border defense formation had been severely depleted of mana and spiritual energy, and some were even seriously injured. At this time, when they saw Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui and the others came over with the Nascent Soul cultivators, they all felt relaxed. One breath.

When Yu Zhengsheng saw this scene, he immediately began to make arrangements: "You guys, quickly replace the fellow Taoists who maintain the defensive formation and let them rest and heal."

The dozen or so Nascent Soul cultivators who were named by Yu Zhengsheng immediately handed over their orders to replace the Nascent Soul cultivators who were maintaining the formation. Those Nascent Soul cultivators who were replaced immediately went to the rear to recuperate and heal their wounds. , it is necessary to restore mana and spiritual thoughts.

With the replacement of a group of Nascent Soul cultivators who were in a state of complete victory, the defensive formation on the border defense line slowly stabilized.

Seeing this scene, the Nascent Soul army composed of the Eastern God Realm and the Western God Realm secretly thought it was a pity, but they immediately increased their attack intensity.

Their mission is to capture the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, and then go straight into the Northern God Territory to kill all the extraterritorial demons in the Nascent Soul stage and the extraterritorial demons in the Original God stage.

On the battlefield, it is soldiers against soldiers and generals.

Each level of immortal cultivator corresponds to each level.

The war boats have very powerful attack power. When Yu Zhengsheng saw the war boats outside the formation, he cursed: "Damn, we came from the Three Realms, and all those war boats collapsed on the road leading to the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm. It was broken into pieces, and not a single one was brought over to the Tailingxiu Immortal Realm.”

"If there is a war boat, our overall strength will be improved again."

Wen Xingrui also looked at the battle situation. The army composed of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory has not yet broken through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory. However, the war boats consume all spiritual stones, and the manpower of the Three Realms camp is sometimes poor. From a time perspective, Sooner or later, we will be able to exhaust the Three Realms camp and then break through this border defense formation.

As for the Three Realms camp, they only need to wait for the end of the battle between the gods and gods in the Tiangang layer to lay the foundation for this time's counterattack in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm.

Therefore, in response to Yu Zhengsheng's words, Wen Xingrui said: "There is nothing we can do. We have captured all the Shenhua sects in the Northern God Territory, and we don't dare to use their weapon refiners, for fear that they will tamper with the war boat, and we will never use it. There are too few weapon refiners from the Three Realms."

"Moreover, when we captured the Huashen Sect Gate in the Northern God Territory, all the war boats were damaged. The time was too short and there was no time to repair them."

Yu Zhengsheng nodded and said, "That's true. If given time, Hall Master Wen and Fellow Daoist Li will definitely go to repair it. What our Three Realms camp needs most is time."

"When our side breaks through to the realm of becoming gods one after another, and when the Lord Yuanding and the Heavenly Demon Lord break through to the realm of refining the void and the realm of the demon king, we will truly have a foothold in these three realms."

"By the way, Hall Master Wen, as a weapon refining master, you heard that the gods above are interested in reorganizing the weapon refining hall?"

Hearing Yu Zhengsheng's question, Wen Xingrui nodded and said: "I do want to re-establish the Weapon Refining Hall, but it has not been implemented yet. It is estimated that it will be completely implemented after this war."

"Our three-realm camp cannot live without war!"

"Furthermore, if you go to the War Merit Hall to exchange for a war boat, the required war merits are too much, so it is not as cost-effective as refining the war boat yourself."

Wen Xingrui also hopes that the Three Realms camp can rebuild the Weapon Refining Hall. Not only him, but Wu Tao also hopes to rebuild the Weapon Refining Hall. In this way, he can reduce the number of battles with others and earn battle merits and obtain training resources by refining war boats. .

Even though Wu Tao is now invincible in the realm of Nascent Soul, he still doesn't like to fight and kill. He thinks that it is best to be able to practice steadily to become an immortal.

Although Wu Tao's current combat power makes it easier to gain military exploits when going out to fight, he still doesn't like it.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. Fellow Taoist Li Mo has unparalleled combat power, surpassing the entire Nascent Soul level. If Fellow Taoist Li Mo works in the weapon refining hall, then who can lead us to fight against the Nascent Soul cultivators in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal World." Yu Zhengsheng said with a brow.

Hearing Yu Zhengsheng's remarks, Wen Xingrui glanced at him and said, "Fellow Daoist Yu, why do I feel slightly happy when I hear your tone!"

When Yu Zhengsheng heard the words, he immediately looked serious and waved his hands righteously: "There is absolutely no secret joy. Hall Master Wen, you heard wrong."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. How about we go out of the defensive line and walk around with them. If it is dangerous, we will return to the defensive line."

Wen Xingrui looked at the densely arranged war boats outside, but shook his head and said: "Don't worry, let's wait for the fellow Taoists in the Demon Abyss to come over, and then go out to the defense line together to disrupt their attack defense formation."

Yu Zhengsheng thought it made sense, so he nodded and agreed. He was not a reckless person, and he also cherished his own life.

A quarter of an hour later.

The ancient demon spirit came over with the original god demon clan.

Yu Zhengsheng said: "Friend Tianmo, you came just in time. Let's go. Let's go out to the border defense line to harass the other side. We can't let the other side concentrate their firepower on attacking our border defense formation. If this continues, sooner or later our border defense formation will be destroyed." The dharma assembly was breached.”

The Demon Ancient Spirit glanced at the Nascent Soul army of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region outside the border defense line, and was slightly shocked. He nodded quickly and said, "Okay, then we will go out to interfere with them."

Just do what you said, Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui, and Tianmo Guling immediately led the people out of the border defense line and attacked the Nascent Soul army in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region.

Seeing this, the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region immediately sent out a Nascent Soul cultivator and some war boats as support to attack Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui, and Tianmo Guling.

The war broke out instantly.

At this time, in the War Merit Hall and the Ten-fold Acceleration Training Room, Wu Tao did not know that the God-Transforming God Lord who had escaped from the Northern God Territory had already begun to counterattack the Northern God Territory with the God-Transforming God Lord and the Nascent Soul army from the East God Territory and the West God Territory.

He is still refining the Qi of the fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform.

As time passed day by day, Wu Tao slowly operated the method of cultivating the foundation of divine transformation in "Fire Source Transformation Nerve" and began to condense his own foundation of divine transformation.

What is the foundation of spiritual transformation? It is to lay the foundation for advancing to the realm of spiritual transformation, and to build a bridge between the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and the Dantian. At that time, the Nascent Soul in the Dantian can cross this bridge, come to the sea of ​​divine thoughts, and communicate with the divine thoughts. The sea merges into one, thus entering the realm of divine transformation.

Of course, this bridge is not physical, but very mysterious, somewhere between intangible and tangible.

Only you can sense it, and you can't touch or touch it.

In the 10x acceleration training room.

10 days passed again.

At noon that day, Wu Tao, who was silently running the "Fire Source Transformation Nerve", suddenly changed his aura, from the Nascent Soul aura to a higher-level aura. However, this aura disappeared in a flash, and then returned to a higher level aura. It changed back to the Nascent Soul aura.

I saw Wu Tao slowly opening his eyes, with a smile on his face: "I have finally mastered the foundation of becoming a god!"

In his induction, a connection has been established between his Dantian and the Sea of ​​Divine Sense. When he breaks through to the realm of God Transformation, the Nascent Soul of his Dantian can ascend to the Sea of ​​Divine Sense from this connection and completely advance to the realm of God Transformation.

Divine thoughts soar and become gods.

After being promoted to the realm of divine transformation, you can transform spells into magical powers.

Moreover, the "Fire Source Transformation Nerve" he practiced contained methods for condensing magical powers. Under the magical power, any spell can only be crushed.

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