Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 852 Battle of Dongping Prefecture

Wu Tao used all his strength to use the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, and transformed into an aurora above Dongpingzhou. At the same time, all his 15,400 miles of spiritual energy spread out in all directions.

His escape technique was very fast, coupled with his powerful spiritual thoughts and wide coverage, he soon discovered another demon from the demon world who was being chased by the Nascent Soul cultivators of Dongpingzhou.

This demon from the demon world is the king of heavenly demons.

He has the cultivation level of the 7th level of the original god. At this time, he is being chased by two Yuanying cultivators from Dongpingzhou. One Yuanying is at the ninth level of Yuanying, and the other Yuanying is also at the ninth level.

Therefore, even though this demon king of the seventh level of the original god is one of the three royal families, he cannot be the opponent of the two immortal cultivators of the ninth level of Nascent Soul.

However, seeing that he was not injured, he should have escaped relatively quickly. He had not been able to compete with the two Dongpingzhou Yuanying ninth-level immortal cultivators behind him. However, his escape speed would at some point be overtaken by the two Dongpingzhou Yuanying cultivators behind him. Caught on the ninth floor.

If they were in the Three Realms Demon Realm, the demons and Wu Tao, a human cultivator from the Star Immortal Palace, would be great enemies. However, when they came to the Tailing Immortal Realm, they would belong to the same camp and have a community of interests. Therefore, Wu Tao still had to save him.

For the sake of military exploits, this original god and demon must be saved.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao escaped towards the 7th-level Heavenly Demon King of the Original God, and soon arrived in front of the 7th-level Heavenly Demon King of the Original God.

This demon king sensed Wu Tao's aura, then saw Wu Tao's face turned blind and asked for help, shouting: "Friend Daoist Li, help!"

Wu Tao nodded when he heard this and said: "Okay, fellow Taoist from the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan, come over to me quickly!" After saying that, he dispersed all the aura of his eighth level Nascent Soul.

He looked like he was going to fight for his life with the two ninth-level immortal cultivators from Dongpingzhou Nascent Soul who were chasing after him from the Heavenly Demon King clan.

And this demon king of the 7th level of the original god felt the aura of the 8th level of Nascent Soul on Wu Tao's body. He was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head and said: "Friend Li, you are only at the 8th level of the Nascent Soul. You'd better run away with me. I The ones chasing you are two from the ninth level of Nascent Soul!"

Although he had met Wu Tao in the War Merit Hall before, he didn't know the other person's specific cultivation level. He originally thought that he was coming for help from a powerful person, but he didn't expect that he was from the eighth level of Nascent Soul.

Wu Tao said: "Fellow Taoist from the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan, please stay behind me!"

Seeing that Wu Tao insisted on doing this, the original god of the demon king couldn't help but cursed in his heart: Isn't this just seeking death? Those are two ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators. You, an eighth-level Nascent Soul, want to challenge two ninth-level Nascent Souls. You want to die, but I don’t want to die.

Therefore, he thought of running away from Wu Tao without stopping. Since Wu Tao wanted to seek death, let him seek death.

But just as he passed by Wu Tao, Wu Tao's 15,400-mile spiritual thought passed over him and pressed towards the two Dongpingzhou Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators who were chasing him.

At the same time, Wu Tao stretched out his hand and patted the storage bag, and 6 red flame divine fire shields were directly shot out. To deal with the two Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators, there was no need for 18 attack magic weapons, and 6 red flame divine fire shields were directly used. Cover is enough.

Feeling Wu Tao's powerful spiritual aura, the sense of oppression directly made this demon king of the 7th level of the Original God dumbfounded. He even stopped and stood beside Wu Tao, looking at him in horror. Wu Tao.

Wu Tao didn't care about him at this time. He first killed the two Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators in Dongpingzhou.

The two Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators from Dongpingzhou were oppressed by Wu Tao's 15,400-mile divine will, and their hearts suddenly trembled. They knew that the people in front of them were too terrifying, and they could not be their opponents.

"Isn't the aura revealed to be from the 8th level of Nascent Soul? This extraterrestrial demon is so despicable."

The two ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from Dongpingzhou cursed Wu Tao in their hearts. Then they looked at each other and turned around to escape in tacit agreement. However, Wu Tao's spiritual will was too powerful and he pressed directly on them. Their spiritual thoughts felt oppressed, and even their escape skills slowed down.

As soon as the escape speed slowed down, Wu Tao's six red flame divine fire shields were divided into three parts and two parts, instantly covering the two ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from Dongping Continent.

Then there were two unsurprising screams, and then there was no sound. Wu Tao reached out and made a move, and 6 red flame divine fire shields flew up. Where could I see the 9th level Nascent Soul cultivator from Dongpingzhou? Only two storage bags were left floating quietly in the void.

"Ah, this..." Seeing this scene, the demon king of the 7th level of the original god was stunned for an instant. He looked ahead blankly and said confusedly: "Fellow Daoist Li, are they dead?"

Wu Tao stretched out his hand again, and the two storage bags flew over and landed in his palm. He turned to look at the Heavenly Demon King, with a smile on his face and said: "Fellow Heavenly Demon, they have turned into fly ash. , Aren’t you still dead?”

As he asked, Wu Tao stretched out his wrist, and it flashed in front of his eyes. The mark of the War Merit Palace on his wrist jumped twice in a row, and the number increased twice.

Hearing this, this demon king slowly came back to his senses and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, you really don't show your face, you are too strong."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Wu Tao again and thanked Wu Tao for his life-saving grace. The demons are not monsters that have not opened their spiritual intelligence. They are also highly hierarchical among the demons. Therefore, they are also worldly and know what kindness is. What is resentment.

Moreover, the demon clan is strong, and the stronger the person is, the more they admire and admire him. Therefore, Wu Tao is stronger than him and saved his life. This demon king has great admiration for Wu Tao.

Wu Tao looked at the Demon King on the 7th level of the original god and said: "Fellow Demon Demon, you have two choices now. The first option is to follow me and accompany me to help other fellow Taoists who are being hunted in Dongpingzhou. , when the number of people is enough, you can form a team to assist other fellow Taoists. The second option is that you return to the War Merit Palace now, wait for Kaiyang Shenjun to resolve the siege, and then come to Dongping Continent to meet up and set off for the Northern God Territory.

The Demon King pondered for a moment and then said: "I will join Daoist fellow Taoist Li to rescue other fellow daoists."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Okay, then follow me closely." After saying that, he used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, surrounded by Yuan Magnetic Aurora, and instantly escaped from the demon kings who were on the 7th level of the Original God.

"Fellow Daoist Li, wait for me." The Heavenly Demon King shouted, and he quickly used the Demonic Escape Technique and chased after Wu Tao. At the same time, he was shocked. The escape speed of this Fellow Daoist Li was too fast. He could only watch with all his strength. Until the other party becomes a stream of light.

Next, this demon king from the seventh level of the original god watched beside Wu Tao as Wu Tao easily killed a Nascent Soul cultivator from Dongpingzhou and rescued a series of immortal cultivators and demons from the Three Realms.

Wu Tao looked at the two human immortal cultivators who had just been rescued. Both of them were from the Lingxu Immortal Sect. He looked at the other five, three demons and two human Nascent Souls, so he made up to seven. .

The seven of them together should not be afraid of the other immortal cultivators in Dongping Prefecture, so he looked at the seven and said, "You can form a team to rescue the other fellow Taoists, and I will continue to act alone."

These seven people have intuitively experienced Wu Tao's powerful combat power, so they are not worried about whether Wu Tao alone will be hunted down by the Nascent Soul cultivators in Dongpingzhou. Instead, they are more worried about themselves and others, so they said: "Okay, Fellow Daoist Li careful."

Wu Tao nodded towards them, then disappeared from their eyes.

Looking at the direction in which Wu Tao disappeared, the three demons and the four human cultivators all looked at each other.

"I didn't expect that Deputy Hall Master Li of the Xingchen Immortal Palace's Weapon Refining Hall is so well hidden and has such strong combat power, but he doesn't look like an Weapon Refiner at all!"

"Well, in the Star Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall, you only need to refine the weapons, but this is the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm. I think this Deputy Hall Master Li must have been forced to come out. There is no way, there must be more people here. He has strong fighting skills, otherwise, how could he survive until now." said a seventh-level Nascent Soul cultivator from the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

This person comes from the Qingling Sect in the Immortal Realm. When he was in the Lingxu Immortal Sect, he was just an immortal cultivator in the early stage of Yuanying. But when he came to the Tailing Immortal Realm and relied on the War Merit Hall, he was lucky enough to break through to Nascent Soul 7th floor.

Of course, the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Lingxu Immortal Sect relied on the War Merit Hall in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal World and made rapid progress because they also had the help of their leader Ning Qiu Dao.

The help of a God-Transforming Lord is a great opportunity for Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Among the fellow Taoists from the Three Realms who have come to the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm this time, which weapon refiner and array master has survived until now and has not experienced the baptism of death. He has made up for the shortcomings of his profession and is not afraid of any fighting skills." Another A human Nascent Soul cultivator said.

Then they stopped talking and formed a team to rescue other fellow Taoists from the Three Realms. Firstly, it was because of morality. They were also rescued by Wu Tao, so they naturally wanted to save others. Secondly, it was naturally for military merit.

Wu Tao used his Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape very quickly and rescued two fellow disciples of the Star Immortal Palace. These two fellow disciples of the Star Immortal Palace had been chased by six Nascent Soul cultivators from Dongping Continent and were engaged in a fierce battle. If Wu Tao If they were a moment later, these two fellow disciples of Xingchen Immortal Palace might be dead.

When the two disciples were rescued, they were already seriously injured. Wu Tao quickly asked them to activate the brand of the War Merit Hall and return to the War Merit Hall to heal their injuries.

Watching their bodies disappear into the void, Wu Tao continued to rescue other fellow Taoists from the Three Realms without stopping, and the number of the War Merit Hall brand on his wrist kept increasing.

This time it was fruitful.

Wu Tao can boldly carry out rescue and kill the Nascent Soul cultivators in Dongpingzhou, and is not afraid of the appearance of Dongpingzhou's Divine Transformation Lord, because all the Divine Transformation Lords in Dongpingzhou have gone to besiege Kaiyang Divine Lord.

Of course, Wu Tao also pays great attention to the information in the summons token. If he gets the news of the death of Kaiyang Shenjun, he will immediately return to the War Merit Hall.

Because the death of Kaiyang Shenjun means that the three God-Transformation Shenjuns in Dongping Continent have free time, so they will definitely not ignore the extraterrestrial demons wandering around in their Dongping Continent.

The giant elephant doesn't care about the ants, but if the ants jump too much, the giant elephant doesn't mind trampling the ants to death.

When the figure of Kaiyang Shenjun emerged in Wu Tao's mind, Kaiyang Shenjun was in a bad situation.

These three Dongpingzhou God-Transforming Lords are at the same level as him, so it is really not easy for him to fight three against one.

Moreover, when you reach the realm of the God-Transforming God, you can use your magical powers to make your attacks more powerful, and you can easily get hurt if you don't pay attention.

Therefore, Kaiyang Shenjun has been injured so far in the battle, and his breath is a bit depressed, but he is still struggling to support him. He must support until the arrival of Xuanyue Shenjun and the three Demon Realm Demon Lords.

As long as they come, they will be saved.

Then it won’t be 1 vs. 3, but 5 vs. 3.

Thinking of this, Kaiyang Shenjun defused the magical attack of the God-Transformation Shenjun opposite him, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he sneered.

"You are still laughing even when you are about to die, Kaiyang, are you waiting for reinforcements?" A God-Transforming Lord from Dongping Continent casually launched a magical attack, and the sound echoed throughout the world.

The other two God-Transforming God Lords from Dongpingzhou also kept waving their hands and using magical powers at the level of God-forming gods, blasting towards Kaiyang Shenjun.

There were ripples in the void here, and the aftermath of the magical power razed all the mountains and forests below to the ground. The monsters and beasts fled in all directions. Those who had no time to escape were killed by the aftermath of the battle between the Transformation God Lord.

Seeing the magical powers that the three gods of Dongping Prefecture worked together to blast out, Kaiyang Divine Lord's heart sank to the bottom, and he summoned up all his mana and divine thoughts to display his most powerful magical power - Kaiyang Divine Power.

The reason why he is called Kaiyang God is because the magical power he masters is called Kaiyang. He can even split the sun, which is called Kaiyang.

The magical power collided with the magical power, and the terrifying aftermath of the supernatural power sent Kaiyang Shenjun flying backwards, but he was relieved because he finally withstood the magical power blasted by the three god-transforming god-lords on the opposite side.

"Kaiyang, don't be too happy too early. Can you still resist if we do it again?"

The voice of a god-turned-god king from Dongpingzhou resounded loudly.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Kaiyang Shenjun's face, because he sensed a familiar aura, which was that of Xuanyue Shenjun.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyue, you are finally here!" Kaiyang Shenjun showed a smile on his face. If he didn't come again, he would really not be able to hold on anymore and would really die in Dongping Prefecture.

The aura of Lord Xuanyue appeared, and his figure instantly appeared in the eyes of Lord Kaiyang, and her voice resounded: "It seems that I am not late."

"Fellow Daoist Kaiyang, there are still us!"

After the words of Lord Xuan Yue fell, another loud voice sounded from the distant sky, and the auras of three demon clans and demons rose up.

At this moment, a smile broke out on Kaiyang Shenjun's face, he looked at the three Dongpingzhou Shenhua Shenjun opposite and laughed loudly: "Now it's time for you to run for your lives!"

"We can't let them escape, no matter what, we have to kill one or two of them." said the Demon Lord who spoke before.

The figure of Lord Xuanyue appeared, and the figures of the three Demon Lords also appeared, standing quietly in the void, surrounding the three Lords of Transformation in a triangle in Dongpingzhou.

At this moment, the expressions of the three God-Transforming God Lords in Dongpingzhou were a bit ugly. Unexpectedly, they were actually held back by Kaiyang God Lord.

"Fight or retreat?"

The three gods of Dongpingzhou began to communicate with each other.

"Fight and retreat, and then ask for help from fellow Huashen Taoists from neighboring states." Soon, the three Huashen Shenjun from Dongpingzhou formulated a strategic policy.

The war was about to break out, and Lord Xuan Yue took action, as did the three Demon Lords from the Demon Realm. Even the seriously injured Lord Kaiyang took action.

One night passed, because of Wu Tao's presence, all the fellow Taoists from the Three Realms who were being hunted in Dongpingzhou were saved alive, and some who were too late to be rescued died in the hands of the Nascent Soul cultivators in Dongpingzhou.

The surviving immortal cultivators and demons from the Three Realms all returned to the War Merit Hall, waiting for news from Lord Kaiyang.

At noon, Wu Tao, the human cultivators and the demons all received the news and received the news from Kaiyang Shenjun.

This time, Kaiyang Divine Lord, Xuanyue Divine Lord, and three Demon Realm Demon Lords took action and killed a Divine Transformation Lord from Dongping Continent, while the other two were seriously injured and escaped.

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