Having Coffin Nail personally control Wu Tao's Nascent Soul body is more powerful than Wu Tao's attack using Coffin Nail's magic power. Although Wu Tao lent his Nascent Soul body to Coffin Nail, Coffin Nail's attack was powered by the powerful momentum of the black light. But it made him feel it clearly.

Originally, he thought that a quarter of an hour would not be able to capture the tenth-level Yuanling and the tenth-level evil spirit deep in the Yuanling Secret Realm. But at this moment, it seems that the level of these tenth-level Yuanling is as good as the level of the coffin nail. , there is such a big gap between the foundation building realm and even the Qi refining realm.

"As expected of Lord Ding, he is like an immortal!" Wu Tao said with emotion in his heart.

Two colorful beams of light emitted from the horns on the forehead of the tenth-level Yuanling and attacked 'Wu Tao'.

Wu Tao's body was controlled by the coffin nails, and he still grasped the front with his palm, easily grabbing the two colorful light pillars into fragments of light.

After grabbing the light into fragments, the palm composed of black light still grabbed the 10th-level Yuanling. At this moment, the 10th-level Yuanling already knew that it was no match for the human cultivator in front of it, so it opened his mouth. , as soon as it exhaled, colorful souls came out of its mouth, and then it opened and closed its mouth and let out a sharp scream.

As soon as the screams fell, the colorful Yuanling that he spat out from his mouth also let out a scream, circled around it, and then fled in all directions.

Coffin Nail didn't care about the escape of these colorful Yuanlings. All he wanted was this level 10 Yuanling, so the big hand formed by black light directly grabbed the body of this level 10 Yuanling.

Caught by the big hand formed by black light, this level 10 Yuanling struggled hard. No matter how many magical attacks it manifested, it could not break free from the big black hand.

Then he grabbed the big black hand of the tenth-level Yuanling. The black light directly covered the tenth-level Yuanling, forming a ball to trap it inside. Then the ball shrank little by little into a small dot and flew directly in. In Wu Tao's body.

Wu Tao could feel this small black dot flying into his sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, and then being absorbed and swallowed by the coffin nail in the center of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts.

"So fast, just like an adult hitting a swaddling baby, this level 10 Yuanling has no power to fight back. It seems that it has been devoured, refined and absorbed by Master Ding."

Wu Tao thought in his heart, and then he felt the coffin nails controlling his body, and he escaped forward. In the next moment, the surrounding environment changed.

This environment is an environment full of evil atmosphere, surrounded by black and gray trees. There are evil spirits floating in this space, exuding a very evil aura.

And in the center of this space, there was a giant black beast lying. This time, the giant beast was completely black, with wings on its back and a head shaped like a tiger. This should be the level 10 evil spirit.

The evil aura on the level 10 evil spirit was extremely powerful. Wu Tao's body came very suddenly, making the level 10 evil spirit stunned and looked up at Wu Tao.

Then the level 10 evil spirit was not as particular as the level 10 Yuanling. It also thought that if Wu Tao was driven out, it would not harm Wu Tao. However, this level 10 evil spirit rushed towards Wu Tao without saying a word.

Although Wu Tao handed over his body to the coffin nails, he immediately felt the powerful evil aura of the level 10 evil spirit. He suddenly thought in his heart: "This aura is really evil and powerful. It is better than in Dongyun." The aura of the Supreme Spiritual Cultivator of the Immortal World who is chasing me is even stronger."

But although this level 10 evil spirit is very powerful, you need to know who it is facing. It is facing the nail in the coffin, an existence that is equivalent to an immortal.

Wu Tao's right hand was seen stretching out, and black light bloomed, forming streamers of light that instantly enveloped the level 10 evil spirit.

The level 10 evil spirit roared and attacked the light streamers one by one, but was still restrained by the streamers. It was balled up into a ball and turned into a black spot, which was directly pulled into Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. Among them, it was devoured and refined by the coffin nails in the center of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts.

"The aura of this level 10 evil spirit is more powerful than the aura of the level 10 elemental spirit, but Master Ding captured it faster and only took one shot." Wu Tao marveled in his heart. The nail in the coffin is powerful.

He also longs for this kind of powerful strength. It would be great if one day he could be as powerful as Master Ding.

Wu Tao's mind fell on the coffin nail in the center of the Divine Mind Sea, swallowing up the level 10 Yuanling and level 10 evil spirits deep in the Yuanling Secret Realm. He didn't feel anything different about the coffin nail.

But it would be strange if he could feel any difference when he reached the level of the top of the coffin.

At this moment, he felt that the black light everywhere in his body began to recede, and the black light above Yuanying also retreated, returning to the body of the coffin nail in the center of the Divine Mind Sea. Wu Tao regained control of his body.

The space he was in was filled with evil spirits and evil. As soon as he took back control of his body, evil spirits wanted to come over and devour him.

"A mere level 10 evil spirit wants to devour me?" When Wu Tao saw this situation, he shouted coldly in his heart, stretched out his hand and patted the storage bag, and 18 attack magic weapons were suspended directly around him, blasting out one after another. , bombing all the evil spirits around him that were close to him.

After killing him once, he escaped and used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to leave here.

Originally I thought it would take Master Ding a quarter of an hour to capture and devour the tenth-level evil spirits and level-10 Yuanlings deep in the Yuanling Secret Realm, but now it has been completed in less than half a quarter of an hour.

So there is still half an hour before Wu Tao can leave the Yuanling Secret Realm, but there is no need to stay in the evil spirit's base camp, wasting Yuanying's spiritual thoughts and Yuanying's mana in vain to fight the evil spirit.

Wu Tao used the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and soon came out of the depths of the Yuanling Secret Realm. As soon as he came out of the depths of the Yuanling Secret Realm, he saw the Yuanying cultivators of the Xuyang Sect. There were two people he was familiar with, Xuyang. Zong's Xiang Ziheng and Liu Hai.

When Xiang Ziheng, Liu Hai and other immortal cultivators from the Xuyang Sect saw Wu Tao coming out so quickly, they all thought in their hearts: "It seems that Fellow Daoist Li has not entered the depths of the Yuanling Secret Realm at all."

"Fellow Daoist Xiang, Friend Daoist Liu, why do you want to go to the Yuanling Secret Realm to see the level 10 Yuanling?" Wu Tao asked immediately when he saw Xiang Ziheng Liu Hai and the others.

Hearing this, Xiang Ziheng and Liu Hai quickly bowed their hands to Wu Tao politely and said: "Level 10 Yuanlings are comparable to the realm of gods. Our strength is not as strong as that of fellow Daoist Li, so let's forget it."

After finishing speaking, Liu Hai asked curiously: "Fellow Daoist Li, have you seen that level 10 Yuanling?"

When Wu Tao heard his question, he thought for a while and said, "Of course I saw it. That level 10 Yuanling has already given birth to spiritual wisdom, which is even higher than our spiritual wisdom as human immortal cultivators. It also asked me to leave very politely." Its territory.”

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Liu Hai glanced at Zi Heng and other Xuyang Sect cultivators. They didn't quite believe Wu Tao's words. Why are tenth-level Yuanlings polite? Human cultivators and Yuanlings are great enemies. At level 10 It is impossible for Yuan Ling to be polite at this level.

All they thought about was that Fellow Daoist Li might want to save some face, so they lied to them that they had seen a level 10 Yuanling. In fact, they had not seen it at all. After only half a quarter of an hour after entering, they might have given up and did not dare to go any further.

However, they did not dare to criticize Wu Tao, so they could only compliment him: "We don't have the strength and blessings of fellow Daoist Li to be able to see the true appearance of a tenth-level Yuanling."

Wu Tao thought in his heart: "The tenth-level Yuanling has been captured, devoured and refined by Master Ding. Even if you have such strength, you will probably never see it again."

In the Yuanling Secret Realm, there will definitely be other tenth-level Yuanlings born, but it will take time, and it is impossible to give birth to a tenth-level Yuanling now.

But he said: "Actually, the tenth-level Yuanling is just like that. It looks like a monster, but it is also a monster that looks nothing like it. Its strength is indeed comparable to the realm of gods."

Wu Tao told Xiang Ziheng, Liu Hai and other Xuyang Sect cultivators about the tenth level Yuanling.

While talking, I sensed a feeling in the dark that they were about to leave the Yuanling Secret Realm.

"Fellow Daoist Li, if you have the opportunity to come to Tiancang Realm, come to our Xuyang Sect as a guest." Xiang Ziheng also felt that he was about to leave Yuanling Secret Realm, so he handed over to Wu Tao and said: "Fellow Daoist Li is always welcome at the gate of our Xuyang Sect. .”

Liu Hai and other Nascent Soul cultivators from the Xuyang Sect also bid farewell to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded, raised his hand and returned the greeting: "Okay, if one day I have the chance to come to Tiancang Realm, I will definitely go to Xuyang Sect to visit all my Taoist friends. I wish all of you Taoist friends will be promoted to the realm of transformation as soon as possible."

"We also wish Fellow Daoist Li an early promotion to the realm of divine transformation!" Xiang Ziheng, Liu Hai and other Xuyang Sect cultivators also congratulated Wu Tao. They also knew that Wu Tao had already snatched the fifth-level pure spirit from the evil spirit craze and the source of Yuanling. Lotus platform.

With the Level 5 Pure Spirit Lotus Platform, Wu Tao's time to advance to the realm of divine transformation was shorter than theirs.

Suddenly, pillars of light descended from the sky above the Yuanling Secret Realm, and each pillar of light enveloped a Yuanying cultivator.

Wu Tao Xiang Ziheng, Liu Hai and others also had a beam of light that enveloped their bodies. This beam of light allowed them to leave the Yuanling Secret Realm.

Wu Tao and others were in the light pillar, and they said goodbye to each other. Then the light pillar disappeared, and there was no longer a human cultivator in the entire Yuanling Secret Realm.

Wu Tao's figure also disappeared in the light pillar, and in the next moment, he had returned to the triple acceleration training room of the War Merit Hall.

Standing in the triple acceleration training room, Wu Tao looked at the token floating in front of him to enter the Yuanling Secret Realm. After coming out of the Yuanling Secret Realm, he had to return this token to the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall.

Therefore, Wu Tao directly left the triple acceleration training room and went to the battle merit exchange room.

As soon as he entered the war merit exchange room, perhaps sensing Wu Tao's aura, the war merit palace weapon spirit floated out of the light wall. As soon as it floated out, he asked Wu Tao: "You're here to get the token to enter the Yuanling Secret Realm, how about it?" Boy, how many small realms have you broken through in the Yuanling Secret Realm?"

"I have seen senior Weapon Spirit." Wu Tao bowed respectfully to the Weapon Spirit of the War Merit Hall, and then handed over the token of the Yuanling Secret Realm to the War Merit Hall Weapon Spirit and said: "In the Yuanling Secret Realm, this junior is lucky enough to be a cultivator. For being promoted to the 8th level of Nascent Soul."

"Not bad, not bad, the 8th level of Nascent Soul..." The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace also felt the aura of the 8th level of Nascent Soul on Wu Tao's body, nodded and praised, and then after praising and praising, he looked shocked and said in surprise: "What did you say? The eighth level of Nascent Soul? Wait? How many levels of Nascent Soul were you at when you entered the Yuanling Secret Realm?"

Wu Tao replied respectfully: "Back to Senior Qi Ling, when this junior entered the Yuan Ling Secret Realm, he was at the fourth level of Yuan Ying."

"How is it possible that the 4th level of Yuanying has been promoted to 4th level in the Yuanling Secret Realm? You kid didn't do anything in the Yuanling Secret Realm, right?" The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace looked at Wu Tao suspiciously and said with a look of disbelief. .

Wu Tao thanked him in a sincere tone: "Thank you, senior, for your guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm. Without that guide, it would have been impossible for this junior to advance to the 4th level in the Yuanling Secret Realm."

"Don't talk to me about this. This guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm will only allow you to raise it to 2~3 levels at most. How can it be possible to raise it to level 4?" The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace said angrily: "Quickly recruit from the real world."

The reason why Wu Tao was recruited from the real world was because he wanted to write down Wu Tao's experience in the Yuanling Secret Realm, and then write it into the guide for the Yuanling Secret Realm. When the time comes, other Nascent Soul cultivators who come to the War Merit Hall to experience it will buy its guide. You can raise the price a bit.

Since it was the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall who was asking, Wu Tao was happy to say it: "Back to senior, I encountered a craze of evil spirits and encountered the source of Yuanling."

Hearing Wu Tao's explanation, the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace suddenly realized and said: "This is right. I didn't expect you to be so lucky. You actually encountered the source of Yuanling. That is a rare occurrence in tens of thousands of years."

"Whenever the source of Yuanling appears, there must be a spiritual object. Have you fought for the spiritual object?"

Wu Tao replied: "Senior Hui has won it."

At this point, he felt there was no need to hide the fact that the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace was the spirit of an immortal weapon, and the person he was fighting for was only a fifth-level spiritual object. There were countless treasures beyond the fifth level in this War Merit Palace, and the War Merit Palace weapon spirit could be used at any time. If you take it out, you won't covet his fifth-level spiritual object at all.

Hearing this, the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall said: "It seems that you are capable of taking the back door. Okay, you can go." Finally, the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall waved his hand and asked Wu Tao to exit.

Wu Tao then bowed to the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall and said, "Senior, this junior, take your leave."

Wu Tao exited the battle merit exchange room, and on the way back to the triple acceleration training room, he took out a summons token to send a message to his master Wen Xingrui, telling him that he had returned from the Yuanling Secret Realm.

After the summons, he returned directly to the triple acceleration training room and did not receive a reply from Wen Xingrui. It seemed that Wen Xingrui was practicing in seclusion.

So Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon and opened his personal information.

He had raised his cultivation level to the 8th level of Yuanying in the Yuanling Secret Realm, but when he returned to the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, he still had to make preliminary plans for the future, so he needed to check his personal information and make appropriate cultivation adjustments.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 121/1859】

[Realm: Nascent Soul Eighth Level]

[Kung Fu: The eighth level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (31%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the eighth level of the Nascent Soul stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (73%), the sixth level of the secret technique of transformation (100%), the seventh layer of the red flame divine fire cover method (3%), the Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Expert (54%)】

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Nine-Yao Divine Fire Technique Expert (3%), Nascent Soul Level 3rd Level of Artifact Refining and Fighting (11%)

Mastering the Restrictions: Slightly, Level 4 Advanced Divine Restriction (37%), Level 4 Advanced Luobao Money (18%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhou Tianxing body training·Yuan Ti chapter: fifth level (79%), witchcraft tactics shattering the stars·Mastery (55%), slightly]

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